Ultrasonic facial cleansing: fast, safe, effective

In what cases is ultrasonic facial cleansing prohibited?

  • pregnancy (any period);
  • oncological diseases;
  • flammable processes;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Thanks to the procedure, the pores are cleaned, they become less noticeable, and skin respiration is significantly improved. The procedure lasts 15-20 minutes. The recommended number of procedures to achieve maximum results is 4-8 sessions over 1.5-2 weeks. Every day our face is exposed to wind, sun, frost, dust, etc., which leads to clogged pores and poor skin breathing, loss of elasticity, pimples and blemishes.

Mechanical cleansing is a method of removing the stratum corneum of the epidermis and excess sebaceous glands. The procedure helps remove dirt, dead cells, sebum and restore freshness.

Professional facial cleansing using ARAVIA Professional cosmetics

ARAVIA Professional cosmetic products were created to implement all stages of comprehensive facial care. In her concept, skin cleansing is of particular importance. After all, the effectiveness of all cosmetic care depends on the quality of its implementation.

ARAVIA Professional professional cosmetics make it possible to successfully work with a wide range of facial skin problems. What other advantages does it have?

  • Unique proprietary formulas: ARAVIA Professional products were developed with the participation of leading cosmetologists, passed clinical trials and are certified according to modern standards;
  • Individual care: products are selected depending on the type, skin condition and other characteristics of each specific client;
  • High concentration of bioactive components: cosmetics guarantee positive results and allow you to work with problems of any complexity;
  • Wide selection of care programs: cosmetologists have the opportunity to offer clients effective care programs at an affordable cost.

Let's look at the main stages of facial care programs using ARAVIA Professional cosmetic products, depending on your skin type.

Oily and combination skin: stages of professional cleansing

  1. Cleansing and toning
  2. At this stage, it is recommended to use a cleansing gel with fruit AHA acids and ANTI-ACNE TONIC toner for oily problem skin. AHA-FRUIT GEL is designed to thoroughly cleanse the skin and prepare it for the intensive care phase; it significantly increases sensitivity to bioactive components contained in cosmetics. Effectively cleanses pores, evens out tone, and slightly brightens the skin.

    ANTI-ACNE TONIC restores the pH level, normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands, relieves inflammation, and gives the skin a matte appearance.

  3. Mechanical cleaning
  4. To soften the skin before the procedure, apply a thick layer of hydrating intensive care gel INTENSIVE ACTION GEL. Cover the face with film and leave for 5-10 minutes. After this, mechanical cleaning is performed.

    The gel is created for all skin types, perfectly softens the stratum corneum, and can be used for massage. It perfectly moisturizes, has anti-inflammatory and soothing effects, and exhibits immunomodulatory properties.

    After cleaning, it is recommended to perform a therapeutic massage according to Jacquet and according to Darsonval indications.

  5. Intensive care and mask
  6. At this stage, cream-serum for problem skin ANTI-ACNE SERUM is used. It cleanses pores, promotes acne healing, and prevents the development of inflammation and comedones. Softens and moisturizes the skin, restores its protective functions.

    A small amount of product is applied to the skin and left until completely absorbed.

    Then use the mask after cleaning SOOTHING MASK. It soothes the skin, has an anti-inflammatory effect, tightens pores, has a cooling effect, providing a feeling of comfort after the procedure.

    The mask is applied in a thick layer (avoid the eyelids and lips) and remains on the skin for 15-20 minutes. The remaining cream is washed off with water.

  7. Final care
  8. Moisturizing fluid cream HYDRATANT FLUID CREAM is applied in a small amount to the skin along massage lines and remains until completely absorbed.

    It regenerates and softens the skin, regulates the secretion of sebum, preventing the appearance of comedones. Thanks to the prebiotic content, it restores the balance of microflora and protects against bacteria. Gives the skin an even tone, smoothness and silkiness.

How often should this be done?

Depending on the skin condition: for oily, dirty skin - 1 time in 10 days, for normal skin - 1-2 times a month.

Combined facial cleansing is a combination of manual and ultrasonic types of facial cleansing, which is considered the most effective.

Manual cleaning is the removal of blackheads, cysts (wen), horny scales manually or using a special metal loop (Unna or Uno spoon).

Ultrasonic cleaning is combined with manual cleaning to minimize skin trauma.

Indications and contraindications

Mechanical (manual cleaning) is performed by a cosmetologist using hands or special loops that allow deep cleansing of the pores.
Compared to hardware cleaning, this is a slightly longer and more painful procedure. However, its effectiveness is no lower, and it will cost much less, which is why it remains quite in demand. The desired effect can be achieved only by following all aseptic and antiseptic rules and undergoing proper cleaning in the salon by a trained specialist. Indications for manual cleaning are as follows:

  • oily or combination skin with enlarged pores;
  • acne;
  • comedones;
  • decreased skin tone;
  • the presence of wen and other external defects.

The procedure has some contraindications:

  • dermatitis in any form;
  • herpes;
  • dry skin;
  • allergy;
  • the presence of blood and vascular diseases;
  • furunculosis;
  • rosacea;
  • hypertension;
  • asthma.

Skin care after ultrasonic facial cleansing

After ultrasonic facial cleansing, proper care is required. This effect dries out the skin, which is very good for those who have oily skin. After the procedure, it is imperative to moisturize, restore and maintain the condition of the skin with the help of all kinds of masks, serums and other cosmetics. At this time, it is best to use cosmetics for sensitive skin.

