How to choose the best ultrasonic facial cleanser

What is ultrasonic facial cleansing? This is a modern cosmetic procedure that not only cleanses the skin of impurities, blackheads and blackheads, but also improves blood circulation by massaging the dermis of the face. This leads to the production of collagen and elastin, which are responsible for maintaining the beauty and youth of the skin. Fortunately, nowadays there is no need to go to beauty salons for various procedures, because on the market you can find many high-quality cosmetic devices that can replace professional facial skin care. In the article below, you can choose the best device for ultrasonic facial cleansing for your use, after studying the reviews and characteristics of the entire TOP. Happy choosing!

Cleansing facial skin. Why is it important?

We often hear that any skin care begins with cleansing.
Why is this so? Renewal of the epidermis (upper layer of skin) occurs throughout life. Young cells formed in the lower layers gradually rise up, die (keratinize), slough off and separate from the skin. Due to a whole range of factors (age, stress, environment, eating modern foods, etc.), this process slows down, and the skin does not have time to completely get rid of all dead cells. They remain on its surface, mixed with secretions of the sebaceous glands (sebum), particles of makeup and dust. This creates a dense layer of impurities that cannot be dissolved by conventional cleansers.

Skin with such a “shell” feels bad:

  • All its functions are disrupted, and the process of natural renewal is slowed down even more. It loses its healthy color, looks dull and “tired”, its quality deteriorates;
  • Pollution clogs pores, leading to the appearance of “blackheads” (comedones) and blackheads;
  • The active ingredients in cosmetics cannot penetrate deep into the skin in sufficient quantities.

The keratinized epidermis, which cannot “come off” from the surface, looks like peeling. We begin to think that the skin is dry, we heavily use moisturizing and nourishing products - but this only causes dead cells to swell, and flaking becomes even more noticeable. Sound familiar?

GESS Star Face

  • For cleansing, lymphatic drainage
  • 3 modes
  • Weight - 114 g
  • Li-ion battery
  • 1 speed
  • Smart timer for 15 minutes
  • Production - Germany/China

The TOP selection continues with a popular device suitable for salon and home skin care. Star Face from the GESS brand is a compact device with which its owner will be able to get rid of cosmetic residues, excess skin secretions and peeling, as well as uneven skin texture. The principle of operation of the device is simple - the working tool performs ultrasonic vibrations with a frequency of 28 kHz. These vibrations are transmitted to a small metal paddle, which acts on the skin along with the applied product. Indications for use are: various defects, scars, acne, comedones, clogged pores, pigmentation, freckles, wrinkles and uneven skin tone.

Regular manipulations performed by Star Face can eliminate swelling, smooth out wrinkles, and give the face a well-groomed and blooming appearance. The device shows excellent results in correcting the oval of the face, eliminating the double chin, acting as a lift without needles and operations. The compactness of this model allows you to take good care of the health and beauty of your skin in any convenient place. The device weighs only 114 grams, it easily fits in a handbag, because in terms of dimensions it is no larger than the palm of your hand. Owners of an ultrasonic scrubber like its versatility, deep impact, ergonomic design and budget price. However, before you start using the device, you should read the instructions for possible contraindications.

Ultrasonic facial cleansing. How it works?

Ultrasonic cleansing (Ultrasonic peeling) is a method of deep cleansing the face based on the action of ultrasonic waves.
Our skin is regularly renewed throughout our lives. The top layer (epidermis) consists of several rows: new cells are formed at the border with the dermis and gradually move upward, being replaced by younger ones. On the surface, epidermal cells become keratinized, gradually die, desquamate and separate from the skin.

With age, the skin loses its strength, and this process slows down. The rate of cell renewal is also influenced by many external and internal factors (ecology, nutrition, lifestyle, bad habits, etc.). The keratinized epidermis does not have time to separate completely. Dead cells mix with secreted sebum and toxins, dust particles from the air, and makeup residues. As a result, a rather dense layer of impurities forms on the surface of the skin, which does not allow it to breathe freely, secrete, or absorb useful cosmetics in the required quantity. This “shell” further worsens the condition of the skin and slows down the renewal of its cells.

