Exercises to reduce nose size without surgery at home

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Rhinoplasty, what is it?

Rhinoplasty - changing the shape of the nose. The intervention can be purely aesthetic, that is, work with the external, visible part - correcting the hump, narrowing, raising the tip of the nose. Or maybe for medical reasons, that is, in addition to correcting the shape, also restoring full nasal breathing.

Nose contouring with hyaluronic acid filler

Just a few years ago it was difficult to imagine that anyone other than a surgeon could correct and improve the shape of the nose. Surgical rhinoplasty is a rather complex operation that requires long-term rehabilitation. Of course, for people with impaired nasal breathing or the need for global changes in the shape and size of the nose, this is in any case an inevitable option. But for those who need only external improvements and, in comparison, very insignificant ones, they always wanted a softer version of the correction. And for this it is not enough to watch a cosmetologist’s blog on the topic of facial cleansing. Here the thing is much more serious in all respects. We are changing our face!

Nose correction with hyaluronic acid is a method that helps correct several features on the nose without surgery:

  • smooth out or eliminate a hump
  • smooth or eliminate nasal asymmetry
  • raise the tip of the nose
  • straighten the shape of the nose after injuries, surgeries

Before the procedure, the doctor conducts a consultation and examination to determine whether contour plastic surgery will give the expected result and find out the presence of possible contraindications.

Methods for reducing nose at home - a good solution or a mistake?

There are many tips on how to correct aesthetic flaws yourself. The most popular of them were:

  • applying special makeup;
  • use of rhinocorrectors;
  • massage with elements of gymnastics.

It must be admitted that there is a certain effect in such methods, but it is not always positive.

Makeup for nose reduction

Cosmetics cannot physically reduce the size or shape of the nose, but they can visually create the desired image. The advantage of this technique is its accessibility. It is enough to choose good cosmetics with a suitable shade and learn how to use it correctly.

Disadvantages include:

  • the need to constantly monitor makeup;
  • inability to correct pronounced defects - scars, creases, deviated septum, hump;
  • the high cost of high-quality cosmetics, which tend to run out quickly;
  • the need to spend time applying and removing cosmetics.

Rhinocorrectors for nose reduction

These are unique devices that are designed to reduce the volume of tissue in the nose area or change its shape. There are clips, splints and all kinds of clamps.

The main advantage of this method is the absence of any contraindications. But there are many more disadvantages:

  • risk of injury;
  • the need to wear the device for a long time - from 6 months to a year or more;
  • probable disruption of tissue blood supply;
  • deviated septum.

After wearing such devices, you often have to seek help from otolaryngologists with complaints of pain and impaired nasal breathing.

Massage for nose correction

A lot of gymnastic exercises with massage have been invented that supposedly reduce the size of tissues and change the shape of the nose. Indeed, in cosmetology there is such a procedure as modeling massage. However, it is only effective against age-related changes, when the facial muscles weaken and the skin begins to sag.

The only noticeable advantage of such techniques is the stimulation of blood circulation. However, with intense rubbing and pressure there is a real risk of injuring the skin.

Plastic surgeons at the Galaxy Beauty Institute often have to deal with the consequences of independent attempts to correct the shape or size of the nose at home. Situations often arise when women seek help after unsuccessful correction in other clinics, which led to deterioration in breathing, scars, depressions, injuries and other complications.

Do not waste time and money on futile attempts to correct aesthetic defects yourself or with the help of dubious specialists. The GALAXY Beauty Institute employs highly qualified cosmetologists and plastic surgeons with enormous practical experience. Modern high-precision equipment, proprietary methods and preparations allow us to perform nose correction with maximum efficiency and safety. Come to us for beauty!

Why are people interested in rhinoplasty without surgery?

The answer is obvious. I would like to fix the existing problem. Some people do not like the relief of the nose in the form of a hump or drooping tip of the nose. At the same time, I don’t want to take additional risks when doing surgery. Rhinoplasty is a complex operation, and not every surgeon, even a plastic one, undertakes it. This is far from blepharoplasty. Rhinoplasty involves anesthesia and a serious rehabilitation period, which is painful and long.

The biggest disadvantage of surgical rhinoplasty is that
you can’t return it to how it was!
That is, if suddenly you don’t like something! The shape of the nose is not the same, something went wrong... then you will have to undergo another operation.

Along with the advent of fillers, it became possible to correct the nose with gel (based on hyaluronic acid). Anamnesis is collected, indications and contraindications are clarified.

I'm taking pain relief. Within 15 minutes I correct the nose and the person leaves with a new nose . Of course, the demand for such a procedure gradually began to go off scale and this is normal.

