CREAM PEELING FOR THE FACE: TOP 5 products + home recipes

When drawing up an individual facial care program, any cosmetologist will include peeling in the list of necessary procedures, which helps in creating an attractive, well-groomed image that every woman dreams of. Beauty salon professionals have long used peeling to renew and smooth facial skin. After the first sessions, the effect becomes visually noticeable, so peeling should be carried out regularly, without overusing its frequency. It’s great that in order to maintain your appearance in decent condition, you don’t have to spend whole days in beauty salons. Thanks to professional products, rejuvenation and care procedures can be performed at home by choosing cosmetics that suit your individual characteristics. In particular, any woman must have a peeling cream in her arsenal; you can learn how to use it from our recommendations.

All the benefits of the procedure

Problematic acne, wrinkles, and excessive pigmentation spoil the appearance and mood of their owner. Modern cosmetology offers numerous non-surgical procedures. To solve skin problems, acids and enzymes, ultrasound, laser, abrasive attachments and other techniques are used.

There is another way to eliminate unpleasant defects on the face without pain and surgical intervention. This is a special face cream with a peeling effect. A harmoniously selected composition allows you to combine cleansing with skin nutrition, so after a course of using the product, it does not need additional healing and rehabilitation, as after the usual exfoliation with acids or hardware cleansing.

Peeling cream has a cleansing, softening, exfoliating effect on the skin after repeated application.

The cleansing procedure with a special cream does not cause discomfort, pain or complications. Proper use of the product guarantees quick results, freshness and cleanliness of the face.

Peeling using special cosmetics will eliminate and correct existing problems of the epidermis. By using regular peeling cream, your skin will experience pleasant internal changes:

  • the components of the peeling cream penetrate deeply into the epidermis, destroy sebaceous plugs, dirt and dead cells;
  • activation of internal processes occurs at the cellular level;
  • skin renewal, synthesis of collagen and elastin fibers are accelerated;
  • the functioning of the sebaceous glands is normalized;
  • blood microcirculation increases;
  • Peeling cream has a calming effect on inflammatory processes inside cells.

The positive effect of a cosmetic peeling product is noticeable externally:

  • pores are deeply cleansed and narrowed;
  • comedones and blackheads disappear;
  • natural shine and radiance of the skin appears, instead of a greasy gloss;
  • the shade of the epidermis is evened out, the peeling cream has a slight mattifying effect;
  • acne is reduced, pimples are reduced;
  • there is an increase in the tone and elasticity of the integument;
  • the relief of the integument is smoothed out, wrinkles become less noticeable.


  1. Peeling cream is a cosmetic care product designed for deep cleansing of the skin. Another advantage of the procedure is that it can be used at home.
  2. After applying the product, not only does contaminated pores clean, the skin becomes soft and velvety, cosmetic defects are eliminated - pimples, acne, fine wrinkles.
  3. A good cream peeling should contain three main components: an activator for mild chemical action, an abrasive for mechanical exfoliation and additional auxiliary elements.
  4. The leaders in the production of cleansing creams are France, Korea, Spain and Israel. It is advisable to purchase products only in a large specialized store or salon.
  5. Before applying peeling, you need to remove makeup and rinse your face thoroughly with water. To enhance the effectiveness, it is advisable to pre-steam your face. The procedures are carried out in courses at intervals of 1-3 times a week.

Choosing a peeling cream

Facial peeling creams vary in composition. Their choice depends on the problem, skin type and age of the patient.

The cleansing effect of the peeling cream is due to the activity of the following ingredients:

  • alpha-hydroxy or fruit acids (citric, malic, glycolic, lactic and others);
  • resorcinol;
  • vitamin C (ascorbic acid);
  • carbolic acid;
  • salicylic acid;
  • polymers;
  • abrasive particles of pumice, sea salt;
  • chopped almonds, fruit seeds.

To soften the effect of aggressive components, the composition includes plant extracts and oils, antioxidants, and amino acids. To enhance the rejuvenating effect, hyaluronic acid, hydrolyzed collagen and elastin are added to the creams.

When choosing a peeling cream, attention is also paid to the client’s age. It is recommended to start using peeling creams after the age of 25, when the skin quickly becomes clogged and is unable to independently cope with the accumulated dead cells, dirt and fatty particles.

