How to perform face resurfacing at home: product recipes and review of devices

Smooth, flawless skin texture is often an unattainable luxury for many. Porous dermis, bumpy relief, inflammatory elements, as well as signs of aging are easily eliminated using various cosmetic methods. The purpose of the treatment is to remove dead cells, restore elasticity and smoothness of the integument. The salons offer a variety of services, using the achievements of modern cosmetology to care for their appearance. Face resurfacing at home will be no less effective. Both chemical and mechanical compositions are used. You can purchase professional products, portable devices, or prepare effective formulations by selecting a recipe that provides a solution to individual problems.

The essence of the procedure

At home, it is carried out to improve the general condition of the skin, prevent the occurrence of inflammatory elements, restore firmness and elasticity.

Perhaps only a superficial effect, grinding or dermabrasion helps remove dead cells, normalizing the processes of respiration and saturation with nutrients. In salons, in addition to the superficial skincare procedure, a medium and deep skincare procedure is prescribed.

It is possible to solve complex aesthetic problems, cope with deep wrinkles, smooth out scars and scars. It is recommended to consult a specialist in case of severe cosmetic defects, acne, or age-related changes.

A dermatocosmetologist will help you choose the optimal program and choose the most effective type of resurfacing, taking into account individual characteristics, age, and skin type.

Self-care cannot solve problems such as porous skin, jowls, and pronounced folds. But home procedures allow you to maintain the normal condition of the integument, activate blood flow and lymphatic drainage, and strengthen thin blood vessels. Removing dead skin cells allows you to remove toxins and oxidants, improve color, and prevent the formation of wrinkles.


  1. Mechanical - compositions with abrasive particles are used or the removal of keratinized epithelium is carried out using special devices. The main purpose of the effect is to separate keratinized particles without injuring healthy cells of renewed tissues. The composition may contain salt, algae, corals, pearl sand, and herbal preparations. Professional and therapeutic lines include effective scrubs for different skin types and age groups. Homemade remedies are no less effective.
  2. Chemical peeling is based on the action of acids; it has a less traumatic effect, which also allows you to get rid of pigmentation and restore hydrobalance. At home, acidic compounds are used for surface grinding that do not penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis. You can use professional products or prepare a recipe for chemical grinding yourself. Unlike salon procedures, it can be used throughout the year; the gentle effect does not violate the skin’s protective barrier.
  3. Hardware resurfacing is represented by brossage and vacuum peeling. Using cosmetic devices, you can remove not only dead skin cells, but also sebaceous plugs and comedones. Used in combination with chemical or mechanical peeling to achieve maximum effect.

What are the benefits of carbon dioxide laser resurfacing?

CO2 laser skin resurfacing

Skin resurfacing using a CO2 laser can be used for the following cosmetic defects:

  • Fine and deep wrinkles
  • Age spots
  • Uneven shade or texture
  • Sun damaged skin
  • Mild to moderate acne scars
  • Large pores
  • Superficial or deep hyperpigmentation.

Other applications of carbon dioxide grinding include:

  • Seborrheic keratosis
  • Non-malignant neoplasms of HPV
  • Hyperplasia of the sebaceous glands
  • Angiofibroma (fibrous nasal papule)
  • Connective and complex nevi
  • Lentigo spots
  • Syringomas (intradermal papules)
  • Epidermal melasma (increased skin pigmentation)
  • Rhinophyma (tissue hypertrophy on the nose)

Indications for use

This is a basic home care procedure recommended for all skin types. There are no age restrictions; you can start using mechanical and chemical types of cleansing from adolescence to combat acne and excess synthesis of sebaceous secretions.

After 25 years, there is a natural decrease in metabolic processes, the synthesis of collagen and elastin slows down. To prevent sagging and the formation of wrinkles, it is worth carrying out regular care that activates intracellular processes.


  • tired, stressed skin;
  • pigmentation;
  • traces of photo and chronoaging;
  • blackheads, comedones, acne;
  • lumpy structure;
  • unhealthy color;
  • dryness, peeling;
  • excessive secretion of sebium.

Efficiency of the technique

Unlike salon resurfacing, which requires a course of treatment no more than 2 times a year, home methods are distinguished by their gentle action, the absence of tissue trauma, and the risk of complications.

