Fat-sparing blepharoplasty with redistribution of fat bags

Puffiness under the eyes does not look aesthetically pleasing and makes the face look unattractive and older than its age. Most often this defect appears with age. It's called fatty hernias under the eyes. It is impossible to disguise it with the help of cosmetics.

Depending on the location, hernias occur in the upper eyelid and, most often, hernias or bags in the lower eyelid. To remove hernias under the eyes, consultation with a cosmetologist or plastic surgeon is required to make a correct diagnosis, since they distinguish between hernias (fatty deposits), malar fat under the eyes (malar bags), swelling and decreased skin tone of the lower eyelids. Elimination of this unpleasant problem is possible in two ways - surgical (blepharoplasty) and cosmetic (hardware and injection procedures). Only a specialist can determine which method to use. GMTClinic will select an individual solution for you.

Causes of hernias under the eyes

  • Hereditary predisposition.
  • Diseases of the organs of vision.
  • Poor circulation in the capillaries under the eyes as a result of drinking alcohol and smoking.
  • Metabolic disorders, namely water metabolism.
  • Stressful situations.
  • Sleep disturbances.
  • Increased eye strain.


There are contraindications for removing hernias under the eyes; they should not be neglected:

  • Infectious diseases and cancer.
  • High blood pressure.
  • Dry eye syndrome.
  • Hyperfunction of the thyroid gland.
  • Exacerbations of chronic diseases.

There are contraindications for the hardware method of eliminating the problem:

  • Skin diseases in the area of ​​localization of procedures.
  • Infectious diseases.
  • Diabetes mellitus (with limitation).
  • Connective tissue diseases.
  • Electrical implants.
  • Pregnancy or breastfeeding.
  • Oncological diseases.


After laser blepharoplasty, discomfort, swelling and redness that occur after the procedure disappear spontaneously within 2-3 days, depending on the type of laser and the power of the parameters chosen by the doctor. The swelling goes away completely after 7–10 days. In the first days after grinding, crusts form that cannot be damaged mechanically. They will go away within 5-7 days.

After SMAS eyelid lifting, immediately after the procedure, redness of the area that was exposed (from 20 to 60 minutes), limited swelling (3-5 days) may be noted. All these reactions pass quickly and do not require a recovery period.


It is necessary to understand that treatment of a hernia under the eyes is unacceptable without consulting a cosmetologist. In our clinic, specialists select an individual solution for each patient.

How to remove hernias under the eyes without surgery? To do this, hardware procedures are used to get rid of fat deposits under gases:

  • mesotherapy with Mezoai and other drugs;
  • peptide injections;
  • fractional photothermolysis;
  • ultrasonic lift;
  • thermolifting;
  • microcurrent lymphatic drainage.

The effect is noticeable after a course of treatment.

Plasma therapy is an innovative, scientifically developed method that gives good results. Essentially, it is an injection of plasma that strengthens the dermis. After a course of therapy, the effect lasts quite a long time.

Ultrasound therapy can also help remove hernias under the eyes. Using the Altera System device, it is possible to achieve lifting of the upper eyelids and eyebrows.

Contour plastic surgery will help to even out skin relief, but only after the recommendation and under the supervision of a cosmetologist.

A more radical solution to eliminate a hernia under the eyes is surgical blepharoplasty.

Laser blepharoplasty

Laser blepharoplasty (Laser eyelid resurfacing) is a procedure that allows, without a scalpel or incisions, to reduce the skin of the upper and lower eyelids using laser action, as well as eliminate wrinkles around the eyes.

Today, this is a worthy alternative to surgical intervention, which has a number of undeniable advantages.

The procedure is performed using a fractional CO2 laser SmartХide DOT (Italy). This is a unique CO2 laser platform with an integrated innovative DOT Therapy® technique, which is absolutely deservedly the gold standard in the field of laser facial rejuvenation.


No special preparation is required for cosmetic procedures. You should follow your doctor’s recommendations and avoid overheating the skin in saunas, spa treatments, solariums, etc.

Before eliminating the problem, it is important to reduce eye strain as much as possible and not use irritating cosmetics. It is highly undesirable to drink alcohol and smoke. These measures will also contribute to speedy rehabilitation.

