The best ways to cure oily seborrhea of ​​the scalp

The appearance of dandruff is a signal that not everything is in order in the body. In this case, purchasing a special shampoo that guarantees 100% removal of white flakes from the hair may not be an effective measure. After all, the problem is often aggravated by baldness or itching, and the diagnosis of the disease depends on these signs. Dry and oily seborrhea have different symptoms. Accordingly, treatment methods differ. To get rid of oily dandruff, folk remedies, pharmacy products, and alternative methods of therapy are suitable. If the disease is neglected, serious complications can arise.

What's happened

There are many sebaceous glands on the human body. They produce a special fatty secretion - sebum. It consists of special proteins, fats, fatty acids and is important for the skin:

  • covers them, creating a thin protective film;
  • softens and moisturizes the skin, preventing it from cracking and peeling;
  • prevents drying of the dermis;
  • has antibacterial properties.

If the composition and amount of sebum secreted changes, a person develops seborrhea. This dermatological disease of the skin and hair has 3 types.

Dry skin occurs when the sebaceous glands do not work properly. Since little fat is produced, the skin becomes thin, overdried, may crack, itch, and dry white flakes are noticeable in the hair.

Oily seborrhea develops with excessive functioning of the sebaceous glands. Sebum is produced in excessive amounts, which leads to frequent skin irritations, acne, and large dandruff. Mixed seborrhea is characterized by a combination of symptoms of these two forms, which complicates its diagnosis. Usually one type appears on the body, and another on the head.

By the way. Sebaceous glands are absent on the palms and soles. Most of them are on the face, as well as the neck and back. A little less - on the scalp and other parts of the body.

The functioning of the sebaceous glands depends on the climate, the hormonal background of a person, as well as his gender and age. Dry dandruff usually affects men. In women, it usually appears with frequent chemical exposure to the hair and discoloration of the strands. Oily dandruff, on the contrary, more often occurs as a result of hormonal imbalance in the fair sex. Also, increased functioning of the sebaceous glands is typical for teenagers. It is associated with puberty.

Any manifestation of the disease affects the health of the hair. With a dry type, they become brittle, split, and fall out; with an oily type, they quickly become dirty and have an untidy, sticky appearance. Of course, it is impossible to make a diagnosis based only on the visual condition of the curls. To do this, you need to visit a trichologist or dermatologist and undergo special tests.

Forms, features of the disease

Dandruff and unattractive hair appearance are just a partial manifestation of the oily type of seborrhea. The form of the disease largely influences how the hair and skin look. Experts highlight:

  • Thick seborrhea. In this case, the dermis becomes dense and less elastic. The complexion and skin acquire a gray-brown tint. Abundantly secreted sebum changes its composition. It becomes thicker and clogs the sebaceous ducts, which leads to inflammation and blackheads. If you press on enlarged pores, you may notice a thick, viscous discharge. In advanced cases, atheromas (cysts on the skin) form, which require surgical intervention. The doctor opens them and pumps out the contents. In its thick form, oily hair becomes rough and hard to the touch.

  • Liquid seborrhea. The skin on the head resembles the peel of an orange: it literally shines, and sebaceous formations stand out from the enlarged pores. Hair has an unhealthy shine, as if it has been oiled. They stick together, and in severe forms of seborrheic dermatitis they begin to actively fall out. My head itches all the time. Dandruff has a yellowish tint to the fat.


The development of oily seborrhea is influenced by many factors. It is a mistake to believe that the whole problem is only in the wrong hair shampoo. The main causes of seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp:

  • heredity. The functioning of the sebaceous glands, like other organs, is determined by genetics. Therefore, relatives are often worried about the same problem;
  • hormonal imbalances, including those caused by decreased immunity, menopause, pregnancy, and hormone intake;
  • problems of the reproductive organs (both in women and men);
  • mental illnesses - epilepsy, schizophrenia and others, as well as disorders of the nervous system;
  • stress, depression;
  • persistent fatigue;
  • chronic infections;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract, especially the presence of ulcers or gastritis;
  • problems in the endocrine system, pathologies of the functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • lack or excess of vitamins and minerals;
  • Errors in nutrition also provoke oily seborrhea of ​​the head;
  • reduced immunity, including HIV and AIDS;
  • non-compliance with hygiene rules, insufficient skin and hair care;
  • wrong lifestyle;
  • negative environmental impacts (in particular, low air humidity).

A particularly strong impetus for the development of seborrhea is stress. Because of it, the composition of sebum changes, and a large number of yeast fungi appear. The protective layer of the skin is destroyed, so any damage provokes inflammation, suppuration, and hair problems.

Attention! There is physiological seborrhea, which is typical for adolescents during puberty. A person grows up - hormones return to normal, the sebaceous glands function in the correct mode.

