How to lose weight in your thighs? Effective exercises for the inner thigh

With age and after sudden weight loss, the upper part of the thigh becomes loose, and the skin on it sags, excess fat and tuberosity become noticeable. Thighplasty will help eliminate imperfections and give the legs an aesthetic contour. Experienced specialists at the BL cosmetology and dermatology clinic offer high-quality leg lifting in Moscow.

We offer effective methods for inner thighs, entire thighs and knees without surgery. Modern cosmetology allows you to get your body in shape in alternative ways, including:

  • RF lifting;
  • Aikun laser;
  • Fractional thermolysis;
  • Laser and photorejuvenation;
  • Mesothreads and liquid threads, fillers;
  • Biorevitalization;
  • Biomodelling;
  • Intralipotherapy;
  • Profile;
  • Volift.

All of the above methods are successfully used at the BL clinic. The procedures are performed by highly qualified specialists with many years of experience. The drugs administered have been tested and are licensed.

What problems can be solved?

Thigh lift and knee lift are aimed at breaking down fat and improving skin tone. Hardware procedures deeply affect problem areas of the body and improve their relief. Injections of drugs with lifting and lipolytic effects cope with fat deposits. The combination of components stimulates the removal of decay products, tightens the skin and reduces the volume of deposits.

For maximum results, it is better to combine injections with hardware effects. The clinic specialist will determine the optimal number of sessions and combination of procedures. A knee and hip lift is recommended for sagging, sagging skin folds, “breeches” and undesirable changes in the contour of the legs.

A set of exercises for the outer thighs

Lifting your legs while lying down

Leg exercise while lying down

Lie on your side. Support your head with your hand. Raise your right leg as high as possible, while keeping your pelvis motionless. As you exhale, slowly lower your leg to the starting position. Please note that in this exercise you should only feel your thigh muscles.

How many:

2-3 sets of 20-30 repetitions on each leg.

If you are ready to complicate the task, then add a fitness elastic band. Place it at knee level, hold the spread position for a few seconds and then slowly lower it down.

Leg exercise using a fitness band

Side Lunges

Exercise for the buttocks and outer thighs

An exercise familiar to many from physical education lessons. If done regularly, it will help you quickly lose weight in your thighs and butt.

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and point your toes slightly to the side.

As you exhale, take a wide step to the side and shift your body weight to your supporting leg. Push your pelvis back and lower yourself into a deep squat. The wider you lunge, the more muscles will be used. To get out of the position, push off with your heel.

How many:

2 sets of 15-20 repetitions.

Squats with kicks

Forward Kick Squats

Place your feet shoulder-width apart and squat slightly at your knees. Raise your leg and kick, rotating your body 45° (toes pointing to the floor, outer thigh raised as high as possible). Slowly lower your leg.

When your body reaches the starting position, do a squat (make sure your knees remain at ankle level). Switch legs and repeat the exercise.

How many:

2 sets of 20 times.

Main advantages

Modern hardware and injection techniques completely replace surgical ones. They solve the problem of lifting just as effectively, but safely and without long rehabilitation.

Why a non-surgical thigh lift is the best option:

  • The procedures are less painful and do not leave scars;
  • Serious complications are excluded: necrosis, thrombosis;
  • The lift additionally rejuvenates the skin and fights cellulite due to its deep impact on the body;
  • The result is visible after the first visits, the effect of the full course is long-lasting;

Injections and hardware procedures do not impose serious restrictions. After them, you do not need to undergo rehabilitation and limit yourself in activity. For a while, you should give up the solarium and some external products, otherwise you have complete freedom of action.

How to remove fat from the inside of thighs

How to remove fat from the inside of the thighs? This question is asked by many women who want to lose weight.

The inner thighs are the most problematic area for many women. To remove fat from them, you need to eat right and regularly perform exercises that help eliminate problems in this part of the body.

You need to understand that it will not be possible to remove fat from one specific part of the body. This requires general weight correction. Typically, women lose fat first from the upper part, and only then from the legs.

Take care of your diet, remove foods that contribute to fat accumulation, such as:

  • Sweet;
  • Flour;
  • Fat;
  • Spicy;
  • Bakery;
  • Carbonated drinks;
  • Mayonnaise.

