We understand the reasons for the appearance of acne on the neck in women

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The appearance of acne on a person’s body always indicates problems brewing in the body. The location and type of rash can say a lot. We invite you to read the material that will help you understand why acne appears on women’s necks and what it means. It is very important to establish the cause of this problem - the methods and ultimately the results of treatment depend on this . You can also learn about the pharmaceutical drugs and folk remedies recommended for use in these cases.

Causes of acne on the neck in women

Disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract

The cause may be abuse of fatty, sweet, smoked foods, alcohol, and spices. Or an improperly organized diet, causing a deficiency of fiber, any vitamins and microelements. In winter and spring, it is necessary not to forget about fresh fruits and vegetables or take appropriate courses of vitamins.

Hormonal disorders

This reason is relevant not only for adolescence, during which the body experiences a hormonal “boom”. Such disorders may occur in those who take hormonal contraceptives. Or a rash appears when hormonal levels change before menstruation.

To find out where the problem is, you will have to take tests to check the functioning of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, and ovaries. A rash of small, white, itchy bumps on the neck area may indicate pregnancy.

Emotional stress

Chronic fatigue, a stressful situation, a depressive state - all this can affect the functioning of the body, which thus sends a signal for help. It might be worth reconsidering your daily routine.

Insufficient hygiene or improper care

Pores may become clogged due to insufficient washing or dysfunction of the sebaceous glands. This can also happen due to the use of inappropriate or low-quality cosmetics, such as drying out the skin or clogging pores. Also, a rash can appear due to excess washing powder during washing or insufficiently rinsed clothes.

If the rash looks like hives, it may be an allergy to the tissue in contact with the neck. Small subcutaneous pimples on the back of the neck, sometimes behind the ears, indicate that the skin has been in contact with such tissue for a long time.

Presence of infection in the body

The cause of the appearance of hard, painful, large pimples on the neck under the lower jaw may be infectious diseases present in the body - rubella, herpes, measles and others. To find out, you need to visit a doctor and undergo an examination as soon as possible.


In addition to the fact that an allergy in the form of rashes in the neck can occur from contact with fabric, sometimes a reaction to taking medications or eating certain products is also possible.


Pimples on the neck in the form of black dots may have a genetic cause - when the production of excess fat is normal for the body, explained by hereditary factors.

Climatic conditions

A hot, humid atmosphere can cause excessive sweating, which in turn causes clogging of the sebaceous glands. If they are in close contact with the collar, they can be injured, and a rash occurs in the form of subcutaneous pimples, red spots, sometimes purulent.

Inflammatory processes

During the inflammatory process, primary elements appear and then secondary ones, aggravating the disease itself and reflecting the general symptoms. For example, eczema is considered a chronic inflammatory skin disease that causes rash and other erythematous signs. Its main cause is considered to be an immune reaction to various irritants.

It also happens that the tendency to eczema can be inherited and expressed by special sensitivity to certain provoking factors. When eczema appears, certain pathologies in the nervous system and diseases associated with internal organs have a separate impact.

If the rash on the neck is small, it may soon disappear and after that itchy elements remain, secreting serous exudate. Weeping processes may appear on top of the skin surface, followed by the appearance of scabs that are yellow-brown in color.

Chronic diseases are accompanied by severe peeling, cracking, severe dryness and the fact that the skin becomes thicker. Eczema is often localized on the hands, in the shin area, and sometimes on the face.

Publication date: 2018-02-06

Methods for diagnosing skin diseases:

  • Diagnosis of skin diseases
  • Diagnosis of skin diseases at home
  • Diagnosis of allergic skin diseases
  • Diagnosis of bacterial skin diseases
  • Diagnosis of viral skin diseases
  • Diagnosis of hair diseases
  • Diagnosis of nail diseases
  • Diagnosis of skin tumors
  • Skin scraping
  • Blisters on the skin
  • Dermatoscopy
  • Demodex tests
  • Diagnosis of sexually transmitted infections
  • Mushroom tests
  • Skin scraping

How to choose the right product

Depending on the type of acne, you need to select products that successfully fight them - medications or from the arsenal of traditional medicine.

Pharmacy drugs

  • Antibiotic drugs are used for purulent acne. They usually contain an antibiotic of the tetracycline group. They actively destroy foci of inflammation and suppuration. The doctor may prescribe oral tetracycline, erythromycin, and clindamycin.

  • Retinoids - ointments such as Adapalene, Klenzit, Effezel - do an excellent job with any acne,
  • The use of salicylic alcohol helps to dry and disinfect both purulent rashes and allergies and colds.

  • - Anti-acne tablets of different compositions, prepared in pharmacies, contain different combinations of drugs - boric and salicylic acid, streptocide, chloramphenicol, alcohol, and so on. Works well on acne of any origin.
  • Hormonal drugs, such as Triderm ointment or cream, Prednisolone, Betaderm, are used in complex cases with global skin lesions within a strictly prescribed time frame.

According to user reviews, the most popular drugs are calendula tincture, Tsindol mash, salicylic acid solution, Skinoren, Baziron, Levomekol, Baneocin, Vishnevsky ointment.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies that can be used together with medications can be an excellent support in the fight against acne on the neck. We recommend several popular and proven recipes.

  • —Tar soap—excellently disinfects the skin, normalizes the acid-base balance, and promotes regeneration.

  • Herbal compress prepared according to the recipe: mix chamomile, hops and St. John's wort in equal proportions. Brew 1 tablespoon of herbal tea in a glass of boiling water. As soon as it cools down, strain and add a spoonful of apple cider vinegar. Apply a compress to problem areas for 20 minutes.
  • An excellent anti-acne lotion is prepared from aloe leaves, which should be used four times a day. For it you will need plant leaves that have been in the refrigerator for a week. The leaves need to be crushed in a blender. Place a glass of this puree in a liter of water, let stand for a couple of hours, and then bring to a boil. After cooling, you need to filter it and you can use it.

