Is it possible to squeeze out pimples on the back and what exactly should not be done?

Excessive oily skin and sweating can lead to a number of aesthetic problems. And not only on the face, but also on the body, especially in places that are usually covered by clothing (heat, humidity and lack of ventilation often lead to unpleasant consequences). A fairly common case is acne, acne on the back.

Dealing with this problem at home is difficult and not always effective (after all, a person cannot even examine the problem area himself). Cosmetologists come to the rescue: in our clinic you can get your back cleaned for acne.

Acne on the back: causes of appearance

The factors influencing the appearance of acne on the back are the same as on the face - hypertrophied sebaceous glands, disruption of the processes of keratinization and desquamation, increased colonization of Propionibacterium acnes, development of inflammation [18]. But there are a number of external reasons why acne appears on the back:

  • A large number of sebaceous and sweat glands are concentrated in this area. Wearing tight clothing that prevents the skin from breathing can cause acne.
  • It is possible for the skin to rub against the straps of clothes or bags, which provokes irritation and inflammation.
  • Use of skin care products that contain comedogenic components.
  • Improper or insufficient hygiene can also cause acne. For the back, you need to use special soft brushes that help you reach hard-to-reach places.

The risk of back acne may increase if you do not shower properly. It is recommended to wash your hair first and then the rest of your body. If the sequence is broken, dirty water will flow down the shoulders and back, polluting the pores.

One of the reasons for acne may be your hairstyle. Curls falling over the shoulders and back look, of course, beautiful, but loose hair not only irritates the skin, but also contributes to pore contamination, increasing the risk of developing acne. [218]

Treatment of acne depends on the form and severity of its occurrence. Thus, for mild cases, Clindovit® can be used in combination with benzoyl peroxide, azelaic acid (Azelik® gel) or local retinoids. For moderate acne, a topical antibiotic can also be combined with systemic therapy [18].

Women are more likely to develop acne on their backs due to hormonal reasons. In this case, the disease of the pilosebaceous follicles usually manifests itself in the form of non-inflammatory elements (comedones). [218]

The appearance of acne on the back in men is usually associated with physiological characteristics (high concentration of testosterone, wide pores, intense sweating). The rash most often manifests itself in papulopustular and cystic forms. [218]

Acne on the back and décolleté: how to treat?

The skin of the body can become inflamed at any age. Let's figure out why this happens, how and with what means you can fight it.

Causes of acne on the body

Acne is a chronic disease that is aggravated by external and internal factors.

Factors influencing the appearance of acne on the body may include clothing made from unnatural fabrics that increase sweating, improper care of the skin of the body, or lack thereof.


Since the physiological norm for the appearance of acne is considered to be the age of 12-19 years, then if acne continues to bother you after 25 years, then we can observe a hormonal imbalance. Thus, the causes of inflammation can be problems with the gastrointestinal tract, as well as dysbiosis.

-Active sebum production

The activity of sebaceous glands production depends on genetics, so acne is a genetic predisposition.

-External factors

This could be climate change, improper care and much more.

-Microbe R. Acnes

It provokes the common type of acne Acne Vulgaris. In some people, this microorganism cannot take root. Therefore, an environment emerges for the pathogen to feed and reproduce.

How to deal with acne on the back and chest?

-Change your diet

If you go on hunger strikes, and then suddenly break down and are able to eat everything, then you should urgently wean your body from this. Your body cannot independently remove fat breakdown products through the gastrointestinal tract. Since the skin is an excretory organ, it takes on some of these functions. As a result, excessive secretion of the sebaceous glands occurs and inflammation appears.

What to do : eliminate refined sugar, overeating and fast carbohydrates.

-Inappropriate care for you

If you use products that are not suitable for you, then you may have problems with skin regeneration. To care for the skin of your back and décolleté, you need to use products similar in composition to those you use on your face.

What to do:

1) consult a cosmetologist. Choose the products that suit your skin type

2) study the labels of the products you use. Avoid cosmetics that contain comedogenic components: petroleum jelly, lanolin, silicone, some oils (coconut, coconut, wheat)

3) cleanse your skin properly. Choose gel-based products, and exfoliate once every 2 weeks.

-Climate change

High humidity and sudden temperature changes can further worsen acne.

What to do : It may be worth giving up tanning and reducing the amount of sun exposure, because this can reduce immunity, increase sebum secretion, dry out the stratum corneum of the skin and, as a result, worsen acne.

What products should be used to combat acne on the back and décolleté?

The most effective products that really work from Image Skincare

Anti-acne cleansing scrub – CLEAR CELL medicated acne facial scrub

A cleansing scrub that kills bacteria and removes dead cells along with excess sebum, renewing and refreshing the skin. Cleanses the skin with microgranules, while a phytocomplex of carefully selected antimicrobial and soothing extracts softens the skin and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Suitable for use in the shower for acne on the décolleté and back.

Anti-acne emulsion – CLEAR CELL medicated acne lotion

A mandatory drug for the correction of acne of any severity, it acts on all causes of acne. Salicylic acid reduces sebum production and removes dead skin cells. Phytoextracts and tea tree essential oil reduce inflammation, heal and soothe the skin.

Effective Image Skincare products will help you cope with acne on your back and décolleté. You can come to one of the Image Skincare SPA centers and get advice from a qualified specialist.

How to get rid of acne on the back?

With acne, the skin requires gentle care:

  • For cleansing, use gels that do not contain perfumes or mineral oils. It is better to choose products based on enzymes, acids, and triclosan.
  • When the disease is in remission, you can use soft peeling with herbal ingredients for deep cleansing, then wipe the skin with tonic. Remember that scrub and peeling should not be used during periods of exacerbation of acne.
  • If you play sports, you should take a shower immediately after training. Harmful substances come out along with sweat; they cannot continue to accumulate on the surface of the skin.
  • Try to change your bed linen once every 1-2 weeks, as bacteria accumulate on sheets, pillowcases, and duvet covers.