Deep cleansing and light peelings help break the vicious circle. Ultrasound peeling is one of the simplest and most productive.

Effect of ultrasonic facial cleansing:

Small frequent vibrations of ultrasonic waves, invisible to the human eye, break the connections between cells with impaired metabolism, helping the skin get rid of keratinized scales and impurities on its surface

Ultrasonic vibration mechanically “knocks out” deeper impurities and sebaceous gland production from the skin pores. The procedure prevents the formation of comedones - dense clots from a mixture of sebum, particles of keratinized epidermis and dust settling on the face, which can subsequently become inflamed, turning into acne.

In addition, ultrasound has a triple effect on cells:

  • Thermal consists of a local increase in temperature by 1-2 degrees, which causes an acceleration of metabolic processes;
  • Mechanical compression and stretching of cells, as a result of which the permeability of cell membranes increases;
  • Physico-chemical is associated with the restructuring of intracellular structures, stimulation of the synthesis of enzymes and the production of collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acid.

The procedure is very simple, painless and does not injure the skin in any way.

Best lists

In addition to the assortment presented above, we suggest taking a look at another list of cleaning devices that differ from each other in their special characteristics. This list includes:

  • Budget.
  • In the form of a brush.
  • Professional.

Let's move on to the description of the products presented.

Gezatone AMG106SA – budget

This drug cleanses the skin of dead cells, preparing it for cosmetic procedures. A soft vibration massage that does not stretch or deform the skin improves metabolic processes and stimulates the production of natural collagen and elastin. It is a high-quality budget option.

Price tag: from 1000 to 1390 rubles.

facial cleanser Gezatone AMG106SA

Gezatone Clean Pleasure AMG188 – in the form of a brush

The presented device is equipped with an effective base brush, which provides effective and high-quality skin care. A brush with bristles less than 1mm thick. Gently cleanses pores and exfoliates dead cells. Does not cause irritation or allergies. The device increases blood flow, improves oxygen saturation, and evens out skin tone. Suitable for delicate and sensitive dermis.

Price: from 1000 to 1300 rub.

facial cleanser Gezatone Clean Pleasure AMG188

AB Peel – professional

This device is actively used both in salons and at home. It helps speed up metabolism and collagen production. Moreover, after its exposure, the skin becomes more elastic, smooth and naturally radiant. After a couple of months of regular procedures, you can notice obvious rejuvenation. The device also copes with cleaning deep layers and regulating the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Price category: from 7000 to 9600 rubles.

AB Peel facial cleansing device

Problems for which ultrasonic peeling is recommended:

  • The skin has lost its healthy appearance, the complexion is dull;
  • Pores are enlarged, contaminated, there are “black spots”;
  • Signs of withering, aging skin;
  • Shallow wrinkles on the face, neck and décolleté;
  • Hypersecretion of the sebaceous glands, oily skin prone to rashes;
  • Peeling, increased dry skin, seborrhea;
  • Decreased elasticity, tone, sagging skin.

Ultrasonic peeling is indicated for skin of any type for deep cleansing and prevention of premature aging. Loose skin has higher immunity and easily resists various types of damage.

Results of ultrasonic facial cleansing:

  • The surface of the skin is cleansed, particles of impurities are “knocked out” from the pores;
  • Microcirculation improves, blood vessels are strengthened: increased blood supply nourishes cells, and stimulation of lymphatic drainage accelerates the removal of toxins, prevents the formation of fluid stagnation and swelling;
  • The number of comedones and inflammations, unhealthy greasy shine is reduced;
  • The microrelief of the skin is evened out: small wrinkles are smoothed out, scars and post-acne scars (especially fresh ones) become less noticeable;
  • Enlarged pores narrow, new ones practically do not appear;
  • The skin becomes firmer and more elastic, its tone increases;
  • The complexion improves, the skin acquires a healthy glow, looks fresh, becomes incredibly smooth and soft;
  • The feeling of discomfort on the face disappears.

What additional functions are available in ultrasonic facial cleansing devices?

Many portable ultrasound devices have additional functions that significantly expand the list of cosmetic procedures “for home”. Therefore, before choosing an ultrasound machine, you must first study its capabilities.


