How to remove wrinkles on the bridge of the nose: 20 ways to fight

Horizontal wrinkles on the bridge of the nose are provoked by a spasm of the procerus muscle. No wonder it has such a telling name! Its function is to wrinkle the nose, which often gives the face a gloomy, proudly disdainful expression. This tiny muscle is located just on the bridge of the nose and is woven into the frontal muscle - after all, in our body absolutely all the muscles are interconnected in single chains. As a rule, both muscles are very tense and shortened, but it is a strong spasm that leads to the formation of folds and transverse wrinkles on the skin.

Types of wrinkles on the bridge of the nose

Wrinkles on the bridge of the nose can be vertical and horizontal. They can be caused by the natural aging process, but also by lifestyle or even personality traits. The folds that form on the bridge of the nose are referred to as expression wrinkles.

Wrinkles on the bridge of the nose are distinguished by their depth:

  • superficial or epidermal (located in the epidermis, often appear due to lack of hydration);
  • medium-deep (appear due to the evolution of superficial wrinkles and reach the dermis);
  • deep (noticeable raised folds, reaching the hypodermis - the deepest layers of the skin).

The folds on the bridge of the nose are also called “brow lines”, “proud wrinkles”, “wrath lines”.

Why do vertical wrinkles appear on the bridge of the nose?

Vertical wrinkles between the eyebrows, also known as “wrinkles of pride” or “wrath,” are noticeable at the moment when we move our eyebrows. Here are the main reasons why they appear:

  1. Active facial expressions. If you often express your emotions through facial expressions, then these muscles are always tense. And this threatens the appearance of wrinkles.
  2. Lack of water. We have already written more than once about how important it is to regularly drink at least 1.5-2 liters of water per day.
  3. Age. This factor is due to natural processes: with age, the body synthesizes less collagen, causing the skin to become less firm and elastic. Fortunately, here the body can be helped; below we explain how.

There is also a theory that facial wrinkles are associated with a person’s character. For example, it is believed that vertical creases are characteristic of responsible, devoted people, always ready to help. They are attentive and scrupulous. Have you noticed that when you are very concentrated, you frown? The work of such people is most likely associated with mental work.

Why do horizontal wrinkles appear on the bridge of the nose?

Horizontal wrinkles on the bridge of the nose (“rabbit’s feet”) appear at the corners of the eyes due to contraction of the transverse nasal muscles. They can be identified by their direction: they go from the center of the bridge of the nose to the lower eyelids or cheeks. If you frown or squint hard, you will see them immediately. Basically, they are also formed due to insufficient moisture, facial expressions, and age.

Exposure to ultraviolet rays also has a significant effect. Not only do they dry out the skin, but we also squint in bright light.

What can horizontal wrinkles say about your character? Their presence is attributed to willful people who do not have very harmonious relationships with others. They are quite often anxious and worried about what is happening around them.

These folds can appear on the face almost simultaneously with wrinkles on the bridge of the nose. Because of them, it seems that the face looks gloomy, angry and dissatisfied.

How to get rid of wrinkles on the bridge of the nose with the help of a cosmetologist

There are different ways to remove wrinkles on the bridge of the nose in salons and clinics.

  1. Botox injections.
    Probably the most popular procedure is the injection of botulinum toxin type A into the facial muscles. The injections are aimed at relaxing the muscles and reducing the depth of wrinkles. But it is not always possible to achieve the desired result. Even if it exists, it only lasts from two to five months, but this “rejuvenation effect” is incomparable to the negative impact Botox has on the body as a whole. The face becomes stony, it is difficult to understand what emotion the person is now expressing. We have a comprehensive article about Botox and all its consequences.
  2. Fillers.
    Fillers are fillers based on hyaluronic acid. They are injected subcutaneously into “problem” areas. As a result, wrinkles are filled with filler and thus a lifting effect is achieved.

    But don’t rush to rejoice at how simple everything is. These filled “voids”, namely tissues, begin to move apart and stretch with filler even more. And after the filler is absorbed, the wrinkles will become even deeper, you will have to go to the cosmetologist again, and so on in a circle.

