A set of myogymnastic exercises for the prevention of dental anomalies

How to visually reduce lips

Undoubtedly, it is not always necessary to start working on your lips with a visit to a plastic surgeon.

The easiest way to visually make your lips smaller is to divert attention from them. Apply makeup with an emphasis on your eyes, and lightly touch your lips with matte lipstick or leave them without makeup at all. This may be quite enough.

However, correctly applied make-up is capable of more than we usually think. With its help, you can reduce the upper lip, reduce the lower lip or reduce the thickness of the lips in general - depending on what result you want to achieve.

For miracle makeup that will allow you to reduce the size of your lips, you will need foundation, matte lipstick and a pencil of the same shade. First, foundation is applied to the face, including the lip area.

, and then with the help of a pencil the contour of the lips is outlined not outside their border, but inside it. Apply lipstick to your lips and that’s it! The outer line of the lip contour will be reliably hidden by foundation, and the inner line, outlined with a pencil, will look like a natural border of the lips.

If only one lip violates the proportions, then these recommendations apply only to one, too wide lip.

Light shades of lipstick and any lip gloss are designed to visually increase their volume. Dark shades of matte lipstick will help make your lips look smaller.

Labia reduction

The health and attractiveness of the genitals is a rather intimate issue. Not all representatives of the fair sex who encounter any problems in this area decide to do something to solve them.

The main reasons for this are embarrassment and lack of data on intimate issues. Thus, too large a size or an unusual shape of the labia can create inconvenience during movements and cause the development of complexes and difficulties in sexual life and relationships.

Photos "Before" and "After"

See more “Before” and “After” photos

Hypertrophied labia

Labia that are too large or too long are called hypertrophied. In some cases, the problem is also complicated by asymmetry.

Normally, the labia majora completely cover the labia minora. But about a third of women have labia minora that are slightly larger and of different shapes, which is also within the normal range if they do not cause physical problems.

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Factors in the development of labia hypertrophy:

  • congenital feature;
  • trauma suffered during the birth of a child;
  • stretching during sexual intercourse;
  • abuse of piercing in the external genital area;
  • diseases in the field of gynecology;
  • aging processes;
  • severe weight loss.

Stages of labia hypertrophy

There are 4 degrees of hypertrophy.

  1. An increase of up to 2 cm. Usually this does not cause physical discomfort for the woman and her sexual partner
  2. Increase up to 3-4 cm. In some cases, the labia protrude slightly and cause discomfort to the owner when moving
  3. The labia minora protrude from 4 to 6 cm beyond the labia majora, causing a woman a lot of inconvenience when moving, playing sports, and so on.
  4. Increase over 6 cm. Hypertrophy brings significant discomfort

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What problems do women face due to labia hypertrophy?

Enlarged labia are not a disease or pathology, but they can cause a number of inconveniences.

  • Aesthetic. Dissatisfaction with the appearance of the genitals
  • Functional. Unpleasant sensations during physical activity, wearing tight-fitting clothes and underwear, and sexual intercourse
  • Psychological. The girl experiences embarrassment when it is necessary to undress in public, in a relationship with a sexual partner. In the most serious cases, complexes are formed

How to reduce labia minora?

Plastic surgery can help correct hypertrophied labia. Surgery to reduce or change the shape of the labia is called labiaplasty. During this procedure, part of the labia minora or majora is removed and they are secured in the correct location.

The operation is performed using a classic scalpel, or using the capabilities of radio waves or a laser. The procedure lasts approximately an hour using local or epidural anesthesia. Through plastic correction, a number of shortcomings can be eliminated:

  • tissue hypertrophy;
  • protrusion (small lips peek out from under the large ones);
  • asymmetry;
  • stretching during childbirth;
  • defects due to birth injuries;
  • signs of aging;
  • fused labia from birth;
  • discomfort in the genital area during movements.