After 40, you should turn to creams containing strong and active acids. But women aged 50+ will need specialist advice and more effective techniques.


The main purpose of the substance is cleansing, but you must also remember that due to the deep penetration of the particles, increased blood circulation occurs, which in turn leads to the enrichment of the surface of the face with oxygen.

Peeling cream includes positive aspects:

  • softness;
  • cleansing

Currently, a large number of different products have been created designed for cleansing, eliminating oily shine, unevenness and age spots. But in order to get results and not cause damage, you need to choose substances that are suitable for a specific type. One of these products is peeling cream, since cleansing occurs without irritation and the integrity of the skin surface is not compromised.


Cream peels contain minimal doses of aggressive components and low concentration acids, so they have virtually no contraindications. To be more confident in the optimal choice of product in relation to the type of skin, it is recommended to visit a cosmetologist.

Restrictions on the use of the product apply to clients with individual intolerance to the ingredients of the cream. Before using it, be sure to test for an allergic reaction. To do this, spread a little mixture on the inner bend of your elbow. After a while, analyze the reaction: there should be no redness, burning, rash or itching.

Do not use face peeling cream if there is damage to the skin (wounds, scratches) or purulent formations.

There is no need to use peeling creams at an early age (up to 25–30 years). So, you risk causing premature aging of the skin.

Result of use

The main desired effects are:

  • exfoliation, removal of dead cells;
  • getting rid of oily shine and comedones;
  • cleansing pores;
  • smooth skin;
  • rejuvenation, wrinkle reduction;
  • reduction in the number of acne.

The result obtained depends on the type of peeling - there are those that can affect deep areas of the skin, and there are those that act only on the surface.
For serious problems, you can use salon procedures. But in order to achieve results you need to complete the whole course.

Instructions for use

With the help of a special cream, peeling turns into a pleasant and convenient procedure. It does not cause pain, discomfort and is not difficult to use. The cosmetic product is suitable for home care; it is important to follow all the rules of the product manufacturer and the recommendations of the cosmetologist.

How to use this peeling:

  1. Test for allergic reactions before first application.
  2. Prepare your skin for applying the cream. Cleanse it with milk or tonic. It is recommended to thoroughly steam the skin to enhance the effect of the product.
  3. It is optimal to carry out the procedure in the evening hours. Cream peeling may cause slight redness and peeling of the skin, which will subside overnight. In the morning, your face will look fresh, without any residual marks after peeling.
  4. Apply the cream to your face, avoiding the sensitive periorbital area (the area around the eyes). Movements should be soft, in the direction of the massage lines. Be careful not to apply pressure to avoid stretching the tissue.
  5. After the time specified by the manufacturer in the product instructions, rinse off the composition with warm water.
  6. When the remnants of the cosmetic product are removed, apply your usual cream to your face. After facial peeling, choose a nourishing, whitening or moisturizing cream, depending on your skin type and the problem that is bothering you.

Do not use cream peeling after cleansing with acids or scrubs. Failure to comply with this requirement is dangerous due to complications and unpleasant consequences.

Duration of therapy

Deep cleansing of the face should be regular, but it is not recommended to do it constantly - this leads to a deterioration in the condition of the skin and increases dryness and the protective forces of the cells. It is advisable to apply cream peeling in a course of up to 20 procedures. Depending on the condition of the skin and the degree of its contamination, the product is used 1-3 times a week, and to enhance the effect, the procedure can be combined with the application of a nourishing or moisturizing mask. The cleaning cycle is repeated every 3-5 months.

If you follow the recommendations for using peeling cream, the result will not keep you waiting.

Rating of facial peeling creams

Today, the cosmetics market is so vast and diverse that it is easy to make a mistake when choosing a quality product. We bring to your attention the TOP 5 best skin peeling creams:

  1. Oxigen Prime GiGi facial cleansing cream (Israel) is an expensive but high-quality cosmetic product. Cost 5 thousand rubles.
  2. Facial Cleansing AHA cream peeling from Natura Bisse (Spain) is a European version of a gentle, effective cleansing for oily and combination skin. The composition of the product is filled with fruit acids. The purchase will cost 3 thousand rubles.
  3. Soft peeling cream Clarins (France) - the product gently cleanses the epidermis, smoothes out fine wrinkles and unevenness on the face. The cost of the product is from 1800 rubles.
  4. Cleansing cream Caresse Algologie (France) - suitable for sensitive and problem skin. Applies easily and evenly and does not cause irritation. Jojoba granules with cleansing components create an excellent tandem that can eliminate imperfections on the face without pain or complications. The product costs from 1400 rubles.
  5. TonyMoly Appletox Smooth Massage Peeling Cream (Korea) is a budget option for a peeling product that combines 3 important processes: moisturizing, exfoliating and nourishing. The product, rich in beauty vitamins, guarantees a noticeable rejuvenating effect and healing effect. The product costs between 650–800 rubles.

