How to whiten your armpits: the best methods, causes of the problem

How to whiten your armpits? A lot of people ask this question. The fact is that many are faced with such a piquant problem as darkening of the skin in the armpit and bikini area.

For ladies, this defect causes a lot of discomfort, which forces them to refuse to wear open clothes, visit beaches, etc. This encourages them to look for quick ways to whiten their armpits and groin.

But before you start dealing with the problem, it would be useful to understand the reasons for its occurrence and possible solutions.

Why do the armpits and groin darken?

Among the primary sources that cause extreme pigmentation in the armpits and bikini area are internal and external.

The first category includes age-related and hormonal disorders that occur in the body, the second includes incorrectly selected cosmetics or their improper use (these are the most common reasons).

In addition, a number of other provoking factors can be identified:

  • increased sweating;
  • excess weight, which causes diaper rash in the armpits;
  • predisposition to allergies to individual components in deodorants;
  • wearing tight clothing made of synthetic materials, which creates friction and contributes to skin irritation;
  • systematic shaving or waxing.

It is important to find the cause of darkening of the skin in the armpits, then after eliminating it, the problem will self-limit.

Family doctor Jenny Weiler

Benefits of Lemon Juice for Dark Armpits

  • Lemon juice is an excellent source of citric acid. Citric acid helps deeply cleanse the skin, providing excellent exfoliation. Removes dead skin cells, dirt and other impurities and helps lighten underarm skin pigmentation.
  • Along with citric acid, lemon juice contains high amounts of vitamin C. It is known to lighten and brighten the skin. Vitamin C helps remove toxins from the skin and also promotes the growth of new cells. As a result, the skin becomes clean and clear.
  • The antioxidant properties of vitamin C also help keep skin healthy and smooth.
  • The antibacterial and antiseptic properties of lemon juice protect the armpit area from bacteria and also eliminate unpleasant odor. This will help keep your armpits fresh.

Now that we have discussed the best benefits of lemon for skin whitening, let's share some simple home remedies to whiten dark armpits using lemon.

How to prevent the problem (5 tips)

When faced with such a situation, women are usually concerned with only one question: How to whiten the armpit and bikini area?

Only this can be avoided if you follow certain advice from cosmetologists:

  1. Remove hair in delicate areas using a laser in a salon setting (if possible).
  2. At home, do not use low-quality razors, which can injure the epidermis, but resort to wax or sugar depilation (sugaring).
  3. In the summer, regularly apply sunscreen to your armpits.
  4. Resort to scrubbing the skin, which helps remove dead skin particles.
  5. Do not use alcohol-containing deodorants. And also give preference to clothes with loose sleeves and made from natural fabrics.

If darkening of the skin occurs due to health problems, then it will not be possible to cope with it quickly at home. Once the source is identified, appropriate treatment will be required.

Obstetrician-gynecologist Selena Lantry

We recommend watching a video about the most effective hair removal method:

Useful tips

  • To avoid the question: “How can I remove deodorant stains under my arms?” follow a few simple rules for applying it to your skin.
  • Before using any stain remover, try it on a small piece of fabric on the inside. If you have doubts about the results of the chosen cleaning method, it is better to use more gentle means.

  • After using chemical solutions with pungent odors, add a rinse to your regular wash cycle.
  • Fresh stains can be easily removed with improvised means. Therefore, do not save dirty laundry until the next wash. Old marks that have been absorbed into the structure of the fabric are removed with difficulty and not the first time.
  • Yellowed stains are treated with products that do not contain chlorine, since it reacts with the components of deodorant and sweat and enhances the yellow color of the fabric.

  • If a problem arises, how to remove yellow stains on armpits on fur items, ammonia is used.
  • It is better to use vinegar on light-colored cotton.
  • It is not recommended to wash and dry clothes at elevated temperatures. The aroma of sweat will intensify from the flow of hot air, and white stains from hot water will only be absorbed more strongly. The exception is denim fabrics. Steam treatment works successfully on them.

