Oily forehead: how to get rid of “greasy” skin on the forehead? Methods and means, advice from cosmetologists

The main cause of oily skin

The appearance of an oily sheen on the skin is associated with overproduction of sebum.

Testosterone stimulates the sebaceous glands. When hormonal surges occur, it is produced in larger quantities, which provokes an increased release of sebum.

The main physiological surges of hormones occur when:

  • Puberty
  • Pregnancy
  • Taking oral contraceptives
  • Menopause

However, outside of these conditions, an increase in sebum production may be a marker of changes in hormonal levels due to an endocrinological disease . Which will require a visit to an endocrinologist for consultation and assessment of hormonal levels.

Provoking factors for testosterone release are also:

  • Stress, emotional disturbances, depressive states
  • Professional sports
  • Physical fatigue

Other causes of oily skin

The second reason is exposure to external factors that provoke dehydration, loss of necessary skin protection and, as a protective reaction, the release of sebum.

Functions of sebum:

  • Epidermal protection
  • Preventing Dehydration
  • Skin thermoregulation

Homemade face masks for excess oiliness

You should only stop using masks if a third of your face or more is covered with acne. In other cases, masks can and should be used.

However, several rules must be followed:

  • Before the procedure, wash your hands with soap;
  • The skin must first be cleaned;
  • Do not use components containing alcohol;
  • Do not make a mask in reserve;
  • The ingredients must be clean and fresh .

A few recipes for oily skin:

  1. Grind 20 grams of cottage cheese or pass through a sieve, pour in 30 grams of kefir and a few drops of mint essential oil. Mix everything, apply to face for half an hour, then rinse;
  2. Mix blue clay with a crushed brewer's yeast tablet, pour the mixture with regular tea until it reaches the consistency of sour cream, add a few drops of hazelnut oil. Apply to steamed skin and let dry on face, then rinse;
  3. Grind the dry fruits of green peas in a coffee grinder, add a couple of grams of turmeric and about 8 ml of peach oil. Apply to the skin, wait for it to dry, then remove the mask with cotton pads and purified water;
  4. Crush several tablets of acetylsalicylic acid, add 4 ml of mango essential oil and add plantain decoction to the desired sour cream consistency. Apply to face with a brush or wearing gloves, wait 10 minutes, then rinse.

Thus, in order to provide oily skin with complete care, it is not at all necessary to resort to expensive cosmetic procedures. You can set up a beauty salon at home.

Causes of increased oily skin

1. Prolonged exposure to the sun, climate change

Activation of the sebaceous glands is another protective mechanism of the skin, in addition to the formation of a tan, from the harmful effects of UV rays.

2. Illiterate care and performing aggressive procedures without further adequate skin care.

In this case, the release of sebum is a protective reaction to skin injury. If rich care products are not used, the skin itself forms a protective sebaceous film on its surface.

3. Disturbances in nutrition and gastrointestinal tract function

Spicy, salty foods and alcohol activate the sebaceous glands. A number of studies have shown a high correlation between milk consumption and the appearance of oily shine and acne on the face.

Oily skin on the forehead: what to do?

The epidermis on the forehead tends to become most oily during adolescence. Closer to middle age, less subcutaneous fat is produced, and by old age, fat ceases to be produced completely.

The main signs of a fat forehead are:

  1. Shine;
  2. Subcutaneous tubercles;
  3. Lots of blackheads;
  4. Wide pores.

It is necessary to get rid of fat on the forehead both from the outside and from the inside. As for external procedures, these are standard facial care procedures:

  • Wash your face with warm water twice a day. The use of hot water is not recommended , since high temperatures further stimulate the sebaceous glands;
  • Do not use aggressive care products. Choose a suitable washing gel;
  • It is necessary to exfoliate weekly;
  • Masks can be made no more than twice a week. White clay, lemon juice or potatoes ground in a meat grinder work well;
  • Try to use foundation less often;
  • Once a week, you can wipe your forehead with a solution of a teaspoon of sea salt in half a liter of melt water.