Reasons for appearance

Seborrhea in the ears may appear due to certain circumstances that are related to the health of the organs and systems of the human body. Among the causes of ear dermatitis, doctors identify:

  • weakened immune system;
  • improper metabolism;
  • lack of vitamins, which often occurs in the spring;
  • hormonal imbalances, especially during adolescence and pregnancy;
  • the presence of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and liver;
  • frequent stress;
  • genetic predisposition.

There is also contact dermatitis, which can occur due to the following factors:

  • wearing jewelry, hearing aids or headphones made of metal that does not suit your skin;
  • the use of chemical detergents and dyes that cause allergic reactions on the skin;
  • drops for the treatment of otitis media;
  • strong compression of hats made of synthetic materials towards the ears.

If ear dermatitis is not treated in time, it can develop into dermatosis.

Important point! Dermatosis is associated with the action of the fungus Malassezia furfur, which feeds on sebum secreted through the skin. The products of its vital activity are toxins that lead to the destruction of the epithelium. Seborrheic dermatosis often affects the ears.


Since the oily type of seborrhea, like any other form of this disease, affects the skin and hair, it is not difficult to notice changes in appearance and detect signs of the problem:

  • your scalp becomes oily, and even your favorite shampoo can’t help;
  • hair quickly becomes greasy after washing or wearing a hat;
  • white, yellow, pinkish areas appear on the skin;
  • large flakes of dandruff begin to bother you, which easily fall from your hair onto your clothes;
  • It can be difficult to maintain the volume of the hairstyle, despite the use of styling;
  • with oily seborrhea of ​​the head, an overly greasy face seems constantly wet;
  • black spots and acne form on it, as well as on the body - signs of blockage of the sebaceous glands;
  • head itches;
  • hair is falling out rapidly.

Most often, seborrhea affects people aged 30 to 55 years.

How to treat pathology?

Oily seborrhea is eliminated using conservative methods. They involve the use of drugs for internal and external use.

To treat forms of seborrhea, drug therapy is prescribed.

It includes:

  • vitamin complexes;
  • immunomodulators;
  • antimycotic and other agents.

Patients are prescribed antifungal, antibacterial, and exfoliating drugs for seborrhea. If the pathology covers a large area of ​​skin, ointments and creams must be prescribed. Particular attention is paid to physiotherapeutic procedures, including:

  • cryomassage of the head;
  • laser therapy;
  • ozone therapy, etc.

Oily seborrhea of ​​the scalp should be treated comprehensively! Only in this case is it possible to achieve the desired effect.

Seborrhea of ​​the head is treated with diet. Patients are advised to avoid fried and spicy foods, sweets, white bread, and coffee. You should add porridge, seaweed, dietary fish and meat to your diet.

Important! Treatment is carried out exclusively under the supervision of the attending physician. He regularly monitors the condition of the epidermis of the head and hair, and adjusts therapy if necessary.


If you do not show vigilance in a timely manner and allow the development of oily dandruff, it will take a long time to get rid of it in the future. Treatment and hair restoration after seborrheic dermatitis is especially effective if you take an integrated approach.

Of course, the prescription of procedures and medications is a medical diocese; one’s own knowledge from the field of medicine, especially in advanced cases, is inappropriate. But you can always use suitable means for prevention, especially when it comes to folk methods of combating oily seborrhea.

Drug treatment

The composition of medicinal preparations includes components that regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands and have an antifungal effect. They stop inflammation, relieve skin from itching, and eliminate oily dandruff on hair. Special medicated shampoos are suitable for therapeutic purposes:

  • Nizoral 2% - available in volumes of 60 milliliters (price - from 700 rubles) and 120 milliliters (costs approximately 850 rubles). A small bottle is enough for 1.5–2 months of treatment and prevention of oily seborrhea of ​​the head. The hair product reduces inflammation, relieves itching and dandruff, and fights fungus;
  • Sebozol is a shampoo in bags of 5 milliliters (a set of 5 pieces costs about 150 rubles) and in bottles of 100, 200 milliliters (350–470 rubles). Recommended for hair restoration after seborrhea, treatment and prevention of dandruff. Has an antifungal effect;
  • Sulsena - there is shampoo paste (40 and 75 milliliters, cost 80-120 rubles), peeling shampoo (150 milliliters will cost 300 rubles) and regular shampoo for hair covered with dandruff (volume - 150 milliliters, price - about 250 rubles ). The drugs normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, reduce the tendency of cells to exfoliate, and suppress pathogenic microflora.

Attention! You can also find Sulsen shampoos with nettle or Sulsen Forte on sale. They have a different manufacturer, and the price starts from 200 rubles.

