Pleasant foot care - baths with soda. The best recipes: with salt, with peroxide, with vinegar and others

What kind of woman wants to have beautiful slender legs? Just like any other part of the body, your feet need proper care. Unlike the old days, today any woman can find cosmetics that suit her. Manufacturers of creams, ointments, scrubs and other body care accessories seem to be competing with each other, coming up with more and more new products.

The pedicure procedure requires not only the use of these products, but also relaxing foot baths . The use of foot baths really helps relieve fatigue, get rid of unpleasant odors and eliminate rough keratinized growths. You don't have to go to the salon for this. Yes, there are no special devices at home, but in the past we somehow managed without them. Home procedures are much more profitable and no worse than those done by pedicurists. You just need to have the necessary things and know how to use the prepared baths correctly.

Properties of sodium bicarbonate and its effect on the body

The main qualities of sodium bicarbonate, sodium bicarbonate, sodium bicarbonate, or baking soda are expressed in the following effects on the skin and the body as a whole:

  • cleanses even the most complex and deeply ingrained stains;
  • deodorizing and neutralizing unpleasant odors;
  • antiseptic, necessary for the disinfection of small wounds and abrasions or supportive treatment of bacterial skin infections;
  • softening the skin and nail plates;
  • healing, which promotes rapid regeneration of damaged tissues;
  • antifungal, which helps stop the spread and treat fungal infections;
  • soothing for insect bites that cause unbearable itching.

This is not a complete list of the qualities of sodium bicarbonate that are used for health purposes.

Why do heels become rough and cracked?

Only a baby does not experience the problem of peeling skin on the heels. If neglected, they can crack and cause pain. Why is this happening? There are several explanations for why heels become flaky and cracked despite regular care.

External reasons:

  • constantly wear tight, uncomfortable shoes with high (more than 4 cm) heels, or without heels;
  • wear shoes made of artificial materials (rubber, low-quality leather, etc.) for a long time;
  • in summer you prefer models without heels (flip-flops, sandals);
  • move a lot or stand for a long time (blood circulation is impaired);
  • Wear synthetic socks often.

Frequently wearing products made from artificial materials disrupts natural thermoregulation. At the same time, the feet either sweat or dry out - and cracks form. In open shoes, the back of the foot can be injured by small stones, microcracks form, which become clogged with dust and dirt.

Internal reasons:

  • deficiency of vitamins in the body (A, F, E);
  • skin diseases, fungal infections;
  • diseases of internal organs (gastrointestinal tract, diabetes, disruptions in the endocrine system, etc.);
  • overweight;
  • water balance disturbance;
  • allergy.

Consulting an appropriate specialist will help determine the exact cause of dry skin. However, you can take measures to improve your skin condition yourself. Change your diet - include more fruits, vegetables, liver, dairy products. Drink more water (coffee, tea, juices, compotes do not count). Use a humidifier in enclosed spaces. Thing ru advises not to forget about the need for regular pedicures and the use of moisturizers.

A simple and affordable remedy for cleaning and treating rough heels is the most common soda.

Remember this recipe, it is universal!

Why do you need a water treatment for your feet?

Depending on the components, time and temperature of this procedure, foot baths can have the following effects:

  • relaxing and relieving fatigue , which is important for relieving overstrain if work involves constant stress on the legs;
  • tonic – for quick restoration of performance;
  • vasodilator , which helps relieve headaches and lower blood pressure;
  • warming - useful for people with poor blood circulation or simply chilled after being outside for a long time in bad weather;
  • deodorizing – for feet prone to excessive sweating;
  • cleansing and softening - to get rid of stubborn dirt and prepare the skin of the feet for cosmetic procedures;
  • antifungal , which can significantly improve the health of skin and nails with regular use, especially in combination with additional components and special medications.

Important! Foot baths can play the role of both an independent procedure and be used as part of complex therapy as an adjuvant.

Contraindications to the use of soda foot baths

Despite the beneficial properties of soda, in some cases the use of soda baths is unacceptable or requires careful use after consultation with your doctor. Such situations include:

  • significant damage to the skin of the feet and leg area exposed to the soda solution (up to about 1/3 of the lower leg);
  • fragile blood vessels, varicose veins, cardiovascular diseases, heart disease;
  • diabetes;
  • oncological diseases and some benign tumors;
  • asthma.

Attention! Sodium bicarbonate is alkaline and has a corrosive effect. To prevent damage to the skin, you should limit the time period of taking foot baths to a maximum of 20 minutes a day.

Soda baths for fungus

I would like to draw special attention to such a problem as nail fungus, it is called mycosis. None of us are immune from this scourge! This infectious disease brings a lot of trouble to its carrier: itching, burning, nail deformation, and unaesthetic appearance. Do not start the disease; it is better to treat it immediately, at the first manifestations.

