How to freshen your face at home quickly and effectively

Do you like yourself more in black and white photographs than in color ones, because monochrome hides an uneven and dull complexion?

You can restore the radiance to your face with your own hands.

We revive and even out the color in just a couple of weeks. From the outside, we polish the skin, “cleaning off” all excess, dead, gray. From the inside, we help the blood nourish the dermis: we achieve the structure of healthy and radiant skin, as it was in our youth.

Read what we are fighting and how.

What does complexion say?

How much in the perception of a woman’s image is determined by the color of her face! If our skin tone is sallow, we look tired and aged. And also uneven coloring - can this happen to a young and blooming woman? All those dark circles under the eyes, spider veins, age spots? Of course not.

As you know, complexion is one of the indicators of human health. . Red skin is a sign of fever, heart and vascular diseases. The face becomes yellow when something is wrong with the liver, spleen, or stomach. Blue means there are breathing problems. White is evidence of anemia, stroke, heart attack, and lung pathologies. Darkened skin may indicate kidney disease or bladder infection. An earthy gray hue hints at constipation and other gastrointestinal problems.

But there is such an expression as “blood and milk”. Who are they talking about? About women whose faces are healthy, even in color, with a slight blush on their cheekbones. They are not white, not gray, not red, not blue, not yellow - all these shades are not about youth and health.

In general, we are programmed by nature to perceive a changed complexion as a sign of ill health. And health is an integral ingredient of attractiveness.

But, as a rule, the complexion deteriorates not due to any pathologies. In most cases, everything is to blame for our incorrect lifestyle and bad habits. That is, we ourselves do everything in order to look tired, sick, and old.

They ask you, “Did something happen?”, “Are you sick?”, “Didn’t get enough sleep?”, but everything is the same with you, nothing special. You just live without thinking about the fact that you need to change something to make your skin glow again.

Of course, age decides a lot. It takes away our natural resources, which made our skin look young and blooming. But still more depends on ourselves. Only we ourselves are able to control when age-related changes will occur and how intense they will be.

First, let's figure out what processes in the skin lead to deterioration of color, and then let's see what factors aggravate these negative changes.

The main thing is calm and good mood

  • Peace of mind in the palms of your hands. Surely you are familiar with the feeling of overwhelming fatigue that you can no longer resist. Sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes and lightly press your palms onto your eyelids. Sit in this position for a few minutes and allow your eyes to rest in darkness and peace. Then slowly open your eyes.
  • With double effect. The night before the holiday, try to get enough sleep - in the evening, drink a cup of not too hot herbal tea (infusion of chamomile, motherwort or valerian). Before going to bed, massage your feet with moisturizer and put on warm socks. This will help you relax and you will sleep better than usual. This means you will look just great the next morning.
  • Under cool water. If you are irritated, try a simple meditation: imagine that you are lying on the bottom, and clear, cool, blue water is swaying above you, through which the rays of the sun shine through. Close your eyes, immerse yourself in the water for a few minutes and feel calm.
  • Magic of color. Purple color, experts say, calms and has a beneficial effect on the psyche and encourages communication. And besides, it is very relevant this winter. White color is also known for its ability to bring harmony.
  • Imagine a golden thread. When we are tired, tension tends to accumulate in the shoulders and neck. Imagine that there is a golden thread running through your neck and spine that is pulling you up like a puppet. With a good imagination, your shoulders will immediately relax.
  • Wash down alcohol with water. Make it a rule: after each glass of alcohol you need to drink two glasses of still water. This will save the body from dehydration and prevent you from drinking too much alcohol.
  • Refresh yourself before the holiday. Before going to a party, eat natural yogurt with bifidobacteria. This will help the stomach cope with fatty and difficult to digest foods.
  • A cup of green tea. Devote five minutes to drinking tea - turn off the TV, take a break from household chores and just enjoy the taste of tea. This will not only help you escape from the New Year's bustle, but will also tone your body. And the antioxidants this drink is rich in will help you cope with stress and the consequences of a sleepless night. Do not rush to pour out the remaining tea leaves - wash your face with it before applying moisturizer. Your face will look fresher.
  • Recharge your batteries. In winter, our body lacks the microelements and vitamins that we get from regular food in the summer. Therefore, now it is necessary to take Dietary Supplements and additional vitamins, especially if you feel weak. Vitamin B will help your brain work actively and give you strength. Vitamin C neutralizes free radicals and helps the body resist infections. Be sure to take a vitamin complex after meals to avoid the consequences of a violent feast.
  • Eastern techniques. Yoga and breathing exercises are a great way to relax. They won’t take up a lot of energy, but will help the body quickly restore strength and prepare for a sleepless night. Sit in a comfortable position and concentrate entirely on your breathing - breathe deeply, feeling the air inside. Throw away obsessive thoughts and imagine how, together with the air, your body is filled with the energy of life, health, youth and beauty. Then stand up and stretch well. Do several side bends, rotate your neck and arms, and stretch your feet. Then lie on the floor for a few minutes, allowing your body to completely relax.
  • Surround yourself with scent. Light aromatic candles with the scent of cinnamon, vanilla or lavender, use your favorite perfume - and an atmosphere of calm is guaranteed. Soak a handkerchief with a few drops of aromatic oil and keep it handy in case of stress.