Preparation for blepharoplasty involves the need to undergo tests and consult doctors.

Rehabilitation after non-invasive treatment is based solely on the recommendations of a cosmetologist. The doctor will most likely advise you to refuse:

  • from exposure to (long-term) ultraviolet rays;
  • protect your eyes with sunglasses;
  • apply moisturizing creams to the skin;
  • do not use scrubs or peeling.

Features of the laser resurfacing procedure

The laser beam, penetrating deep into the skin, is divided into many microbeams, which create pinpoint microscopic damage in the skin. In areas of damage, intensive recovery processes are launched, since the ability of skin tissue to regenerate is very high. The targeted effect provides a sufficient supply of healthy cells (that have not been exposed to micro-rays), which serve as a source for the creation of new collagen and elastin. At the same time, the skin significantly contracts and tightens - pinpoint areas of damage “evaporate” micro areas of the skin. Due to these processes, the skin of the eyelids is tightened and wrinkles around the eyes are smoothed out.


The average price in Moscow for eliminating hernias under the eyes for hardware procedures is from 8,000 rubles, for blepharoplasty ranges from 40,000 to 90,000 rubles, the cost of injections for this aesthetic problem is in the region of 16,000 – 20,000 rubles.

The GMTCLINIC clinic has in its arsenal 25 modern devices for eliminating skin problems and rejuvenation. Our clinic is a clinic for plastic surgery, laser cosmetology and a center for modern hardware and injection rejuvenation techniques.

Removing bags under the eyes

Masking bags are unsightly pad-like formations on the cheekbones, formed from fat. They can also be called “zygomatic bags”, “swelling”, “sufas”, “sagging cheekbones”, etc. Such a cosmetic defect can be visualized already in youth, but in most cases it is typical for patients aged 30+. The problem is relevant for both women and men.

Such swelling is especially noticeable in the morning and becomes larger due to lack of sleep and poor lifestyle. The desire to adjust the paint bags is purely individual. After the operation, the skin in this area tightens, the face becomes fresher, and the look becomes rested.

The main reasons for the formation of paint bags

  • Genetic predisposition.
  • Disorders of the thyroid gland.
  • Overweight.
  • Problems in the functioning of the urinary system (particularly the kidneys).
  • Damage to the skin by ultraviolet radiation with subsequent weakening.
  • Gravitational prolapse of soft tissues associated with age-related characteristics of the body.
  • Hypertrophy of the eye muscles.
  • Fatty hernias, etc.

Blepharoplasty is a surgical method of removing eye bags

Extended blepharoplasty is one of the most effective ways to combat suffocation. The operation is indicated for people aged 35+.

For comparison, patients can use various cosmetics (for example, patches), creams, and use injection techniques, but the bags will still increase over time. Moreover, age-related “tear troughs” appear, strengthening the nasolabial folds, the orbits of the eyes become sharply defined, while the lower jaw gradually loses its outline. Fat that is in a static position gradually swells, becomes inflamed and acquires a dark shade. The furrows become deeper and more defined. Unfortunately, without surgical help, the face gradually “floats” downwards, and the bags become more and more noticeable.

Extended blepharoplasty or simultaneous lifting of the cheekbones and cheeks allows you to solve the problem of “zygomatic bags” for a long time. The procedure is aimed at rejuvenating the middle part of the face, the cheek-zygomatic area is raised, the corners of the lips are tightened, the skin in the bag area is noticeably tightened, and sagging becomes invisible. In this case, incisions are made along the lower edge of the eyes, so that scars and cicatrices are not visible. After complete recovery, the features of a youthful face will return, but there will be no effect of the operated areas!

After extended blepharoplasty, the paint bags are placed in the position from which they were originally moved by gravity. The effect lasts for 8-10 years.

Features of extended blepharoplasty for removal of paint bags:

  • The bags are accessed through a natural crease in the lower lash line.
  • The accumulated fat is removed transconjunctivally. At an older age (after 35 years), in addition to adipose tissue, part of the muscle can be removed.

With extended blepharoplasty, the zygomatic ligaments (which hold the fat layer) are separated, and the fatty tissue that forms the same bag is partially eliminated. Fatty hernias are either eliminated completely or correctly redistributed, sharply reducing the risk of subsequent eyelid inversion.