  • Silk should not be cleaned with acetone or vinegar essence. Synthetics cannot be treated with gasoline or liquids with its components. Cotton deteriorates from acidic solutions. Alkaline products deteriorate wool fabrics.
  • Traces of deodorant are absorbed most strongly into wet fabric. If you find white stripes, it is better to immediately send your clothes to the wash.

Recommendations for lightening armpits in different ways

You can whiten your armpits yourself at home using available products.

Some help get rid of the defect quickly, others will have to be used more than once. Since there are many folk methods, everyone makes their own choice depending on the circumstances.

In addition to unconventional methods, it is worth paying attention to cosmetic products for the care of sensitive skin of the armpits and groin, which should be selected correctly.

Preference is given to special deodorants with a whitening effect, which contain plant components and vitamins, as well as zinc (prevents sweating during the day). It would be good if they were of a creamy consistency or ball-shaped.

After consultation with a dermatologist, you can use drugs that contain hydroquinone, kojic or phytic acid.

Dermatologist Barry Ginsburg

Before using lightening products, it is recommended to test for an allergic reaction to prevent negative consequences.

To do this, apply a small amount of the composition to the elbow or wrist and wait at least 15 minutes. If there is no negative reaction in the form of redness or itching, then everything is fine.

Causes of excessive sweating

Patients most often turn to dermatologists with the primary form of pathology, for which it is impossible to establish the cause. The first symptoms of hyperhidrosis appear during puberty. In girls and boys, this is associated with increased activity of the hormones testosterone and cortisol and immaturity of the nervous system. Daily sweat production becomes strong, activity increases in all types of sweat glands. This is why body odor increases in teenagers.

It is believed that primary hyperhidrosis in 30-50% of patients is associated with hereditary factors. But the first symptoms may appear at the age of 20-30 years. They are provoked by chronic stress, hormonal changes and other reasons. The secondary form of excessive sweating of the armpits is associated with the following conditions:

  • excitability and high activity of the autonomic nervous system;
  • endocrine pathologies, most often the state of hyperthyroidism, insulin resistance in diabetes mellitus;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system, accompanied by cardiac arrhythmias and rapid heartbeat;
  • some types of malignant and benign tumors;
  • metabolic disorders and excess body weight;
  • overdose or side effects of drugs affecting the autonomic nervous system.

It is not always possible to determine the cause of excessive sweating. But it helps to effectively combat sweating.

Suitable cosmetic products

Nowadays there is a wide range of cosmetics on sale, including those for lightening armpits. They come in the form of creams, crystalline deodorants, powders or soaps.

Creams (TOP-3)

The most popular whitening creams, which also nourish, moisturize the skin and prevent sweating:

A'PIEU Deo Armpit Brightener
Easy Spa
Finale Whitening Cream

These creams are used as follows:

  1. Cleanses the armpit area from sweat and other contaminants.
  2. Squeeze a little cream onto your fingers and rub it in for a minute.

This is done morning and evening for a month.

During pregnancy, you should not use lightening creams containing hydroquinone. This substance has a negative effect on the epidermis and can cause cancer.

Dermatological surgeon Garrett Cramtree

Tamarind powder

Tamarind is a fruit from a tropical plant belonging to the legume family. It contains many vitamins and other useful substances that will help cope with the problem in question.

So, powder from these miraculous fruits is used to whiten the armpits and groin area.

Instructions for use:

  1. Take a shower and remove excess moisture from the armpits by blotting with a terry towel.
  2. Mix 60 g of tamarind powder with water until a creamy consistency is obtained.
  3. Distribute the resulting product evenly in problem areas and then massage for 2 minutes.
  4. After this, wash it off with warm water.

The procedure can be performed daily.

Crystal deodorants

Deo crystals are especially in demand among allergy sufferers and people with sensitive skin due to the absence of preservatives, harmful flavors and other chemicals in their composition. They do not leave stains on clothes.