How skin becomes dull: mechanisms

Let's break down the problem of dull and uneven complexion.

  1. Let's start with the fact that in the epidermis there are special cells that are responsible for color - melanocytes
    . They produce the pigment melanin. It is he who determines the color of the skin (hair, by the way, too). Different races have this pigment in different concentrations; albinos do not have it at all. Our tan also depends on melanin. When we are in the sun, melanin absorbs ultraviolet rays, thereby protecting the deep layers of the skin from photodamage and the integument darkens.

    Over the years, the level of melanocytes and their activity decreases. According to scientific research, after 30 years, the number of these cells decreases by 10-20% every decade. The main external enemy that damages these cells is the sun.

  2. Also, the color of the skin is harmed by any unevenness on it: accumulated dead epidermal cells, peeling, acne, scars. What's the connection? A smooth surface reflects light better. If it is embossed, then the rays are scattered, and the skin appears dull.
  3. Skin looks gray if it is dehydrated. What is responsible for moisture saturation? Hyaluronic acid in the dermis (it attracts and holds water molecules) and the hydro-lipid mantle that covers the epidermis. Accordingly, if the activity of hyaluronic acid is reduced and the water-fat layer becomes thinner, this leads to a loss of healthy color.
  4. Do not forget about the nature of the location of superficial blood vessels - the color of the skin also depends on them. When the skin becomes thinner, the capillaries become visible and dark circles appear under the eyes. And the vessels themselves change over the years: they expand, become fragile, brittle. Externally, this manifests itself in the formation of spider veins.

Causes of dull complexion

There are many external factors that lead to a dull and uneven complexion. If they are neglected, the problem of color deterioration can occur even in young and healthy women.

What are we talking about?

  1. Ultraviolet irradiation.
    The sun and solarium are the main causes of premature skin aging. If you do not protect yourself from ultraviolet radiation, the skin will acquire a gray tint and uneven color (hyperpigmentation, dyschromia, rosacea).
  2. Lack of water.
    If you don't drink enough clean water, your skin will become dry and dull. Capillary blood circulation, which should give the skin a healthy color, will be disrupted.
  3. Insufficient exfoliation.
    The accumulation of dead skin cells creates an uneven texture and makes it difficult to nourish the skin.
  4. Incorrect cosmetic care.
    Poor cleansing of the skin is a prerequisite for the appearance of clogged pores, rashes, and dullness. And, conversely, abuse of this procedure will lead to disruption of the integrity of the protective layer and to dehydration. Cosmetics also provide hydration and protection from aggressive external factors - these stages of care should also not be neglected.
  5. Bad habits.
    Cigarettes and alcohol poison the body with toxins and have a destructive effect on the skin of the face. The result is dull color, dryness, loss of tone and elasticity.
  6. Wrong lifestyle.
    The complexion is harmed by inactivity, lack of sleep, nervous exhaustion, and stress.
  7. Eating disorder.
    You can’t: eat toxic foods, starve, undereat, overeat. Necessary: ​​eat only healthy foods, balanced in the content of nutrients, vitamins and minerals.

