Why spots appear on the testicles in men and what to do
Redness of the scrotum may be a sign of some dangerous disease that requires timely diagnosis and treatment. Reasons
Children's allergies: what is the danger and how to fight?
What is an allergy in children? Allergy is the body's hypersensitivity to any foreign substance.
15 TOP pharmaceutical products for acne and spots (traces) on the face and back: the best effective budget options
Updated: 02/21/2021 14:00:13 Expert: Daria Alekseevna Litvinova *Review of the best according to the editors of expertology.ru. ABOUT
Why does the skin on the soles of the feet peel and peel off in scales?
Peeling skin on the feet is an unpleasant condition that every second person in the world is familiar with.
Red pimples and pimples on the tongue: causes, treatment, photos
The tongue performs an important function in the human body. It can rightfully be considered a litmus test,
Urticaria - first symptoms, causes
Types of urticaria Urticaria can be acute or chronic. The first is more common in preschool and
Dühring's dermatitis is a rare disease: signs, therapy, photos
Introduction Dermatitis herpetiformis is an inflammatory skin disease with a chronic relapsing course, itchy polymorphic lesions
Herpes - transmission routes, symptoms, treatment. Lecture for doctors
Acne on the chest in men: causes and treatment
The root of the problem of acne on the chest in men Poll: When did you get acne?
Discomfort in the armpits. What is hidradenitis and how to treat it
Vladimir Yashin, a general practitioner, teacher at the Moscow University, talks about how to cope with the disease.
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