  3. Hardware procedures.
    • Ultrasonic cleaning or peeling.
      The procedure is carried out using a special device with a scrubber attachment. First, the skin is cleansed with lotion, then an aqueous solution is applied to it and cleansing begins. Ultrasonic waves are emitted from the scrubber, which affect the tissue and thus improve blood circulation, which helps to increase the production of elastin, which makes the face look more toned.

      This procedure should not be done for people with dermatitis, malignant tumors, epilepsy, purulent inflammatory processes, or acute infectious diseases. In addition, it is worth remembering that ultrasonic cleaning dries out the skin. And dryness leads to the formation of wrinkles, which we would like to get rid of on the contrary. What's the point then? Moreover, complications may appear in the form of swelling, redness, and peeling.

    • Laser resurfacing.
      The essence of the method is to renew the skin by “burning out” cells with a laser beam. The upper layer of the dermis heats up and is destroyed. Skin renewal occurs. The effect of this procedure is sometimes equated to the result after plastic surgery. Using a laser, various scars and post-acne are removed, the functioning of the sebaceous glands is regulated, and wrinkles are smoothed out.

      Renewal due to actual burning of the top layer. The procedure may be accompanied by pain and possible complications (red skin, bruising, peeling skin, scarring and many others). It is contraindicated for pregnant women, people with chronic diseases in the acute stage, blood diseases, oncology, and infectious diseases.

    • Microcurrents.
      This is another procedure that is aimed at eliminating the first signs of aging. Microcurrent affects not only the top layer of skin, but also deeper tissues. During the procedure, muscle tissue contracts. Exposure of the skin to currents of ultra-low amplitude and frequency accelerates metabolic processes, increases blood circulation and triggers the production of collagen and elastin.

      This procedure should not be performed on pregnant women, people with oncology or pathology of internal organs. We will not list the entire list of contraindications; it is quite long.

      All salon methods have contraindications and complications. Is it worth risking your health and your appearance for the sake of a possible, even not one hundred percent, result?

Contraindications to botulinum therapy:

  1. Pregnancy
  2. Lactation
  3. Feverish conditions
  4. Acute viral infections
  5. Inflammatory processes at the injection site
  6. Allergic reaction to the components of the drug
  7. Myasthenic syndromes.

There are others, so first you must consult a cosmetologist and fill out a medical card.

For deep folds in the bridge of the nose, a combination of botulinum therapy and contour plastic surgery can be used. After blocking muscle activity, the doctor uses a filler that fills the unevenness from the inside and smoothes it out.

This way you can quickly achieve smooth skin. The basis of most contouring preparations is hyaluronic acid. This is a natural component of the human body, which is also present in the skin, providing its moisture. However, starting from the age of 25, the process of hyaluronic acid synthesis slows down, as a result of which the dermis becomes drier, loses its freshness and fullness. Filler injections, on the one hand, replenish lost volumes, and on the other, create conditions for deep hydration of the skin, eliminating water deficiency, evening out the relief of the skin.

Surgical methods for getting rid of wrinkles on the bridge of the nose

  1. Filament lifting.
    This is a facelift procedure using Brazilian threads.

    How does it go? In the sagging soft tissues, the doctor makes a mesh of threads that tighten the skin. The operation lasts about two hours and is performed under local or general anesthesia. They guarantee that the result will last for five years, and then, if desired, the procedure will need to be repeated.

    However, reviews from people who performed this procedure are completely different. Most write that the result lasts up to a year, and then the situation only gets worse. This happens because the skin stretched by threads is injured even more this year and sags more.

    What else could go wrong? In addition to the long list of contraindications, there is another main fear - the threads may simply break. Imagine how, due to an unsuccessful sudden movement, the threads were damaged, and one side of your face simply sank down. So-so prospect.

  2. Lipofilling.
    This is a minimally invasive technique in which the body’s own fat tissue is injected into “problem” areas. This tissue is first centrifuged to separate it from blood and other impurities. This produces a solution suitable for injection.

    If the doctor is not sufficiently qualified, he may make mistakes during the operation, and this is fraught with dire consequences. These include: the formation of irregularities, swelling, infection, hematomas, necrosis...