Clothes that suit you

The fifth step to radiant skin does not relate to cosmetic care, but nevertheless also significantly affects your complexion - wear clothes that suit you.

You probably know that different people have different color types. Therefore, some suit cool shades better, while others suit warm shades. Some people prefer bright, saturated colors, while others prefer pastel ones.

And if, for example, a woman suits cold shades, then in clothes of warm colors her skin takes on a painful or tired look.

And if a woman prefers bright, saturated colors, then in clothes of pastel colors her skin will look dull, pale, have a grayish tint, even if in fact it is not.

Therefore, we need to try to wear clothes that are ideally suited to our face, at least close to our face.

Well, if you have a dress or blouse of not very suitable colors, then you can smooth out the impression with the help of a jacket, scarf or jewelry of a perfectly matching color.

Of course, the same applies to makeup shades.

Prevention to maintain a healthy complexion

Have you not yet experienced the problem of dull color and want to maintain a healthy and even complexion?

Follow a few rules:

  1. Protect yourself from the sun.
    Creams with UV filters, sunglasses, wide-brimmed hats, caps, long sleeves, abstaining from direct sun exposure from 11:00 to 17:00... Everything your skin needs to prevent its photoaging has already been invented. Use these tools. Only a neat and even tan suits your face. You are not a dried fruit to dry in the sun all day.
  2. Drink clean water.
    Minimum 2 liters per day.
  3. Eat right.
    No food waste, only healthy foods, and in sufficient quantities. Read more about what you can and cannot eat in a separate chapter below.
  4. Move more.
    Walk, run, ride a bike, play sports.
  5. Give up bad habits.
    Cigarettes - in the trash, alcohol - occasionally and little by little.
  6. Get enough sleep.
    Let your body and skin recover. If you don't get enough sleep chronically, your body will begin to become exhausted, your skin will become dull, and your face will look tired and painful.
  7. Take proper care of your skin using cosmetics.
    Cleansing and moisturizing your skin twice a day is an essential foundation for a healthy complexion. If your skin is dry, dehydrated, aged, also nourish it with additional products: creams, oils, serums, squalane, balms, masks.
  8. Limit the use of decorative cosmetics.
    Your cosmetic bag no longer holds all these endless products for an even tone and beautiful highlights: primers, concealers, correctors, BB and CC creams, foundations, powders, blushes, highlighters, bronzers? You don't think that all this multi-layered beauty is harmless? This is an attack on the skin that leads to clogged pores and, paradoxically, dull complexion. Know when to stop, give your face a break from aggressive makeup.
  9. Learn self-massage and facial exercises.
    This is the best way to prolong the youth of your face and maintain an even, healthy color. Start working on your face at 20-25 years old 2-3 times a week. After 30 years, the procedure is mandatory for every woman. If you are not satisfied with your complexion, classes should be daily, the course should be 3 weeks. A verified set of rejuvenating techniques for the face is contained in the basic marathon “SmeloNET” from MelAnnett.

Let’s take a closer look at the main rules for maintaining a healthy complexion.

How does water affect skin color?

The skin consists of 70% water, and its supporting layer - the dermis - is 90%. If there is not enough water in the body, then the skin is the first to react. It becomes dull and dry, its relief changes, and its turgor decreases. The face takes on a stale, tired appearance and is covered with fine wrinkles.

Moreover, the position of the skin is vulnerable. It is from this that the body takes moisture first if it experiences a lack of fluid.

Where does our skin get moisture from?