A line of drugs against seborrhea is offered by the Ducray brand. Products from the Squanorm series are intended specifically for the treatment of dandruff (separately for dry and oily). Ducray Squanorm improves the activity of the sebaceous glands and permanently eliminates white flakes.

For oily scalp seborrhea, the following are recommended:

  • shampoo marked Grasses (Sèches products are suitable for dry dandruff) - there are bottles of 125 milliliters (from 700 rubles) and 200 milliliters (from 840 rubles). Contains palm extract;
  • Ducray Squanorm Lotion is a universal lotion with zinc sulfate, citric acid and other ingredients that accelerates skin regeneration, disinfects and softens it, and eliminates itching. The product does not need to be washed off from the hair. Suitable for daily use. Price - about 900 rubles for 200 milliliters;
  • Ducray Squanorm set for oily scalp - the same products, but in combination: shampoo (200 milliliters) and a mini bottle of lotion (30 milliliters) will cost from 800 rubles.

There are other medicinal shampoos for seborrhea: Fitoval, Perhotal. Many of them contain ketoconazole, an effective antifungal component, and are used not constantly, but according to a certain scheme, in courses. According to the principle of action, special preparations differ from cosmetic products for hair (Head & Shoulders, Clear Vita), which are more suitable for preventing the problem and are suitable for long-term use.

In addition to shampoos, you can treat oily seborrhea of ​​the head with ointments :

  • salicylic acid - to destroy the fungus that causes peeling of the skin. Costs from 20 rubles;
  • zinc - for healing, drying, achieving an antiseptic effect. Price - from 15 rubles. To avoid drying out your hair and skin, you need to combine this ointment with essential or vegetable oils;
  • sulfur - in advanced cases. The cost is approximately 35 rubles.

To eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of seborrhea, boric and salicylic acid and other drugs are used.

If the source of problems with hair and skin is problems with internal organs or nervous tension, the appropriate medications will help: Pancreatin (to improve digestion, costs from 20 rubles), Novopassit (to provide a sedative effect, the price depends on the form of release), Roaccutane (for severe forms acne, cost from 2 thousand rubles) and many others. But only a doctor should prescribe any medications!​

Traditional methods

Home recipes are not a panacea when it comes to pathology that manifests itself in the form of oily seborrhea of ​​the scalp. However, they are effective in eliminating dandruff and giving hair a well-groomed appearance. Such methods are best used as an addition to the main therapy, as well as for the prevention of the disease. Masks, rinses, lotions prepared according to folk recipes regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands, relieve inflammation, and soothe sensitive skin.

Popular ingredients in the fight against white flakes and increased oiliness of hair are: lemon, calendula, onion peels, fresh berries and fruits.


Prepare a citrus decoction from it:

  • cut the peel removed from 4 fruits into pieces;
  • fill it with a liter of water and place it on the stove;
  • Bringing to a boil, boil the zest for 25 minutes over low heat;
  • filter;
  • use as a mouthwash once a week. During the procedure, also massage your scalp.

You can prepare a simple mask for oily hair:

  • squeeze out fresh citrus juice;
  • dilute with water in a 1:1 ratio;
  • rub into scalp;
  • after 10–15 minutes, rinse it out of your hair using shampoo;
  • use 1-2 times a week for a month.

Another recipe for a mask for oily seborrhea of ​​the head:

  • take natural lemon juice, mayonnaise, honey, aloe juice and castor oil in equal parts;
  • mix and add 1-2 cloves of garlic;
  • rub into the roots of your hair, warm your head;
  • after 30–45 minutes, rinse with shampoo.

Attention! In addition to getting rid of oily dandruff, such a mask can improve hair growth.


Buy a pack of dried flowers at the pharmacy and prepare a decoction:

  • pour a tablespoon of the mixture into 2 cups of boiling water;
  • leave to infuse;
  • Rub the lukewarm liquid into the skin;
  • cover your hair with plastic, then with a towel;
  • After 40 minutes, remove the insulation, but do not rinse off the product. Use this recipe against oily seborrhea on the scalp to eliminate white flakes and strengthen your hair.

An effective remedy for oily dandruff is tincture of marigold (another name for calendula) in alcohol. You can also buy it at the pharmacy. A mask with this component improves the activity of the sebaceous glands and suppresses the proliferation of fungal infections. The drug is used in two ways:

  • rub in pure form into the skin half an hour before washing your hair, be sure to insulate your hair;
  • combine with burdock or castor oil, measuring 10 teaspoons of tincture and 1 teaspoon of oily base. Distribute over the head 2 hours before going to the shower.


For oily seborrhea of ​​the head, prepare a decoction of the roots of a medicinal plant to rub into the skin and rinse the hair:

  • pour 2 tablespoons of crushed raw materials with a glass of boiling water;
  • simmer over low heat for 15 minutes;
  • cool and use as intended.

