4 types of facial cleansing: how to choose the right procedure - Om Activ

From this article you will learn:

  • The essence of mechanical facial cleansing
  • Advantages and disadvantages of mechanical facial cleansing
  • Indications and contraindications for mechanical facial cleansing
  • Mechanical facial cleansing by a cosmetologist and at home
  • Skin care after mechanical facial cleansing

Mechanical facial cleansing today is a basic care procedure that is offered in every beauty salon. All girls know that for high-quality cleansing of clogged pores and skin from dead cells and dirt, simple washing is not enough. Cleaning allows you to get rid of many possible problems.

This technique allows you to penetrate deeply into pores and eliminate impurities that even an ultrasound machine cannot cope with. The procedure is very effective in the fight against acne. However, like any cosmetic intervention, it has its pros and cons, but first things first.

The essence of mechanical facial cleansing

Mechanical, or manual, manual facial cleansing helps get rid of problems in the deep layers of the epidermis: it is effective in the fight against acne, black and whiteheads, clogged pores.

Manual cleaning is a traumatic procedure; it causes unpleasant and sometimes painful sensations. Because of this, many avoid it, replacing it with ultrasonic or laser cleaning. Manual technique does not require special knowledge in the field of medicine and cosmetology - the dermis is cleaned using a Uno spoon (a device that allows you to remove everything that contaminates the skin from the pores by pressing) or manually.

It happens that mechanical facial cleansing is carried out in combination with hardware cleansing procedures or chemical peeling, but, as a rule, this is a separate service. By the way, you can do cleansing manipulations manually not only on the face, but also on the shoulders and décolleté.

Can it be done by pregnant women?

During pregnancy, hormonal levels change, which can also affect the skin. If a woman is healthy, then hardware facial cleansing is a safe procedure, and the contraindications will be the same as for all patients. Ultrasound or laser have a local effect and do not affect the fetus.

Vacuum devices clean the face safely and painlessly, so procedures using them are not contraindicated during pregnancy.

But some cosmetologists advise refraining from hardware care before childbirth and during lactation. This is explained by the unpredictability of the pregnant woman’s body’s reaction to the procedure due to hormonal changes. Also, in the second half of the term, it is not recommended to stay in one position for a long time, so not every woman will be able to withstand the procedure. And it is always important to consult a gynecologist.

Advantages and disadvantages of mechanical facial cleansing

Among all facial cleansing, mechanical is considered one of the most effective. It helps eliminate problems in the deep layers of the skin and restore it to an attractive, healthy appearance.

Manual cleaning is valued primarily for:

  • the ability to cleanse the skin at a deep level (the sebaceous ducts are released to the very base);
  • normalizing sebum production in those with combination and oily dermis (subject to regular procedures);
  • the ability to reduce wrinkles, tone the skin, even out the texture of the face and give it a healthy shade;
  • affordable price for procedures in a cosmetology salon.

However, many people refuse mechanical facial cleansing because it:

  • causes pain and discomfort, the degree of which depends on the professional abilities of the cosmetologist;
  • injures the skin and can cause persistent redness, which subsides only after a few days;
  • may cause rashes on the face if the antiseptic treatment was done poorly;
  • can cause hematomas, swelling and scars if the cosmetologist, due to his inexperience, damages the client’s skin during the session;
  • may cause an allergic reaction to the drugs used;
  • involves long-term rehabilitation.

Indications and contraindications for mechanical facial cleansing

Like any cosmetic procedure, manual cleansing of the epidermis has indications and contraindications. Mechanical facial cleansing will be useful in the following cases:

  • there are black dots on the surface of the skin and comedones located in deeper layers;
  • enlarged pores are visible, in which sebum and dirt have accumulated;
  • there are milia and wen;
  • the skin looks unhealthy and has an unsightly tint;
  • the elasticity and tone of the epidermis have noticeably decreased;
  • Inflammation, acne, pimples and pimples often occur.

In some cases, mechanical facial cleansing can be not only ineffective, but also harmful. It cannot be done if:

  • herpes;
  • dermatitis and eczema;
  • furunculosis;
  • very sensitive or extremely dry skin;
  • fragility of blood vessels;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • blood diseases;
  • predisposition to allergies;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • pregnancy;
  • menstruation.