As a comprehensive approach to getting rid of fat on your forehead, review your diet :

  1. Avoid fatty and fried foods;
  2. Eliminate salty and sweet foods;
  3. Try to eat natural foods;
  4. Add vitamin B6 to your diet; it is found in fish, pork, beef, bananas, avocados, nuts, beans and liver;
  5. It is also advisable to eat foods rich in vitamin B2 : potatoes, oatmeal, milk, cocoa, lamb.

How to prevent oily skin

Carefully re-read the main and probable causes of increased oily skin. If necessary, consult a specialist (general practitioner, endocrinologist or gastroenterologist).

Independent steps to correct oily skin:

  1. Don't sunbathe!

Exposure to direct sunlight activates the sebaceous glands, because... the skin is protected from their aggressive effects.

UV rays have a temporary bactericidal effect, and subsequently a sharp relapse of the rash. Even if you were not previously prone to rashes, UV rays lead to a decrease in local immunity and activation of opportunistic microflora, which can trigger the appearance of acne.

  1. Regular application of day cream with mineral protection factor

It is imperative to use a cream with SPF, the main thing is that the protection factor is physical and not chemical.

Chemical photo filters convert the energy of UV rays into heat, which has a detrimental effect on the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Physical photo filters simply reflect UV rays without causing an increase in skin greasiness.

Tone cream SPF30 with zinc for the face DermaQuest - for those who do not like pale skin color. A cream based on micronized zinc oxide 18.6%, which contains pigments that give the skin a light tan.

  1. Do not overdry the skin!

The use of aggressive cosmetics and procedures increases the risk of dehydration, which means a response from the sebaceous glands in the form of hyperproduction of sebum.

Daily use of cleansers with high percentages of acids, peelings with AHAs that activate the sebaceous glands, tonics with alcohol are enemies for skin with increased sebum production.

Use specialized toners for oily skin:

  • Complete the cleansing process
  • Restores skin pH – reduces the risk of new sebum production
  • They have a sebum-regulating and at the same time moisturizing effect (which is also necessary - see the next point).

Spray serum for oily and problem skin “White willow and juniper” Circadia for daily care of oily skin with a serum effect. Regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands, makes the skin matte, has a moisturizing and regenerating effect on the skin.

Teenagers can use the product as a moisturizing serum.

  1. Regular skin moisturizing

Moisturizers are needed to avoid skin dehydration and compensatory release of sebum. Use moisturizers based on hydrants (substances that attract water), such as hyaluronic acid.

Serum B5 moisturizing mattifying for oily skin DermaQuest is a unique gel serum designed specifically for skin with an oily sheen. Micronized hyaluronic acid moisturizes and restores the skin, while Lilac Stem Cells and sebum regulators normalize sebum production.

The result is instantly hydrated and matte skin!

Cosmetological methods for treating oily facial skin

Today, oily facial skin can be treated quite effectively using various professional methods, including:

  • Deep cleansing of the skin with removal of comedones;
  • Darsonvalization (pulsed electric current on inflamed areas);
  • Vaporization with a steam apparatus to soften and clean the skin;
  • Massotherapy;
  • Cryotherapy with liquid nitrogen to tighten pores;
  • Removing sebaceous plugs.

All these methods of combating oily skin on the face are known to the cosmetologists of the ImageLab center, and are quite successfully used in practice. At the same time, our specialists will not only help you get rid of the problem, but will also give practical advice on how to avoid encountering such a problem in the future.

Decorative cosmetics for men

If you don’t have time to make masks, apply creams, etc., and your face has become too oily, cosmetics for men’s oily skin will come to the rescue. In a modern cosmetic store there are many different products that mattify, cleanse the skin, remove fat and quickly tighten pores.