You can rub this decoction into the roots every other day.


A well-known remedy against hair loss, as well as oily dandruff. You can mix the plant juice and vodka in equal parts, and then rub the mixture into the skin half an hour before hygiene procedures. To prepare the rinse, steam 50 grams of husks with a liter of boiling water.

After cooling, filter. Apply after every hair wash. After regular use of the decoction, blondes will notice that their curls have acquired a golden hue.

Also, to get rid of oily seborrhea of ​​the scalp, prepare a mask:

  • combine the juice of one onion with a couple of tablespoons of dry mustard;
  • diluted with hot water to obtain the consistency of thick sour cream;
  • add chicken yolk, 1 tablespoon each of honey and aloe extract, 1 ampoule of vitamins B1 and B6;
  • Apply to hair roots, warm and leave for an hour.

Fresh vegetables, fruits, berries

If you have dandruff and oily hair, apply the juice/gruel of cucumber, pumpkin or zucchini to your hair. Strawberries, currants, and apple peels are also suitable. Keep the mask on your head for 30 minutes, repeat twice a week.

Effective remedies for oily dandruff - nettle, chamomile, propolis extract, walnut leaves, soda, sea salt and other ingredients. Prepare herbal infusions, soda rinses, or rub salt grains into dry scalp to give your hair a well-groomed look.

Alternative Methods

  1. Vitamin therapy . If the body lacks nutrients, the doctor may prescribe treatment with vitamins. For oily seborrhea of ​​the head, components of group B are needed, as well as A, E, D. They are found in certain foods (carrots, citrus fruits, fish, vegetable oils, eggs and others). However, it is not always possible to obtain from food the necessary amount of vitamins that would satisfy the body’s daily needs. Therefore, in advanced cases, it is necessary to compensate for the deficiency with medicinal methods. But an excess of nutrients (hypervitaminosis) is also bad. To prevent this, consult your doctor before going to the pharmacy.
  2. Mesotherapy . A method for those who are not afraid of injections. Thanks to them, hair and skin will become healthier and get rid of oiliness. The composition of the injections includes vitamins, microelements, amino acids, which directly affect the source of the problem. This is also the main drawback of the procedure: if the cause of oily seborrhea of ​​the head lies in a hormonal disorder, nervous strain or pathology of internal organs, mesotherapy will not be effective.
  3. MIL therapy . It involves exposing the affected areas to magnetic and laser beams. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, improves tissue microcirculation, which has a positive effect on the condition of the skin and hair.
  4. Ozone therapy . Has bactericidal and drying properties. Normalizes metabolic processes, improves hair structure and root nutrition.
  5. Physiotherapy . In addition to meso-, MIL- and ozone therapy, it includes other procedures that can cure oily seborrhea of ​​the head. This is darsonvalization (improving blood flow using a special device), cryomassage (exposure to cold), ultraviolet irradiation and others.

Attention! Any alternative method used against oily dandruff requires courses of treatment.

Seborrheic dermatitis


Considering the widespread and constant increase in the incidence of seborrhea and seborrheic dermatitis (SD), the treatment of this pathology is one of the pressing problems of dermatocosmetology. We will try to look at this problem from different angles.

Seborrheic dermatitis is a chronic inflammatory skin disease associated with an increase in the quantity and change in the quality of sebum. It manifests itself as thickening of the stratum corneum, oily sheen and flaking of the skin. DM affects those areas of the scalp and torso where the sebaceous glands are most developed (scalp, forehead, nasolabial triangle, auricular area, anterior chest area and interscapular area). When the skin of the scalp is affected, thinning and thinning of hair is observed

. In severe cases, diabetes may have the character of a widespread exfoliative process up to erythroderma.

Possible causes contributing to the onset of the disease are considered genetic, metabolic and environmental influences. For the first time in 1874, Malassez suggested that the causative agent of diabetes is Pityrosporum

In honor of this scientist, the microorganisms were named Malassezia
In the literature you can find both names: Pityrosporum
Currently, the leading role of the pathogen Pityrosporum
(yeast-like lipophilic fungi) in the pathogenesis of seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp and dandruff has been confirmed by numerous clinical and laboratory studies.
These yeast-like lipophilic fungi are a permanent component of the healthy skin microflora in more than 90% of the population. However, many authors regard this fact as widespread carriage of Pityrosporum ovale
Pityrosporum orbiculare
Fungi concentrate around the sebaceous glands and use their secretions for growth and development. Pityrosporum ovale (P. ovale)
or according to another classification
Malassezia furfur
is more often found on the scalp, and
Pityrosporum orbicuiare
on the skin of the body.