Home mechanical and chemical grinding is used regularly to maintain normal condition and improve metabolic processes. With just one procedure, it is impossible to solve the problems of porous, oily skin or restore the youth of fading dermis.

For complex aesthetic problems, you need to contact a specialist who will select the optimal program.

Grinding efficiency:

  • removal of dead cells;
  • narrowing of pores;
  • improvement of skin structure;
  • lightening pigmentation;
  • restoration of healthy tone;
  • increasing firmness and elasticity;
  • reduction in the number and depth of superficial wrinkles.

The result is not comparable to professional treatment; improvement in skin condition is observed a month after regular use. Mechanical compositions are recommended for oily, normal dermis to be used 2 times a week. Chemical exfoliants are universal, suitable for both problematic and dry, sensitive skin. It is recommended to use 1-2 times a week; you can increase the effectiveness with the help of portable covers.

What is the effect of laser skin rejuvenation

If you are still afraid of something and do not dare to undergo fractional facial rejuvenation, read the reviews of patients who have already gone through it. You will see admiration and joy from the result obtained. Perhaps this will encourage you to make an appointment with a master. The procedure is almost painless, does not take much time, and does not require long-term rehabilitation or surgical intervention. The following are the effects of laser rejuvenation:

  • Getting rid of scars, spider veins, stretch marks and pigmentation on the face;
  • Narrowing of pores;
  • The skin will become firmer and more elastic. This is possible due to the fact that during the procedure collagen and elastin are synthesized in skin cells under the influence of laser radiation;
  • Reduction of wrinkles;
  • Removing crow's feet;
  • Improved complexion;
  • The appearance of a clearer facial contour.

One week after the session, the result will already be obvious. But it needs to be fixed, so several procedures will be required. Consult with a laser rejuvenation specialist about how often you should visit the clinic.

If you don’t like your reflection in the mirror, make the right decision by contacting a laser facial rejuvenation specialist. Find out from him again about this procedure and consult about contraindications. You will not regret using a service that turned back the clock for your skin.

Devices for home use

Darsonval LW-018 is a professional device that can also be used for home care. The impact is carried out using high-frequency alternating current, carried out by vacuum glass electrodes.

There are 2 options for darsonvalization:

  • a silent discharge involves moving across the skin, accompanied by an increase in temperature and light tissue massage, used to treat problematic skin and restore the elasticity of fading dermis;
  • during a spark discharge , the nozzle does not touch the integument, is located at a distance of up to 4 mm, the air is saturated with ozone, a slight tingling, burning sensation is felt, and is used to accelerate the healing of the integument after traumatic procedures.

A positive effect can be noticed after a course consisting of 8–12 sessions. Price - 1850 rub.

The Diamond Peel 15 diamond dermabrasion device is convenient for performing mechanical grinding at home. The set includes 2 nozzles of different abrasiveness and diameter, allowing you to care for your face and body. As a result of mechanical grinding, it is possible to increase the elasticity of tissues, activate lymph flow, and increase the effectiveness of creams and serums. Not only the speed of rotation of the cutters is regulated, but also the depth of impact, which allows it to be used for the care of thin, sensitive skin. The price of the device is 8000 rubles.

Portable facial brush 07D Aria allows you to delicately cleanse the skin and effectively remove impurities with the help of a brush. The nozzle is made of a special Supersoft material that does not injure or cause irritation to the skin. During the procedure, the brush performs micro-oscillations at a speed of 300 pulsations per second. Brushing gently removes impurities and dead epithelial particles, cleanses pores, improves microcirculation, and increases the effectiveness of care products. Recommended use 2-3 times a week. You can buy it for 7300 rubles.

The Phillips VisaPure facial cleanser is designed to gently remove impurities using DualMotion technology. A special nozzle vibrates and rotates, ensuring careful removal of dead cells and sebaceous plugs. The set consists of 2 attachments that perform delicate and deep cleansing. The timer automatically turns off the device upon completion of the procedure. Separately, you can purchase attachments for deep cleansing of pores, for sensitive, normal skin and for peeling. The price of the device is 9500 rubles.

How is facial microdermabrasion performed in a beauty salon?

If you want to get a guaranteed effect after a course of treatment, you must follow the recommendations of specialists. The procedure consists of several steps.