  3. Surgical facelift.
    The doctor makes an incision in the scalp, stretches the skin to smooth out wrinkles and fixes it in this position.

    Why is this method dangerous? Bleeding may occur during surgery. The procedure is dangerous due to the formation of seromas (accumulation of fluids under the skin), damage to the facial nerves, the appearance of scars that cannot be removed, and tissue necrosis. Also, if the scar is in the hair, cicatricial alopecia may occur, that is, hair loss at the site of the scar.

    The list of contraindications and consequences for surgical techniques is quite extensive. You shouldn’t risk your health and immediately throw yourself under the knife. You can achieve the desired results without the help of surgeons and cosmetologists, safely and independently. Next we’ll tell you about effective techniques that you can do at home, try it!

Other salon treatments

  1. Microdermabrasion. The technique has a similar effect, but instead of chemical components a special laser is used. After the procedure, there may be slight redness of the skin, but this goes away within 2 days. The advantage of the method is considered to be low trauma.
  2. Exposure to microcurrent. This is a new procedure that stimulates the skin with currents of different frequencies. The impact leads to improved blood circulation, increased oxygen flow and tissue nutrition. The method has a general health effect and slows down skin aging.
  3. Reinforcement. The elasticity of the skin is achieved thanks to special threads. They are created from platinum, gold, polypropylene. Metal products cannot be pulled out of the leather, and over time they will become noticeable. Now there are absorbable threads that dissolve inside the skin a year after the procedure. Their area will have a strong and elastic collagen frame.
  4. Thermage. The technique involves radio wave irradiation of the skin, which stimulates tissue restoration. The effectiveness of the technique is no worse than surgical intervention.

If you are interested in how to remove deep wrinkles, then salon procedures are necessary. But, according to reviews, although they are effective, you need to take into account the presence of contraindications. Before performing any manipulation, consultation with a specialist is required.

How to remove wrinkles on the bridge of the nose at home

  1. Static gymnastics. If not everything, then a lot depends on the condition of the spine. Through the neck, blood with oxygen and all the necessary nutrients enters the head, thanks to which we look young and fresh. If there are muscle tension in the neck and shoulder area, then the blood flow will be limited, which means the person will not receive enough necessary substances. This is where wrinkles, blue under the eyes, and a tired appearance appear.
    To perform this gymnastics you will need a special roller filled with buckwheat husks or a simple rolled up towel. Just lie on it for five minutes a day. It will help relax cramped muscles, straighten your back and improve blood circulation and lymphatic drainage.

    If you have muscle spasms, then first of all you need to work on this problem. And don’t even hope that you can get by with “magic” creams and serums.

  2. Natural cosmetic. Choose care products that contain hyaluronic acid or retinol. Also, various oils such as sugar cane oil and squalane from Beauty365 are suitable for smoothing out wrinkles - it fights wrinkles on the face well. It is also convenient to use during vacuum massage, which we will discuss below.
  3. Masks. There are a huge number of different recipes for making masks from natural ingredients at home. Here are some of them:
      beat egg white and apply to wrinkles. It tightens the skin and normalizes sebum production.
  4. Make mashed banana and apply to skin for 15-20 minutes. The fruit fights age spots and wrinkles.

The best means

To quickly remove wrinkles, you need to choose effective products. In terms of cosmetics, the best products would be the following:

  1. Cream "Bark" with Botox effect. It consists of peptides of plant and animal origin, as well as hyaluronic acid, vitamin E, and shea butter. Active components penetrate deep into the skin, smoothing out wrinkles.
  2. Anti-aging cream "Bioven". The product contains a special component - the venom of the Malayan snake. Its effect is supplemented with vitamins A and E, peptides, and antioxidants. The cream has no toxic effect on the body, so there are no side effects. The use of the product restores skin elasticity and tone, leads to the restoration of skin cells, and improves blood circulation.
  3. Derma E, Deep Wrinkle Peptide Serum is a serum with a light consistency. It combines several types of peptides and green tea extract. Smoothing out wrinkles occurs from the inside. An excellent effect is achieved when applied to the bridge of the nose, forehead, and areas near the corners of the eyes.
  4. Moisturizing cream-gel. Using the product leads to the production of collagen, which reduces the appearance of wrinkles.