Use them this way:

  • Be sure to take a cleansing shower;
  • moisten the deodorant with water so that the crystal is slightly soaked (only then, after application, does it leave a protective film on the dermis);
  • rub the crystal over the skin under the armpits.

Tamarind soap

This soap is made in Thailand, but you can buy it in any cosmetic department.

It contains tamarind extract, which achieves a whitening effect.

Use the same soap as regular toilet soap. It is suitable for caring not only for delicate areas, but also for the face and body.

To lighten the armpits, they are soaped while taking water treatments, and after 2 weeks of systematic use, you can rejoice at the result.


It is easier to prevent stains from appearing than to remove yellow stains. Use these recommendations:

  • use preventive sprays that create a protective film on the fabric;
  • use special pads for the armpits;
  • choose antiperspirants that leave no residue;
  • wear loose clothing that is not too tight to the body;
  • wash white items immediately after wearing them;
  • Blot sweat periodically with dry wipes.

How to whiten armpits with folk remedies (11 recipes)

In the fight against darkening of the skin in the armpits and intimate area, time-tested recipes with products that can always be found on the farm show good results.

Here are some options on how to whiten your armpits at home:

  1. Mix hydrogen peroxide and water in equal proportions and, moisten a cotton pad in the resulting liquid, wipe the pigmented areas. After 30 minutes, wash off the composition with clean water. The procedure is done 3-4 times a week.
  2. Apply lemon or cucumber juice to your armpits every day for a week. Or add turmeric powder or natural honey to any juice and apply the paste for 15 minutes. Then wash.
  3. Make a mask from kefir and oatmeal. Apply it to problem areas and leave for a quarter of an hour, then remove. It is enough to do it 3 times a week.
  4. Prepare a scrub from baking soda. To do this, combine it in the amount of 1 tbsp. l. with 40 ml of water. The paste is applied to the armpit area in a circular motion and continued to be massaged for a couple of minutes. Then wash off with warm water.
  5. A product based on rose water (2 tsp) and sandalwood oil (3 tsp). Apply the ointment for 20-25 minutes and wash off.
  6. Dilute sandalwood powder in clean water (2:1). Apply it to the armpits and other darkened areas, wait 20 minutes and rinse with cool water. It will be enough to do this twice a week to achieve the desired result.
  7. Combine 2-3 tbsp. spoons of rice flour and vinegar until a homogeneous composition is obtained. Apply the composition to cleansed skin and leave for 15 minutes, then rinse off. The result can be seen in 1 time.
  8. Take pharmacy aspirin in the amount of 2 tablets, which are ground and dissolved in 100 ml of water. The solution is applied to the armpits and left for an hour.
  9. Prepare a mixture of toothpaste (1 teaspoon) and baking soda (2 g). Cut the lemon into 2 parts and wipe the darkened parts of the body with each half. After this, apply the paste and wash off after a quarter of an hour. Such sessions are carried out 2 times every 5-7 days.
  10. Mix crushed activated carbon (2 tablets) with honey (5 g). Apply and after 5 minutes remove with wet wipes.
  11. Buy white clay at any pharmacy. For intended use, the powder is first diluted with warm water until creamy. The resulting mass is distributed in an even layer over the armpits and wait until it dries. Only after this is it washed off. Daily clay treatments will help get rid of hyperpigmentation.

After any of the proposed procedures, the skin should be thoroughly dried and lubricated with a moisturizer.

How to remove yellow stains in the armpits on white clothes

Often, people suffering from increased sweating due to certain physiological problems are faced with the problem of yellow spots on white things.