Following these recommendations will help you maintain the cleaning effect for a long time:

  • be sure to use sunscreen with a protection factor of at least 20;
  • in the first 24 hours after the procedure, do not visit places where the skin is exposed to direct sunlight and high temperatures (beach, sauna, gym, solarium);
  • within 24 hours after cleansing, you should refrain from applying decorative cosmetics;
  • use only mild creams or gels to cleanse the skin;
  • do not use alcohol-based cosmetics;
  • drink as much clean water as possible.

To achieve the greatest visible result, it is advisable to perform the ultrasonic facial cleansing procedure several times at certain intervals. If you limit yourself to a single session, you can hardly expect any noticeable changes. The exact number of cleanings will be determined by a cosmetologist who will assess the condition of your skin and, based on it, determine the number and frequency of procedures. For example, for oily skin types that are prone to various types of rashes, at least 5–6 sessions are needed with an interval of 7–10 days. Then you should maintain the result every two months. For dry skin types, 2 to 3 procedures at intervals of 14 days will be sufficient. Then, to maintain the results, do ultrasonic cleaning approximately once every three months.

Why clients choose Veronika Herba Beauty and Health Center:

  • This is a beauty center where you can take care of yourself at a reasonable cost, while your face and/or body will be treated not by an ordinary dermatologist, but by one of the best specialists in Moscow. This is a completely different, higher level of service!
  • You can receive qualified help at any time convenient for you. The beauty center is open from 9:00 to 21:00, seven days a week. The main thing is to agree with your doctor in advance on the date and time of your appointment.

Sign up for a consultation with a specialist by phone +7 (495) 085-15-13

, and you will see for yourself!

What is mechanical facial cleansing

Daily makeup, poor environment and lack of professional skin care take their toll. The pores on the face become clogged and cannot breathe, blackheads and red inflammation appear. Home care does not give the desired results, but only superficially removes sebum. What to do? Go to a cosmetologist for facial cleansing. And under no circumstances should you try to do this yourself at home. Mechanical facial cleansing is a deep cleansing of the skin from closed (whiteheads) and open (blackheads) comedones and other inflammations. The procedure is done manually and using a special technology in several stages.

Chemical cleaning of leather

This type of skin cleansing is very similar to chemical peeling, which you can read about in more detail in the article *Title - link*. However, these techniques differ both in the purpose of their implementation and in the composition and concentration of the substances used. Dry skin cleansing can be acidic, using oleic, malic, citric, lactic and glycolic acids, or enzymatic, using enzymes such as papain and bromelain.

Dry cleansing does not involve complete replacement of the old layer of skin with young cells, as with peeling. During the procedure, using special compounds, the skin is first heated and the contents of the pores and excretory ducts of the sebaceous glands are softened, then fat and other impurities are removed. Almost immediately after the session, the skin looks cleaner and healthier, but this effect does not last for a relatively long time - several weeks.

Progress of the procedure

Manual mechanical cleansing of the face is carried out using metal instruments:

  • loops;
  • curettes;
  • spoons;
  • Vidal needles.

By pressing the loop onto the skin, the doctor captures and removes contaminants. A curette is needed to scrape out dirt and fat from problem areas. Use a spoon to remove small impurities and dead cells. A Vidal needle is required to puncture the pustules before subsequently removing their contents.

In some cases, you cannot limit yourself to tools. To completely remove the sebaceous plug, the doctor uses his fingers. Wrapping them in sterile napkins, the doctor squeezes out the dirt. It can be unpleasant, but the result is excellent. The most uncomfortable area for cleaning pores with your hands is in the area of ​​the nose and temples. But to return health and beauty to the skin, patients are willing to endure.

The more professional the cosmetologist, the less painful the procedure. So, the instruments should touch the skin, being in a parallel position relative to it. Otherwise it will be very sensitive.

At the end of the manipulations, the doctor treats the skin with an antibacterial agent and applies a restorative composition.

How to properly cleanse your skin

You should forget about the habit of washing your face with hot water. Active leaching of sebum components aggravates the problem of already dry skin, and in the case of oily skin, causes it to produce even more sebum. The water should be at a comfortable temperature - a few degrees higher or lower than body temperature.

Squeaky cleansing is not good for anyone. Alkaline soap and incorrectly selected products can dry out even the most unpretentious skin. Over-dried skin becomes vulnerable to external influences, and moisture evaporates even faster. Dehydrated skin looks dull, loses elasticity and flakes. After washing, you feel tightness and discomfort.

Gentle cleansing of the facial skin will be provided by products with a light texture: milk, foam, lotions and gels.

Makeup removers deserve special attention. For this purpose, you can use micellar water, and for dry and sensitive skin - gentle micellar milk. Its active particles effectively remove cosmetics, while sage and herbal decoction care for the skin, replenishing moisture deficiency. Especially delicate areas require special care. Eyelid makeup remover lotion delicately removes decorative cosmetics, preventing the appearance of premature wrinkles.

Effect after the procedure

Let's consider the main positive effects after ultrasonic facial cleansing:

  • the skin is renewed and becomes pleasant to the touch;
  • keratinized cells are gently exfoliated;
  • the firmness and elasticity of the skin increases;
  • the facial contour becomes clearer;
  • swelling and dark circles under the eyes disappear;
  • the number of wrinkles decreases;
  • pigment spots become less noticeable;
  • oily shine disappears from the face;
  • skin rashes and irregularities are reduced;
  • the metabolic process is normalized;
  • harmful substances are removed;
  • skin restoration and renewal occurs faster;
  • the production of collagen and elastin is enhanced;
  • blood vessels become stronger;
  • skin looks radiant and fresh.

Since the procedure takes very little time, and no recovery is required after cleaning, you can even do it during your lunch break. The result will pleasantly surprise and delight you.

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