Dark spots on the face - why they appear and how to get rid of them

Causes of bruises on the bridge of the nose

One of the main causes of bruises around the eyes on the bridge of the nose is thin skin. It is no thicker here than on the upper and lower eyelids, and under it there is almost no fat layer that covers the rest of our body. If we had such skin everywhere, we would be almost transparent, since it would show through all the vessels and muscles on the body.

Sometimes a person's skin around their eyes is naturally thinner than others. In this case, bruises are observed from early childhood or adolescence and accompany him throughout his life. There is nothing dangerous about them and it is useless to fight them using home methods. You need to either accept it or resort to the services of a cosmetologist.

If you are interested in doctors’ answers about why bruises appear around the eyes near the bridge of the nose, then among them you will mainly hear the following:

  • Overwork. Sometimes a good night's sleep or a walk in the fresh air is enough for the bruises to go away. Lack of sleep tends to accumulate, so if you don't get enough sleep for several nights in a row, you won't be able to fully recover in one day of rest. If you have been in “survival” mode for a long time, then the recovery period may take a long time.
  • Sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy diet and stress. Just so you know, any problems in our body are primarily reflected in the skin and eyes. An experienced doctor only needs to look closely at a person’s appearance, and he can already tell a lot about his state of health or his daily habits.
  • When you have poor eyesight and constantly wear glasses, this can also cause dark spots on the bridge of your nose. The fact is that glasses put pressure on this area throughout the day and the outflow of blood and lymph is slightly hampered.
  • Diseases of internal organs. Problems in any of them often appear on the face. This is especially true for the cardiovascular system and kidneys. Even hypertension, which is now observed in many people, can “come out” in the form of a bruise under the eye and on the bridge of the nose.
  • Tanning abuse. Women who like to spend all their free time in the solarium or on the beach should be prepared for the fact that sooner or later they will have circles under their eyes. Ultraviolet light quickly ages the skin and makes it thinner.
  • Chronic runny nose or sinusitis. You may have already gotten used to them and don’t pay attention, but these are not such harmless diseases. Because of them, the blood does not receive enough oxygen, and the face looks tired and painful.

For more information about other causes of bruises, read the article “Causes of bruises under the eyes in women”

Recipe for an effective remedy. A reminder for you!

What to do with bruises

First of all, you need to find out their cause. If it lies in fatigue, then you need to reconsider your schedule so that you can fully rest. Lack of rest affects not only the condition of the skin, but at one “wonderful” moment it can make itself felt in the form of some kind of disease.

How to remove dark spots on the face with folk remedies

Once you have found out why dark spots form on your face, you need to start removing them using the following masks:


There are a large number of whitening masks for dark spots on the face. The main task is to choose the one that is right for you, but this can only be done through trial and error.

Below are recipes for the most effective options:

  1. Cucumber mask. This vegetable is regularly used in whitening treatments because it is safe, affordable and quite effective. Preparation: grate the cucumber; The resulting slurry can be used independently, or you can add lemon juice, olive oil, and parsley. The mask must be applied to the face for 5–10 minutes. You can repeat the procedure in a week. For best results, you need to conduct 5-7 sessions.
  2. Parsley whitening mask. Preparation: chop the parsley, mix with one tablespoon of sour cream, apply to the face for 20 minutes, and then rinse with warm water. Frequency of application – two to three times a week.
  3. Yeast mask. Preparation: 25 g of yeast must be diluted in 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice mixed with 1 tbsp. l. milk. Apply to face for 20 minutes. Then you need to wash off the mask with warm water.

After using whitening masks, apply a nourishing cream to the skin. It is best to do procedures in the evening, and use sunscreen during the day.

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Plant extracts

  • Lemon juice.

Able to remove dark spots on the face, especially effective against acne. The acid and natural vitamin C found in lemon are needed to eliminate toxins and dead cells. Moreover, it is a simple procedure that can be easily performed at home. You need to squeeze a small amount of lemon juice and apply it with a cotton pad to problem areas. Leave for 20 minutes, then rinse with cool water. These steps should be repeated daily after taking a bath or shower.

  • Papaya.

This fruit is loaded with powerful enzymes that are designed to combat dark spots on the skin. It is necessary to gently wipe problem areas of the face with papaya pulp.

For dark acne spots, it is recommended to use ripe papaya and apply it to the affected area. You need to wash your face after 15 minutes.

  • Buttermilk and lemon.