Drink more water. To activate metabolic processes, drink a glass of clean water in the morning on an empty stomach.

You need to lose weight gradually so as not to harm your health. You cannot lose more than 1.5 kg per month, in which case muscle mass will be lost.

There is no secret diet for reducing thigh size. You just need to stick to proper nutrition, which will help you get rid of extra pounds, and then the fat will also go away from the problem area.

Lifting methods and their features

There are many techniques for restoring healthy skin on your legs. Most in demand:

  • RF lifting - the skin is exposed to radio frequency radiation. Cells start the regeneration process and begin to produce collagen and elastin. The result is rejuvenation and improved tone.
  • Thread lifting - the doctor outlines a mesh for hip correction and inserts threads along it under the skin. They reliably reinforce the problem area and tighten the skin.
  • Mesotherapy is injections of drugs that deeply affect the skin and fat deposits. They have a visible and lasting effect.
  • Aikun laser - infrared radiation has a targeted effect on the skin and stimulates cell renewal, improves the quality of the skin, and tightens it.
  • Laser rejuvenation is a laser technique aimed at combating increased skin sagging.
  • Fractional thermolysis is the effect of a laser pulse on the skin, which stimulates skin renewal and increases its elasticity.
  • Biomodeling Profhilo - injections of long-acting filler based on hyaluronic acid of different densities. Rejuvenate and tighten the skin.
  • Introduction of fillers - preparations based on hyaluronic acid moisturize the skin and increase its elasticity.

Getting rid of excess fat on the inner thighs

Excess fat on the inner thighs is a problem faced mainly by the fair sex. This is due to the hormonal characteristics of the female body. The hips are one of those areas where fat reserves are stored (this most often happens during pregnancy). However, unlike the outer surface, which is easier to bring to ideal condition with the help of exercise and diet, deposits on the inner thigh do not respond well to traditional types of correction.


The main reason is excess estrogen and a genetically programmed body type (most often, women with a “pear-shaped” physique suffer from obesity in the inner thighs). In addition, the following provocative factors can lead to the appearance of extra centimeters:

  • improper (excessive) nutrition;
  • lack of movement (sedentary work, lack of sports exercises);
  • diseases associated with metabolic or circulatory disorders.

Possible inconvenience and risk

The obvious inconvenience is related to the aesthetic sphere - too full inner thighs do not allow wearing fashionable clothes and cause a state of severe psychological discomfort. However, there are other risks that must be taken into account. Firstly, excess weight is always an additional burden on the cardiovascular system. Secondly, obesity in the inner thigh causes diaper rash and skin irritation (especially in the summer season). It should also be taken into account that too-tight trousers, as well as the constant use of shapewear, can lead to pressure on blood vessels and nerve endings.

Methods for eliminating excess fat on the thighs

  • Aqualix - or non-surgical liposuction. This method is most effective in the fight against local fat deposits in areas that are difficult to correct. A unique drug that is injected directly into the problem area helps destroy fat cells.
  • LPG massage is a procedure that is carried out in the medical network, which allows you to speed up metabolic processes in tissues, restore impaired blood circulation and defeat the signs of cellulite.
  • Pressotherapy – as a result of exposure to compressed air, body volume, swelling, varicose veins and signs of cellulite are noticeably reduced, and the body is completely healed.
  • Massage - manual or machine - is a great way to restore lost tone to muscles and elasticity to the skin.
  • Wraps – specially selected mineral and medicinal compositions have a beneficial effect on skin condition, lymphatic drainage and metabolic processes.
  • Complex procedures that use several types of treatment at once are the optimal solution for getting rid of fat on the inner thighs.
  • Mesotherapy

If you have any questions, you can contact a specialist.