  • Preparation. At this stage, it is recommended to use specific products that help soften the outer layer of the skin and make cleaning easier.
  • Cleansing. Removing makeup residues using special products that prepare for the procedure.
  • Grinding with microcrystals or diamond nozzles. Depending on the type and thickness of the skin, the session lasts from 20 to 40 minutes.
  • Application of skin softening and soothing agents that accelerate regeneration and relieve inflammation.

The duration and number of microdermabrasion sessions depend on the specifics of the patient’s skin, as well as on the specific defects that need to be eliminated. To eliminate minor deficiencies, 5-8 procedures are enough. In any case, you should trust only professionals, whose skill and experience will allow you to carry out the necessary grinding procedure efficiently. Residents of Moscow can find such highly qualified specialists in the city.

Read material on the topic: Ozone therapy: methods, effect, reviews, photos

Recipes for preparing products for grinding at home

Here are the best lineup options. which you can prepare yourself:

With bodyaga

The scrub is suitable for oily, porous skin with frequent inflammation and acne marks. As a result of use, it is possible to significantly improve the condition of the skin, reduce the synthesis of sebium, partially whiten spots, and smooth out the relief. For pronounced results, you need to use courses of 10–12 procedures up to 4 times a year.


  • 10 gr. bodyags;
  • 10 gr. kelp;
  • aspirin tablet;
  • 3 drops of tea tree ether.

Crush the tablets thoroughly in a mortar and grind the dry kelp in a coffee grinder. Combine dry ingredients, add essential oil and mix thoroughly again. Clean the skin and steam it using a compress or thermal mask. Apply the mixture to damp skin with light massaging movements along the massage lines, avoiding the eyelid and mouth area. Leave for 5-7 minutes, then rinse with water and apply anti-inflammatory cream.

With herbs

The gommage mask is suitable for sensitive, dry dermis prone to frequent irritation. As a result of use, dead cells are removed, color improves, and immune properties increase.

With regular use, you can lighten pigmentation, increase elasticity and firmness of the skin.


  • 5 gr. herbs chamomile, thyme, nettle;
  • 5 gr. starch;
  • 10 gr. oatmeal

Grind dry herbs in a coffee grinder, mix with potato starch and oatmeal. Clean your face from makeup, moisten with water. Distribute on face and neck along massage lines, leave for 10 minutes to enhance the effect. Rinse off with warm water, then apply moisturizer. Suitable for daily cleansing of dry and normal skin.

With fruit acids

Chemical peels are widely used to loosen the epithelium and restore hydrobalance. You can prepare the composition yourself; as a result of use, you can narrow pores, whiten pigmentation, and remove toxins and oxidants. It is recommended to use for all skin types, for oily problem skin up to 2 times a week, for dry and sensitive skin 2 times a month is enough.


  • half an apple;
  • vinegar;
  • 2 drops of orange essential oil.

Peel the apple and grind in a blender to a puree consistency. Add citrus ester and wine vinegar, mix well. Be sure to steam the skin and apply the composition in a thick layer, excluding the area of ​​the eyelids and eyes. Wait for a slight tingling sensation to occur, rinse with warm water, and treat the skin with regenerating cream.

Preparatory stage

Unlike resurfacing in a salon, the home procedure does not require testing to identify contraindications.

It is better to prescribe a course of sessions for the autumn-winter period, but if the skin is not prone to pigmentation, it can be carried out throughout the year.

There are several recommendations to enhance the effectiveness of home care:

  • in a few weeks you can introduce creams with AHA acids into your care; the active components facilitate the removal of keratinized epithelium;
  • Select decorative products with anti-comedogenic composition;
  • a week before the event, you should reduce physical activity, stop drinking alcohol, salty, spicy, and fatty foods.

Attention! Some medications can affect the condition of the integument; before the procedure it is not recommended to take antibacterial, hormonal, or drugs that affect blood flow.

What are the benefits of face resurfacing?

Why is resurfacing such a popular procedure in beauty salons? Probably because it can smooth out or completely eliminate the manifestations of the most common skin problems:

  • age spots;
  • various irregularities;
  • wrinkles;
  • scars;
  • acne;
  • scars.

During grinding, the upper stratum corneum layer of the skin is literally peeled off, due to which it renews itself faster, acquiring freshness and elasticity. Considering the large list of problems that face resurfacing helps solve, it is worth spending both time and money on it, because the result will not be long in coming.