Deep delivery of active cosmetics nutrients into the deep layers of the skin using ultrasound. Ultrasound waves, causing compression of cells, create temporary channels in the epidermis. Through them, even fairly large molecules of active ingredients of cosmetics penetrate into the skin, which are not able to overcome the epidermal barrier with conventional surface application. The effect of non-injection mesotherapy is created when beneficial substances accumulate deep in the skin in high concentration and are gradually released from such a depot, directly acting from the inside on the cells of the deep layer of the epidermis and dermis

Ultrasonic micromassage

Small mechanical vibrations cause alternating contraction and stretching of cell membranes, increasing their permeability to useful substances.
Therefore, phonophoresis and micromassage procedures are recommended to be carried out together, after ultrasonic cleaning. The complex effect of ultrasonic vibrations and special cosmetic products increases the activity of the drugs, promotes their deep penetration, lengthening the duration of action, and reducing adverse reactions.


It is possible when the device generates galvanic currents that conduct deep into positively or negatively charged particles (ions) from special cosmetics. It is known that differently charged particles are strongly attracted to each other, and equally charged ones are also strongly repelled. Thus, a negative electrode will “push” negative ions (-) into the skin to a depth of 1.5 cm, and a positive electrode will push (+) ions. Being in the deep layers of the skin, ions accumulate on the surfaces of cell membranes and are absorbed more easily and quickly (compared to ordinary particles), because many active elements inside cells exist in this form.


Cleansing comedones with galvanic currents, which cause a chemical reaction between special disincrustation agents and fatty acids in sebum. During exposure, the usually acidic environment of the skin changes to the alkaline side, fatty acids are destroyed and turned into ordinary soap, which is easily washed out of the pores. In this way, you can free the skin even from very dense and very deep sebaceous plugs.

Galvanic lifting

Another positive effect of galvanic currents. When using specially developed anti-aging cosmetics with ions, noticeable thickening and tightening of the skin occurs.


Mechanical cleansing of surface dirt and makeup residues with special brushes. Recommended for daily thorough washing. Some ultrasound devices are equipped with special silicone brush attachments with delicate bristles, which allow you to save on the purchase of a separate device and use the ultrasound scrubber every day.


Exposure to weak pulsed electric currents with special characteristics leads to increased skin activity at the cellular level. Their energy potential increases (ATP synthesis - the main source of cell nutrition), ion channels open, metabolism, protein and DNA synthesis accelerates. Each skin cell “wakes up” and begins to function more actively, and the duration of its life cycle increases.


Positive effects on the skin of light rays of different lengths.

So the best facial cleanser is sure to be multifunctional.


  • For cleansing, lifting
  • 2 modes
  • Package weight: 400 g
  • Battery powered
  • 1 speed
  • Smart timer for 15 minutes
  • Production - China

The selection continues with the Chinese ultrasound machine GESS YOU. The manufacturer positions it as a wireless gadget with the functions of ultrasonic peeling and phonophoresis. In the first case, you can gently remove the stratum corneum, cleanse the pores, and even out the complexion of the skin. Phonophoresis is designed to enhance the effect of cosmetics, ensuring their penetration into the deep layers of the dermis. The control system is simple, it is represented by an activation button and a regulator of operating modes. For autonomous operation of the device, a battery is built into the case; a charger with a USB cable is also included in the kit; it connects to a standard network.

GESS YOU has an ergonomic body made of durable plastic, fits well in the palm of your hand, and its small dimensions and weight make it easy to store and transport. If you believe the reviews of customers, this device works great; after the first use, the skin condition improves, its tone is evened out, and a healthy glow appears. The device from GESS optimally combines functionality, workmanship and affordable cost, therefore it is one of the most popular among analogues in its price category.

What cosmetics should I use for ultrasonic facial cleansing?

In addition to choosing the best device for ultrasonic cleaning, you should think about buying cosmetics for the procedures.