Mix a little buttermilk (low-fat dairy cream) and lemon in equal proportions. This mixture serves partly as lactic acid in alpha-hydroxyl products.

  • Aloe vera gel.

It is a powerful antioxidant with natural ingredients such as enzymes and vitamins that can quickly lighten dark spots on the face and protect the skin from the sun. Preparation: take an aloe leaf and squeeze the pulp out of it; clean your face and pat dry with a towel; Apply the gel-like mixture to the affected areas of the skin, gently massaging and rubbing.

  • Onion + honey

They are excellent and effective natural remedies in the fight against pigmentation. Onions are loaded with natural, effective ingredients including minerals and vitamins, and their acidity helps remove dark spots caused by shaving and injury. Preparation: mix a small amount of honey and onion in a bowl. Using a soft cotton cloth, gently apply the mixture to your face. After 10 minutes, cover the skin with a thin layer of natural honey. You can use garlic juice instead of onions.

  • Turmeric, yogurt and honey.

Mix turmeric powder, yogurt and honey in equal proportions to form a thick paste. Apply the mask to clean facial skin using gentle massage movements. Let it dry, then rinse with warm water after 10 minutes. The procedure should be carried out twice a day.

  • Lemon juice, cucumber and rose water.

Cucumber is loaded with beneficial ingredients to repair damaged cells and remove dark spots. Grate the cucumber and mix it with rose water and lemon juice. Using a cotton cloth or cotton wool, rubbing lightly, apply the mask to your face. Rinse with water. The procedure is recommended to be carried out daily, lasting 5 minutes.

  • Almonds, milk powder and honey.

Make a thick paste by mixing milk powder and almond powder. Apply to cheeks and neck for about 30 minutes and then rinse with water.

Read material on the topic: Almond peeling for the face: features of the procedure

Our video. Homemade mask recipe for dark circles under the eyes

Doctors' answers regarding bruises near the eyes at the bridge of the nose agree on one thing. If you have them too obvious and appeared not so long ago, and are also accompanied by swelling, then you need to undergo at least a basic examination for any diseases. Check your heart, kidneys, donate blood, monitor your blood pressure. You won't necessarily discover anything serious, but it's never a bad idea to be on the safe side.

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Sometimes our face says more than we would like to say. There is a plus to this. Taking a closer look in the mirror can help you identify where there is an imbalance in your body and possibly prevent future illness.

Bright Side has listed several facial skin defects, the causes of which will be interesting for each of us to know. Many people have already encountered something; other information can simply be taken into account.

Bags and black circles under the eyes

Dark circles under the eyes are often an inherited trait and there is nothing you can do about it. But if the “panda coloring” has appeared recently, then it’s worth finding out the reason. The most common are lack of sleep, smoking, hormonal changes, allergies or abuse of alcohol, coffee, and salty foods.

  • There will be a long-term effect if you get rid of the root cause. But for temporary disguise, a cold compress, eye patches and a good concealer will do.

Spots or pimples on forehead

Spots or pimples on the forehead appear due to sweat (for those who wear bangs) or improper removal of makeup. The skin on the forehead also reacts sharply to the functioning of the digestive system, so fatty foods, fast food and unhealthy snacks quickly change its condition.

  • Today you should say goodbye to food chaos and dry food, and very soon your forehead will no longer spoil your reflection in the mirror.

Red nose

There are a large number of blood vessels on the nose, their expansion leads to color changes. This is facilitated by temperature changes, allergies, emotional stress or a runny nose. But in any case, the redness will be temporary, you just need to eliminate the cause.

  • If your nose is constantly red, this is a reason to pay attention to the condition of your blood vessels, reconsider your lifestyle and seek an accurate diagnosis from a doctor.

Yellowish skin of the face and eyes

This happens when too much waste accumulates in the body. This is usually seen in babies born before 38 weeks. Their liver is not yet able to work as well as it should. In adults, jaundice can mean more serious problems or indicate alcohol abuse.

  • Check the liver, gallbladder and pancreas. Work with your doctor to rule out viral infections such as hepatitis and mononucleosis.

Unexpected appearance of moles and birthmarks

In most cases, this is nothing to worry about, but it doesn't hurt to be vigilant. Ask yourself a few questions. Is the shape different on each side? Is the color or edges of the mole uneven? Is it larger in diameter than a pea? Has she changed over the past few weeks?

  • Talk to your doctor if you answered yes to any of these questions. Make it a habit to avoid harsh sun exposure and use SPF creams.