Himalaya Herbals Aloe and Grape remedy is also effective. Although the cream does not contain Botox-like ingredients, it does include vitamin E and plant extracts. In addition, it is enriched with alpha hydroxy acids - components that quickly enter the skin, restoring its cells and eliminating dead particles. Anti-aging products should be purchased from trusted places.

Preventing the appearance of folds and creases on the bridge of the nose

  1. Massage. It is great not only for prevention, but also for getting rid of already formed wrinkles.
      Vacuum massage. You can make it at home yourself; for this you will need Beauty 365 vacuum MIRACLE jars, designed specifically for the face. With their help, you can improve blood flow and lymphatic drainage, increase skin elasticity, remove swelling and smooth out wrinkles.

  2. Self-massage of the face is the most effective way to get rid of wrinkles. If done regularly, long-lasting results are guaranteed.
    Play the video and repeat the exercise. With two fingers, pinch your eyebrow and massage from the bridge of your nose to the outer edge.

    Here's another one. This is a technique for rubbing the folds on the bridge of the nose. Place your index fingers horizontally between your eyebrows. Fingers should be parallel to each other. Squeeze the eyebrow fold between them and start rubbing. Do this several times. Repeat this exercise periodically.

    If you do them regularly, the result is guaranteed.

  3. Guasha massage. This is a massage that is performed using a special Guasha scraper from Beauty365.

  4. Complete rest. You need to sleep as much as your body needs. Each person has different needs - listen to yours.
  5. Drinking enough water. There is no need to comment here. Dry skin – formation of wrinkles.
  6. Proper care. You shouldn’t skimp on cosmetics and buy cheap pacifiers that are completely useless.
  7. Vitamins A, C, E, B1, B2, B9 and many others improve the condition of the skin, making it more elastic and moisturized. It’s better to get tested first and see if your body is deficient in any vitamins.
  8. Healthy lifestyle. Regular physical activity. Quitting smoking and alcohol.


Gymnastics, which trains the facial muscles, making the skin elastic, helps solve the problem of how to remove deep wrinkles on the bridge of the nose. The exercises are very simple. Necessary:

  1. Raising the eyebrows with wide opening of the eyes.
  2. Lightly rubbing the skin, “drawing” a figure eight or zero on the skin of the forehead with your fingers.
  3. Press the wrinkles with your fingers, placing them parallel to the eyes. You need to frown. You need to do the exercise 50 times a day.
  4. Place the tips of the index and middle fingers on the forehead, and the ring finger in the area above the eyebrows. You need to hold your fingers and raise your eyebrows at this time.

According to reviews, many women like gymnastics. If you do it regularly, you can slow down the process of wrinkles. Other procedures protect against the formation of deep folds.

Which method to choose

Only exercise and massage can provide safety and effectiveness. Plus, you can do them at home yourself at any time convenient for you.

If you are determined to remove wrinkles on the bridge of your nose, then come to the “eyes and forehead” intensive. It contains a set of author’s exercises to work through this particular problem area. In just 14 days you will be able to not only smooth out creases on the bridge of your nose, but also remove bags and dark circles under your eyes.

Do you want to treat not only your face, but also your body? Then come to the updated basic marathon “SmeloNET”. In three weeks, you will get rid of wrinkles on your face, tighten the oval of your face, and also straighten your back and straighten your shoulders.


If wrinkles have already formed, just masks are unlikely to help, but they will be a good help in gymnastics and massage.

  • Healer from the windowsill

Do you have aloe on your windowsill? Cut a small slice, place it with the cut towards the bridge of your nose and massage.

  • Vegetable oil

Photo by Yan Krukov: Pexels
You probably have olive or castor oil at home. Warm it up, apply it to a cotton pad and press it onto the problem area. After 20 minutes, remove and pat dry with a napkin.

  • Assistant pumpkin

Mix one tablespoon of grated pumpkin with a pinch of starch. Apply the resulting paste to the bridge of the nose and leave for 15 minutes. Rub the skin with a slice of lemon and apply nourishing cream.

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