VIDEO - Why are people interested in rhinoplasty without surgery?

Safety and contraindications

Contraindications for face-building:

  • There are problems with the neck (hernia, sprain, osteochondrosis and injuries), you should not make sudden movements of the head, much less throw it back;
  • Herpes - infection may spread.
  • Pregnancy - it is forbidden to push too hard.

When performing exercises for the most protruding part of the face, the following safety rules should be observed:

  • During gymnastics, you often have to open your mouth, so if pain occurs, it is better to reduce the amplitude or stop the exercise altogether.
  • To reduce skin trauma, wash your skin and apply a moisturizer 20 minutes before starting a set of exercises.

After classes, you immediately feel a change in the contour - the muscles have become toned. After a few hours the effect usually goes away. The muscles have not yet strengthened. It must take at least 3 weeks for the results to last.

Having mastered simple exercises from the practice of face building and regularly resorting to them, you will be able to correct the shape of your nose and will be able to admire your reflection in the mirror.

How to fix your nose without surgery

There are nuances when a person has a broken nose, when nasal breathing is impaired. This affects his health, but the cosmetologist cannot do anything here. And if you need to correct external signs, for example, some kind of depression on the nose, a hump, or raise the tip of the nose, then you can improve it very significantly without resorting to the help of a surgeon.

In my practice, there were situations when girls came from surgeons.

The surgeon told them: “Don’t bother, go to a cosmetologist and fix everything that you don’t like!”

The surgeon understands that what needs to be fixed is not worth the risks involved in the operation.

The procedure for non-surgical rhinoplasty is in demand and a very common question that arises during the procedure of rhinoplasty with injections: “How is it that you add volume with a drug, but the lips increase, which means the nose should increase, as well as the lips and cheekbones?

In fact, the nose visually shrinks because we add the drug at secret points, thanks to which the profile of the nose becomes neater, the nose becomes more upturned and the hump that visually enlarged the nose goes away. It turns out that in some places I am enlarging my nose, but visually it is shrinking! Here's the thing! It's worth a try if you need it.

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Rhinoplasty, how to make your nose smaller

According to statistics, only 10% of people are satisfied with their nose. To others it seems:

  • not big enough or vice versa not small enough,
  • with a hump or vice versa straight,
  • raised or, on the contrary, hooked,
  • meaty or vice versa dry
  • and so on…..

So, these are all psychological problems and they are solved not by a plastic surgeon, but by a psychologist. We’re not talking about stars now, they really need nose jobs (more demand, contracts, this is show business, baby, there’s competition here!!), but don’t forget WHO does plastic surgery for them and who does plastic surgery for ordinary people, the level of surgeons is different , they do operations not to get rid of complexes. Real rhinoplasty operations are only indicated for: congenital or acquired defects of the nose, for example, a deviated nasal septum that makes it difficult to breathe, or a fracture and, as a result, a curvature of the nose. In all other cases, the operation is NOT NECESSARY, because it:

1) expensive (more than 100,000 rubles) 2) painful (you can’t breathe through your nose, bandages) 3) long rehabilitation period 4) unpredictable result and repeated plastic surgery is required (painful and expensive) 5) complications after surgery and repeated plastic surgery is required (painful and expensive ) 6) since this is a psychological problem, a new nose will not solve the problem of complexes because of it 7) the resulting tissue can grow and enlarge the nose again and repeated plastic surgery will be required (painful and expensive) 7) with age, all people have a larger nose and tip the nose droops. Surgeons will not give guarantees: firstly, more than six months must pass for the swelling to subside and the nose to take on a natural appearance, and secondly, the skin may be “thick” and the nose will remain imperfect. This stopped me, I re-read a lot of doctors’ answers and they were all like this: “I’m not happy with the result - wait, the swelling will go away,” “I can’t move my nose - why do you need this?”, “one nostril is larger than the other - revision rhinoplasty is required” , “the nose has not become smaller - the skin is thick,” etc., that is, I realized that doctors do not bear any responsibility for the result, specifically for the aesthetic side! and a repeat operation in another clinic is more expensive and more difficult than the first unsuccessful one. These are the disadvantages of rhinoplasty. There is also non-surgical rhinoplasty - injections with hyaluronic acid, filling with filler, but this must be done constantly..

Therefore, LOVE YOURSELF AS YOU ARE , and then read what we will do:

Attention!Under 16 years of age it is not recommended to use any nose correctors or corrective exercises, because The formation of the skeleton and facial tissues is still underway. A nose that seems large at the age of 13 can become quite proportionate and in harmony with the face by the age of 16.

