A series for the face - what is useful, how to use it, recipes for cosmetics

You can recognize the series by the pretty yellow flowers that grow near swamps, along the banks of lakes and rivers. The weed plant is not uncommon in the garden and vegetable garden. In the Asteraceae family, to which the string belongs, there are over 200 species, and most of them are poisonous. The medicinal properties of some other types of string are being studied and investigated, but so far only the tripartite string is officially recognized as a medicinal plant.

In botany, it is defined as an annual herbaceous plant up to 1 m tall with a round stem, tripartite leaves and tubular dirty yellow flowers. The tripartite succession blooms from summer to early autumn and bears fruit towards the end of flowering. The ancient doctors of China were the first to appreciate the healing properties of the string. In Japan, string grass was used to reduce the temperature, in Tibet it was used to treat trophic and anthrax, and in southern countries it was used to treat snake bites.

The string was also collected and used for medicinal purposes in pre-revolutionary Russia. Thus, according to the self-instruction manual for rural treatment by the staff physician Kozma Benediktov from the mid-19th century, scrofula was treated in succession by both lower-class people and wealthy Russians. This herb was popularly called swamp black-brow grass, dog burdock, goat's horns, plump grass and three-parted tops. Until recently, the string was part of a natural yellow-brown dye for silk and wool fabrics.

For medicinal purposes, the young tops of the string up to 15 cm long and its leaves are used. The plant is cut off during the growth period before the buds appear and cleaned of defective parts. Later, only side shoots are allowed to be collected. Dry the string in thin layers, avoiding exposure to sunlight, until the petioles and stems become brittle. When dried, the plant has a mild astringent and bitter taste.

Good to know
What do you need to know about medicinal plants for them to be beneficial?

Benefits of string for the face

One of the advantages of the string over other plants is its unique composition, which combines essential oils, coumarin, minerals, vitamins, tannins, and flavonoids. The use of the herb allows you to:

  • saturate the epidermal tissue with moisture, normalize water balance;
  • eliminate signs of fading (wrinkles, sagging, looseness, sagging);
  • normalize the functioning of the glands responsible for the production of sebum;
  • stop the spread of inflammatory processes;
  • strengthen blood vessels;
  • clean or narrow enlarged pores, remove blackheads;
  • get rid of pustules and rashes.

Despite the many beneficial qualities, we should not forget about the individual reaction of the skin to the prepared products.

To prevent complications, it is recommended to check how the dermis reacts to the mask - after preparation, apply a few drops to the wrist and rub in gently. After one or two hours, check the condition of the skin; if there are no alarming manifestations, begin regular manipulations.

The healing properties of the string

The series is considered one of the oldest medicines. Like most useful plants, it has a chemical composition rich in various compounds and substances. Due to this, it can be used as an additional treatment for a variety of diseases.

Tannins in its composition contain a large amount of polyphenols, due to which the series is credited with anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. Alternately you can stop bleeding, remove toxins and radionuclides from the body. The high content of manganese and vitamin C in the series improves metabolism and the functioning of the endocrine glands, as well as the composition of the blood.

Flavonoids, carotenoids and coumarins remove stones from the kidneys and gall bladder, and also improve digestion. In addition, the series contains essential oils, morpholines, polysaccharides and ascorbic acid. This composition makes the plant an effective protector of the liver from harmful substances, and of blood vessels from the formation of blood clots.

For urticaria and various forms of eczema and seborrhea in children, therapeutic baths with a sequence are effective. Further study of drugs based on it showed that it helps with allergic diseases, diathesis and hair loss. The plant has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, diuretic, choleretic effect; it stimulates the functions of the adrenal cortex, increases sweating and relieves fever. Therefore, infusions and teas from the series are taken to increase the formation and removal of fluid from the body, as a diaphoretic and antipyretic.

The herb is part of Averin tea, a healing drink that was drunk in Rus'. Ointments and lotions with this plant are popular in dermatology, where, in particular, they are used to treat acne.

Swimming in a line is very beneficial for children. Photo: Globallookpress

The following drugs can be purchased in ready-made form in a sequence:

  • crushed string grass in briquettes and jars;
  • crushed string grass in filter bags;
  • tincture of string;
  • bath composition;
  • string oil extract;
  • ointments with plant herb extract;
  • string oils (cosmetic and antiseptic);
  • herbal teas;
  • cream with string.

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Homemade recipes for masks and decoctions

There are many time-tested masks and decoctions in which the active component is a series. Home remedies are used for rejuvenation, against rashes, wrinkles, and to even out the tone. By choosing the right recipe, you can easily cope with defects and get healthy, beautiful skin. The main thing is not to abuse it and not engage in experiments.

