Dubinina facelift: disadvantages and contraindications

Among the variety of cosmetic and surgical methods of facial rejuvenation that exist today, one can also find “natural” ones, which act by triggering skin regeneration processes. These are absolutely safe techniques that allow you to fight age-related changes and prevent their occurrence. One of these techniques is facial gymnastics, developed by fitness instructor Galina Dubinina. This method of rejuvenation is also called facelift. It is a set of exercises that improve the tone of the facial muscles and thereby tighten the skin. Facelift classes do not take much time, do not require the use of any special cosmetics and have no age restrictions. All the exercises are quite simple, but at the same time very effective: performing them regularly will lead to results that can be compared with the effect of cosmetic procedures.

Who is Galina Dubinina?

Galina Dubinina is the founder of the school of youth, a teacher of facial gymnastics, and the creator of more than 30 methods for skin rejuvenation. Since childhood, she has been involved in dancing, shaping, fitness, and aerobics. She never left sports and was always committed to maintaining youth and health of the body naturally.

When I noticed the first wrinkles, I set about developing my own course for rejuvenating the epidermis, which was based on facial exercises. After Galina experienced the results of her technique, she began teaching others.

Galina’s exercises have become popular not only in Russia, but also abroad. This method of combating skin aging is available to everyone, regardless of age, gender and complexity of the problem.

Biography of the author of the technique

Galina Dubinina
Looking at this fragile young woman, it is impossible to think that she could have problems with wrinkles. It is difficult to name the exact year of birth; we only know that his age exceeded 50 years. She was born in Leningrad, from elementary school she was intensely involved in dancing and toured a lot. Having received the profession of chemical technologist, the woman got married and went to her husband’s place of service.

Galina Dubinina begins to teach shaping to residents of a military town; she was drawn to develop in the direction of dance and sports - what she loved so much from childhood. In 1991, she received another education after graduating from the Lesgaft Institute, becoming an aerobics specialist.

After 30 years, every woman faces the first signs of aging, and Dubinina was not spared the changes either. But if someone gives up, taking wrinkles for granted, then this was the impetus for Galina to make her dream of youth come true.

At that time, a book of exercises from Carol Maggio, which Galina studied, was very popular. Having tried all the recommendations, I decided to improve the system, remove most of the negative aspects, leaving the golden grain, and combine it with the recommendations from facial surgeon Reinhold Bentz. As a result, a new Face Forming program was born, which has gained popularity among the fairer sex due to visible results and recognition of its effectiveness by specialists.

School of youth

So, in 2004, the “School of Youth” appeared, founded by Galina Dubinina, which introduces the method to the general public, teaching how to work with the facial muscles. But Galina is one of those who are not used to standing still, her next step is Senior's - a system of exercises to help with pain in the spine and joints. After all, chronic radiculitis, arthrosis, and pinched nerves greatly interfere with enjoying life, constantly reminding you of yourself with unpleasant sensations.

The essence and features of the Dubinina method

The facelift is based on a set of exercises and techniques for working out the facial muscles. With age, it weakens and loses tone, because of this the oval becomes fuzzy, wavy (especially in the chin area), the epidermis sags and becomes flabby. Galina's rejuvenation technique is aimed at eliminating this problem and training muscle tissue:

  • forehead;
  • eye;
  • chin;
  • neck;
  • cheeks

When conducting regular exercises, important acupuncture points are stimulated, which are responsible for the condition of the body. As a result, cellular renewal is launched, blood supply to tissues improves, and the production of elastin and collagen is activated.

While developing her own course, Galina completely immersed herself in the topic of natural skin rejuvenation and tried out many different techniques on herself. Then I chose the most effective ones and supplemented them with my own author’s exercises.

Galina talks about her classes in video lessons, where she also informs about how to perform the exercises and what mistakes should not be made. Her course is supplemented with breathing exercises, elements of facial massage, and yoga. Together, this allows you to achieve a more pronounced and faster effect without plastic surgery, expensive cosmetics, special equipment or devices. You can conduct classes in the comfort of your home at a convenient time.