Butterfly-shaped rash on face

A small rash on the face can be caused by incorrectly selected cosmetics, allergies, climate change, or excessive consumption of sweets. When the provoking factor is eliminated, it goes away on its own. But if the rash covers both cheeks in a butterfly shape, it is considered a common sign of lupus.

  • Lupus is characterized by additional symptoms: fever, joint pain, fingers turning blue in the cold. With such a set, you need to go to the doctor as soon as possible.

Preventing the appearance of dark spots on the face

Relapse is possible even after face whitening in a salon.

To avoid this, it is recommended to take the following preventive measures:

  1. You should avoid prolonged exposure to the sun. When going to the beach or other sunny place, be sure to wear a hat and use sunscreen. Autumn or winter is the most favorable time for cosmetic procedures. During this period, it is recommended to take tyrosinase blockers.
  2. After whitening, you should always use a cream with protection of at least 15. The cream should be applied evenly, 20 minutes before going outside. It must be remembered that its layer must be updated every four to five hours, removing remnants of the previous one.
  3. To avoid relapse, you should wipe your face with cucumber or parsley juice every day. It is also possible to use special ice cubes.

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Causes of bruises near the bridge of the nose

  1. Overwork leads to darkening of the skin in the corners of the eyes. Some people live long enough in “survival” mode. Their body simply does not have time to recover. Constant insomnia does not have the best effect on the condition of the skin. Lack of sleep tends to accumulate.
  2. The formation of bruises near the bridge of the nose may be associated with a sedentary lifestyle. Poor diet and stress affect our appearance.
  3. Bruises in the corners of the eyes near the bridge of the nose can be seen in patients suffering from diseases of the internal organs.
  4. Skin defects are detected in regular visitors to solariums. Exposure to sunlight not only ages the skin, but also makes it thinner.
  5. Dark spots on the bridge of the nose occur in people who wear glasses. When worn for a long time, glasses compress this area and impede the outflow of lymph and blood.
  6. People suffering from chronic forms of sinusitis are at risk of getting bruises in the corners of their eyes. Oxygen deficiency worsens skin condition. The face of such a patient looks tired, and dark spots can be seen on the bridge of his nose.

Symptoms of rosacea

The clinical manifestations of the disease differ depending on its form. But in most cases, rosacea is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Erythema. Redness of the skin in the central part of the face. Initially, it is episodic in nature, but over time the frequency of occurrence increases. The shade can vary from bright pink to bluish.
  • Increased dryness of the skin, excessive sensitivity to touch. In some cases, mild pain or a tingling sensation may occur.
  • Telangiectasia. The so-called spider veins. They are dilated capillary vessels that look like small spots and nets of pink or red color. Most often located around the wings of the nose.
  • Papules. Dense skin nodules that rise slightly above the surrounding skin. The color is flesh or pale pink. When there are large numbers, they can merge into one common bumpy surface.
  • Pustules. Small bubbles filled with clear or slightly cloudy liquid. Formed in place of papules.
  • Structural changes in the skin. Initially, swelling of the affected areas occurs, which can subsequently be combined with hyperplasia (thickening) of the skin. In some cases, large structural formations form that distort facial features.
  • Eye lesions. Redness of the mucous membranes, often combined with itching and a feeling of “sand” in the eyes. In severe cases, crusts appear at the roots of the eyelashes, and visual acuity decreases.

Erythema with rosacea.
Photo: Head & face medicine / Open-i (CC BY 2.0) Rosacea is characterized by periods of exacerbations and remissions. During exacerbations, new elements of the rash (papules, pustules) appear. When going into remission, the rash often disappears, but skin erythema, telangiectasia and structural changes in the facial skin persist.

Why do bruises appear as people age?

In women after 40 years, hormonal levels change. The skin around the eyes loses elasticity. Darkening of the skin is associated with increased melanin production. Not only women, but also men suffer from excessive pigmentation. To get rid of dark spots, you can use various masks for bruises (in the article at the link we have collected recipes for the most effective masks) containing fruit acids. To eliminate dark spots, women often go to cosmetology clinics. As we age, the body's production of vasopressin decreases. This hormone affects vascular tone and permeability. Hematomas in older people can form even from minor exposure. For example, you can damage capillaries if you wash your face carelessly. Regular formation of hematomas is a reason to make an appointment with an endocrinologist.

How cardiovascular diseases affect blood vessels

Heart pathologies lead to circulatory disorders. Stagnation of blood leads to dilation of blood vessels. Weak capillary walls can withstand increased pressure. Rupture of blood vessels leads to the formation of hemorrhages in the corners of the eyes.