Mattifying anti-shine products

Such products reduce the amount of liquid fat on the surface of the face. All this is due to the fact that matting products contain special microelements that absorb fat. It tightens pores well, but this is, however, a temporary effect. They are quick and easy to use: you just apply the product to your face like shaving foam. In a matter of minutes, the product will give the effect of healthy and clean skin, and after a few hours the procedure should be repeated, because the shine will make itself felt again.

Mattifying face powders

For men, there are also mattifying powders that work several times faster than mattifying products. Just apply a little powder and that's it. The particles completely absorbed the fat, and the face became matte. This is a great option. But this is only if a man is comfortable using such cosmetics.

Mattifying powder for men Bronx Colors MEN Cover Mat is a professional cosmetics product.

Oil-absorbing wipes

Another product that will help you quickly get rid of oily shine and even out your skin tone is special wipes. They're thin, so you can fit a lot of them into a small, discreet package. At the same time, you can wear them everywhere and always: in jeans, a jacket, a bag. And there will be no discomfort if you use them on people. There is nothing wrong with a man wiping his face with a napkin. You can replace napkins with toilet paper, but the effect will be worse and it will not look as aesthetically pleasing.

Napkin manufacturing companies:

  1. “Ya Samaya”, “Cettua”, “Belita-Vitex” - average price - 80-150 rubles per package, average consumption from 1 to 3 months.
  2. Clean&Clear - price approximately 150-200 rubles, you can buy them in online stores.
  3. MaryKay, Oriflame - price range from 250 to 400 rubles.

Grease-absorbing wipes from Clean&Clear

The benefits of oily skin

Any skin type has its own disadvantages and advantages. The main advantages of facial oiliness compared to other types are:

  • Smooth and high-quality tan. Unlike the dermis, which is prone to dryness, with well-functioning sebaceous glands, the fat secreted by them is a good natural tanning agent;
  • Late aging and wilting of the skin;
  • Long absence of wrinkles;
  • With well-chosen makeup, your face will shine beautifully with a pearlescent hue;
  • In old age, the skin looks fresher and more elastic;
  • The fatty film prevents negative environmental factors from harming dermal cells.

Therefore, don’t be upset, follow simple care tips, choose the right cosmetics and you will look gorgeous for many years to come.

Practical care tips

The more often you wash your skin, fighting sebum, the more active the glands will be to secrete it. Thus, you will not solve the problem, but will only make the situation worse. Therefore, cosmetologists recommend:

  • Wash your face once a day – in the morning. Use mineral or boiled water at room temperature.
  • Immediately after washing, wipe your face with tonic.
  • Next, apply a moisturizing product.

This is a daily three-step formula that will gradually normalize iron secretion.


How to remove oily shine from your face? Special healing baths are perfect for these purposes. They perfectly steam the skin, opening the pores, preparing them for subsequent manipulations. Step-by-step instructions on how to carry out the home procedure:

  1. remove makeup and decorative cosmetics;
  2. wipe your face with camphor or salicylic alcohol;
  3. prepare a pan with a hot decoction of medicinal herbs (sage, chamomile, yarrow, calendula are excellent);
  4. tilt your head over the container, maintaining a distance of 20-25 centimeters;
  5. Cover yourself with a towel that does not release heat.

You need to sit in this position for 10-15 minutes. Upon completion of this procedure, proceed to the next stage of care.


Special lotions are good helpers in the fight against excessive oiliness. They not only cleanse the face of sebaceous secretions, but also remove the upper keratinized cells, opening access to oxygen, stimulating blood circulation. They can be prepared independently using alcohol tinctures and pharmacy preparations, or purchased ready-made. A wide range of effective lotions is presented in our “First Moscow Customs Goods Store”. Here you will find many effective products at attractive prices.

Useful tips

In order for masks to work more effectively and produce noticeable results, you need to follow simple recommendations. Their detailed list is below:

  • Before application, perform makeup removal and steaming procedures.
  • Do not leave the mask on for more than the specified time, this will only worsen the situation.
  • After rinsing, be sure to use moisturizing serums or creams.