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Labiaplasty is not the same as vaginoplasty. The latter is called suturing of the vagina, which may be necessary after natural childbirth. Labiaplasty is a fairly simple operation, but this does not mean that you do not need to seriously prepare for it.

When planning labiaplasty, consultation with a surgeon and preoperative examination are necessary. The list of tests includes a blood test, coagulogram, ECG and others. In addition, you must be prepared for a painful recovery process, which will take approximately 3-4 weeks.

WE ALSO ADVISE YOU TO READ: Read more about rehabilitation after labiaplasty

In what cases should labiaplasty not be performed?

Contraindications include the following:

  • minority;
  • oncological diseases;
  • mental problems;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • nonspecific vaginitis;
  • STD.

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How to make your own lips smaller

There are situations when just makeup is not enough: for example, lips are too disproportionate. Is it possible to reduce lips that are naturally large?

In this case, one cannot do without plastic surgery, the so-called reduction cheiloplasty. During the operation, a plastic surgeon removes some tissue through an incision on the inside of the lips. This allows you to subsequently avoid an unsightly scar on your lips.

Strict compliance with all requirements after surgery will require only two to three weeks of rehabilitation.

Cosmetology procedures

There are many options to reduce the severity of wrinkles around the mouth, smooth the skin, and rejuvenate this area. Fillers with hyaluronic acid can help eliminate purse-string and other types of wrinkles. They help fill wrinkles and smooth the skin, but such correction has a temporary effect. The injections will need to be repeated regularly.

Biorevitalization with compositions based on hyaluronic acid can also help. The procedure moisturizes the skin, corrects fine wrinkles, and gives a rejuvenating effect.

Mesotherapy is used with compositions containing collagen, elastin, a complex of vitamins and minerals. The effect is slower, but stable, slowing down the aging process.

Botox injections help eliminate muscle spasms, remove purse-string wrinkles, and lift the corners of the mouth.

It is possible to place mesothreads; they are placed along the contour of the lips; as they dissolve, a frame is created based on collagen fibers, which help strengthen the skin and smooth out the wrinkle area.

Laser peeling using fractional modern lasers helps stimulate collagen synthesis processes, exfoliate the top layer of skin, rejuvenate, and smooth out wrinkles.

How to reduce lips after augmentation

After lipofilling or lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid, the lips themselves become smaller after a few months, as the injected drug is absorbed.

Another thing is biopolymer gels for contouring (silicone, polyacrylamide, Spanish gel, etc.), the use of which, unfortunately, does not always give the promised effect of “beautiful lips for life.” In some cases, the gel migrates, forming so-called duck lips. Failed lip augmentation

It doesn't just spoil the appearance. It can lead to inflammation that is so severe that it can sometimes be difficult to talk or even eat.

Reduction of lips previously enlarged with biopolymer gel. The gel and excess volume are eliminated, the mucous “curtain” on the upper lip is removed. Surgeon - Andrey Iskornev.

Removal of silicone with simultaneous plastic surgery of lips. Excess skin is removed through internal access. Surgeon – Iskornev Andrey Alexandrovich.

“Before” and 2 weeks “after” removal of the biopolymer from the lips. Completed by: Andrey Iskornev.

Lip reduction, biopolymer removal. Surgeon: Iskornev A.A.

Fighting wrinkles at home

If you are thinking about how to remove purse-string wrinkles around the lips, you should understand that completely getting rid of them is almost impossible. Moreover, it is dangerous and can disrupt the aesthetics and functionality of this area of ​​the face. We need facial expressions, we need to talk and eat, all this uses the muscles of the mouth. But there are ways to make wrinkles less pronounced and less noticeable.

The first thing you need is to quit smoking once and for all. This is not only a way to combat lip wrinkles, but also improve the health of the whole body. You should also avoid chewing gum and drinking through straws.

Control of the face and lip area is important. Learn not to tense your lips, purse them or curl them. The tissues are maximally relaxed in a light half-smile, which also reduces the severity of wrinkles.