How to whiten your armpits at home:

  1. Soak a white blouse or T-shirt in water with regular bleach or stain remover. You can add one of these products to the powder during automatic washing.
  2. For stubborn stains, a combination of gasoline and ammonia will help. First, apply a little gasoline to the dirt and rub it with a stiff brush, then treat it with ammonia. After this, the item is washed in the standard way.
  3. Generously moisten a cloth with hydrogen peroxide and use it to wipe off the stubborn stain. Next, wash the laundry in warm water and soap.
  4. Prepare a saline solution by dissolving a tablespoon of salt in 2-3 tbsp. l. water. The composition is applied to the yellowness and left for 1-2 hours. After this, the item is washed by hand or in a machine.

Removing difficult stains

Method 1. Vodka or alcohol.

You can simply soak the stains with vodka, and 96% alcohol should be mixed with water in a 1:2 ratio. Pour the solution over the dirt and wash it well after drying.

Method 2. White spirit or household gasoline.

This is the most radical remedy that can be used if other methods do not help:

  1. moisten contaminated areas with the substance;
  2. after 10 minutes, rinse the item under the tap;
  3. wash as usual.


To verify the effectiveness of the methods disclosed in the article on how to whiten your armpits, you can additionally look at the reviews available on the Internet.


“I have heard repeatedly about the effectiveness of lemon juice as a skin whitener.
One day I decided to apply it after epilating my armpits. Indeed, my skin has brightened significantly. I started doing this every time and now after hair removal my skin tone doesn’t stand out. Now I recommend this method to all my friends.”


“I use A'PIEU Deo Armpit Brightener.
The first time I misunderstood the instructions and simply applied the cream and washed it off after it dried. But the effect was not particularly impressive. It turned out that after application it should be rubbed into the skin for several minutes. The result was more pleasing. The skin also becomes silkier after the cream.”


“Since my youth, I have suffered from increased sweating, which is associated with gastrointestinal disorders.
I was advised to order a roll-on crystal deodorant with turmeric from an online store. One tube lasts me for several days. I apply it constantly and there is absolutely no sweat smell. He is my salvation!

Expert opinion

  • Cosmetologist
  • Surgeon

Anna Avaliani

practicing cosmetologist

The armpit area is an ideal environment where bacteria can easily multiply. They are the ones that cause the smell and darkening. I advise you not to forget to scrub this area as well, which will improve exfoliation and brighten the skin surface. This procedure needs to be done regularly!

Aisha Baron

plastic surgeon

If you have darkened skin in the armpit area, you should visit a dermatologist.
Perhaps there are health problems. The doctor will determine the cause and help with treatment. All the proposed methods for lightening the armpits are easy to implement and do not require any special financial costs, with the exception of the use of ready-made cosmetics.

If you follow the instructions, you can get rid of the problem in a couple of weeks. This is provided that the cause is not any disease. Then the pigmentation will appear again.

Deodorants and antiperspirants

First you need to understand what the difference is between these two means. Deodorant neutralizes the odor of sweat, which appears due to the activity of bacteria. The product suppresses this process thanks to antibacterial ingredients. Antiperspirants contain aluminum salts, which partially block sweating, preventing sweat from reaching the surface of the skin.

There is an opinion that deodorants and antiperspirants are harmful to health and can even cause breast cancer. It is not true. In fact, there is not a single study that would show a connection between the use of these drugs and the development of the disease. This assumption appeared after scientists discovered aluminum in the breast tissue of women with cancer. Because aluminum is found in antiperspirants, sources have emerged suggesting that there is a link between these products and cancer. In fact, the study simply revealed that aluminum was present in the patients' tissues. There were no conclusions about where it came from, and the study did not compare it with healthy people. Therefore, deodorants and antiperspirants can be used. If chemical elements still confuse you, try aluminum (aluminium) free alternatives offered by manufacturers of organic and natural cosmetics.

Armpits are a part of the body like any other that many people forget to take care of. This delicate area requires daily gentle care, which includes moisturizers and a gentle scrub, as well as protection from ultraviolet rays. Don't be afraid to use deodorants and antiperspirants and try a natural alternative.

Tags: skin care home care

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