Under unfavorable conditions, the barrier function of the skin and sebaceous glands is disrupted. In particular, the body loses the ability to control the growth of pityrosporus fungi, and their number increases significantly. The microflora of the scalp normally contains 30–50% P. ovale

, with dandruff it consists of 75% of them, and with moderate and severe forms of diabetes, the concentration of
P. ovale
reaches 90%.
Despite the leading role of P. ovale
in lesions in diabetes, almost all lipophilic species of fungi are isolated.

Among the factors contributing to the hyperactivation of fungal microflora, the leading place belongs to changes in the composition of sebum, which significantly disrupts the barrier function of the skin. Among the reasons causing these changes, most leading dermatologists note neurogenic, hormonal, and immune.

It is well known that seborrhea and, in particular, diabetes are significantly aggravated by nervous stress

. Patients with various diseases of the central nervous system and autonomic nervous system are significantly susceptible to the incidence of seborrhea, in various forms of its manifestation. Patients with cranial nerve palsies, trunk paralysis, Parkinson's disease, etc. have a huge predisposition to the incidence of diabetes; diabetes in this group of patients often takes a widespread course with a pronounced torpidity to the treatment.

Most of the authors, whose articles are devoted to diabetes as evidence of immunodeficiency in diabetes, cite data from Wikler JR et al. on the incidence of diabetes among patients with severe immunodeficiency states: if in healthy people diabetes occurs in 8% of cases, then in HIV-infected people it is observed in 36%, and in patients with AIDS - in 80% of cases.

Hormonal imbalance also underlies the development of seborrhea and seborrheic dermatitis. DM is observed in the neonatal period and is considered as a reaction to stimulation by maternal hormones. In addition, diabetes often occurs during puberty. The level of secretion and qualitative composition of sebum is determined primarily by genetic and hormonal factors. Indeed, diabetes is more common in men than in women.

, which is consistent with the assumption that androgens control the activity of the sebaceous glands.
Mitotic activity, sebum secretion and hair growth are under the direct control of androgens: free testosterone of testicular or ovarian origin, dehydroepiandrosterone and 4-androstenedione of adrenal origin. This is due to the fact that receptors for sex hormones are located on the surface of epidermocytes and sebocytes. An interesting fact is that the level of total testosterone in the blood of most patients with diabetes is within the normal range, but the conversion of testosterone to dehydrotestosterone in such patients is 20–30 times higher compared to healthy people. Moreover, in areas of the skin with clinical manifestations of diabetes, this process is most active. The most sensitive and reliable markers of clinically detected and latent forms of hyperadrogenemia are: the fraction of free testosterone in the blood serum, sex steroids, and the free androgen index. In cases tolerant to therapy, it is advisable to supplement the examination with the determination of andrenocorticoids, progesterone, somatotropic hormone, pituitary and hypothalamic hormones. The proposed general scheme of pathogenesis boils down to the fact that, against the background of genetic predisposition, changes in hormonal and immune status cause changes in the secretion of sebum and disruption of the barrier properties of the skin, which leads to the spread and increase in the number of previously saprophytic microorganisms and the development of foci of inflammation with impaired immune skin response , sebum secretion and keratinization of the epidermis. The characteristic clinical symptoms
of the disease are peeling and inflammation of the skin, accompanied by itching.
The classic option is the symmetrical involvement in the pathological process of the skin of the scalp, the border of hair growth, eyebrows, eyelashes, the area of ​​the beard and mustache. Small flour-like white scales appear on the scalp, or peeling can take on a large-plate character. This variant of the course of diabetes is characterized by the absence of changes in the skin and is considered as dry seborrhea
. Many patients with dandruff (a mild form of diabetes) complain of itchy skin. If patients rarely wash their hair, the process progresses, covers new areas of the skin, and peeling becomes more abundant. Inflammatory changes in this course may be slightly expressed. A more severe course of diabetes is characterized by erythematous spots and plaques covered with mealy or sebaceous scales, and in some cases, scale-crusts and hemorrhagic crusts. The skin of the forehead, behind-the-ear areas, and ear canal areas may also be involved in the process; patients may complain of a feeling of constant discomfort in the affected areas of the skin or intense itching. Often the severity of subjective sensations correlates with ANS disorders. If treatment is not carried out, papules and plaques may appear on the smooth skin of the face, back, chest and, in some cases, be complicated by a secondary bacterial infection.

The treatment of diabetes should be approached differentially, depending on the clinical manifestations, and it should always be borne in mind that even a mild course of diabetes can lead to diffuse alopecia over a long period of time.

, because the term seborrheic alopecia is often used as a synonym for ordinary baldness.