Skin protection from UV radiation is necessary. They dry out and accelerate the aging of this delicate area. Therefore, you need protection with an SPF of approximately 30-50.

Properly selected cosmetics are also important. For such a delicate area, masks and creams with fat-soluble vitamins, ascorbic acid, antioxidants and retinoids, collagen, peptides, and hyaluronic acid are needed. Moreover, you need to use cosmetics from the age of 25-30, for preventive purposes. For deep wrinkles, when the process has already gone far, the effectiveness of these products is low.

Face building can help, but you need to select the exercises very carefully so as not to put excessive stress on the perioral area.

Homemade masks are useful for moisturizing and nourishing - with cucumber, yogurt, sour cream, fruits and berries. When applying masks, a light massage along the lines from the lips to the chin is useful. You should add nuts, seeds, dairy products, and vegetables to your diet.

The ratio of lip volume to other facial parameters

In addition to a sober assessment of the initial structure of the lips, it is important to take into account the overall proportions of the face.

Rhinoplasty surgeons know that the problem of a large nose is not always associated with the true massiveness of its tissues. A prominent nose may be a consequence of chin hypotrophy and distal occlusion.

A similar story with the mouth. The same medium-sized lips will look completely different on a petite heart-shaped face and a full square face. Other parts of the face also play a major role in perception - eyes, nose, cheekbones.

People with the following initial data can safely enlarge their lips:

  • Oval shaped face with regular features
  • Smooth contour of the lower jaw, narrowed downwards
  • High cheekbones
  • Large distance between the philtrum and the tip of the nose
  • Thinness of lips in comparison with other facial features
  • Normal bite

People with the following data should approach lip augmentation with caution

  • Elongated and angular face shape - with the slightest overcorrection there is a risk of getting the rough appearance of a “travesty”
  • Large and bulging eyes - with hypercorrection there is a possibility of becoming like the heroine of a Soviet cartoon about the blue sea
  • Open bite - with overcorrection, the lower part of the face will protrude more forward, which will create something of a “Neanderthal” effect
  • A small face with subtle “doll-like” features - with hyper-correction you will get a caricature, or even “alien” appearance

This does not mean that you should forget about lip shape correction for the listed features. But this means that you should choose a doctor with a developed aesthetic sense and taste, who is interested in the beautiful result of the procedure, and not in selling a large dosage of filler.

Also, do not insist on a specific volume: the cosmetologist can better see what your lips and face as a whole . It is more profitable to come back for correction and add fullness after distribution and “shrinkage” of the drug than to inject hyaluronidase to completely or partially break down the gel.


Cosmetologists often have to be torn between the medical rule “do no harm” and the corporate rule “the client is always right.”

And yet, an honest doctor would rather choose the option of parting with one client than tarnish his reputation. “Duck” lips are the object of mass ridicule and jokes. Online celebrities, who 5-6 years ago promoted their huge lips as an “image feature,” got rid of them surgically. “Experienced” patients in terms of contour plastic surgery are showing more and more caution with the previous requests to “inject the maximum volume.” And cosmetologists who allow hyper-correction create anti-advertising for themselves.

We don't like lips that are enlarged like this:

Additional special exercises

Exercise No. 1. Use the tip of your tongue to press on the palatal surfaces of the upper front teeth until the muscles are tired (3-5 minutes).

Exercise No. 2. With the head thrown back, alternately open and close the mouth; when closing the mouth, try to reach the back edge of the hard palate with the tip of the tongue.

Exercise No. 3. Pinch your lower lip with your upper front teeth, hold it, then release it.

Exercise No. 4. Open your mouth, slowly close it, sweeping the lower jaw back and placing the front teeth in marginal closure. Hold the lower jaw in this position for 4-8 seconds.

Exercise No. 5 (with a wooden spatula). A spatula is placed between the teeth (its width is equal to the width of the upper incisors).

Bite the spatula so as to apply pressure on the palatal surfaces of the upper teeth and promote their deflection in the vestibular direction, and the lower incisors in the lingual direction.

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