Also in plastic surgery, endoscopic lifting of the middle and upper areas of the face is actively used, when incisions are made in the scalp and in the mouth area.


It is possible to get rid of fat deposits on the face under the eyes. Only a specialist can tell you how to practically do this, so do not neglect the consultation of a cosmetologist and a plastic surgeon. Our clinic specialist will select for you an individual program for removing hernias under the eyes and rejuvenating the skin. Only a doctor can make a prediction regarding the effectiveness of the chosen method and its long-term results. Look at the before and after photos - do you still want to “wear” fatty hernias under your eyes?

Trust your face exclusively to professionals!

Benefits of laser blepharoplasty

  • The non-surgical procedure is performed in an outpatient setting, unlike surgery.
  • The manipulations are painless, since they are performed using anesthetic gels.
  • During one procedure, four to five effective innovative laser techniques are combined.
  • The recovery period lasts 48 hours.
  • The tangible visual effect of non-surgical blepharoplasty is noticeable a month after the first session and increases over time; subsequent procedures enhance and consolidate the result.
  • The procedure can be done regardless of the time of year.
  • The price of non-surgical laser plastic surgery is relatively low.

Preparation for the procedure

The non-surgical technique of laser blepharoplasty of the upper and lower eyelids, despite positive reviews and reasonable prices in Moscow clinics, is not applicable in all cases, so a free consultation with our doctor is first required. Our clinic specialist will determine the presence of any possible contraindications and, if they are absent, will schedule a day for the procedure. There is no need to prepare specially for it or take tests.

Indications for the procedure for rejuvenating the skin around the eyes

  • Flabbiness and thinning of the dermis in the eyelid area.
  • Drooping of the upper eyelids due to excess or decreased skin turgor.
  • Formation of the nasolacrimal groove.
  • Formation of wrinkles on the skin around the eyes.
  • Scars and other skin defects in the paraorbital area.
  • Small hernias, swelling and swelling in the eyelid area.
  • Wrinkles and sagging skin around the eyes.


  • Inflammatory processes on the skin of the eyelids.
  • Infectious diseases.
  • Bronchial asthma, in severe cases.
  • Autoimmune diseases.
  • Malignant tumors.

How is non-surgical blepharoplasty performed?

The laser blepharoplasty procedure is carried out in several stages:


The eyes are protected with special intraocular steel caps using an anesthetic gel. The mucous membranes of the lower and upper eyelids (conjunctiva) are treated with an erbium laser in the fractional Smooth - coagulation (heating) mode.

The effect of laser radiation precisely through the conjunctival mucosa, taking into account the chromophore, allows you to increase the temperature of deep-lying tissues without absolutely damaging the mucosa!!! and those structures to which heat will be directly transferred. At the same time, the volume of adipose tissue in the conjunctival sac is reduced, deep structures are rejuvenated by stimulating collagen renewal processes in all layers of eyelid skin.


Stage of deep dermal laser treatment on the area around the eyes and the entire middle third of the face, including the skin of the forehead. This stage of the procedure is performed using a neodymium laser (Fotona Nd:YAG). The integrity of the skin is not compromised. The purpose of this stage of the procedure is to launch the processes of neocollagenogenesis, reconstruction of tissues of the upper third of the face, elimination of venous stagnation, pigmentation, improvement of turgor and skin tone.


A neodymium laser (Nd:YAG) in Piano mode evenly and painlessly heats not only the middle but also the deep layers of the dermis. This effect produces a powerful effect of revitalizing, toning and tightening tissue.


An erbium laser (ER:YAG) is applied to the skin of the upper and lower eyelids and the entire middle third of the face, as well as the skin of the forehead (to tighten the upper eyelid). Thus, powerful lifting is ensured, skin turgor and tone are restored, wrinkles are smoothed out, and pigmentation is eliminated.


At the fifth stage of laser blepharoplasty, the skin of the lower and upper eyelids is treated with fractional laser beams in ablation (evaporation) mode, damaging the skin surface in order to reduce the skin flap, noticeably tighten sagging eyelids and radically rejuvenate the tissue.