Gymnastics for the nose are exercises: There are no risks or contraindications for the exercises. Try doing nose exercises regularly for 1-2 months and observe the results.

Exercises by Carol Maggio. Carol herself improved the shape of her own nose after unsuccessful plastic surgery on the nose. Many of Carol Maggio's clients have managed to avoid plastic surgery to correct their crooked nose. Twice a day, for 10 minutes we do this:

Exercise to shorten your nose (Carol Maggio)

Exercise for shortening the nose narrows and shortens the tip of the nose , training the depressor nasalis muscle, improves its shape and the condition of the upper lip. Good nasal muscle tone can even hide a small hump.

Take the starting position: pull in your stomach, tighten the muscles of the front surfaces of your thighs and tighten your buttocks. With your thumb and forefinger, grab the bridge of your nose, squeeze your fingers and press on your nose. Place the index finger of your other hand on the bottom of your nose. Pull your lower lip down, and the tip of your nose should also move down. Stay in this position for a second. After a second, release your lip and relax.

Repeat the exercise 40 times.

Important: When performing the exercise, you should feel the tip of your nose resting on your finger.

Comment: The nose shortening exercise increases the flow of oxygen, stimulates blood circulation in the area of ​​the nose and upper lip, so that a “burning” and tingling sensation is felt around the nose.

Do the nose shortening exercise once a day. If your nose is a little longer than you would like, or a little wider, do it twice a day.

Exercise to straighten the nose (when the tip of the nose deviates to the side)

The exercise is intended to correct an asymmetrical nose, i.e. when there is a deviation of the tip of the nose to the right or left, and not to correct a hump. Take your starting position. Position your fingers as in the previous exercise. Difference: push the tip of the nose in the direction strictly opposite to the curvature of the nose. Pull your lower lip down, hold in this position, and after a second relax your lips. Repeat the exercise 40 times. Each time the tip of the nose should rest against the extended finger. Tip: Even after straightening your nose, continue to do this exercise, pushing the tip of your nose in the direction opposite to the curvature, this way you will maintain the new, straight shape of your nose.

Video of exercises to reduce and straighten your nose from Carol Maggio's latest facial aerobics program, Ultimate Facercise

Exercise for a narrower and sharper nose

The Nose Shaper exercise from Caroline Cleaves' facial fitness returns the nose to its youthful shape, makes the nose narrower and sharper, and softens the crease between the nose and lips. In addition, it helps smooth out nasolabial folds. Place your index finger on the bottom of your nose and press upward. Open your mouth slightly, tuck your upper lip towards your teeth. Stretch your upper lip down, pulling it over your teeth. Repeat 40 times. Note: The distance you open your mouth during the exercise determines which muscles of the lower jaw are involved in the exercise.

Exercise to thin/narrow your nose. Exercise: Make an O shape with your lips and hold for a few seconds. The nose will become narrower.

This exercise targets a group of muscles inside the nose that will help tighten and narrow the appearance of the nose. Lower your chin, open your mouth, you will notice how your nose narrows in the process. Hold this position for 5-10 seconds. Repeat 30 times, twice a day. The result can usually be seen after 2-4 weeks.

Drooping tip of the nose. Exercise for raising the tip of the nose by French gymnastics for the face Evelyn Gunther-Pechot.

The exercise lifts the tip of the nose , strengthens the ridge of the nose and the upper lip. Place your index fingers on your eyebrows and your thumbs in a semicircle under your eyes, along the edges of your eye sockets, as if you were pretending to look through binoculars. To avoid possible unwanted wrinkles, press down firmly with your fingers. Wrinkle your nose in disgust, raising your upper lip, and hold in the most tense position for 3-5 seconds. Relax your nose. Repeat the exercise 10 times.

Exercise: hold the tip of the nose pressed with your fingers or a splint.

1. Pinch your nose with your fingers for a few minutes and breathe through your mouth. The exercises are performed three times a day, the improvement will be noticeable within a month. The main requirement for correcting the form is calm and even breathing and a state of complete peace.

2. Prepare two bags of disposable tea leaves and apply them to the wings of the nose (put them in the cold first), squeeze and hold for a while. Then put the tea bags in the cold again and continue this several times a day.