Procedure protocol at home

It is better to carry out the procedure in the evening, before the weekend, so as not to expose the skin to the aggressive action of the environment the next day. The session does not take more than half an hour, after which it is advisable not to engage in vigorous activity, sports, or cleaning, so as not to provoke complications.

Execution steps:

  1. Clean your face from decorative cosmetics, dust, sebium particles.
  2. Apply a thermal mask or warm compress to open the pores as much as possible. You can also use a peeling roll if you have rosacea.
  3. When using cosmetic devices, you must first apply a scrub or medicinal composition and treat the entire surface of the face, paying special attention to problem areas.
  4. If only compounds with abrasive particles are used, it is recommended to perform a light superficial massage, being careful not to stretch the skin. There should be no discomfort or pain present. If burning or tingling occurs, rinse off the peeling or gommage with warm water.
  5. Then apply a restorative, regenerating mask selected according to your skin type.
  6. Finally, use a moisturizer or nourishing serum.

Healing period

There is no recovery period as such. After the procedure, there may be redness, slight swelling, and sensitivity. Within a few hours the skin condition returns to normal. Care consists of restoring the protective barrier, preventing the appearance of pigmentation, dryness, and peeling.

Rules for the healing period:

  • the next day, choose soft foams and gels without abrasive particles for cleansing; use alcohol-free tonics for toning;
  • to moisturize and accelerate regeneration, as well as to prevent sensitivity, use creams, serums with hyaluronic acid, aloe, and plant extracts;
  • It is advisable to use decorative cosmetics after 1–2 days; for toning, use products with an anti-comedogenic effect; for oily skin, it is advisable to choose powder enriched with zinc;
  • You should not visit the sauna, solarium, or gym for about a week; it is also recommended to stop drinking alcohol;
  • You should use sunscreen before going outside.

Precautionary measures

Home resurfacing does not require special preparation; the main measures are to use a cosmetological method in the absence of contraindications.

Can be performed during pregnancy, lactation, and throughout the year. When using portable devices, it is important to follow the manufacturer's operating instructions.

Contraindications for use:

  • individual intolerance;
  • foci of inflammation;
  • acne in the active phase;
  • violation of the integrity of the integument;
  • warts, papillomas, moles on target areas;
  • postoperative period;
  • viral infections;
  • elevated body temperature.

Before use, the composition should be tested on a small area of ​​skin to prevent an allergic reaction. If you are prone to pigmentation, it is not recommended to carry out the course during periods of solar activity. Products with a high SPF protection factor must be used.

Side effects are rarely observed and go away on their own without additional effort. There may be redness, burning, irritation, mild swelling, which lasts no more than 2-3 hours. If you have a severe allergic reaction, or Quincke's edema, you should consult a doctor.

What are the possible side effects of CO2 laser resurfacing?

The following transient side effects may occur after exposure to a fractional laser:

  • Swelling
  • Erythema (redness)
  • Itching
  • The appearance of acne
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Infection (bacterial, viral, fungal)
  • Contact dermatitis
  • Hypopigmentation (loss of skin pigment)
  • Demarcation lines
  • Hypertrophic scars and keloids
  • Damage to tooth enamel
  • Eye injuries
  • Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation

Advantages and disadvantages

Professional resurfacing is a painful, traumatic procedure; the healing period is accompanied by prolonged discomfort and requires special care. But the effect can be compared to plastic surgery.

Home dermabrasion is a gentle method of maintaining normal skin condition. With regular practice, you can improve the general condition of the skin, cope with superficial wrinkles, and reduce the secretion of sebium.

But you can only smooth out deep wrinkles, restore an even structure after acne, and whiten photopigmentation by turning to a professional.


  • possibility of carrying out throughout the year;
  • accessibility of the procedure;
  • general improvement in the condition of the integument;
  • no side effects;
  • no recovery period;
  • a small list of contraindications;
  • It is possible to choose the type of polishing according to your skin type.


  • ineffective method for solving complex aesthetic problems;
  • requires coursework.

You can do the polishing yourself, using effective recipes or advances in hardware cosmetology. The procedure is suitable for caring for all types of dermis, as a result, metabolic processes are improved. Regularity is the key to beautiful, healthy skin.

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