Modern methods of treating diabetes are based on data confirming its fungal etiology. It has been established that under the influence of antimycotic agents, after 24 hours, dehydration and vacuolization of the cytoplasm in the fungal cell occurs, the cell wall clears, from which after 48 hours only a shadow remains. Therefore, specific antifungal treatment of diabetes is preferred over anti-inflammatory corticosteroid therapy. If the scalp is affected, shampoos containing ketoconazole, zinc and tar are prescribed. They are used at least 2 times a week until clinical manifestations are eliminated, but not less than one month. In the future, these drugs should be used by patients as prophylactic agents at least once every 2 weeks. Ketoconazole is highly active against many fungi, and especially against Malassezia spp. (R. orbiculare)

The overall Malassezia MIC for ketoconazole is approximately 0.02 mg/L, with little variation between species. In general, ketoconazole inhibits the growth of Malassezia furfur (P. ovale)
in concentrations 25–30 times lower than other antifungal drugs used in the treatment of seborrheic dermatitis, and several times lower than any systemic antimycotics. When topical forms of ketoconazole are applied to the skin, effective concentrations remain inside and on the surface of the epidermis for 72 hours after discontinuation of the drug, which is explained by the affinity of the drug for keratinized tissues. There are no cases of fungal resistance to ketoconazole. For mild forms of diabetes with localized rashes on smooth skin, use an ointment, cream or solution of an antifungal drug, applied 1-2 times a week for a month. In severe cases of the disease, characterized by the presence of foci with severe inflammation and dense layering of scales, before using antimycotic drugs it is necessary to use keratolytics (salicylic acid, tar preparations, etc.) or soften the scales with oils, followed by the use of shampoo with ketoconazole. If this therapy is ineffective, topical corticosteroid ointments are added, and in especially severe cases, systemic antimycotic drugs are added to external therapy for one week: ketoconazole - 200 mg/day, terbinafine - 250 mg/day, fluconazole - 100 mg/day, etc. P. It is possible to prescribe isotretinoin orally (as for the treatment of other severe forms of seborrhea). The daily dose is 0.1 to 0.3 mg/kg body weight. Treatment continues for four weeks. Complex therapy includes vitamin preparations, antihistamines, sedatives, and drugs to normalize the gastrointestinal tract.

It should be noted that it is ketoconazole that is most widely used in the treatment of diabetes.

Van Cutsen et al. found that in vitro
ketoconazole has higher pityrosporostatic and pityrosporocidal activity than zinc pyrithione and selenium sulfide, and the use of shampoo with ketoconazole gives better clinical and mycological results than the use of shampoos with the other two drugs listed above.
It was also noted that in vitro
the drug is more effective than other azole compounds, such as fluconazole, econazole, clotrimazole and miconazole. The effectiveness of Nizoral shampoo containing 2% ketoconazole has been proven by numerous clinical and laboratory studies.

Optimal clinical and mycological results are obtained with 2% ketoconazole. In particular, Tanew found that when using 2% ketoconazole, relapse of diabetes occurs no earlier than 4 weeks after stopping use of the drug, and in this respect it is superior to shampoo with 2.5% selenium sulfide. Zinc pyrithione also has a direct antifungal effect. The MIC of the drug is, according to various sources, from 0.8 to 8 mg/l. Inferior to ketoconazole, zinc pyrithione is superior in antifungal activity to other drugs, including selenium sulfide and some imidazoles. In the last decade, zinc-based shampoos ( Head and shoulders

, Friederm-zinc, etc.) are widely used products for the treatment of dandruff. The use of shampoos containing tar and exfoliating agents does not provide a quick and lasting effect, especially during a long-term process, since eliminating the manifestations of dermatosis (infiltration, swelling, peeling, erythema) does not always lead to a quick elimination of the pathogenic flora that has become pathogenic. And when you cancel or change shampoo, the process occurs again.

Thus, the most effective in the treatment of diabetes are ketoconazole and zinc-pyrithione. The study of the mechanisms of antifungal action of these drugs showed their different nature. Ketoconazole inhibits the biosynthesis of ergosterol through the enzyme C14-a-demethylase. In addition, this drug has antioxidant and antiandrogenic properties and can reduce and normalize sebum secretion. Zinc pyrithione has pronounced antimycotic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. The exact mechanism of the anti-inflammatory effect of zinc salts has not yet been fully studied. It is believed that under the influence of zinc, the release of inflammatory mediators interleukin 1 and interleukin IV is reduced. A number of researchers claim that in most dermatoses, the level of zinc in the epidermis and papillary layer of the dermis is reduced. In addition, zinc preparations reduce the growth of resistant strains of bacteria and suppress sebum secretion. Thus, the combined effect of ketoconazole and zinc-pyrithione makes possible a cumulative effect or mutual potentiation of antifungal, antiandrogenic and anti-inflammatory activity and, as a result, an increase in the effectiveness of treatment.