There are two channels: internal (drinking) and external (skin absorbs water from the air like a sponge). But the first one is the main one. The covers are saturated with moisture mainly from the inside, and not from the outside.

The skin absorbs moisture from the atmosphere only when the air humidity is high - 55% or more. And if this threshold is maintained outdoors for most of the year, then indoors everything is much worse. When the batteries are turned on, the air becomes too dry, and the reverse process begins: moisture evaporates from the skin.

If you've been to Egypt and Thailand, then you know how differently your skin feels in a dry desert and in a humid Asian climate.

The problem of dry air can be controlled using a humidifier. But the main thing that needs to be monitored is the uninterrupted operation of the main channel through which liquid enters the body: drinking.

Start your day with a glass of clean water and drink at least 2 liters of it throughout the day. It is believed that the body needs at least 30 ml of water per 1 kg of weight.

Proper nutrition

To keep your facial skin fresh and glowing, it is important to follow the rules of a healthy diet.

  1. Avoid food waste.
    Stop eating everything that clogs your body with toxins and poisons it. If you see foods and trans fats on the label, put the product back on the shelf. Not allowed: sausages, semi-finished products, canned food, confectionery, chips, crackers, snacks, hamburgers, French fries. Keep sugar to a minimum.

    Forget about fast food forever. Now the “fastest food” in your diet is fresh vegetables and fruits.

  2. Eat a balanced diet.
    Your body should receive all the substances it needs in sufficient quantities: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins, minerals.
    • Make sure your diet contains proteins, calcium, phosphorus: red meat, legumes, fish, greens, etc.
    • Eat at least 4-5 servings of vegetables and fruits.

  3. Give preference to complex carbohydrates: buckwheat, oats, brown rice, whole grain flour products.
  4. Of the fats, the body needs monounsaturated (avocados, olives) and polyunsaturated (fatty fish, algae, nuts, sunflower, flaxseed oil).
  5. Follow your daily caloric intake.
    For women of normal build this is, on average, 2 thousand kcal. If you want to lose weight, then cut your calories slightly, by 10-15%, and get the rest through physical activity and training.

Rejection of bad habits

Do you have a good idea of ​​what happens to the complexion of smokers and alcoholics?

In alcoholics, it becomes sallow gray and uneven. The cheeks, wings of the nose, and chin are covered with a rosacea mesh.

In smokers, the skin also loses its natural color and acquires gray, yellowish, pale shades. There is even such a term as “smoker’s face”: in addition to altered color, it also refers to emaciated features, atrophic skin, and deep wrinkles.

But this can be fixed. If you quit smoking and stop drinking too much alcohol, your skin will begin to transform right before your eyes. Within two weeks, your complexion will improve.

Refreshing makeup for gray or green eyes

Color accents play a decisive role here.

  • Use a liquid liner like Vivid Brights Eyeliner from NYX Professional Makeup to draw graphic lines. This one detail can radically change the entire image. The effect will be more noticeable if you avoid black mascara. Thickly painted eyelashes usually weigh down the makeup.
  • But colored mascara (such as Mascara Volume Effet Faux Cils from Yves Saint Laurent Beauté), on the contrary, gives a refreshing effect. Apply it only to the very ends of your eyelashes. Let this be the only color accent in the makeup.


  • Choose a bright matte lipstick that matches your color type (taking into account eye color). The shade should be light rather than dark. Then you will achieve the desired effect.

Good dream

Your skin needs proper rest to recover. This is an elementary rule, but in the modern world it is often violated.

Try to improve your sleep schedule.

  • Go to bed at 10 pm.
  • Sleep at least 8 hours.
  • Take care of the microclimate of the room. If the air is dry, turn on a humidifier at night.

Makeup removal

Cleansing the skin is the basis for a healthy complexion.

The face needs to be cleansed twice a day: morning and evening. Even if you don’t use cosmetics, dust, dirt, and oil accumulate on your skin and need to be removed.