Prices for procedures to get rid of excess fat on the inner thighs

Anti-cellulite programs
More details about the procedure

Body mesotherapy

More about the procedure


Mesotherapy anti-cellulite cocktail No. 2Cost: 3500 rubles
Mesotherapy anti-cellulite cocktail No. 3Cost: 3900 rubles
Anti-cellulite mesotherapy Mesoline Slim (slim silhouette) 5.0 mlOld price: 4500 rublesCost: 3500 rubles
Anti-cellulite mesotherapy Mesoline Bodyfirm (elastic body) 5.0 mlCost: 3500 rubles
Anti-cellulite mesotherapy Mesoline Slim (slim silhouette) 10.0 mlOld price: 7000 rublesCost: 5500 rubles
Superficial anesthesia Emla 2.5 g, fixed priceCost: 490 rubles
Consultation with a dermatocosmetologist without a procedureCost: 1000 rubles
Consultation with a dermatocosmetologist during the procedureCost: free
When purchasing a course of 4 procedures, a 15% discount (for a one-time payment) and when creating an individual program for 15 different procedures, a 25% discount (for a one-time payment)

All prices: Mesotherapy for weight loss


More about the procedure


discounts when purchasing a course

Talgo seaweed wrapCost: 4900 rubles
Osmo-weight loss wrap TalakCost: 4900 rubles
Talaq seaweed wrapCost: 3900 rubles
Velinia wrapCost: 2000 rubles
Green coffee wrap Pevonia BotanicaCost: 4900 rubles
Consultation with a dermatocosmetologist without a procedureCost: 1000 rubles
Consultation with a dermatocosmetologist during the procedureCost: free
When purchasing a course of 4 procedures, a 15% discount (for a one-time payment) and when creating an individual program for 15 different procedures, a 25% discount (for a one-time payment)

Programs at special prices

discount up to 50%

Program “7 days” 7 visitsOld price: 27740 rublesCost: 19,300 rubles
Program “Anti-cellulite Standard” 10 visitsOld price: 30050 rublesCost: 17900 rubles
Anti-cellulite Premium program 15 visitsOld price: 60080 rublesCost: 32900 rubles
Maximum weight loss program 15 visitsOld price: 92550 rublesCost: 49990 rubles
Valid for one-time payment. The duration of the procedures cannot exceed 3 months. Unused procedures will be lost.

All prices: Wrap


More about the procedure


Pressotherapy 2 zones 30 minCost: 990 rubles
Pressotherapy pantsCost: 95 rubles
Consultation with a dermatocosmetologist without a procedureCost: 1000 rubles
Consultation with a dermatocosmetologist during the procedureCost: free
When purchasing a course of 4 procedures, a 15% discount (for a one-time payment) and when creating an individual program for 15 different procedures, a 25% discount (for a one-time payment)

Programs at special prices

discount up to 50%

Trial course “LPG massage 3 procedures + suit” up to 4 weeksOld price: 8350 rublesCost: 5840 rubles
Course “8 LPG massage procedures + 2 pressotherapy” up to 8 weeksOld price: 21180 rublesCost: 12900 rubles
Course “10 LPG procedures + 3 pressotherapy” up to 10 weeksOld price: 26970 rublesCost: 14900 rubles
Course “15 LPG procedures + 4 pressotherapy” up to 15 weeks (Only in the center on Leninsky Prospekt)Old price: 39960 rublesCost: 19900 rubles
“7 days” program 7 visitsOld price: 26540 rublesCost: 19,300 rubles
Anti-cellulite Premium program 15 visitsOld price: 60080 rublesCost: 32900 rubles
Maximum weight loss program 15 visitsOld price: 92550 rublesCost: 52950 rubles
If desired, the anti-cellulite LPG massage procedure can be replaced with LPG lipomassage with an additional payment of 200 rubles for 1 procedure. The cost of the LPG suit is 1150 rubles. The duration of procedures for courses and programs cannot exceed 3 months from the date of payment. Extensions are not possible. Unused procedures will be lost.

All prices: Pressotherapy

LPG vacuum roller massage

More about the procedure


One-time LPG massage procedureCost: 2400 rubles
One-time LPG lipomassage procedureCost: 2400 rubles
Suit for LPG endermological (fixed price)Cost: 1150 rubles
Consultation with a dermatocosmetologist without a procedureCost: 1000 rubles
Consultation with a dermatocosmetologist during the procedureCost: free
When purchasing a course of 4 procedures, a 15% discount (for a one-time payment) and when creating an individual program for 15 different procedures, a 25% discount (for a one-time payment)

LPG massage and lipomassage courses

discount up to 53%

Trial course “LPG massage 3 procedures + suit” up to 4 weeksOld price: 8350 rublesCost: 5840 rubles
Course “8 LPG massage procedures + 2 pressotherapy” up to 8 weeksOld price: 21180 rublesCost: 12900 rubles
Course “10 LPG procedures + 3 pressotherapy” up to 10 weeksOld price: 26970 rublesCost: 14900 rubles
Course “15 LPG procedures + 4 pressotherapy” up to 15 weeks (Only in the center on Leninsky Prospekt)Old price: 39960 rublesCost: 19900 rubles
If desired, the anti-cellulite LPG massage procedure can be replaced with LPG lipomassage with an additional payment of 590 rubles for 1 procedure. The cost of the LPG suit is 1150 rubles. The duration of procedures for courses and programs cannot exceed 3 months from the date of payment. Extensions are not possible. Unused procedures will be lost.