Experts also recommend choosing a different method of getting rid of pimples or blackheads for those who have a low pain threshold. However, increased sensitivity of the dermis does not serve as a strict contraindication to manual cleaning.

Opinion of cosmetologists

  • Elena Apostolyuk, cosmetologist: “I recommend that patients alternate between different cleansing techniques. For example, manual exfoliation, performed 2 times a year, helps remove impurities from the deep layers. The rest of the time, you should alternate between hardware or chemical types of peeling - this will help consolidate and achieve maximum effect.”
  • Anastasia Zaslavskaya, dermatologist, cosmetologist: “Cleansing is very beneficial for the skin - they eliminate dead cells, which activates the process of saturating the skin with oxygen, improves its appearance and color, and restores elasticity. The main rule that I strongly recommend that my patients follow is to take into account contraindications for the procedure and follow the recommendations for preparing and restoring the skin. If you do not adhere to this rule, you can greatly harm not only the original condition of the skin, but also the body as a whole.”

Mechanical facial cleansing by a cosmetologist and at home

It is advisable to prepare the skin for mechanical cleansing of the face by using care products that contain special acids - they will help loosen the stratum corneum and make the secretion of the sebaceous glands softer. In this case, it will be easier for the cosmetologist to remove impurities from the deep layers of the epidermis.

In the salon, manual cleaning is carried out in three stages.

1. Skin preparation. The goals of this stage are:

  • Cleansing the skin of everything that complicates the process of removing acne (sebum, dead cells, dust). Achieved with the help of gommages, masks, which contain enzymes; peelings containing acids or mild abrasives in small volumes (the choice of products depends on the type and brand of cosmetics used by the beauty salon or cosmetology clinic).
  • Opening the pores by steaming (using a special device - a vaporizer) or using lotions and masks that have a thermal effect.

2. Cleaning. The process involves squeezing out comedones with fingers wrapped in sterile napkins. In some cases, specially adapted tools are used: metal loops, needles, spoons. It is unpleasant to endure squeezing, but you need to be prepared for these sensations (sometimes painful). With good skin preparation and skillful actions of the cosmetologist, the discomfort will be short-lived.

Those who consider the process of squeezing out pimples an easy task that anyone can handle are mistaken. Mastering this technique is not as easy as it seems. You need certain skills, experience and hands that “feel” the client well. If you find a great facial cleanser, consider yourself lucky! But if you haven’t encountered this yet, don’t try to do everything yourself without sufficient experience and knowledge. Squeezing pimples with pustules can easily provoke inflammation on the face, and redness from inept work can remain for a long time.

Recommended articles on the topic:

  • Ultrasonic facial peeling is a pleasant and beneficial procedure for your skin
  • Redermalization of the skin: all the pros and cons
  • Almond peeling for the face: features of the procedure

3. Aftercare. After forced torment, this stage seems especially pleasant. Masks with a calming and relaxing effect are applied to the skin, and the face is massaged to improve blood circulation.

To carry out the procedure efficiently at home, it is advisable to acquire a set of tools for mechanical facial cleansing. They must be safe - made of medical grade stainless steel.

Attention! Do-it-yourself cleaning can seriously damage your skin. The result of careless actions will be scars and scars on the face.

How to minimize the risk of complications after the procedure? It is necessary to thoroughly disinfect your hands and the affected area before cleaning, treat instruments with antiseptic agents before and after use (you can resort to cold sterilization by soaking in the Surfanios solution), and store them in a sterile gauze napkin.

There are alternative ways to cleanse the face, they are less traumatic: for example, cleaning with an ultrasonic device. Among other things, this option saves time.

Let's debunk the myths

Despite the popularity and demand of the cosmetic procedure, it is full of myths and speculation.

Myth No. 1: cleaning is a mandatory procedure for everyone without exception.

Cosmetologists, of course, will agree with this statement, but dermatologists are 100% sure - for those who have smooth, even skin, without inflammation and enlarged pores, it is not necessary. If you undergo the procedure for prevention, a small amount of pure sebum will be extracted from the pores. After the procedure, it is formed again, because its constant production is a normal function of the skin.

In some situations, cleaning is contraindicated. If the client has obvious rosacea - a disease in which the vascular mesh is visible through the skin. Or with herpes, you can “pull” the infection from the lips over the surface of the face.