In addition to general recommendations for performing any gymnastics for the face, Galina Dubinina gives a number of tips relating specifically to her exercises.

General recommendations

  1. Ideally, you should remove makeup from your face before performing exercises. But, since Galina Dubinina allows her to do her gymnastics anywhere and at any time of the day, this condition is not mandatory for her. It remains only as a recommendation for home training, for example.
  2. Before the procedure, no products are applied to the face: no creams, no oils.
  3. There should be no pain during the exercises.
  4. After gymnastics, if you do it at home and as a single complex, it is useful to wash your face and apply an anti-aging cream to your skin.
  5. Having chosen the exercises that are most useful from your point of view, perform them several times a day.
  6. To control the correctness of the gymnastics, at first you need to do it in front of a mirror.
  7. Make sure your back is straight.
  8. Learn to breathe correctly.
  9. In addition to gymnastics, do not forget about other anti-aging activities for the face: the use of special cosmetics, professional massage courses, lifting salon procedures.

Recommendations from Galina Dubinina

  1. All exercises are performed either on a slow countdown from 8 to 1, or on a dynamic count back and forth - from 1 to 8 and from 8 to 1.
  2. In acupressure, a slow count of 4 is performed.
  3. During exercise, you need to feel the tension of the muscle you are training. If there is none or pain occurs, you are doing it wrong.
  4. After each exercise, you need to rest (about a minute) before starting the next one.
  5. Galina Dubinina asks not to be afraid to be funny when performing her gymnastics. Some exercises actually require unusual grimaces. To avoid embarrassment, she advises doing them when no one is looking. But the results, as she likes to say, will be noticed by everyone.
  6. When performing gymnastics day after day, you need to increase the number of repetitions approximately every 2 weeks so that the facial muscles do not have time to get used to the load and train at full strength.

As already noted, a distinctive feature of Dubinina’s gymnastics is its performance in literally any conditions - at home, at work, in transport, on vacation, etc. You can do the whole complex from start to finish every day - in this case, the effect, of course, will surpass everything waiting in a month. But, if a specific area is problematic (for example, eyelid ptosis or a double chin), you can master individual exercises designed specifically for it and perform them at any convenient time several times a day.

Innovation and advantages of Dubinina's facelift

Gymnastics for the face by Dubinina does not require any special financial investments, but it really works:

  1. helps make wrinkles less noticeable;
  2. strengthens facial muscles;
  3. makes the oval of the face clear;
  4. reduces soft fatty tissue in the chin area, swelling, bags under the eyes;
  5. evens out the contour of the lips;
  6. improves complexion;
  7. raises the tone of the muscles of the cervical-mental area;
  8. normalizes blood flow, lymph flow, accelerates cellular metabolism;
  9. raises the outer corners of the eyes.

During gymnastics, the subcutaneous layer, muscles, and lymphatic system are involved, so facial treatment is carried out much deeper than the surface layer of the epidermis. Using her example, Galina shows that you can slow down the clock with a minimum of effort.


  • Presence of implants;
  • Damage to the skin surface;
  • Recovery period after peelings;
  • Ailments with increased body temperature;
  • Problems with the jaw joints;
  • Dental diseases.

In all other cases, facial gymnastics from Galina Dubinina has undoubted benefits, allowing you to remain young at any age.


A facelift for the face with Galina Dubinina should be performed to reduce signs of aging, as well as to prevent new wrinkles. It is recommended in the following cases:

  1. sagging skin;
  2. wrinkles, nasolabial folds;
  3. ptosis of eyelids, cheeks, forehead;
  4. bags under the eyes, swelling;
  5. double chin;
  6. “jowls” that deform the face and give it a wavy appearance;
  7. decreased skin elasticity;
  8. cheek creases;
  9. drooping of the outer corners of the eyes.


It's time to find out how it “works” and what results should be expected from charging, the so-called facelift from Galina Dubinina:

  1. Increased tone of facial muscles;
  2. Oval restoration, face lift, double chin reduction;
  3. Improving tissue nutrition by increasing blood circulation;
  4. Unclogging pores, restoring skin smoothness;
  5. The ability to have a youthful face in 15 minutes. in a day.