Using special devices:

Nasal splint: should be worn for 10 minutes a day, it can narrow the wings of the nose, raise the tip of the nose
Nose Lifter, electric vibration, 3-5 minutes daily

Author: prettier Trinity, especially for Romashka-Club


Exercises for the oval face Carol Maggio Stand in front of the mirror and round your lips in the shape of the letter O. Press your tongue to your cheek, and your cheek to your tongue. Try to keep the pressure between them as maximum as possible. Move your tongue across your cheek. Do about 20 strokes on each cheek. Take a deep breath and puff out your cheeks, evenly distributing the air inside them. Keep your lips tightly closed. Place your palms on your cheeks so that your fingers are on your ears. Press on your cheeks, but use your cheeks to resist the pressure of your hands. Hold for 5 seconds and then relax your face. The exercise must be repeated 5-10 times. Asahi lymphatic drainage massage for the face If you look for how to do Asahi lymphatic drainage massage for the face, then Yandex will offer a video with Alena Sobol, but this is not at all .. There is a video in Russian translation (male voice) with Yukuko Tanaka. For massage you need to use oil, for example, almond. Massage should improve lymph microcirculation.

Nose correction - before and after 1

Non-surgical rhinoplasty – 1

In this case, a young girl asked whether it was possible to correct a hump on her nose and raise the tip of her nose without surgery. She was also concerned that the tip of her nose droops quite far when she smiles. During the examination, it became clear that correction with filler is possible and the result will be sufficient. The drug was selected in a small volume and medium density.

The procedure is performed under local anesthesia with cream and is tolerated comfortably. The result is visible immediately. Slight swelling and bruising may occur, but is rare. The effect lasts 6-12 months, after repeated correction up to 18 months.

Cosmetologist's work:
  • fix hump
  • without surgery
  • filler correction
  • under local anesthesia
  • Effect 6-12 months

Nose correction - before and after 2

Non-surgical rhinoplasty – 2

Almost always, a person who is planning nose correction with filler has a completely logical question: since additional volume is introduced, does that mean the nose will become larger? The concerns are understandable, because you are coming for a procedure to visually reduce your nose, not enlarge it. The answer is that the nose protrudes forward due to its shape, often with a hump.

The filler is injected at several points in such a way that the nose becomes almost straight, and sometimes even upturned, and thanks to this it seems to decrease in size. This is an optical illusion, but still. The nose does not become larger with proper distribution of the drug.

Cosmetologist's work:
  • Make your nose smaller
  • Short rehabilitation
  • Effect 6-18 months
  • Anesthesia cream

Nose correction - before and after 3

Non-surgical rhinoplasty – 3

A hump and deformation of the nasal bridge can be not only congenital, but acquired after an injury, for example, or illness. This is an even more annoying problem because usually the problem not only exists, but it progresses over the years. If nasal breathing is impaired, that is, the septum is deviated, then only surgical intervention is possible - surgical rhinoplasty.

But if the changes are only external, as in this case, then it is quite possible to do without surgery and correct this feature with filler based on hyaluronic acid. The effect lasts from 6 to 18 months, local anesthesia is creamy, the duration of the entire procedure, including pain relief, is no more than 45-60 minutes. Rehabilitation usually lasts 2-4 days, rarely up to 7

Cosmetologist's work:
  • Procedure 45-60 min.
  • Rehabilitation 2-4 days
  • Effect 6-18 months
  • Anesthesia cream

Surgeon's recommendations in the postoperative period. How to prevent complications

Rehabilitation after surgery averages 20 to 25 days. If rhinoplasty was performed under general anesthesia, the patient must also remain in the hospital for 24 hours after surgery.

For three days after surgery, gauze or cotton swabs should be placed in the nasal cavity to ensure immobility of the new forms and to prevent swelling. On days 5–8 (depending on the speed of healing), the suture material is removed after plastic surgery. After a week or 10 days, the patient’s plaster cast is removed, the hematomas and swelling begin to gradually subside.

Doctor's recommendations during the postoperative period:

  1. Sleep on your back and be sure to use a high pillow.
  2. To reduce the level of discomfort associated with dry mouth (as one of the possible consequences of the procedure), use special softening solutions or pastes.
  3. Do not abuse alcohol and smoking.
  4. Avoid going to baths, solariums, and saunas.
  5. Don't wear glasses.
  6. It is forbidden to overload yourself with physical activity.
  7. Temporarily avoid hot food and drinks.
  8. Do not touch, knead or feel your nose.

Possible complications

Complications after rhinoplasty occur in rare cases. Some of them appear immediately after correction, while others occur in later stages of healing. Natural complications include swelling and hematomas. External signs of swelling disappear within a week after plastic surgery, deep swelling disappears after six months. Difficulty breathing disappears on its own 10 days after surgery.

In order to protect yourself as much as possible from possible complications, it is important to carefully select a specialist, clinic and provide complete information about your state of health, injuries or diseases, if any. The final result of the operation also depends on strict adherence to the doctor’s recommendations during the rehabilitation period.