LPG programs at special prices

discount up to 50%

Programs using LPG massage and lipomassage procedures
Program “Fat breakdown + anti-cellulite massage” 10 visitsOld price: 33900 rublesCost: 18900 rubles
Non-surgical liposuction program 4-8 visitsOld price: 42200 rublesCost: 23960 rubles
“7 days” program 7 visitsOld price: 26540 rublesCost: 19,300 rubles
Program "Anti-cellulite Standard"Old price: 30050 rublesCost: 17900 rubles
Anti-cellulite Premium program 15 visitsOld price: 60080 rublesCost: 32900 rubles
Maximum weight loss program 15 visitsOld price: 92550 rublesCost: 52950 rubles
Valid for one-time payment. The duration of the procedures cannot exceed 3 months. Unused procedures will be lost.

All prices: LPG body massage

Intralipotherapy Aqualyx

More about the procedure


discount up to 45%

Lipoinject needle for the face for the Aqualix intralipotherapy procedureCost: 715 rubles
Lipoinject needle for the body for the Aqualix intralipotherapy procedureCost: 910 rubles
Superficial anesthesia Emla 2.5 g, fixed priceCost: 490 rubles
Consultation with a dermatocosmetologist without a procedureCost: 1000 rubles
Consultation with a dermatocosmetologist during the procedureCost: free


Non-surgical liposuction Aqualyx Aqualyx bottle price when purchasing 3 bottlesOld price: 7990 rublesCost: 5990 rubles
Non-surgical liposuction Aqualyx Aqualyx bottle price when purchasing 2 bottlesOld price: 7990 rublesCost: 6490 rubles
Non-surgical liposuction Aqualyx Aqualyx bottle price when purchasing 1 bottleOld price: 7990 rublesCost: 6990 rubles

Programs at special prices

Discounts up to 50%

Programs using the non-surgical liposuction procedure AQUALIX
Non-surgical liposuction program 4-8 visitsOld price: 42200 rublesCost: 23960 rubles
Maximum weight loss program 15 visitsOld price: 92550 rublesCost: 52950 rubles
Valid for one-time payment. The duration of completion cannot exceed 3 months. Unused procedures will be lost.

All prices: Intralipotherapy Aqualyx

Programs and courses

LPG massage and lipomassage courses

LPG massage and lipomassage courses

discount up to 53%

Trial course “LPG massage 3 procedures + suit” up to 4 weeksOld price: 8350 rublesCost: 5840 rubles
Course “8 LPG massage procedures + 2 pressotherapy” up to 8 weeksOld price: 21180 rublesCost: 12900 rubles
Course “10 LPG procedures + 3 pressotherapy” up to 10 weeksOld price: 26970 rublesCost: 14900 rubles
Course “15 LPG procedures + 4 pressotherapy” (Valid only in the center on Leninsky Prospekt) up to 15 weeksOld price: 39960 rublesCost: 19900 rubles
If desired, the anti-cellulite LPG massage procedure can be replaced with LPG lipomassage with an additional payment of 590 rubles/procedure. The cost of the LPG suit is 1150 rubles. The duration of procedures for courses and programs cannot exceed 3 months from the date of payment. Extensions are not possible. Unused procedures will be lost.

Program "7 days"

Program "7 days"

When there are 7 days left until... wedding... vacation

4 LPG procedures one-timeOld price: 9600 rublesCost: 6767 rubles
4 procedures ElectromyostimulationOld price: 3960 rublesCost: 2970 rubles
2 Pressotherapy procedures 2 zonesOld price: 1980 rublesCost: 1485 rubles
3 procedures “Algae wrap”Old price: 10,500 rublesCost: 8087 rubles
Nutrition consultationOld price: 500 rublesCost: Free
Total cost of the program:Old price: 26540 rublesCost: 19,300 rubles
Fix price. One-time payment. 27% discount. The duration of procedures for courses and programs cannot exceed 3 months from the date of payment. Cannot be extended. Unused procedures will be lost.