  • A special gel that conducts ultrasonic waves deep into the skin. Without it, they will simply fade on a dry surface and no cleaning will be possible. Such products always contain a whole range of active substances to solve various skin problems, so when choosing, you should pay attention to this;
  • Special products designed for phonophoresis and ultrasonic micromassage. Any serum will not work: many substances are destroyed under the influence of ultrasound;
  • Gels or disinfectant lotions for galvanic cleaning, if the device provides such a possibility;
  • Active “charged” complexes for iontophoresis.

How to choose cosmetics for ultrasonic facial cleansing? Read our article for details!


Popular vote

Which facial cleansing device will you choose or recommend?

ReadySkin ZX7080

33.33 % ( 6 )

US Medica Brilliant

16.67 % ( 3 )

GESS Star Face Pro

5.56 % ( 1 )


11.11 % ( 2 )

Gess You

22.22 % ( 4 )

Gezatone Bio Sonic 730

0.00 % ( 0 )


0.00 % ( 0 )

US Medica Triumph

0.00 % ( 0 )

Xiaomi Inface Ms7000 Blackhead Remover

5.56 % ( 1 )

Beauty Star Super Clean

0.00 % ( 0 )

Xpreen Pore

5.56 % ( 1 )

Beurer FC95

0.00 % ( 0 )

Gezatone AMG 107

0.00 % ( 0 )

Marasil Dua Fit

0.00 % ( 0 )

Braun SkinSpa 7901

0.00 % ( 0 )

What are the contraindications for ultrasonic cleaning procedures?

The procedure cannot be done if you have:

  • Injuries, cuts, burns, abrasions, as well as active pustular inflammation in the area of ​​​​cleaning;
  • Chronic diseases in the acute stage;
  • Oncology;
  • Diabetes;
  • Mental disorders, epilepsy;
  • Herpes in the acute stage, dermatitis, dermatoses;
  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • Feverish conditions;
  • Implants, reinforcement in the affected area;
  • Neuralgia of the facial nerve;
  • Pronounced rosacea.

How to choose an ultrasonic cleaning device?

Many stores offer portable ultrasound devices. How do you know which device is best for ultrasonic cleaning?

Pay attention to the following characteristics:
Ultrasound frequency (wave vibrations) The quality of the procedure directly depends on this indicator. Focus on the average value in professional devices - from 24 to 30 kHz (some home models generate ultrasonic waves with a frequency of 18-20 kHz)
Device power It determines how deeply the waves can penetrate the skin. Normal value is from 0.5 to 2 W
Availability of additional functions The device significantly expands its capabilities
Number of operating modes of the device Allows you to select the most suitable level of exposure for your skin
Battery Battery powered (without connection to the power supply) makes procedures as convenient as possible
Weight and size These characteristics determine how comfortable it is to hold the device in your hand.
Safety and Certification The certified device has passed all the necessary checks and tests, so you can be confident in its quality and safety
Quality of materials used Cheap plastic can be toxic, and inexpensive metal coating will quickly deteriorate. No self-respecting manufacturer skimps on materials
Manufacturer brand awareness No comments: this way you will definitely protect yourself from goods of dubious quality
Reviews from real customers Speak for themselves

Criterias of choice

  • Price. The cost depends on the manufacturer, built-in functions, case material, ergonomics, oscillation frequency, battery availability and many other parameters. Don't overpay if you don't need some of the features. More budget models will receive more points in the comparison table for this parameter.
  • Manufacturer. Trust in the manufacturer and its guarantees for equipment is a very important parameter, because This is a cosmetic device that will interact with your skin. Trusted companies make parts that interact with the skin from hypoallergenic materials.
  • Autonomy of work. There are ultrasonic devices for facial cleansing, both powered and battery-powered. It’s convenient to take battery-powered models on trips, and there’s not always room for an outlet in the bathroom.
  • Charging time. This parameter applies to battery-powered devices. Both the full charge time and the battery life are important.
  • Oscillation frequency. The power of the pushing effect, which removes dirt and removes dead tissue, depends on the frequency of oscillations. In professional devices this is about 30 kHz, in home devices it varies from 22 to 30.
  • Additional functions. Many of the presented models, in addition to the function of peeling and cleansing the skin, also have other functionality. It is convenient to have one device for several procedures, rather than buying a separate one for each.
  • Device weight. Holding 100 grams in your hand is not the same as 300. Compactness, streamlining and low weight contribute to the convenience of the procedure.