  • A cinnamon scrub combines several functions at once - cleansing, exfoliating and nourishing. To do this, you need to combine a tablespoon of honey and a teaspoon of ground cinnamon. Apply to the neck with light massaging movements. After 20 minutes you can wash it off.
  • If there are no open wounds, you can use garlic lotion. To prepare, you need to grind a couple of cloves and place them in a liter of water for a day. You can add the juice of half a lemon. Clean problem areas 2-3 times a day with a cotton pad.


To relieve itching, it is recommended to rinse the affected area with cold water. A compress of soda has a beneficial effect: stir one or two teaspoons of baking soda in a glass of cold water. Mix well, moisten a small towel or handkerchief.

Squeeze and apply to the neck. Oatmeal will soften itching and irritation on the skin. Soak them in warm water. Moisten the affected area with the infusion. If the rash has spread to other parts of the body, take a warm oatmeal bath.

To get rid of an allergic rash, your doctor may prescribe tablets and creams. If the rash persists or worsens more than a week after starting to take antiallergic drugs, a second consultation with a specialist is necessary.


Only after the neck and face are cleansed can you begin to directly treat acne.

  1. You must first wash your hands thoroughly, even if you only washed your hands 15 minutes ago. After all, bacteria and oils accumulate on your hands very quickly.
  2. Now you need to apply a product to your face that contains a component such as benzoyl peroxide. These could be drugs such as Baziron 5% or Benzac 2.5%.
  3. The product should be carefully distributed over acne-affected areas.
  4. These medications do not need to be washed off. Just wait until they dry.

Attention! If these drugs are used for the first time, side effects such as peeling of the skin, itching, and redness are possible. There is no need to be afraid of this, time will pass and the symptoms will disappear

There are two methods of therapy - external and systemic.

Any medications must be prescribed by a doctor. He also determines the required dosage and course of treatment, which may differ depending on the stage of acne and the location of the rash.


Among the topical drugs, the most effective are the following:

salicylic acid - destroys bacteria, dissolves keratinized scales of the epidermis, removes inflammation. There are washing gels, lotions and creams containing it. The line of products for problem skin is represented by the trademarks Klerasil, Garnier and others;

Of course, it all depends on you. Proper nutrition, adherence to a daily routine, an active lifestyle, healthy sleep and personal hygiene are the first steps to a beautiful body and healthy skin. If acne appears, you need to take action, be sure to treat it in order to get rid of it now and minimize the likelihood of its occurrence in the future. To treat acne, a large number of both folk remedies and pharmaceutical ones are used.

Of the simplest and most accessible folk remedies, the most commonly used are cabbage leaves, garlic, white clay, brewer's yeast, and celandine. Your first aid kit must contain salicylic alcohol, calendula tincture, and chamomile.

Subcutaneous acne

Subcutaneous acne (or the so-called internal type of acne) appears gradually. The first stage is the appearance of a small compaction. The color of the skin in this area may not change. Gradually, this compaction will grow in volume, a small bump will appear, a reddish spot may also appear, then this area may become very painful to the touch.

First of all, you can try the folk recipe - smear the problem area with tar soap. Change your clothes - avoid tight-fitting collars and turtlenecks, especially those with synthetic threads.

Do not scratch pimples under any circumstances, even if they itch very much, and do not try to squeeze them out if you do not want to get a lot of other unpleasant skin problems. By the way, not all pimples can be squeezed out.



Over the last six months, I began to notice that it periodically sprinkles on my neck. And it doesn’t seem to be much, but it’s not very pleasant. I apply salicylic acid and it goes away. But then they appear again. According to gynecology everything is fine. Where to go now?

Specialist comment: When acne appears on the neck, first of all you need to check the functioning of the stomach and intestines. This could be, for example, the consequences of dysbiosis. But if acne also appears on the forehead and chin, then there is a possibility that there is ovarian dysfunction.


It covered the skin - first in the neck area, now spreading to the back, and the lymph nodes were also inflamed. To be honest, I'm afraid to even touch them. Which doctor should I go to with such a set?

Specialist comment: The spread of acne and inflammation of the lymph nodes suggests that you may have demodicosis, a disease caused by a mite. If this is true, you will not be able to heal on your own. Contact a dermatologist, he will prescribe a combination treatment.


My skin doesn’t seem to be the most sensitive, but white pimples began to appear on my neck, like watery ones. What to anoint with so as not to aggravate the problem?

Specialist comment: Consult a dermatologist. It is not appropriate to treat such acne with salicylic acid twice a day. And it’s better to wash your face with a decoction of string or chamomile.

What can you do at home?

  1. Washing with tar soap to disinfect and normalize the pH of the skin.
  2. Applying a compress of St. John's wort, hops, and chamomile flowers to the neck.
  3. Honey-cinnamon mask (2 tbsp honey, 1 tsp cinnamon) helps relieve inflammation, as well as cleanse and nourish the skin.
  4. Natural tonic for wiping the face after washing from garlic tincture (2 cloves per 1 liter of water) with the addition of lemon juice (half the fruit).
  5. Aloe anti-acne lotion. The leaves are ground into porridge (1 glass), poured with water (1 liter) and left for 3 hours. After this, the mixture must be boiled. After cooling, the lotion is ready for use.
  6. A clay mask once a week cleanses pores and removes excess sebum.

How else to deal with acne at home is described in detail here:

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