And if makeup also comes into play, the harmful load on the skin increases. Overuse of makeup and poor cleansing lead to clogged pores, rashes, and dull color.

Going to bed with makeup not washed off is like putting your face in a trash can and walking around without washing off the dirt.

What you need to know about cleansing? It should be gentle and not dry out the skin. Instead of washing with tap water and special products (gels, creams, foams), try a more modern option - hydrolates.

Have you heard anything about them?

Hydrolates are obtained by steam distillation of plant materials. They contain nothing but clean water and plants. They retain the benefits of natural ingredients while effectively cleansing the face. The skin after them is soft and moisturized.

To cleanse your face with hydrate you do not need water. Morning and evening, wipe your skin with a cotton pad, after moistening it in the product. Throughout the day, tone and moisturize your skin as needed.

Excellent hydrolates are presented in the Beauty365 line. Go to and choose Beauty365 mint, sage or lavender hydrosol based on your skin type.

Be the prom queen from head to toe

  • Cold and hot shower. Take a shower at normal temperature, ending with a cool stream. Cold water perfectly tones the skin and fills hair with shine. Rub your body with a gentle scrub and immediately after shower apply moisturizer.
  • Has the skin on your feet become dry? This may be a consequence of hair removal or simply winter vitamin deficiency. Immediately after a shower, apply a little baby oil to still damp skin; it perfectly nourishes and moisturizes without causing irritation even on the most sensitive skin.
  • Attention, elbows! Very often we forget to take care of our elbows. Scrub your elbows with a scrub or loofah, then apply a rich cream for very dry skin. Chapped elbows may also indicate a lack of nutrients - add more vitamins A, B and E to your diet.

Regular use of scrubs

Another necessary part of facial care is exfoliation. By clearing the skin of dead scales, we help it breathe and regenerate. We also create the effect of a polished surface, thanks to which the sun’s rays are better reflected and the skin glows.

Anti-aging care must necessarily include exfoliating procedures. They need to be done 1-3 times a week. As a rule, women use scrubs, but a more effective option is available at home - drybrushing (massage with a dry brush).

A dry brush polishes the skin until it squeaks. There will not be a single dead cell left on the face that interferes with normal light reflection. In addition, there is a deep effect on the tissue: spasming muscles relax, blood flow and lymphatic drainage increase, and collagen production in the skin is stimulated. All this is needed to rejuvenate the face and return it to a healthy, even color.

We recommend choosing a dry brush with natural bristles for your face. Go to and look for the Beauty365 dry face brush, which is made from boar bristles.

Perform a massage with a brush on dry and clean skin. Follow the massage lines (see the tip on the Beauty365 facial brush packaging).

After the procedure, the skin will shed all excess and warm up - the perfect moment to nourish it with your favorite cream or oil. Pay attention to Beauty365 natural cosmetics: squalane, oils, balms (sold at

Useful tips

In order for cosmetics prepared with your own hands to be effective and healthy, you need to know a few simple rules.

  • apply the mask only to thoroughly cleansed skin;
  • the mixture used should have as uniform a consistency as possible;
  • all ingredients used must be fresh and of high quality, it is important to be sure that your body tolerates them well;
  • It is better for the mask to be at room temperature;
  • the desired effect will only be achieved by regular procedures;
  • If there are any painful manifestations on the skin (wounds, scratches, etc.), refreshing procedures are not recommended.

How to improve your complexion at home

Do you have a dull complexion?

Do you want to improve your complexion and skin condition?

Are you wondering if you can restore your skin color quickly at home?

Firstly, we have already given most of the answers to these questions when we talked about preventing facial dullness. All these measures are necessary to restore color. Follow the general recommendations regarding:

  • healthy and active lifestyle,
  • proper nutrition and drinking regime,
  • skin care through exercise and cosmetics.

Additionally, try a few more ways to improve your complexion.