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Contraindications and possible difficulties

Facelift with Dubinina has virtually no contraindications.

But it is not recommended to do this:

  1. If the integrity of the facial skin is damaged (scratches, injuries, etc.), bleeding may occur.
  2. If Botox injections or plastic surgery on the face have recently been performed, the tissue healing process may be disrupted, the implant may shift, the sutures may come apart, etc.
  3. With Bell's palsy, there may be stiffening of the muscle fibers of the face, a sedentary and frozen expression.
  4. With exacerbation of infectious diseases on the epidermis (for example, herpes). The infection may spread.

Spoon massage

Self-massage is performed with ordinary tablespoons, but maximum effectiveness can be achieved if you use silver products. They have an additional disinfecting and healing effect on the skin.

Spoon massage provides:

  • Improved blood circulation.
  • Stimulation of lymph flow, which leads to a reduction in swelling.
  • The disappearance of small wrinkles and a decrease in the intensity of deep ones.

When performing a spoon massage, the depth of penetration of cosmetic care products increases, as a result of which their effectiveness on the deep layers of the dermis increases.

The massage is performed in the morning, you can use warm and cold spoons. The temperature difference enhances the beneficial effect of the procedure, increasing its effectiveness.

Stages of massage:

  1. Light stroking. Using a spoon, gently move under the eyes, from the nose to the eyebrows, in the chin area.
  2. Pat. Performed only on prepared skin; patting on the cheeks, under the chin, and in the neck area is especially effective. You should alternate between cold and warm spoons, creating additional contrast.
  3. Trituration. This procedure is performed on the forehead, eyebrows, chin and bridge of the nose. The spoon is preheated, then the skin is deeply kneaded. The procedure should not cause discomfort or pain.

All movements are performed strictly along massage lines. Otherwise, you can only worsen the condition.

Exercise sets

For oval face and neck

Pull your chin forward. Hold this position for 30 seconds.

Then make circular movements with it (but only if the temporomandibular joint is not damaged) in one and the opposite direction 8 times.

Then hug the upper lip with your lower lip and lift your lower jaw up. Hold this position for 30 seconds.

To reduce nasolabial folds

Place your thumbs on the upper canines so that the nasolabial folds straighten. Press your fingers with the orbicularis oris muscle 8 times. Then place your right finger on the lower left canine and press it upward with your lower lip 8 times. Do the same on the lower right canine, but make sure that the finger is under the nasolabial wrinkle and not in the cheek area.

For cheek lift

Clasp your teeth together, place your thumbs on your teeth and press them with your cheek. In this case, there should be no creases on the nasolabial fold. There is no need to strain your lip muscles. Repeat 8 times.

For the forehead

Place your hand on your forehead at the border with your hairline. Pull it back and leave for 30 seconds. Lower your gaze down your eyelids and hold the position for 30 seconds. Then you need to add the lowered upper lip and jaw to these exercises. Hold the position for 30 seconds. Then repeat the last exercise, pulling back the lower lip 8 times.

For eyelid and eye lifting

Before gymnastics, you should massage the eyebrows: from the beginning of growth, work the entire length of the eyebrow with “sculpting” movements. Repeat 3 times. Then raise your eyebrows as high as possible. Place your fingers on the wrinkles that have formed on your forehead and thus smooth them out. Leave the muscles tense and lower the eyelids (for 2 minutes). Repeat 2 times.

To strengthen the chin muscles

Place your fists on your chin. Open your mouth, resisting your fists. The anterior neck muscles should work. Hold the position for 30 seconds. Repeat 3 times. Then press the middle of your tongue on the upper palate and hold for 30 seconds. Then repeat 8 times, periodically pressing and relaxing the muscles of the tongue.