Complications of rosacea

Rosacea can lead to various complications, both infectious and cosmetic. The most common are:

  • Purulent-septic complications. This includes all types of skin lesions associated with secondary infection, most often with pathogenic bacteria. One of these is the draining sinus. It is a long-term, sluggish inflammation, accompanied by the formation of an oval skin formation, from which purulent masses are constantly released.
  • Eye lesions. Long-lasting inflammatory reactions of the tissues of the eye and eyelid against the background of ophthalmic rosacea can lead to deterioration of vision. In severe cases, even its complete loss - blindness - is possible.
  • Gross cosmetic defects. Long-term course of rosacea, especially with its phymatous and granulomatous variants, often leads to deformation of parts of the face (nose, ears, chin). This significantly reduces a person’s quality of life and can also become a trigger for depressive disorders.

Coffee can worsen rosacea symptoms. Photo: valeria_aksakova / freepik.com

Methods to combat bruises

First you need to understand the reasons for their formation. You can cope with chronic fatigue only after revising your work schedule. Adequate rest will allow you to get rid of cosmetic defects. Bad habits impair blood circulation. During smoking, vasospasm occurs. Capillaries become fragile and can burst at any time. Under thin skin, hemorrhage may be noticeable, which quickly spreads at the site of the damaged vessel. There are several ways to eliminate hematomas:

  1. Fat grafting is a procedure that involves injecting a small amount of the patient’s own fat into the painful area. It masks the vascular network and completely fills the intercellular space. After the procedure, you can notice a significant improvement in skin condition.
  2. Women faced with this problem use mesotherapy. Thanks to the drugs, it is possible to achieve an increase in the tone of blood vessels.
  3. Laser has a healing effect. Due to the hardware effect, the skin thickens.
  4. Local massage restores blood circulation and eliminates fluid stagnation. After the procedure, there is an outflow of lymph and blood.
  5. You can get rid of bruises with peeling. Special serums increase tissue permeability and saturate cells. Medicines penetrate into the deep layers of the skin and have a positive effect on the capillaries. With regular use, patients manage to get rid of vascular networks.

How to remove dark spots on the face in a beauty salon using hardware techniques

It is possible to lighten pigment spots or remove them completely using cosmetic procedures. It can be:

  • Different types of chemical (superficial, medium) peels that help dissolve the upper dead epidermis:
  1. In fruit acids AHA;
  2. In retinol (medium “Yellow peeling”);
  3. In stronger trichloroacetic acid.
  • Microdermabrasion and dermabrasion are the mechanical exfoliation of dead cells using a flow of micro- or regular crystals.
  • Laser skin resurfacing – destruction of dead epithelial cells with dark spots due to heating (during the procedure, an extremely pleasant warmth is felt).
  • Phototherapy is a method of exposing cells with melanin to infrared flashes of a certain wavelength of light. In addition, this method activates the formation of collagen and elastin fibers.
  • ELOS therapy is a combined effect of light energy and electric current on pigmentation.
  • Cryotherapy - makes dark spots on the face lighter by exfoliating the stratum corneum of the epidermis using freezing with liquid nitrogen (quite traumatic, unlike laser resurfacing).
  • Mesotherapy is the introduction of safe therapeutic cocktails into the middle layers of the skin, helping to effectively remove pigmentation and activate the synthesis of collagen and elastin.
  • Anti-aging programs that include a whole range of measures to combat the formation of dark age spots on the face.
  • Ozone therapy has a strong antiseptic effect, activates the biodegradation of spots, therefore it is effective in cases of post-traumatic and inflammatory hyperpigmentation.
  • Radio wave therapy is the effect of high-frequency radio waves on defective areas of facial skin. Surgitron is a device that helps remove pigmentation. The method does not cause pain and does not lead to tissue swelling.
  • Fractional thermolysis is a procedure for “steaming” a dark spot. The method is painless and has the only drawback: a brownish coloration of the skin for one to two days after therapy.
  • Read material on the topic: Retinoic yellow peeling done by Hollywood stars


    Without proper nutrition, it is impossible to achieve sufficient elasticity of blood vessels. Capillary fragility is associated with a deficiency of vitamins K, P, C. Small hemorrhages form under the human skin, which are clearly visible under the skin. To avoid bruises in the corners of the eyes, you need to eat foods that contain many vitamins:

    1. The record holder for the amount of vitamins and microelements is sweet pepper.
    2. Include cabbage dishes in your diet as often as possible.
    3. To maintain the skin in normal condition, you need to add greens and tomatoes to salads.
    4. You can improve the condition of blood vessels by consuming citrus fruits.
    5. Flavanol, which is part of dark chocolate, helps reduce the fragility of blood vessels.
    6. Fatty acids, which are present in fatty fish, help prevent blood stagnation.
    7. As drinks, you can use rosehip infusion or green tea.