Benefits of ultrasonic cleaning

  • Pore ​​cleansing. Exfoliating your face with a professional device prevents dead skin particles, natural oils and dirt from accumulating in your pores. Renewing the top layer of skin improves blood circulation and activates collagen production.
  • Fresh complexion. Ultrasonic peeling improves complexion and temporarily removes skin dullness, making it smoother and more radiant.
  • Reducing wrinkles. Of course, you will be provided with minimal lifting after exfoliation with an ultrasonic device, but you should not count on a miraculous transformation. Removing the top layer of dead skin can slightly smooth out fine lines and make skincare products with active ingredients more effective.
  • Absorption. As we have already noted, peeling is the removal of the top layer of dead skin cells, which to some extent interfere with the deeper penetration of moisturizers. After the exfoliation procedure, you help the beneficial components pass a little further for a better effect.
  • Hygienic process. Use an ultrasound machine for your face at home and don’t worry about hygiene. The beauty spatula is easy to clean and disinfect after each use.

Review of the best devices for ultrasonic facial cleansing

It became clear what parameters need to be compared when choosing the best cleaning device. Together with our expert cosmetologists, we will consider the most popular models of portable ultrasound devices, armed with this knowledge.

Comparative characteristics of devices for ultrasonic facial cleansing, customer reviews

Ultrasonic facial cleanser Bio Sonic 1007 Gezatone

  • Article: 1301253
  • Power W/cm2: no more than 0.8 W/cm2
  • Ultrasound frequency: 24KHz
  • Power Source: Battery
  • Charging time: 2-3 hours
  • Ultrasonic peeling: +
  • Ultrasound micromassage: +
  • Phonophoresis: +
  • Inophoresis: —
  • Disincrustation: +
  • Brushing: —
  • Microcurrents: +
  • Galvanic lifting: —
  • Chromotherapy: +
  • Timer: yes/10 min
  • Modes: Continuous, Pulse
  • Weight: 100 g

More details

Device for ultrasonic cleaning, phonophoresis, facial micromassage BON-990, Gezatone

  • Article: 1301182M
  • Power W/cm2: no more than 0.8 W/cm2
  • Ultrasound frequency: 25KHz
  • Power Source: Battery
  • Charging time: 2-3 hours
  • Ultrasonic peeling: +
  • Ultrasound micromassage: +
  • Phonophoresis: +
  • Inophoresis: +
  • Disincrustation: +
  • Brushing: +
  • Microcurrents: —
  • Galvanic lifting: +
  • Chromotherapy: -
  • Timer: yes/10 min
  • Modes: Continuous, high ultrasonic power and low
  • Weight: 80 g

More details

Ultrasonic cleaning and lifting device Bio Sonic 770 S, Gezatone

  • Article: 1301231
  • Power W/cm2: no more than 0.8 W/cm2
  • Ultrasound frequency: 24KHz
  • Power Source: Battery
  • Charging time: 2-3 hours
  • Ultrasonic peeling: +
  • Ultrasound micromassage: +
  • Phonophoresis: +
  • Inophoresis: —
  • Disincrustation: -
  • Brushing: —
  • Microcurrents: +
  • Galvanic lifting: —
  • Chromotherapy: -
  • Timer: yes/10 min
  • Modes: Continuous, Pulse
  • Weight: 90 g

More details

Device for ultrasonic facial cleansing, phonophoresis, micromassage Bio Sonic 730, Gezatone

  • Article: 1301248
  • Power W/cm2: no more than 0.8 W/cm2
  • Ultrasound frequency: 25KHz
  • Power Source: Battery
  • Charging time: 2.5 hours
  • Ultrasonic peeling: +
  • Ultrasound micromassage: +
  • Phonophoresis: +
  • Inophoresis: —
  • Disincrustation: -
  • Brushing: —
  • Microcurrents: —
  • Galvanic lifting: —
  • Chromotherapy: -
  • Timer: no
  • Modes: Continuous
  • Weight: 79 g