1. A decoction of string - the basis of homemade masks and an independent remedy

A decoction prepared from the string is often used to mix masks. You can use the aromatic herbal liquid without additional components - even in its pure form it does an excellent job of cleansing and moisturizing the skin. There is no need to prepare a fresh decoction each time - the beneficial qualities do not disappear when stored in the refrigerator for up to 10 days.


  1. Finely chop fresh or dry string stems (20 g).
  2. Bring water (300 ml) to a boil, pour boiling water over the herbal pulp.
  3. Place the container on low heat and simmer under the lid for a quarter of an hour.
  4. Without removing the lid, leave for half an hour (to increase the concentration, you can wrap the container in a towel).
  5. Strain using a gauze cloth (roll in several layers).

Pour into a dark glass bottle, seal tightly, and refrigerate.

2. Ice with string and peach oil against wrinkles

Based on the series, you can prepare ice cubes rich in vitamins, which are recommended to be used to wipe your face daily.
Under the influence of cold temperature and beneficial elements, sagging areas begin to be intensively tightened, wrinkles are smoothed out, and the tone of the dermis improves. Preparation:

  1. Add peach oil (5-7 drops) to a warm decoction of the string (150 ml).
  2. Stir the liquid and pour into ice-freezing molds.
  3. Place in the freezer, after freezing, transfer to a bag and tie tightly.

Rub cleansed skin with ice cubes twice a day. You can pre-steam or use steam baths, which allow the pores to open and more effectively saturate the epidermis with useful elements.

Infusion from a series against acne, inflammation

The most useful against acne, inflammatory processes, small and large purulent pimples will be an infusion of the series. For preparation, it is recommended to use high-quality vodka, pharmaceutical alcohol or homemade first aid. Those with dermis prone to irritation, rashes, and allergies should use the product with caution and be sure to do so after preliminary testing. If the skin responds to the use of the infusion with a burning sensation, severe itching or rash, it is better to refuse manipulation.


  1. Finely chop a bunch (about 100 grams) of string leaves, mash a little with your hands, allowing the juice to come out.
  2. Place the herbal pulp in a dark glass container.
  3. Pour vodka (400 ml).
  4. Seal the bottle and shake vigorously several times.
  5. Leave in the dark, make sure the room temperature is low (you can just put it in the refrigerator).

After infusion (after two to three weeks), strain the liquid and store tightly sealed. To get rid of skin defects, wipe your face with the product. If you have time, you can use the infusion as a lotion - soak a cotton pad and place it on the problem area for a quarter of an hour.

Mask “The Secret of Youth”

To rejuvenate the dermis and get rid of age-related signs (wrinkles, looseness, sagging), it is recommended to use a home remedy based on herbal decoction, potato starch and vitamin E twice a week.


  1. Pour the warm decoction of the string (20 ml) over the starch (15 g), stir until the lumps disappear.
  2. Add vitamin E (one ampoule is enough).
  3. Stir the mixture and use immediately.

Apply the composition in an even layer on the face, resort to a light massage. Patting and stroking will allow the active elements to penetrate deep into the epidermal tissue. Remove after 15 minutes.

Mask “Clean Face”

A home remedy will easily stop the spread of inflammatory processes, cleanse the skin of acne, and remove purulent pimples. A pleasant bonus that awaits you after regular manipulations is that the shade of the dermis will even out and pigmentation will disappear.


  1. Mash pressed yeast (15 g).
  2. Add a decoction of string (20 ml) to the yeast crumbs.
  3. Stir the mixture until the yeast dissolves, pour in zinc ointment (5-7 g).
  4. Grind the protein into a foam and gradually add it to the main mass.

Before carrying out the procedure, carry out steaming - prepare a decoction of plantain (pour 10 grams of chopped leaves with 150 ml of boiling water), soak a towel or napkin, put it on your face for a quarter of an hour. After removing the compress, spread the prepared mask evenly over the skin and leave for 15-17 minutes. Contrast washing will be useful - alternating cold and hot liquids.

Mask "Cleansing"

Those with problematic skin know very well how difficult it is to deal with a scattering of blackheads. Even regular cleaning does not always lead to the long-awaited effect - defects appear again after a short time. A mask in which the main ingredient is a series is considered one of the most effective remedies - blackheads do not bother you for a long period.


  1. Grind two tablets of activated carbon in a mortar.
  2. Pour the prepared powder with a decoction of the string (15 ml).
  3. Drop some ether into the mixture (3-5 drops).