To avoid catching the disease at the beach, pool or gym, wear suitable shoes that are easy to wash and clean. Choose socks with the least amount of synthetic content, because feet in synthetic socks sweat more and get tired faster. Make soda baths to prevent and treat fungus! After a two-week course of baths, the annoying itching and burning sensation will disappear, the nail and the skin around it will lighten .
Soda baths against fungus
are more effective when the infectious disease is in its initial stage.

In conclusion, I would like to tell you an incident from my student life. I had a “male” friendship with a guy (precisely friendship!). He and I discussed all the events of our lives and consulted. We were sitting in a dorm room and drinking tea. A girl ran in to get notes and knelt on a chair, taking notes from the shelf. She exposed her heels. My friend almost fell out of his chair! And he told me his story of how he couldn’t maintain a relationship with a girl because she didn’t take care of her heels. He said that for many guys, a girl’s grooming comes first!

I was 20 years old at the time, and I remembered this story. How many little things have their importance! Sometimes, having lost the attention of a man for reasons unknown (to us), we could not even think that the reason could be some habit or negligence that was insignificant to us. Like this!

The result of such a pleasant procedure as foot baths with soda is smooth heels, no corns and calluses, well-groomed feet and an easy gait!

Don't ignore the needs of your feet!

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How to use?

To get the effect of using foot baths with soda, it is recommended to follow some tips:

  1. for complex treatment, adhere to the doctor’s recommendations and the prescribed course, which can range from several days to several months;
  2. carefully remove dead skin with abrasive files;
  3. after taking a bath, rinse your feet in clean water and wipe dry;
  4. use an individual towel intended only for feet;
  5. use softening and moisturizing creams to prevent drying and cracking of the skin;
  6. adhere to the concentration of the soda solution and adhere to the temperature regime prescribed for your procedure.

Reference. Ignoring the thermal regime of soda baths can have a detrimental effect on the condition of the skin, blood pressure and the condition of blood vessels.

Home cooking recipes

There are many different recipes for soda baths. It is important to understand what effect you need: relaxing, therapeutic, preventive. For prevention, you can alternately use soap and soda baths, baths with the addition of salt, vinegar, essential oils or hydrogen peroxide.

Here are some examples of bath mixtures.

Relaxing baths

  1. The simplest recipe: dissolve one tablespoon of baking soda in two liters of warm water. Keep your feet for 15-20 minutes.
  2. The second type is a soap and soda bath. Dissolve a tablespoon of baking soda and the same amount of soap shavings in one liter of warm water. Beat until foamy and hold the legs for 15-20 minutes.
  3. The third type is with soda and salt. To prepare the solution, you need to take 1 tablespoon each of soda and salt (preferably sea salt) and dilute it in hot water. Keep your feet in it for 15 minutes.
  4. And another way is to add up to 50 g of olive oil and a few drops of citrus oil to 1 tablespoon of soda. Steam the legs for the same amount of time.

For calluses and sweating

  1. The following composition will cope with corns and calluses: dissolve 80 g of soda and 50 g of soap shavings in two liters of warm water. Soak your feet in the mixture for a quarter of an hour. Then use a pumice stone to clean the keratinized areas of the skin. Dry your feet with a towel and lubricate with nourishing cream.
  2. A simple recipe with added salt will help with sweaty feet. Dilute 2 teaspoons of salt and the same amount of soda in 500 ml of water and lubricate the legs with the resulting solution. After an hour and a half, rinse and dry them. To remove unpleasant odors, you can prepare a bath of 2 liters of water, 25 ml of apple cider vinegar, 2 tbsp. l. baking soda and 6-7 drops of pine essential oil.
  3. If suppuration has formed under the nail, you need to use a saline solution with a high salt concentration - 5 tbsp. l. for 1 liter of water. Add 1 tsp there. soda The water should be hot. Keep the affected area for 20 minutes. Repeat 3 times during the day.

For dryness and cracks

A soap and soda bath will soften and cleanse the skin, remove redness and cracks. Dissolve 2 tbsp in warm water. l. shavings of laundry soap and 5-6 tsp. soda Soak your feet in the solution for 30 minutes, clean your heels with pumice stone. Then dry and apply cream. Repeat every 3 days.

The following composition can also heal cracks: 2 tbsp. l. soda and hydrogen peroxide for 2-3 liters. water.


Dissolve two tablespoons of sea salt and soda in two liters of warm water. Lower your feet for 10-15 minutes.

When using any type of bath, it is advisable to remember some points:

  • during procedures, you can use a pumice stone or a brush to remove dead skin cells;
  • after drying the feet, it is better to lubricate with cream or apply a mask;
  • carry out procedures no more than 2-3 times a week;
  • It is better to take baths at night.

If you follow these rules and precautions, your legs will look beautiful. But most importantly, they will be healthy! And you will be able to do any activity without being distracted by heaviness in your legs, pain in your heels and discomfort from an unpleasant odor.

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