This created the prerequisites for the development of combination drugs based on ketoconazole and zinc-pyrithione. One of these drugs is registered in Russia - Keto Plus

, produced by Glenmark Pharmaceuticals Ltd (India). The main indications for use of the drug are dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis. Clinical studies conducted in 2000 by Pierard-Franchimont et al. treatment of severe forms of diabetes and torpid variants of dandruff with shampoo containing 2% ketoconazole and 1% zinc-pyrithione has shown the high effectiveness of the combination of these 2 drugs. A more than 90% reduction in scalp rash was shown, with relief of erythema and itching within 4 weeks.

In 2002, on the basis of the Polyclinic of the Medical Center for Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, MMA named after I.M. Sechenova Yu.V. Sergeev et al. The clinical effectiveness of the combined Keto Plus shampoo in the treatment of dandruff, seborrheic dermatitis and atopic dermatitis was assessed. As a result of the study, clinical cure was noted in 64.5%, significant improvement in 16.7%, improvement in 14.5%. The best results were obtained in patients with dandruff (cure rate of 78%). The overall effectiveness of treating patients of all groups with Keto Plus shampoo was 95.8%.

Thus, it has been experimentally and clinically proven that seborrheic dermatitis is caused by the fungus P. ovale (Malassezia furfur)

This representative of pityrosporus fungi is a permanent component of the human microflora, but under certain conditions, neurogenic, hormonal, genetic, metabolic disorders, as well as environmental influences (use of alkaline detergents for smooth skin and scalp), a sharp proliferation of the fungus occurs and seborrheic disease occurs dermatitis or its mild course - dandruff. Modern methods of treating diabetes are based on data confirming the fungal etiology of this disease. A promising direction is a combination of 2 drugs that affect various parts of the pathogenesis of diabetes. The solution to this problem was the appearance on the market of a highly effective product that is sold without a prescription - Keto Plus shampoo. The high clinically proven effectiveness of this drug allows us to recommend it as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent for diabetes. This will undoubtedly reduce the number of advanced variants of the course of diabetes and will allow in many cases to abandon the use of corticosteroid drugs externally and systemic drugs orally, or significantly reduce the indications for use and doses of these drugs. Literature:
1. Sergeev Yu.V. Sergeev A.Yu. Nizoral shampoo: a modern approach to the treatment of Malassezia skin infection. West. dermatol. and venerol. 1997;3:60–62.

2. Sukolin G.I. Seborrheic dermatitis: new in etiology and treatment. Russian Medical Journal 1998; 6:382–384.

3. Marina Ezheva On the issue of etiology, clinical picture and treatment of Seborrheic dermatitis. Cosmetics and medicine 2001 5(24)

4. Sergeev Yu.V., Kudryavtseva E.V., Sergeeva E.L. Ketoplus shampoo: a new approach to the treatment of dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis. Immunopathology. 4 2002

5. Blomquist K., Pajarre R., Rantanen T., Sunonen R.Treatment of dandruff with a 2% ketoconazole shampoo. Beerse, Belgium: Janssen Pharmaceutica (Data en title).

6. Cowley NC, Farr PM, Shuster S. The permissive effect of sebum in seborrhoeic dermatitis: an explanation of the rush in neurological disorders. Br. J Dermatol 1990; 122:71–6.

7. Faergemann J., Jones JC, Hattler O., Loria Y. Pityrosporum ovale (Malassezia furfur) as the causative agent of seborrhoeic dermatitis: new treatment options. Br. J. Dermatol. 1996; 134 Supple 1 46:12–5.

8. Hoing M., De Dier AM, Schuermans V., Cauwenberg G. Ketoconazole shampoo in the treatment of dandruff and/or seborrhoeic dermatitis. A combined analysis of 10 clinical trials in 518 patients. Beerse, Belgium: Janssen Pharmaceutica, 1987.

9. Orfanos CE, Zouboulis CC Oral retinoids in the treatment of seborrhea and acne. Dermatology 1998;196:149–7.

10. Peter RU, Richarz–Barthauer U. Successful treatment and prophylaxis of scalp seborrhoeic dermatitis and dandruff with 2% ketocanazole shampoo: result of multicentre, double–blind, placebo–controlled trial. Br. J Dermatol 1995; 132:441–5.

11. Wikler JR, Nieboer C., Willemze R. Quantitative skin cultures of Pityrosporum yeasts in patients seropositive for the human immunodeficiency virus with and without seborrhoeic dermatitis. J. Am. Acad. Dermatol. 1992; 27:37–39.

12. Van Custem J., Van Cergen F., Van Peer A., ​​Ketoconazole: activite in vitro sur Pityrosporum. Efficacity daans la pityrosporuose experimentale du cobaye et dans le pityriasis capitis humain. Bull. Soc. Fr. Mycol. Med. 1988; 17: 282–94.