More details

Ultrasonic facial cleanser Bio Sonic HS 2307 i, Gezatone

  • Article: 1302056M
  • Power W/cm2: no more than 2 W/cm2
  • Ultrasound frequency: 25KHz
  • Power source: Mains
  • Charging time: —
  • Ultrasonic peeling: +
  • Ultrasound micromassage: +
  • Phonophoresis: +
  • Inophoresis: —
  • Disincrustation: -
  • Brushing: —
  • Microcurrents: —
  • Galvanic lifting: —
  • Chromotherapy: -
  • Timer: yes/10 min
  • Modes: Continuous, Pulse
  • Weight: 175 g

More details

Ultrasonic facial cleanser Bio Sonic 3003, Gezatone

  • Article: 1303105M
  • Power W/cm2: no more than 1 W/cm2
  • Ultrasound frequency: 29 kHz
  • Power source: Mains
  • Charging time: —
  • Ultrasonic peeling: +
  • Ultrasound micromassage: +
  • Phonophoresis: +
  • Inophoresis: —
  • Disincrustation: +
  • Brushing: —
  • Microcurrents: —
  • Galvanic lifting: —
  • Chromotherapy: -
  • Timer: yes/15 min
  • Modes: Continuous, Pulse
  • Weight: 155 g (handle)

More details

Ultrasonic facial cleanser Gess You

  • Article: 1901541
  • Power W/cm2: 0.6-1.2 W
  • Ultrasound frequency: 18-38 kHz
  • Power Source: Battery
  • Charging time: 4-5 hours
  • Ultrasonic peeling: +
  • Ultrasound micromassage: +
  • Phonophoresis: +
  • Inophoresis: —
  • Disincrustation: -
  • Brushing: —
  • Microcurrents: —
  • Galvanic lifting: —
  • Chromotherapy: -
  • Timer: yes/5 min
  • Modes: Continuous, Pulse
  • Weight: 450 g

More details

Device for massage and care of face and body “Circle Peeling Pro”, YA-MAN

  • Article: 1973326
  • Power W/cm2: data not reported
  • Ultrasound frequency: 90KHz
  • Power Source: Battery
  • Charging time: 2-3 hours
  • Ultrasonic peeling: +
  • Ultrasound micromassage: +
  • Phonophoresis: +
  • Inophoresis: —
  • Disincrustation: +
  • Brushing: —
  • Microcurrents: —
  • Galvanic lifting: —
  • Chromotherapy: -
  • Timer: no
  • Modes: Continuous, Pulse
  • Weight: 150 g

More details

Comparison table of characteristics

In order to have a correct idea of ​​the models, we suggest looking at a comparative table of characteristics of all devices.

ModelIndications for use (how many times a week)EffectModesSkin typePrice, rub)
ReadySkin ZY8300 + gel 250ml1-2peeling and cleansing, increasing skin elasticity, reducing pores, lifting, eliminating blackheads, smoothing wrinkles, even complexion, lightening pigment spotsthermal massage, lifting, micromassage, iontophoresis, disincrustation, ultrasonic peelingany5790
ReadySkin Glory1-2cleansing, reducing pores, improving blood supply, liftingmicromassage, iontophoresis, lifting, peeling, disincrustationany2690
MUYE-88151-2increasing skin elasticity, reducing pores, improving blood supply, lifting, smoothing wrinklesmicromassage, peeling, phonophoresisanyfrom 1487 to 1653
WIEKK HX-021-2increasing skin elasticity, reducing pores, improving blood supply, liftingmicromassage, peeling, phonophoresisanyfrom 2691 to 2990
UltraSonic-3S1-2increasing skin elasticity, reducing pores, lifting, eliminating blackheads, even complexionmicromassage, peeling, phonophoresisanyfrom 1454 to 1616
GESS YOU1-2reducing pores, smoothing wrinklespeeling, phonophoresisAllfrom 3329 to 5990
Welss WS 70501-2reduction of pores, smoothing of wrinkles, lightening of age spotspeeling, phonophoresis, ionizationAllfrom 3350 to 3800
Gezatone Bio Sonic 770 S1-2increasing skin elasticity, reducing pores, eliminating blackheads, smoothing wrinkles, even complexion, removing scarspeeling, phonophoresis, micromassageAllfrom 2744 to 3990
Xiaomi InFace MS71001-2Pore ​​reduction, lifting, blackhead removalpeeling, deep cleaning, micromassage, nutritionAllfrom 1941 to 2600
GESS Exotic1-2cleansing, acne treatment, peeling, massage, enhancing the effect of cosmeticspeeling, ionic cleansing, micromassage, iontophoresis, phonophoresisAllfrom 5850 to 6500