Nose correction - before and after 4

Non-surgical rhinoplasty – 4

The photo shows a great example of how a straighter and more even bridge of the nose can make the face more feminine and softer. Correct shadows, no recesses, no hump, the tip of the nose looks up - what could be more harmonious? This shape of the nasal bridge is an excellent basis for non-surgical rhinoplasty, that is, correction with filler based on hyaluronic acid.

The density of the drug is always selected during consultation - it can be a medium density or high viscosity gel. The correct selection determines the amount of the drug used, the usefulness of the effect, and its duration. The effect of filler is always temporary - 6-18 months, after repeated correction it lasts longer. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia, is tolerated comfortably, rehabilitation lasts 2-4 days.

Cosmetologist's work:
  • The procedure is comfortable
  • Rehabilitation 2-4 days
  • Effect 6-18 months
  • Anesthesia cream

Nose correction - before and after 5

Non-surgical rhinoplasty – 5

Doesn't the nose become wider after correction? This is a very common question. When we smooth out the hump or raise the tip, the nose does not become wider; on the contrary, in some places it even becomes thinner and more miniature. But when it comes to the need to correct the “full face”, that is, asymmetry, when the nose has moved a little to the side or there are some depressions, then with just a little correction the nose can become wider. But the plus is that no one will notice this, because a straight nose always looks more aesthetically pleasing than a nose with asymmetry, even if it is 1-2 mm wider at the back.

In this photo you can see how correcting asymmetry changes the nose and the overall perception of the face for the better. The effect lasts up to 6-18 months. Local anesthesia, cream. The procedure time is 45-60 minutes with consultation and anesthesia. It feels like it can be carried comfortably. Rehabilitation from several hours to 3-4 days.

Cosmetologist's work:
  • The procedure is comfortable
  • Rehabilitation up to 4 days
  • Effect 6-18 months
  • Local anesthesia

A set of exercises for the nose

There are various techniques that can strengthen the muscles of the nose, get rid of fat and correct the shape of the protruding organ.

For shortening

The technique is suitable for those women and men who have a slight hump, whose nose is elongated or slightly widened at the bottom. After a course of gymnastics, the defect is eliminated and the condition of the muscles above the upper lip improves.


  1. Sit down on the floor. Pull your stomach in and tighten your buttocks.
  2. Grab the bridge of your nose with your index and thumb, bringing them down closer to your nostrils.
  3. Apply pressure.
  4. The index finger of your free hand should touch the tip of your nose so that you feel the stop.
  5. Pull your lower lip down. At this moment, you should feel the tip of your nose also moving down.
  6. Stay in this position for a few seconds.
  7. Move your lip back to the starting position and relax.
  8. To achieve results, you will need to do the exercise 40–45 times in one approach.

In order to train the nasal muscles, it is recommended to do this exercise once a day. If you are unhappy with the length of your nose or the thickness of its tip, gymnastics should be performed twice a day. In just a month you will see how the contours begin to transform.

Important! As you complete the task, you should feel your index finger resting on the tip of your nose. The tingling and tingling sensation is welcomed, which indicates that blood circulation is improving and the muscle is working.

For alignment

If the tip of the nose is tilted slightly to the side and there is asymmetry, follow these recommendations:

  1. Take a sitting position.
  2. Grab your nose with your index finger and thumb.
  3. Support the tip with the index finger of your free hand on the side of the curvature.
  4. Now push it in the opposite direction, as if trying to straighten it out.
  5. Lower your lower lip and hold still for at least a second.
  6. Do this manipulation every day - 40 times in one approach.

When you achieve the desired result, do not stop the exercises - they will allow you to maintain the achieved effect for a long time.

  • Why is finger exercises necessary for arthrosis of the hands?

To narrow

Do you want your nose to be narrow? Follow Caroline Cleaves' fitness routine and you'll notice a thinner nasal plate in just a few months.

The exercise is aimed at:

  • reduction of fat in the nostril area;
  • softening the triangle above the upper lip and strengthening the muscles in this area;
  • smoothing nasolabial folds;
  • rejuvenation and correction of the shape of the nose.

The Facebook building program consists of 3 exercises:

Lesson 1:

  1. Touch your index finger to the end of your nose, and then quickly point it upward.
  2. Open your mouth a little and tuck your upper lip so that it covers your teeth.
  3. Try to pull your upper lip downward while pointing the tip of your nose upward.
  4. A similar manipulation is performed daily 40 times in one approach,

Lesson 2:

  1. Lower your chin slightly and open your mouth (at this moment the nose narrows).
  2. Hold for 5-7 seconds.
  3. Do the procedure 30 times.
  4. Nasal narrowing can be observed in weeks 2–4.