    Prognosis and prevention

    With timely treatment, the prognosis is relatively favorable: despite the fact that rosacea cannot be cured completely, achieving long-term remission is a completely feasible task. Exceptions are severe forms of the disease that are difficult to treat.

    To prevent the occurrence of rosacea or the worsening of an existing pathology, you should follow these recommendations:

    • Limit exposure to direct sunlight, high or low temperatures, and strong wind on the skin. If necessary, use a protective cream.
    • Refuse to visit the bathhouse, sauna, solarium.
    • Correct your diet by limiting the consumption of spicy foods, coffee, fatty and fried foods. You should also give up alcoholic beverages or at least reduce their consumption to a minimum.
    • Avoid cosmetic procedures that involve strong mechanical or chemical effects on the facial skin (various peeling options, dermabrasion).
    • Observe the rules of personal hygiene: use only individual towels, and when caring for your facial skin, give preference to disposable napkins.
    • Use cosmetics without aggressive chemical components, use mild cleansers without irritating substances in their composition (menthol, alcohol, detergents).
    • Avoid self-medication and uncontrolled use of medications. If rosacea is associated with drug therapy for another condition, you should consult your doctor.


    To restore complexion around the eyes, the following masks are used:

    1. Potatoes for bruises under the eyes are an excellent remedy known to our grandmothers! Peel the raw potatoes and grate them on a fine grater. Add 2 tbsp to the potato pulp. spoons of milk. The product is used in the form of lotions.
    2. Do not throw away used tea leaves. Wrap it in a piece of gauze and apply it to the sore spot.
    3. An effective remedy for bruises is the pulp of cucumbers. Grind the cucumber and a couple of sprigs of parsley in a blender. Pour a spoonful of sour cream over the mixture. To lighten the skin you need to do several sessions.
    4. You can get rid of signs of fatigue after a sleepless night with herbal ice. It's quite simple to prepare. To do this, add chamomile or sage to boiling water. The cooled broth must be poured into molds. After freezing, you will receive ice cubes containing healing substances. The delicate skin around the eyes must be treated very carefully. During the massage, you should not put too much pressure on the cubes, as you may complicate the treatment.
    5. Soak the mallow flowers in milk for a few minutes. After this, they need to be pulled out and placed in a piece of gauze. Apply the compress directly to the painful area.

    How to get rid of dark spots on your face using natural acids

    In order to make the skin lighter, the following types of acids are used in cosmetology:

    Boric acid for dark spots

    In nature, boric acid is present in the form of the mineral sassolin in hot springs and health resorts. This substance effectively eliminates inflammatory processes, accelerates blood circulation and relieves pain, therefore an alcohol solution of boric acid is one of the most common disinfecting, healing, anti-cold and anti-rheumatic agents. However, boric acid can also help those who want to get rid of dark spots at home.

    It is known that when this substance is applied to a dark area of ​​the skin on a regular basis, it helps to inhibit the activity of melanocytes and promote melanin from the deep layers to the surface. At the same time, it is not recommended to smear your face every day with an alcohol solution of boric acid, even a weak one (2-3%), especially if the age spots occupy a significant area. It would be more correct to add the solution to natural whitening masks: one teaspoon of boric alcohol greatly increases the effectiveness of lemon or cucumber.

    The most effective whitening masks with boric acid:

    • One cucumber must be peeled, cut into small cubes, add half a teaspoon of an alcohol solution of boric acid, mix everything and apply to the face for 10-15 minutes. Or you can wrap the mask in gauze and apply it to the age spot.
    • Prepare a medicinal composition for use in a course: you need to pour one glass of crushed oatmeal into a glass jar, pour in a glass of 3% boric alcohol, stir, cover and let it brew at room temperature for 12 hours. Then put the resulting mixture in the refrigerator. Every morning use 1 tbsp. l. mass: dissolve it in boiled water to the desired consistency and apply to age spots for 15–20 minutes.
    • An excellent tonic for dark spots on the face can be obtained from freshly squeezed lemon juice and 2% boric alcohol, which must be mixed in equal proportions. Store it in the refrigerator and wipe your face every day, morning and evening, for two weeks.