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Simple rules of life will help reduce the risk of developing even hereditary seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp:

  • Shower or bathe regularly, especially if you sweat a lot;
  • Wash your hair no more than 3 times a week;
  • choose cosmetic products that suit your age, skin and hair type;
  • use shampoos with natural ingredients, preferably with tar, zinc or salicylic acid. Once every 1–2 weeks, replace them with special medicinal preparations;
  • rinse your hair with herbal infusions;
  • practice folk recipes against oily dandruff for preventive care;
  • do not abuse styling products. By creating a dense crust on the hair, they limit the access of oxygen to the skin;
  • for the same reason, do not wear a hat indoors. But on the street it is required;
  • If you are predisposed to oily seborrhea of ​​the scalp, avoid prolonged exposure to the sun or in frosty weather, especially without protecting your hair with a hat/cap/cap. At the same time, promenades in the fresh air, but wearing clothes appropriate for the weather, are simply necessary;
  • try to get enough sleep. It’s not for nothing that they say that sleep is the best medicine. In this case, it is also one of the preventive measures;
  • do not be nervous. Consult a neurologist: perhaps the doctor will prescribe you corrective treatment, sedatives to maintain your emotional state;
  • go in for sports to keep yourself in good shape and strengthen your body;
  • give up bad habits;
  • reconsider your diet. Avoid fatty, spicy, salty, preserved foods, sweets and flour products. Introduce more fresh fruits and vegetables and dairy products into the menu. Food should contain a lot of fiber and vitamins;
  • Additionally, periodically take vitamin and mineral complexes. To prevent oily seborrhea of ​​the head, vitamins of group B, as well as A, D and E are useful. Please note that the medicine must also contain sulfur, zinc, and copper. Brewer's yeast has a good effect on the skin and hair;
  • To avoid suffering from oily seborrhea, treat infections in a timely manner and monitor the general condition of the body. Don't trigger chronic illnesses. It is especially important to deal with constipation in a timely manner (intestinal health is directly related to immunity), as well as local inflammatory processes - caries, rhinitis, sinusitis and others.

A little about diet

During treatment you need to adhere to a diet . Excludes:

  • spicy;
  • salty;
  • smoked;
  • fried food.

Stop eating large quantities of baked goods and sweets, because they contribute to the development of fungus. If you take vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins A, E, B (carrots, apples, cabbage, asparagus, etc.), you can not only strengthen your immune system, but also ensure rapid regeneration of the skin.

Drink as much water as possible (preferably mineral water without gas), because it will help improve your metabolism. You need to drink at least 2 liters of liquid per day.

If you have bad habits, try to give them up, because smoking and alcohol are precisely the factors that, albeit indirectly, provoke the occurrence of dermatitis and dermatoses in the ears. Replace them with sports. Such compensation will only be beneficial.

Thus, seborrhea in the ears is easily eliminated with the help of conventional drug treatment, which, in combination with cosmetics and decoctions from the field of traditional medicine, can eliminate not only the symptoms, but also the causes of the disease. People actively struggling with dermatitis in the ears are advised to follow a diet, hygiene and start eating a balanced diet.


If the disease occurs in any form, pustules and boils may appear on the skin. During surgery, scars often remain after surgery. Sometimes oily seborrhea provokes the appearance of age spots.

Large particles of keratinized skin on the hair become noticeable to others because they abundantly cover the hair and fall off onto the back and shoulders. Moreover, they often appear within a few hours after the next shampooing. Ignoring the problem can lead to severe hair loss and even baldness.

Important! Advanced oily seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp becomes the cause of constant inflammation in the deep layers of the skin, an abscess. The disease becomes chronic and activates under unfavorable conditions.

Like any other disease, oily seborrhea of ​​the head is easier to prevent than to cure. Reviews from some people contain unflattering photos and reviews that they have to deal with the problem for years. In some cases, even despite all efforts, the skin and hair look untidy, sometimes even repulsive. Therefore, at the first sign of oily dandruff, go for an examination.

Having a confirmed diagnosis in hand, begin treatment immediately. Better yet, prevent the development of seborrhea by following preventive measures. Then your skin will delight you with purity and radiance, and your hair will have a healthy, non-greasy shine.

Treatment at An-Tech Labs: benefits

  1. Experienced doctors. Our specialists know all the intricacies of seborrhea treatment. They eliminate oily, liquid and thick forms.
  2. A comprehensive and individual approach to treatment. Therapy aimed at the scalp and hair is performed using various means and techniques.
  3. Comfort during all procedures. The treatment is performed without pain, in a comfortable environment for the patient.
  4. No queues for treatment. This is due to a sufficient number of doctors and planned appointment times for patients.

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