Recovery period after the procedure

The recovery period lasts on average 48-72 hours. The skin looks reddened and swollen. If an additional 5th stage was included in the procedure protocol, the rehabilitation period can last up to 5 days.

To achieve optimal and long-lasting results, it is necessary to complete a course of two or three procedures at 40-60-day intervals. How much laser blepharoplasty costs depends on this, but we note that our clinic regularly offers promotions for the procedure.

What happens after laser eye area rejuvenation?

  • Excess skin is reduced and the upper eyelid is lifted
  • Bruises and blueness under the eyes are reduced by eliminating venous stagnation
  • Smooth out bags under the eyes
  • Removes wrinkles around and under the eyes
  • And all this in one multi-stage procedure with rehabilitation of 2-5 days

Today, the SmoothEye™ laser blepharoplasty technology has no analogues in the laser rejuvenation market and has already established itself as the most revolutionary non-surgical technique of the 21st century in the leading beauty salons of the world.

Photos of results before and after non-surgical laser blepharoplasty

Rehabilitation after lower eyelid blepharoplasty

Lower eyelid blepharoplasty is considered an easily tolerated operation. The very next day you will leave the clinic, but with one condition - wearing sunglasses. The sutures are removed on the 3rd, less often on the 7th day. At first, it is necessary to exclude any physical activity and prolonged work at the computer. Recovery after lower eyelid blepharoplasty at home involves treating the sutures with an antiseptic solution. The consumption of alcohol and coffee is strictly prohibited. Cosmetics can be applied after the swelling goes away, approximately 10 days.

If the operation is performed correctly, there are no complications after lower eyelid blepharoplasty.

As for the result, the final appearance can be assessed after 1.5 months. This is the period required for complete recovery. In a week, you will be able to appear in public without embarrassment and return to your normal rhythm of life. You can undergo lower eyelid surgery in our clinic. The operation is performed by a surgeon with more than 25 years of experience.

Blepharoplasty without incisions: myth or reality?

When it comes to removing eye hernias, many people shudder and imagine a scalpel and put off a visit to the doctor with all their might.

In fact, surgical blepharoplasty is indicated only in those rare cases when the problem is advanced.

The vast majority of patients with initial signs of a hernia (dark circles under the eyes, small bags) are suitable for injection blepharoplasty.

Wrinkles and skin bags in the lower eyelid area

Laser resurfacing or laser blepharoplasty of the lower eyelids is a unique and very effective non-invasive procedure that helps with sagging skin of the lower eyelid (Fig. 6).

Non-surgical blepharoplasty (that is, eyelid lift) can only be performed with a laser. Other procedures (including those listed above) cannot be called blepharoplasty, since they do not in any way affect the area of ​​eyelid skin .

Effect of laser resurfacing:

  • will help eliminate skin ptosis;
  • the eyelid will tighten, followed by the surrounding skin;
  • wrinkles will smooth out or become less pronounced;
  • the overall appearance of the skin will improve, dark circles will disappear;
  • skin tone will increase.

In combination with injections, laser blepharoplasty works wonders. This can be seen in the photo: you can completely transform your face and maintain youth for a long time.

What definitely won't help?

Collagen injections, biorevitalization, various creams for bags under the eyes - all this cannot eliminate bags and even out the skin on the lower eyelid. The same applies to acid and chemical peels. They only help improve the condition of the skin, but they cannot tighten it or remove bags.

Trust the beauty of your eyes to our doctors and maintain your youth for the next 10 years!

Our trump cards : experience, education, licensed drugs and equipment and, of course, the results of our patients!

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The information in the article is of a general educational nature. It is important to understand that treatment cannot be prescribed over the Internet. It must be selected individually, based on a medical examination.

Therefore, sign up for a consultation with one of the doctors at our clinic, and then it will be clear in which direction you and I should move.


After laser blepharoplasty, the first visible effect of the procedure appears after the rehabilitation period, on average 5–7 days. At the same time, the skin noticeably tightens, becomes elastic, not only small but also deep wrinkles, scars and stretch marks disappear or are significantly reduced. The effect is increasing, most pronounced 2-3 months after the procedure.

After SMAS eyelid lifting, the first results of the procedure are noticeable immediately, the maximum effect is achieved after 3-4 months. It is recommended to repeat the procedure once a year.

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