Signs of skin fatigue

The sooner you notice signs of skin fatigue, the easier you can relieve them. This will slow down the aging process and keep your skin beautiful and healthy for a long time.

The main symptoms of tired skin include:

  • loss of elasticity;
  • the appearance of increased dryness and roughness;
  • unusual oily sheen;
  • the presence of swelling, bags and bruises under the eyes that do not go away even after quality sleep;
  • pallor and exhaustion on the face.

You need to know these signs to maintain beauty and monitor the health of the whole body. Often exhaustion, pallor and swelling are striking symptoms not only of fatigue, but also of illness. It is important to notice them in time.

Even complexion, folk remedies and masks to even out complexion

  1. Apricot mask
    Pulp of 2 apricots + 1 tbsp. l. milk + 1 tsp. liquid honey.

    All ingredients must be warm. Grind, mix, apply to face for 20 minutes (except for the area around the eyes) and rinse with warm water.

    Acids, vitamins B and C, zinc and selenium in the composition will help your skin shine again.

  2. Parsley mask
    1 tbsp. l. finely chopped parsley + 1 tsp. sea ​​buckthorn oil + 1 quail egg yolk

    Mix to a paste, apply to face for 10 minutes (except for the area around the eyes) and rinse with water.

    Parsley whitens, mattifies and rejuvenates the skin. Be sure to try this mask if you have age spots.

  3. Carrot mask
    1 finely grated carrots + 1 tsp. oatmeal + half an yolk + a few drops of lemon juice.

    Leave the mixture on your face for 15-20 minutes and wash off with cool water.

There are still a lot of recipes for natural cosmetics that can be easily prepared from simple ingredients. Cucumber, lemon, oatmeal, coffee, bananas, berries - many ingredients that are found in every kitchen are used. You can, for example, simply wipe your face with cucumbers. Try different recipes and find what will help even out and improve your complexion.

Also, to even out the color, pay attention to folk peeling recipes. For example, try using coffee grounds or ground oatmeal as scrubbing elements.

Beauty365 camellia sasanqua oil perfectly whitens the skin and prevents the appearance of seasonal freckles (it can be purchased at

Japanese massage technique to quickly refresh your face.

1.Remove cosmetics;

2. Prepare a bowl of hot water. To prepare the skin for the massage to be effective;

3. Soak a towel in hot water and place it on your face. Lightly steaming. Do this several times;

4. Let's start the massage. We take wheat germ oil. Apply the oil using stroking movements;

5. Rub your palms so that they are warm;

6. We start with stroking movements.

Video instruction:

Using blush and highlighters

As an express method, you can do corrective makeup. This way you can quickly achieve an even color and add tint and radiance to your skin.

Highlights can be achieved using a highlighter. Apply it to the convex parts of the face: cheekbones, the bridge of the nose, the area above and below the eyebrow, chin, the hollow above the upper lip and the depression under the lower lip. Apply the product carefully using a brush or ring finger.

Blush will help imitate a natural blush. Start by smiling broadly. Do you see the apples of the cheeks? Apply blush on them. If your face is wide, bring the color along your cheekbones up to the hairline. You only need a little product, and blend it thoroughly so as not to look like a matryoshka doll.

But remember that any makeup needs to be thoroughly cleaned before going to bed. And a complete “combo” (concealer + foundation + powder + highlighter + blush + etc.) is not suitable for daily use. Give your skin a break from decorative cosmetics.

Refreshing makeup for brown eyes

If you have brown eyes, golden eyeshadow with shimmer will help transform your look from tired to cheerful. They will serve as the basis for the makeup.


  • Distribute shimmering powder over entire eyelids. Blend a slightly darker shade, such as a bronze shade, into the crease to create a depth effect. Next, highlight the inner contour with nude kajal - this technique visually neutralizes the redness of the whites of the eyes.


  • Using a brown pencil with shimmer, lightly highlight the lash line. Finally, apply mascara, covering the eyelashes from the very roots - this will slightly lift them and make the look more open.