Remember that you need to take care of your skin regularly. Change body towels more often and wipe your back gently.

Causes of the disease

How to get rid of acne on the face and nose is a question that interests many patients. It is important to understand that the severity of the disease depends on many factors. Modern medicine claims that the manifestation of acne is predetermined by a genetic factor, hormonal imbalance, and chronic diseases of the body.

The intensity of the rash may be influenced by the following factors:

  • poor skin hygiene;
  • excessive consumption of sweets;
  • incorrectly selected decorative and skin care cosmetics;
  • stressful situations;
  • smoking;
  • alcohol;
  • premenstrual stage of the female cycle.

Such a variety of factors requires an integrated approach to therapy. To cure acne, examinations are necessary, identifying the cause of the pathology and prescribing adequate medication support.

Cosmetic procedures against acne on the back

There are a number of cosmetic procedures that can help in the treatment of acne [13]:

  • Plasma therapy. Injections of platelet autoplasma help restore skin immunity, accelerate regeneration and eliminate inflammation.
  • Mesotherapy. The introduction of therapeutic cocktails under the skin allows you to normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands and keratinization, stimulate regeneration processes, and restore skin immunity.
  • Chemical peeling. Helps speed up the exfoliation of dead skin cells and skin restoration processes, eliminates hyperkeratosis and normalizes sebum evacuation processes.
  • Cryotherapy. Exposure of the skin to low temperatures during acne reduces inflammation and normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Mechanical or ultrasonic cleansing and biorevitalization can also be useful for problem skin. But the choice of specific treatment methods is made by the doctor, based on the condition and needs of the skin. [13]

Types of cleaning

The main thing to do to solve the problem is to get rid of dead epithelium, open the pores and clean them. We use several techniques:

  • mechanical back cleaning (involves cleaning contaminated pores manually, using an antiseptic and special soothing agents;
  • hardware back cleaning (using special equipment - ultrasonic unit, vacuum attachments, special brushes):
  • complex cleaning (combines several types of procedures: hardware cleansing, manual manipulation, peeling).

In many cases, an integrated approach turns out to be the most effective. It allows you to get rid of impurities, regulate sebum production, tighten pores, and improve the condition of the skin in general. Ultrasonic back cleaning allows you to start the process of tissue regeneration and accelerate cellular metabolism. As a result, the production of collagen and elastin increases, the skin becomes denser, smoother, and tighter.

The type of peeling is selected by the doctor depending on the nature and severity of the problem. This can be glycolic, retinoic, milk peeling. All of them help to improve the health of problem skin, have an anti-inflammatory effect, and improve the outflow of contents from the ducts of the sebaceous glands.

Use of Clindovit® gel in the treatment of acne on the back

The drug Clindovit® is a topical antibiotic. It is created in a gel form, which helps it penetrate the skin easily. The foundation contains additional components: emollient and allantoin, which provide softening and regenerating effects. Clindovit® gel helps reduce inflammation and fight propionibacteria. After applying the drug to the skin, clindamycin, which is part of it, begins to accumulate inside the comedones. [6]

Klindovit® gel can be applied pointwise to single inflammatory elements or treated on large surfaces for widespread rashes. The body must be clean and dry. The gel should be used 2-3 times a day - morning, afternoon and evening [6].

Types of pathology

Acne provokes disruption of the sebaceous glands. Overproduction of secretions, partial or complete blockage of the gland canal cause such an unpleasant phenomenon as acne. Since the work of the sebaceous glands is regulated by sex hormones, problems begin in adolescence.

There are several types of acne:

  • closed glands that appear as white papules or black dots;
  • open comedones (gray-white papules, in which the gland canal is partially open);
  • papulopustular formations with signs of inflammation;
  • severe rashes, characterized by deep pustules and nodules, which can lead to irreversible changes in the skin.

Often the situation is aggravated by the entry of bacteria into comedones, which provokes an inflammatory process.

Pimples on the shoulders: what to do to avoid them?

There is no way to prevent acne, but knowing the causes of the disease can reduce the risk of its development. Follow these guidelines:

  • Change your diet, reduce or eliminate the consumption of dairy products, as they contain hormones that provoke acne.
  • Review your skin care, stop using soap, switch to gels, creams, mousses.
  • In summer, apply sunscreen before going outside.
  • Get rid of things that make you uncomfortable. If clothes press, rub, or cause other discomfort, they have no place in your wardrobe.

Remember that acne is a chronic disease that cannot be cured once and for all.


When considering the question of how to get rid of whiteheads, you need to understand that diet plays an important role in therapy. It must be balanced in nutrients. Doctors recommend consuming large amounts of complex carbohydrates and limiting the amount of sweets. It is necessary to monitor the normal functioning of the intestines. The high polyphenol content of chocolate also contributes to skin inflammation, so patients are advised to limit this product in their diet.

In general therapy, a distinction is made between local and systemic drugs.

The local group includes the following products:

  • antibacterial ointments;
  • ointments based on retinoids (promote skin regeneration);
  • skincare products based on salicylic acid.

The peak of the disease occurs in adolescence; if you follow the doctor’s recommendations and take proper care of your skin, the rashes become smaller. If the causes of acne are systemic disorders, a specialist may prescribe the following medications:

  • antibiotics;
  • combined oral contraceptives to normalize the menstrual cycle;
  • retinoids;
  • medications to correct the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
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