Rating of the winner of the review of the best ultrasonic cleaning devices

The review shows that the BON-990 Gezatone is recognized as the best device for ultrasonic facial cleansing today.
This is a premium ultrasonic scrubber with the widest possible functions (8 in 1), optimal technical characteristics, made of high-quality materials, the effectiveness and safety of which is confirmed by a medical registration certificate. Our cosmetologist experts gave second place to Bio Sonic 770 S Gezatone. This is an inexpensive and high-quality option with basic functions, allowing you to carry out complex cleansing and lifting procedures at home.

Principle of operation

The device for facial cleansing using ultrasonic vibrations is a small device that fits easily in your hand. There are buttons on its body that allow you to manually set the required ultrasound power. Thanks to its low weight, your hand does not strain or get tired when working with the device. The device is equipped with a curved metal spatula with uniquely shaped corners, which ensures convenience and safety during the high-frequency ultrasound cleansing procedure.

Ultrasound is transmitted deep under the skin through a special spatula. Thanks to its action, a process of pushing out impurities, sebaceous formations, dust microparticles, and cosmetic residues from the pores is created. After a short period of time, the skin becomes smooth, pores narrow, and the likelihood of the formation of pimples, blackheads and comedones decreases.

Ultrasonic facial cleansing devices: customer reviews

Nastya, 19 years old Since I was 12 years old, I have had dense “black dots” on my nose, which were not removed by expensive cleansers, nasal tape, or Korean black masks. I was very complex, and when my mother took me for the first time at the age of 15 for an ultrasound cleaning, I was ready to cry with happiness, because only from it they turned significantly white, and they were almost invisible. True, after a while everything became the same as before. Going to a cosmetologist for such cleaning is always expensive for me. Therefore, when I found out about home ultrasound cleaning devices, I immediately bought it. And now I have perfect skin, I do treatments every week!

Ekaterina, 27 years old I haven’t tried ultrasonic cleaning from a cosmetologist, I have nothing to compare with. But I am very pleased with the purchase of Bio Sonic 770. The skin after it is smooth and soft. True, at first you need to adapt to holding the device so that it does not turn off. Then I immediately make masks, do phonophoresis with serum, so I use it to the fullest! I'm happy with the reflection in the mirror.

Valentina, 54 BON-990 was given to me by my daughter, a cosmetologist. She said that the results from it are the same as from the device she uses in the salon. I definitely do ultrasonic massage and microcurrents; it’s great that one device has so many functions and helps us women have a toned face even when you’re “a little over 45”! I always recommend him to everyone.

What to look for when choosing

Before purchasing this device, you need to study some recommendations for its purchase.

  • Power. The greater the power, the better the pore cleansing.
  • Assembling the device. If you see that the device does not have a poor-quality appearance, it is better to discard it. Low quality materials can cause damage not only to the skin of the face, but to the entire body as a whole.
  • Ergonomics. This point is very important. Pay attention to the weight and the curvature of the handle. The weight should be light, otherwise the hand will simply go numb during the procedure. The handle should be as curved as possible so that it is comfortable to hold. Before purchasing, hold the device for a few minutes, then you can accurately determine whether it is suitable for you or not.
  • Functions. A good device should have at least 3 functions. At a minimum: massage, phonophoresis, peeling.
  • Price. Many may not agree with me, since everyone wants to save money, but when buying this device, do not spare money. The higher the cost, the better the quality of the device, and since we are talking about our face - a person’s calling card, then it must be protected and looked after only with high-quality devices.
( 2 ratings, average 4 out of 5 )
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