How to refresh your complexion at a cosmetologist

And a few more words about whether it is possible to improve your complexion with a cosmetologist. There are offers on the market, but how effective and safe are they? Let's figure it out.

Cosmetologists, as a rule, offer to work with complexion using various hardware techniques. Their task is to stimulate skin renewal. Most often this is:

  • laser peeling,
  • ultrasonic cleaning,
  • microcurrents (pulsed electric current, supplied in portions with interruptions),
  • galvanic currents (direct electric current).

You may also be invited to the salon for a massage, chemical peeling or injections (the most radical method).

First things first.

What can you say about peeling? Of course, it is needed for a healthy color. Remember how the accumulation of dead skin cells on the skin affects light reflection and color? But all salon types of peeling (laser, ultrasound, acids) work aggressively, peel off the upper layers of the skin almost to the flesh, and are often associated with burns. Choose softer, but no less effective options. You already know about the main thing - drybrushing (massage with a dry brush).

It is more difficult to assess the effect of currents on the face. On the one hand, currents act on muscles to restore their tone. The idea itself is good. And technically, electrical stimulation can both tense and relax muscles (there are different attachments for this). But the problem is that many cosmetologists position this procedure as a way to train muscles, rather than relax them. Currents are understood as a way to force muscles to contract.

Do our facial muscles need this? They have already worked all their lives and are already in hypertonicity from overexertion, and then there is artificial stress. It will only worsen age-related changes.

It is important to understand the difference between the face and body. The muscles of the body need strength loads, but the face does not. Imagine the situation: a girl is too lazy to squat, and she pumped up her butt with the help of currents. Of course, physical training is more effective and allows you to maintain lasting results, while electrical stimulation only gives a temporary effect. Sooner or later, a girl will have to understand that she needs to get her elastic butt off the couch and start working out so that it doesn’t sag. But in principle, the procedure was understandable and, most likely, harmless.

But currents on the face are another matter. If a cosmetologist offers you to “train your facial muscles” using electrical stimulation, remember that your face is not your butt. In order for the facial muscles to be in healthy tone, they need to be relaxed and spasms relieved.

The most aggressive salon method offered to improve complexion is injections:

  • biorevitalization (a drug based on hyaluronic acid is administered),
  • mesotherapy (mesococtail, a drug with a complex composition),
  • plasmophiling (patient's blood plasma).

All this harms the skin. The techniques are based on multiple facial injections. Hundreds of injections are given in one session, and many sessions are needed. Due to such total trauma, the face becomes covered with pathological fibrous compactions, and this is definitely not a story about a healthy color.

The safest salon method for restoring complexion is massage. But it’s better to do it yourself.

biorevitalization (a drug based on hyaluronic acid is administered),

mesotherapy (mesococtail, a drug with a complex composition),


In addition, various hardware techniques are used to cleanse the skin, among which the most popular is ultrasonic facial cleansing. It does not damage the surface of the skin and can be done even at home (there are special home gadgets for this).

The face is treated with a special ultrasonic scrubber. The ultrasonic waves it emits “knocks out” all impurities from the pores, removes old cells and at the same time stimulates the skin through microvibration. This procedure is painless, lasts no more than half an hour and leaves no traces other than radiant and renewed skin.

Ultrasonic facial cleansing should be done in a course of 5-7 procedures with a week break.

Natural rejuvenation: self-massage and exercises

Having mastered simple self-massage techniques, you can help your face every day and maintain the results for years. In addition, you don’t have to pay yourself for the procedure, you don’t have to endure inconvenience, travel somewhere, waste time, or rearrange your schedule.

You will find the best techniques for self-massage of the face in the basic marathon “SmeloNET” from MelAnnett. The course also includes exercises on posture, stretching the neck, and restoring mobility to the aponeurosis of the head. All this is necessary so that blood flows freely to your face, nourishes the skin, gives it radiance and an even color.

Read the details about the basic marathon “SmeloNET”, look at the photos of the participants and register!

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