    Salicylic acid for dark spots

    Salicylic acid helps eliminate dark spots left behind by acne and pimples, and at the same time prevent the formation of new inflammations. It has a keratolytic (exfoliating) effect on the skin, removes melanin to the upper layers of the skin and euthanizes melanocytes.

    Salicylic acid is used in almost all known whitening creams and gels against acne. It is also used for salon chemical peeling and can be used at home to eliminate dark spots and treat acne. Buy a weak alcohol solution (1-5%) from the pharmacy and apply to the pigmented area using a cotton pad for 10-15 minutes, and then rinse completely with cool water.

    Azelaic Acid for Dark Spots

    This natural substance is obtained from wheat, rice and barley. Azelaic acid is also produced in small quantities by our skin cells, which is necessary for regulating the functioning of melanocytes. It neutralizes the synthesis of tyrosinase, the main enzyme involved in melanogenesis.

    This acid has the most powerful effect on active cells - melanocytes, which is why it copes well with newly formed pigmentation, which is hormonal in nature. A substance with a 20% concentration is a component of the well-known Skinoren ointment. Using this product at home to combat dark spots is very simple and convenient: you just need to apply it to pigmented areas of the skin twice a day.

    Kojic Acid for Dark Spots

    Another natural tyrosinase inhibitor is kojic acid, which is a waste product of penicillin fungi and aspergillus. Its effectiveness is significantly higher than that of azelaic acid, but it can cause allergies. In addition, this is an unstable chemical compound that is destroyed by ultraviolet radiation.

    In cosmetics, kojic acid is contained in the form of a more complex but stable substance - kojic acid dipalmitate in a concentration of 1-4%. If this substance is included in a whitening cream, you can safely count on its high effectiveness in the fight against freckles, chloasma, lentigo and dark spots on the face.

    Glycolic Acid for Dark Spots

    This is the most well-known component of salon chemical peels, along with salicylic acid. Glycolic acid is isolated from sugar cane or synthesized artificially. It lightens age spots, activates collagen synthesis, and perfectly cleanses the skin of dead cells. Therefore, cosmetologists recommend it to older women who want to eliminate dark spots on their faces.

    Using 30% gel with glycolic acid on a regular basis helps smooth out fine wrinkles, regenerate skin and normalize complexion. At home, the procedure time should not exceed 10 minutes. Glycolic acid should be used no more than twice a week, and the day after the procedure you should avoid bright sun and do not use serums with hyaluronic acid.

    Read material on the topic: How to care for facial skin: home care and salon treatments

    Papulopustular form -

    The papulopustular form of rosacea manifests itself as persistent erythema in the middle third of the face, against which there are single or multiple papules or pustules (they look like pimples). Some patients may have plaques that rise above the surface of the skin. When treating this form at the first stage, the most important thing is to remove the inflammatory component, and only after that proceed to the correction of erythema or telangiectasia.

    Treatment regimens for papulopustular form

    Mild course - there are several papules or pustules without plaques; moderate persistent erythema is observed.
    1. Oral antibiotics: it is best to use Dapsone from the sulfone group (which also has an anti-inflammatory effect). In second place is minolexin, and last but not least are doxycycline, erythromycin or clarithromycin. The goal of antibiotic therapy is to improve the disease to the point where rosacea can be controlled with topical treatments. The duration of therapy is about 4 weeks.
    2. Local therapy with products containing azelaic acid (for example, Skinoren-gel), but better Ivermectin* in the form of 1% cream (for example, Solantra cream). Ivermectin has an anti-inflammatory effect and also works against Demodex mites, which can stimulate the creation of papules and pustules. Apply once a day (up to 4 months).
    3. The use of drugs with brimonidine (to correct erythema itself) can be effective only after treating the inflammatory component of this form of rosacea.
    Moderate course - from several to numerous papules or pustules (but without plaques); moderate persistent erythema is observed.
    Severe – numerous papules or pustules with or without plaques; there is severe persistent erythema; Possible burning and tingling. In addition to the above:
    1. Tablet forms of Isotretinoin are the drugs Acnecutane or Roaccutane.

    * The effectiveness of drugs with Ivermectin was confirmed in clinical studies “Stein Gold L, Kircik L, Fowler J, published in the journal Drugs Dermatol 2014; 13: 316-323."

    Rosacea: treatment of papulopustular form (before and after photos)

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