Lesson 3:

  1. Lower your chin and open your mouth.
  2. Place the pad of your index finger in the center of your nostrils.
  3. Direct your gaze upward and flare your nostrils. You should feel the inner muscle near the septum tighten.
  4. Course of exercises: 3 sets of 10 seconds.

Thanks to the above muscle strengthening techniques, after a certain time (at least a few weeks) you will notice a transformation - your nose will become slightly thinner.

Important! People with pear-shaped noses should not expect much thinning. You must understand that no technique can significantly affect the shape of the nose, which is determined at the genetic level.

To strengthen

Exercises from Reinhold Bernz can strengthen your nose. The Facebook building master offers:

  1. The middle fingers of both hands are placed on the bridge of the nose so that they touch each other.
  2. Slowly pull the skin down, straining your nose.
  3. Hold for about 10 seconds. You should feel muscle tension.
  4. Do the procedure 10 times daily.

Do you want to improve the situation with the sunken area around the eyes and near the nose? Then place two fingers - the middle and ring fingers - on both sides of the bridge of the nose, wrinkle your nose and press the pads onto the skin. Hold for 6-7 seconds. Do this exercise every day 3 times in one approach.

  • Exercises to reduce nose size without surgery at home

Other problems

In addition to the problems with the olfactory organ listed above, others may also occur. You can also level them out with the help of special exercises:

  • Absence of a soft transition from the nose to the cheeks. Fix the index fingers of both hands in the cavity. Try to wrinkle your nose without opening your mouth. Course: every day 10 times.
  • The nasal wings are too voluminous. We place the middle fingers near them. We strain the muscles of the nose, wrinkling it, and then “freeze” for 6 seconds. We do it 5 times every day.
  • Ugly nostrils. The thumbs are placed at the base of the nostrils, and then move towards the end of the nose, as if smoothing out the problem area. Repeat 10 times.
  • Sunken nasal wings. We place the thumb in the nostril itself, and the index finger in the cavity of the wings of the nose. We pull our thumbs up, as if turning our nose out, and we strain the nose itself. We fixate for 6 seconds. Classes involve 5-6 repetitions.
  • Dropped tip. The index fingers should go around the brow ridge, and the thumbs should go around the lower eyelid, as if you were looking through imaginary binoculars. Wrinkle your nose and slightly lift your upper lip, while your hands should press well on the area around the eyes. Hold for 6 seconds. Similar manipulations are performed up to 10 times.
  • Reddened nose. To eliminate this problem, you should massage your ears. Place your index finger forward and your thumb back, as if holding your earlobes. Using massaging circular movements, move along the edge, and at the top, for convenience, simply swap your fingers. Do this several times a day for 30 seconds.

Nose correction - before and after 6

Non-surgical rhinoplasty – 6

A fairly common situation is when a whole syringe of filler for nose correction turns out to be too much and we have the opportunity to refresh another area on the face. Mostly, patients choose the lips as the second correction zone. A small amount can make a very delicate correction, but in general, after working on the nose and lips, the face is truly transformed. Pay attention to the photo - the correction is not noticeable, but at the same time the lips have become more expressive, more sensual and positive, and the nose is visually shorter and looks neater on the face - more straight and upturned.

This correction was carried out using 1 ml of hyaluronic acid filler and took about 60 minutes. The effect will last for 8-12 months. Local anesthesia cream. The procedure feels comfortable. Rehabilitation in the nose area: 2-4 days, lips up to a week.

Cosmetologist's work:
  • The correction is invisible
  • Rehabilitation up to 4 days
  • Effect 6-12 months
  • Local anesthesia
  • 1 ml filler

About the progress of the operation and its main stages

The first stage of the operation is anesthesia.

Rhinoplasty is performed under general or local anesthesia. The choice of type of anesthesia depends both on the wishes of the client and the specifics of the operation, and on the method that the plastic surgeon will use when performing it. The patient can always share his wishes regarding anesthesia, but the final decision is made by the doctor. The process and quality of rehabilitation after rhinoplasty also depends on the choice of type of anesthesia.

Local anesthesia is used for minor nose corrections using hormonal injections, fillers or threads. These correction methods do not cause severe pain, so general anesthesia is not required in most cases. But this type of anesthesia is practically not used during rhinoplasty, when the surgeon needs to touch the bones of the nose or eyes.