Non-problematic skin is also cleansed, but in a much gentler way. Enzyme peeling, disincrustation and ultrasonic peeling.

Myth #2: Hardware cleaning is much better than manual cleaning.

Technologies do not stand still and replace manual labor, but it is clear to say that ultrasound is better than the mechanical method. Experienced hands are irreplaceable.

When choosing a method, rely not on reviews, but on your skin type, the degree of problematic pores, contraindications, the number of rashes, etc.

Myth No. 3: Once you clean it, you’ll have to do it all the time.

This procedure is not carried out once, because the pores are constantly contaminated, and blackheads and acne appear from time to time. Those who care for their own face will definitely have to cleanse it more than once.

It is worth understanding that there are a number of situations when this procedure cannot be avoided: sebaceous plugs are already so large that they stretch the pores with contents, or even stick out above the surface as an unattractive lump. In such a situation there are no alternatives - you have to go.

Cosmetologists note that if you choose the right care after the procedure and, of course, don’t be lazy about using it, you can significantly increase the intervals.

Myth #4: Pores become clogged much faster after cleansing than before.

This myth is similar to the previous one and the answer is similar: yes, the pores will continue to clog, but no, this process will not speed up in any way. After cleansing, the pores will become clogged, but they will be clogged with clean and light sebum, and not with a dense black plug.

Myth No. 5: Enlarged pores will remain after the procedure

Here's how to look at the problem. Yes, the pores will expand, but only if there were stretch plugs in them before the procedure. In such a situation, it will take time for the face to return to normal. Cleaned pores look much more attractive than something clogged with dark contents. Sometimes pores do not return to normal size on their own and then you have to resort to additional procedures and care. This myth is not true, because modern facial cleansing methods work to minimize pores.

Not everything is so rosy...

If a woman goes for cleansing with enviable regularity, but at home she uses care that is not suitable for her and provokes the appearance of acne. Aggressive ecology, water unsuitable for the skin, lack of vitamins. These are the same reasons as a nervous state, here the effect of cleansing is temporary.

Remember - beauty is in your hands and thoughts!

Skin care after mechanical facial cleansing

After cleaning, it is important to maintain hygiene: you should not allow your face to come into contact with dirty things and objects; it is better not to touch it at all or wash your hands thoroughly before touching.


  • replace face towels with disposable wipes;
  • sleep on washed pillowcases or place a clean cloth diaper on top;
  • treat your smartphone with an antiseptic more often, or better yet, use a speakerphone;
  • give up scrubs and other treatments that injure the skin for a period of time;
  • Do not under any circumstances mask redness with foundation; for the first time after the procedure, it should not be used at all;
  • before going out into the sun, apply products with a high protection factor or hide your face from the rays under hats with wide brims or a large visor;
  • strictly follow all precautions recommended by the cosmetologist.

To care for facial skin after mechanical cleansing, you should not use ordinary cosmetics, but special products. The best are considered:

  1. Cleansing foaming gel for oily sensitive skin Effaclar, La Roche-Posay. It copes well with removing impurities and sebum, thanks to the zinc content it dries the skin and effectively combats existing problems.
  2. Facial cosmetic with charcoal 3 in 1 “Clean skin. Active" for skin prone to blackheads, Garnier. The components included in this multifunctional product (absorbent charcoal, kaolin, salicylic acid, exfoliating particles) help to intensively reduce blackheads and rid the skin of oily sheen. It can be used as a mask - it is applied to the face and left for 5 minutes.
  3. Cleansing gel against imperfections and signs of aging Blemish & Age Cleansing Gel, Skin Ceuticals. Three acids (salicylic, capryloyl-salicylic, glycolic), which strengthen the gel formula, help eliminate uneven skin texture.
  4. Cleansing facial toner “Clean Skin” against blackheads and oily shine for combination and oily skin, Garnier. The combination of salicylic acid with zinc gives a good effect in the fight against blackheads and oily shine.
  5. Corrective emulsion for oily skin Effaclar K (+), La Roche-Posay. The product exfoliates dead skin cells, moisturizes the dermis and has a mattifying effect. Not only eliminates blackheads, but also prevents their appearance.
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