Also, masks are recommended to be applied after scrubbing or light peeling.

Oily skin on forehead and acne

If you have acne on your forehead with oily skin, caring for it requires even more careful attention. Since in an effort to get rid of the hated oily sheen, you can further aggravate your acne problems. To prevent this from happening:

  1. Avoid mechanical impacts on the skin using brushes or sponges;
  2. Skip scrubs or use them sparingly and avoid rubbing on acne-prone areas;
  3. Rub your face with lemon. The acid disinfects acne and removes excess oil;
  4. Do not use aggressive cleansers.

Thus, if the problem of oiliness is aggravated by the appearance of acne, this means that the pores are clogged and, in addition, an infection has joined them. Your task is to keep your face clean, not to take aggressive actions, to promptly and efficiently cleanse the pores and moisturize the dermis.

If the problem does not resolve itself after a while, then it is better to consult a dermatologist. Along with care, he will prescribe medication treatment.

Quite often, the perfect picture of your face at a party is ruined by a fat forehead. A cosmetologist or a qualified dermatologist will tell you how to get rid of this phenomenon. On your own, you can adjust your diet, rest schedule and fit time into your schedule for facial care.

How to determine oily skin type

If the information above does not seem comprehensive, here are some additional tips and tricks:

  • monitor the condition of your face after washing (how it looks - tight, shiny, irritated);
  • for the sake of experiment, discard the moisturizer, assessing how the skin reacts to it;
  • examine your own pores (whether they are enlarged, barely noticeable or shiny);
  • analyze your own diet.

How to deal with oily skin using cosmetic procedures

Modern cosmetology clinics also offer people with oily skin a number of professional procedures aimed at deep cleansing pores and reducing oily shine:

  • Mechanical cleaning
    for high-quality cleansing of pores from contaminants.
  • Light chemical peeling
    to remove dead cells.
  • Biodermabrasion
    is a non-traumatic mechanical peeling for delicate cleansing and renewal of the skin.

Skin care: how to choose the right products

The modern cosmetic market offers a huge range of different care products. How to choose the one that suits your skin type and can eliminate existing defects and imperfections? You should pay attention to the following nuances:

  • product composition – preference should be given to hypoallergenic and natural;
  • SPF protection – its minimum acceptable value is 10-15;
  • texture - cream ones are considered more delicate than gel ones.

The main rule is that aggressive agents should be excluded from use. Many women ask the question: “How to wipe off oily shine on your face?” This video will give a complete and detailed answer

Causes severely oily forehead. Folk remedies for oily scalp

In addition to expensive medications and all kinds of procedures, seborrhea can be treated with proven folk remedies.

Oak bark and honey

  1. Take 100 gr. oak bark, turn the raw material into powder in any available way. At the same time, boil 0.5 l. water. Combine the ingredients and boil for 40 minutes.
  2. Strain the product after cooking so that no sediment remains. Add 35 g to the finished broth. honey. Mix thoroughly and rub into scalp. Grab your forehead. Rinse off the composition after 20 minutes.

Burdock root and St. John's wort

  1. An effective herbal decoction will help you in the fight against seborrhea. The product is prepared from equal parts of calendula, burdock root, immortelle, corn silk and St. John's wort. At 60 gr. you need to take 250 ml of raw materials. purified water.
  2. Boil the components in a water bath for about half an hour. Let the product cool naturally until it cools completely. Strain the broth and carry out the procedures every day until the symptoms disappear.

Onion peel

  1. To cope with scalp problems, prepare onion broth. Take a handful of washed husks and pour in the same amount of water.
  2. Boil the mixture over low heat for 25 minutes. Strain and wait until it cools. The procedure is recommended to be carried out daily. The decoction is distributed over dry and clean hair, rub into the skin with massaging movements.
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