General anesthesia is used by the surgeon in most cases. This type of anesthesia allows you to completely avoid pain during the operation and the patient will not have any memories of the operation.

The operation lasts 1–2 hours. After anesthesia, the surgeon makes an incision in the skin or mucous membrane. Depending on the wishes of the patient and the specific case, the doctor selects an open or closed method for performing the operation.

During rhinoplasty, the doctor separates the soft tissue of the nose from the bone and cartilage tissue in the nasal cavity. Then he moves the cartilage and bone fragments and models a new shape of the nose. After the manipulations, the plastic surgeon applies absorbable sutures to the skin or mucous membrane, depending on where the incision was made. The next stage is packing the nasal passages with large gauze swabs. The final stage of the operation is the application of a fixing plaster bandage.

The type of incision is selected by the surgeon depending on the structure of the nose, the complexity of the procedure and the surgeon’s preferences in the work. The incision can be axial, perpendicular, oval or made at an angle.

Rhinoplasty itself is performed by three main methods: open, closed and combined. The features of each method are described in the “types of operation” paragraph.

The choice of plastic surgery method is presented to the patient directly, but doctors recommend choosing methods with the lowest level of injury. Surgeons claim that the least traumatic methods are closed and combined, since when they are used the incision is small and recovery after surgery is faster.

Nose correction - before and after 7

Non-surgical rhinoplasty – 7

Quite often people come to the appointment for advice on nose correction. Basically to hear that there are no options, surgery is needed. And indeed, when there is pronounced asymmetry, the nose does not breathe due to a displaced septum, or, for example, there is a desire to significantly reduce the size of the nose, then of course you should immediately see a surgeon. And when the size of the nose is not so important, but you just want to visually smooth out the hump and thereby “soften” the facial features, then a cosmetologist can almost always help.

So it is in this case. We needed 1 procedure to smooth out the hump and lift the tip of the nose. The nose became straighter, even slightly upturned. The patient was pleased with the effect. In this case, the remaining filler in the syringe was used to lightly beautify the lips, which enhanced the effect of softness and femininity. A total of 1 ml of filler for both areas.

Cosmetologist's work:
  • The procedure, including pain relief, lasts 1 hour.
  • Application anesthesia - with a special cream
  • The procedure is comfortable and well tolerated
  • Rehabilitation 1-7 days. Effect up to a year.


Correct application of makeup

YouTube is full of videos where makeup artists offer to make your nose smaller at home using a complex step-by-step makeup routine. This method requires a certain skill, patience and time (up to 20 minutes) daily. The result after professional makeup is amazing: the length is shortened, the tip becomes refined, wide wings turn into narrow, graceful nostrils. Just miracles. But there are also disadvantages. Unlike rhinoplasty, makeup for visually reducing the nose:

  • does not give results from all angles. Tricks with shading and the play of penumbra only work in frontal view. In profile the shape remains the same;
  • If you sweat heavily (going to the gym, doing outdoor activities), swimming in the pool or on the beach, the cosmetics may wash off and the result of the correction will be lost.

If these disadvantages of correction do not frighten you, then begin to comprehend the basics of the art of makeup.

Correcting the length, shape, or wide wings of the nose is based on the principle of chiaroscuro: we hide problem areas under darker tones, and highlight areas that you want to narrow or accentuate with a highlighter or light powder.

List of cosmetics

A makeup artist's arsenal will help you straighten your nose without surgery before an important event or photo shoot:

  • wide brush for applying foundation;
  • natural bristle brush for blending shades;
  • foundation in three shades (your tone, a lighter tone and a darker tone);
  • fixing mineral powder;
  • brown color corrector;
  • highlighter.

Tips for applying makeup to make your nose appear smaller

To begin, cover all skin imperfections with foundation. Next, tint the side parts of the nose (wings) with a brown corrector. Add a little darkening to the tip of the nose. Using a sponge, carefully blend the junction of the foundation and corrector. Apply a narrow strip of highlighter to the central part of the nose (the back). Cunning manipulation allows not only to visually reduce the size of the nose, but also to make it more neat and the bridge of the nose graceful.

How to visually narrow your nose

For women who have a wide bridge of the nose, makeup artists advise applying foundation first, and then adding highlighter to the problem area. Additionally, the emphasis from the wide bridge of the nose is shifted to well-groomed wide eyebrows and a classic arrow on the upper eyelid. But owners of a wide nose should avoid arrows on the lower eyelid.

How to shorten your length using cosmetics

For those with a long nose, makeup artists suggest applying a brown corrector to the tip of previously cleansed skin. Blend the product thoroughly with a brush, cosmetic sponge or beauty blender. Fix the corrector on top with transparent mineral powder.