Maximum Weight Loss in 6 Weeks Program

Maximum Weight Loss in 6 Weeks Program

15 visits from 5 weeks

10 LPG anti-cellulite massage proceduresOld price: 24,000 rublesCost: 11900 rubles
5 LPG lipomassage proceduresOld price: 12,000 rublesCost: 6000 rubles
5 pressotherapy procedures 2 zonesOld price: 4955 rublesCost: 3465 rubles
5 Thalac wrap treatmentsOld price: 19,500 rublesCost: 11625 rubles
4 bottles of non-surgical liposuction AqualixOld price: 31,600 rublesCost: 19960 rubles
Nutrition consultationOld price: 500 rublesCost: Free
Total cost of the program:Old price: 92550 rublesCost: 52950 rubles
Fix price. One-time payment. 45% discount. The duration of procedures for courses and programs cannot exceed 3 months from the date of payment. Cannot be extended. Unused procedures will be lost.

Program "Anti-cellulite STANDARD"

Program "Anti-cellulite STANDARD"

10 visits, from 3 weeks

10 LPG anti-cellulite massage proceduresOld price: 24,000 rublesCost: 13900 rubles
2 Lanta Fe wrap treatmentsOld price: 4400 rublesCost: 2970 rubles
Endermological suit for LPG massageOld price: 1150 rublesCost: 1150 rubles
Nutrition consultationOld price: 500 rublesCost: Free
Total cost of the program:Old price: 30050 rublesCost: 17900 rubles
Fix price. One-time payment. 40% discount. The duration of procedures for courses and programs cannot exceed 3 months from the date of payment. Cannot be extended. Unused procedures will be lost.

Anti-cellulite PREMIUM program

Anti-cellulite PREMIUM program

15 visits, from 5 weeks

15 LPG anti-cellulite massage proceduresOld price: 36,000 rublesCost: 17900 rubles
7 superficial electrolipolysis proceduresOld price: 6930 rublesCost: 4850 rubles
5 pressotherapy procedures 2 zonesOld price: 4950 rublesCost: 3460 rubles
3 Talgo/Pevonia botanica wrap treatmentsOld price: 11,700 rublesCost: 6690 rubles
Nutrition consultationOld price: 500 rublesCost: Free
Total cost of the program:Old price: 60080 rublesCost: 32900 rubles
Fix price. One-time payment. 45% discount. The duration of procedures for courses and programs cannot exceed 3 months from the date of payment. Cannot be extended. Unused procedures will be lost.

Non-surgical liposuction program

Non-surgical liposuction program

4-8 visits, from 5 weeks

4 Aqualix procedures (1 bottle procedure each) + 4 LPG lipomassage proceduresOld price: 42200 rublesCost: 23960 rubles
Fix price. One-time payment. 47% discount. The duration of procedures for courses and programs cannot exceed 3 months from the date of payment. Cannot be extended. Unused procedures will be lost.

Program “Fat breakdown + anti-cellulite massage”

Program “Fat breakdown + anti-cellulite massage”

10 visits, from 6 weeks

10 LPG body massage procedures + 10 superficial electrolipolysis proceduresOld price: 33900 rublesCost: 18900 rubles
Fix price. One-time payment. 45% discount. The duration of procedures for courses and programs cannot exceed 3 months from the date of payment. Cannot be extended. Unused procedures will be lost.

“Beauty Day” program

“Beauty Day” program

1 visit

Algae wrapOld price: 3500 rublesCost: 2510 rubles
Lifting procedure using the SKINTONIC/LIFT-6 deviceOld price: 2400 rublesCost: 1400 rubles
Skin care procedure Holy landOld price: 3500 rublesCost: 1990 rubles
Total cost of the program:Old price: 9400 rublesCost: 5900 rubles
Fix price. One-time payment. 43% discount. The duration of procedures for courses and programs cannot exceed 3 months from the date of payment. Cannot be extended. Unused procedures will be lost.
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