Before purchasing the product, it is recommended to seek advice from a specialist. Beware of counterfeits, buy cosmetics only in trusted specialized stores, not on the market. The storage conditions of the drug are often violated there. This affects its quality and beneficial properties.

Popular Products

Here is an overview of popular peeling creams offered by cosmetics manufacturers.

Lactolan Peeling Cream from Holy Land

Includes lactic acid, mineral salts, vitamins, microelements.

A surface-acting product that is suitable for all skin types, in particular sensitive and thin skin, since the formula does not contain rough mechanical particles.

Helps get rid of blackheads, helps saturate tissues with moisture, and accelerate recovery processes. Costs about 2200 rubles.

You can read about other exfoliation products from this manufacturer in a separate article.

Gentle Refiner Exfoliating Cream from Clarins

It contains artificial microgranules made from several types of polymers and mimosa extract. Provides gentle and at the same time effective cleaning of the epidermis.

The effect is explained by the presence of two types of granules : nylon, which remove dirt and sebaceous plugs, and cellulose, which smooth out the skin texture, helping to restore smoothness and a healthy glow.

The plant components of the peeling cream fight inflammation. Price - from 1300 rubles.

Microdermabrasion by Dr. Brandt

Contains lactic acid, salt crystals, plant components. An expensive and high-quality cream that allows you to effectively cleanse the epidermis.

The salt crystals are simultaneously mechanically exfoliated and the keratinocytes have a chemical effect. Price - about 4000 rubles.

Cream Peeling from MagRuss

Includes highly stable polysaccharides, mineral essences, vegetable oils, proteins. However, the product is conventionally considered a cream; it is a transparent gel with pink inclusions.

Based on chemical exfoliation of dead cells and dissolution of impurities. Since there are no abrasives in the composition and the effect is mild , it can be used even on the most sensitive areas.

Trehalose polysaccharide helps stabilize cell membranes and prevent moisture loss. Costs approximately 2100 rubles.

Day Scrub Cream Rinse-Off Formula by Clinique

Contains smooth abrasive granules, moisturizing and anti-inflammatory agents. The product can thoroughly cleanse the skin, improving blood circulation in tissues and saturating cells with oxygen.

Deeply moisturizes, smooths out fine wrinkles, helps restore shine. Approximate price - 1900 rubles.

Oxygen Prime Peeling Cream from GiGi Cosmetic Labs

The composition includes vegetable oils, stearic acid, vitamin E. A mild product that is suitable for regular use in sensitive areas.

Helps saturate the skin with moisture, nutritional components, even out the relief and tonal structure. It costs around 5000-5500 rubles.

We'll tell you more about GiGi peelings here.

Homemade cream option

You can prepare an effective peeling cream yourself.
We offer a popular recipe for a natural peeling product. It will make your skin smooth and beautiful. To prepare a homemade peeling cream you will need:

  • 2 tbsp. l. natural liquid honey;
  • 1 tsp. lemon juice;
  • 1 tbsp. l. oatmeal.
  1. Grind the flakes in a coffee grinder.
  2. Mix the ingredients together.
  3. Distribute the mixture onto cleansed, pre-steamed skin.
  4. Perform a light massage with your fingertips for 1–2 minutes.
  5. Leave the mixture on your face for 5-10 minutes.
  6. Rinse off the remaining mixture with warm water or chamomile decoction.
  7. Secure the result with a nourishing face cream.

Be careful, honey can cause an allergic reaction. Before applying the product to your face, do an allergy test.

Modern cosmetic companies are extremely sensitive to the beauty and health of the skin, creating innovative skin care products. Cream peeling combines cleansing and nutrition of the epidermis. Regular use of this product will delay early aging and withering of the skin, giving cells strength and energy in the fight against imperfections on the face.

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