The role of exercises in a facelift

No matter how much lovely women try to perpetuate their own beauty and youth with all sorts of anti-aging creams, masks, serums and other gifts from cosmetic boutiques, there comes a moment in everyone’s life when it becomes clear that a young face is not only well-groomed skin. Unfortunately, all cosmetics can only act on the surface of the epidermis and fight only the smallest wrinkles, nourishing and moisturizing the skin. The trouble, however, is that over the years the gravity of the Earth manifests its effect more and more clearly on a person’s face. At a certain moment, we notice the first wrinkles and changes in the oval of the face, the appearance of nasolabial folds, an emerging double chin, drooping corners of the eyes and mouth. All these are manifestations of muscle weakness, which over time stretches and loses its tone.

The appearance of wrinkles, a swollen outline, and loss of skin turgor signal the need to urgently take action.

And since the problem is weakening muscles, it means that the problem needs to be dealt with not from the outside, but at the level of the muscle frame. Just as you can pump up any part of the body, with the help of special exercises you can strengthen your facial muscles. Regular classes using Galina Dubinina’s method will not only help you get rid of wrinkles, but will also give you vigor, good health and a blooming, fresh look, and a woman with radiant, well-groomed skin is doomed to success.

Gymnastics for facial muscles can solve many cosmetic problems and improve the condition of the skin in general.

Disadvantages of the technique

A facelift has several disadvantages. It requires self-control and regularity. If the exercises are performed sporadically, the results will not be noticeable.

The technique does not help everyone. You should not expect a stunning effect, like after injections of hyaluronic acid, with deep wrinkles. In addition, each person's regeneration processes occur individually - for some it is faster, for others it is slower.

Doing exercises too hard, not following the technique and putting excessive pressure on the epidermis can cause the appearance of new folds, so you need to take precautions.

As a result of active effects on the blood flow, lymph flow, inflammatory processes and acne may appear on the skin. But they usually go away on their own after a few days.

Facelift for face

Having studied the works of Reinhold Benz (the founder of face-forming) and Carol Maggio (American cosmetologist, professional face-lifting trainer), she created her own system of exercises. I tried it personally and on a group of women who were already experiencing signs of aging. The results were amazing and inspired Galina to open the School of Youth.

Unlike other similar systems (Carol Maggio, Anastasia Burdyug), Galina Dubinina’s facial gymnastics has a number of advantages. It does not have to be performed in a single complex, at certain hours. It is adapted for very busy modern people who are acutely under time pressure. That is, you can do individual exercises whenever it is convenient for you.

For example, the trainer suggests doing some of them after brushing your teeth, others during traffic jams so that precious minutes are not wasted. And there are also those that will not be noticeable to people around you at all, so you can train even in public places.

What do the doctor's say?

Dermatologists and cosmetologists have a positive attitude towards Dubinina’s facelift, but only if the exercises are performed correctly. From a medical point of view, facial exercises are an excellent way to combat puffiness. During training, lymphatic drainage improves, excess fluid leaves, and blood supply to tissues improves.

Experts believe that the muscles of the face are also susceptible to movement disorders, like the muscles of the trunk and limbs. Sudden muscle spasms (myoclonus), muscle contractions (dystonia), tension (hypertonicity), twitching under the skin (myokymia) and other muscle disorders can be corrected with the help of gymnastics. Therefore, facelift can rightfully be considered an effective therapeutic and preventive procedure.

Eyebrow wrinkle


According to the expert, there is no specific age at which one should start doing face building. The rule that works here is “the sooner, the better . The facial muscles should be in normal tone, that is, not relaxed or overstrained.

Many people are unhappy with the appearance of glabellar wrinkles. Often, to remove it, women resort to beauty injections.

“But before thinking about eliminating it, it is necessary to understand the reason for the formation of this fold, because if it is eliminated, then the consequences will go away on their own, without our intervention. From an anatomical point of view, the corrugator muscle is located approximately under the eyebrows. When this muscle is tense, the eyebrows converge towards the bridge of the nose and form a horizontal fold.

Now let’s remember what facial expression we have when we have the following emotions: concentration, attention, frustration, sadness, sadness, when we are angry, when we are angry, or when we go out into bright light. With all these emotions, the eyebrows are connected, which means that the formation of horizontal wrinkles in the space between the eyebrows is provoked,” emphasized Galina Dubinina.

Simply put, the corrugator muscle is under constant tension and leads to wrinkles in this area.

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