After thorough mixing, treat problem areas of the face. Use your fingertips to easily massage areas with blackheads. After distributing the entire mass, wait 10 minutes and rinse the skin. It is advisable to complete the manipulations with the use of a soothing cream - this will avoid irritation.

Oatmeal mask for oily skin

If the sebaceous glands are working too actively, the face constantly looks unkempt and unkempt, covered with a greasy layer, it is recommended to introduce masks made from fresh sebaceous raw materials into a set of home care procedures. Manipulations will normalize sebum production, tighten pores, and prevent the appearance of rashes.


  1. Chop the leaves and stems of the string (15 grams) into a fine paste, rub with your hands, turning it into a thick mass.
  2. Beat oatmeal (15 grams) into flour, add to green gruel.
  3. Add 1-2 aspirin tablets (grind in a mortar).
  4. Mix all ingredients until smooth; if the mixture is too thick and poorly distributed, pour in a little mineral water.

After application, rest for about 20 minutes. To rinse, use water or herbal decoction.


“Mineral” mask for nutrition and hydration

The deficiency of certain elements and moisture in the tissues of the epidermis ends quite predictably - loss of elasticity, sagging, and the appearance of age-related changes. A home remedy that will quickly saturate the skin with useful substances, minerals, and vitamins will help prevent such manifestations.


  1. Mix 5 gr. white and blue cosmetic clay.
  2. Pour the clay mixture with a decoction of the string (15 ml).
  3. Add avocado or ylang-ylang oil (4-6 drops).
  4. Stir the mass; if the consistency is too thick, you can add a little more broth.

Apply the mixture in a thin (up to 1 mm) layer on the face, leave for 10-15 minutes. Wash, wipe your face with string oil or herbal decoction.

Mask "Freshness"

Sensitive skin prone to irritation and allergies will benefit from pampering with a useful home remedy. In addition to getting rid of defects, the mask perfectly refreshes, relieves signs of fatigue, and evens out the tone. After regular manipulations, you can notice how the skin acquires a healthy glow and velvety gloss.


  1. Chop fresh leaves of the plant (15 g).
  2. Melt good honey (10-15 ml) in a water bath; if sugar grains are visible, make sure they melt completely.
  3. Mash homemade full-fat cottage cheese with a fork (you will need about 20 grams of fermented milk product).
  4. Combine all the ingredients, you can add a little rich green tea, especially if the mass is too thick.

After even distribution, leave the mixture for half an hour and wash.

Helpful advice! You can use green tea for washing, which has tonic and soothing properties. Be sure to ensure that the aromatic liquid is warm - a cold drink can cause irritation.

Contraindications and frequency of use

Despite the many useful qualities, it is not always recommended to use the sequence in home facial care. A simple mask can be especially dangerous for those with dry dermis - regular procedures can easily provoke peeling or increase sensitivity. The only way to reduce the negative impact is to use products that contain moisturizing components.

Contraindications also include an individual negative reaction. If discomfort or a rash appears after using series-based products, it is better not to risk it and resort to other home cosmetology products.

Do not overuse homemade decoctions or masks: use masks from the series no more than once or twice a week. More regular procedures will lead to addiction and a decrease in the effect.

Indications for use

The series promotes the healing of wounds and scars, the removal of inflammatory processes and allergic manifestations. The scope of its application is very wide, it helps to cure:

  • acne, pimples, acne on the face;
  • acne, pimples on the body;
  • furunculosis;
  • allergies;
  • diathesis;
  • seborrhea;
  • eczema;
  • ulcers and wounds on the skin;
  • liver diseases;
  • disruption of the digestive system;
  • cough;
  • colds;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • heart diseases;
  • high blood pressure.


Maria (41 years old):

“For several years now I have been using masks with a series of anti-pigmentation treatments - after suffering a serious illness, the skin began to constantly become covered with unsightly spots. I don’t get too carried away - a few courses a year for 2-3 weeks are enough. The face after the procedures is clean, with an even tone.”

Olga (29 years old):

“After the birth of my child, I noticed that my face began to react sensitively to ultraviolet radiation or frost - it became covered with pigment spots, rashes, and large purulent pimples. I didn’t want to use aggressive drugs for treatment - the baby is breastfed. I decided to resort to folk remedies. I wiped my face with a decoction of the string every day, and made whitening masks once a week. I noticed results already in the second week – the skin began to clear up. After the defects disappear, I only use the decoction as a lotion.”

The succession is a plant that can easily cope with many skin defects. The main thing is not to forget that even useful remedies can cause harm if you change recipes yourself, exceed the duration of manipulations or the frequency of use. Only the correct use of homemade masks or decoctions will result in positive results - clean, healthy skin.

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