How to make a hump less noticeable

The hump is the highlight of the oriental type. If you don't like this facial feature, try hiding it with brown concealer. A dark color will remove the protruding part, making the bridge of the nose more even.

How to make your nose less snub

You can change the shape of a nose with a perky profile using brown concealer applied along the middle of the back, but without going to the tip or bridge of the nose. For a natural effect, do not forget about shading and powder.

How to make your nose look smaller with makeup

Makeup artists correct the typically Slavic profile with wide wings using highlighter and concealer. Apply the corrector to the side parts in the form of long vertical lines. We use highlighter on the back of the nose (middle part).

How to make a short nose visually a little longer

While some people dream of using rhinoplasty to make their profile shorter, others suffer from a small nose. Highlighter applied to the back and tip will eliminate the problem.

Step-by-step lessons with photos

To see more clearly that you can really change the shape of your nose with makeup, watch the photo tutorial. If you don’t succeed the first time, don’t despair, 2-3 practices and everything will work out.

Nose correction - before and after 8

Non-surgical rhinoplasty – 8

A common reason for people seeking nose correction is unevenness of the nasal bridge. In profile and from the front, the nose can be perfect and chiseled, but in projection the half-cup has some irregularities that create the effect of a hump. For those who find this feature significant, injection rhinoplasty with hyaluronic acid fillers may well be indicated. The drug is administered at several points in such a way that the line of the nose from any point of view becomes ideal.

In this case, 0.6 ml of medium density filler was used. The procedure took 45 minutes including pain relief. The patient tolerated it very well. Rehabilitation lasted about 2-3 days (there was slight swelling on the back of the nose). The effect of the procedure lasts up to 1 year.

Cosmetologist's work:
  • 0.6 ml medium density filler
  • The procedure took 45 minutes
  • Rehabilitation 2-3 days
  • The effect of the procedure is up to 1 year

Nose correction - before and after 9

Non-surgical rhinoplasty – 9

In this case, the patient wanted to reduce the severity of the hump and the drooping of the tip of the nose during facial expressions, in particular when smiling. Such corrections are possible using a combination of Botox + filler, or using one method. Here we only used filler. The photo shows how nose contouring allows you to change the profile - the nose becomes visually smaller, the tip of the nose is perkier, including when smiling, the girl’s facial features are softer.

This procedure took about an hour. It was performed under anesthesia with a special cream, and the patient tolerated it very well. The recovery period is 1-7 days, it depends on whether bruises appear after the injections. In the case of non-surgical rhinoplasty, bruises are rare. The effect in the case of a pronounced hump after the first procedure usually lasts up to six months, but the hump does not appear to the same extent, it just becomes a little more visible. After repeating the procedure, as usual, the effect lasts up to a year.

Cosmetologist's work:
  • Pain relief with a special cream
  • Effect up to six months
  • The procedure took about 1 hour
  • Repeatedly - Effect up to 1 year

Nose correction - before and after - 10

Non-surgical rhinoplasty – 10

In my practice, I often encounter patients asking me to correct two areas at the same time - the nose and lips. In fact, this option gives excellent results if there are indications for it. In this case, the patient’s “before” nose does not have a noticeable hump and is very neat. The need for correction arose because he sank down during facial expressions.

A very small amount of filler was used to correct the nose and we used the remainder of the product for light dynamic beauty of the lips. The result in both areas was more than natural and the patient was satisfied. The procedure, including anesthesia, took about an hour. Rehabilitation takes up to 7 days, as the lips react to injections with swelling and bruising. The effect lasts up to a year.

Cosmetologist's work:
  • Pain relief with a special cream
  • Effect up to a year
  • The procedure took about 1 hour
  • Rehabilitation up to 7 days

Nose correction - before and after - 11

Non-surgical rhinoplasty – 11

Correcting a hump is the most common reason for seeking non-surgical rhinoplasty. This is quite understandable, because in profile, the presence of a hump and recess in the area of ​​the nose visually enlarges even the most neat nose. In this case, this trend is very clearly visible in the “before” photo. In this case, a small amount of filler was used to achieve the full effect of leveling the hump, in addition to slightly raising the tip of the nose. The “after” photo shows how much the profile of the face and nose can change even after a very minor correction.

The procedure took about 45 minutes. Anesthesia with a special cream. The patient tolerated the procedure easily and said that she felt comfortable. Rehabilitation 1-7 days. The effect lasts up to a year and disappears gradually. After a repeated procedure, as a rule, its duration is longer.

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