Masks for rejuvenating aging facial skin: the best homemade effective recipes

Have you ever heard about the benefits of starch for the face? Many argue that using this product in daily facial skin care can be easily compared to Botox injections. And although this statement is a little exaggerated, there is still some truth in it. However, unlike Botox, starch is several times cheaper, but at the same time it gives a good effect if you do not forget to resort to such simple and easy procedures regularly.

What is the secret of starch-based masks and why are they so effective? To answer this question, let's carefully analyze the composition of this product and find out what beneficial vitamins and minerals it contains.

  • B vitamins - the task of these vitamins is to accelerate skin regeneration and also stimulate the production of elastin.
  • Vitamin C is one of the most powerful antioxidants and one of the most important for maintaining youthful skin. By the way, this vitamin is very often added to various serums for skin rejuvenation.
  • Vitamin PP - a deficiency of this vitamin can lead to various skin diseases.
  • Iron, Calcium, Phosphorus, Potassium - all these useful substances accelerate intercellular metabolism.

Now it’s a little clearer why many luxury brands necessarily contain starch in their composition?

Starch masks give fairly quick results, which you can see after just one use, which is why they are very popular among the fair sex. By the way, such simple procedures can be done regardless of what skin type you have. This ingredient is suitable for absolutely everyone. Judge for yourself:

  • Dry skin. Starch moisturizes and helps other components of the mask penetrate the layers of the epidermis faster. After this procedure you will get rid of dry skin.
  • Oily skin. If you have enlarged pores and shiny skin, then using a starch-based mask will perfectly cleanse your pores and get rid of oily shine. This manipulation will also help cope with inflammation on the face. In general, for oily skin this is a real salvation, express help if you need to quickly put your skin in order and achieve a lifting effect.
  • Sensitive skin. Since starch almost never causes allergic reactions, it is ideal for sensitive skin.

Are there any contraindications?

Starch is such a unique product that it is extremely difficult to find contraindications. But still, there are several cases when it is better not to resort to such cosmetic manipulations:

  • if you have an individual intolerance to this product
  • if there are serious injuries or wounds on the skin of the face.
  • for any severe skin inflammation.
  • during an acute exacerbation of herpes.

How to clean pores on your face

How to properly perform this cosmetic procedure at home?

  • Before applying a starch mask, be sure to cleanse your facial skin.
  • Before applying the mask, be sure to apply a small amount of mask to a small area of ​​skin and leave for 5 minutes. If there is no reaction, no redness is observed, then you can safely use a face mask.
  • Apply the mask to the face area and be sure to the neck and décolleté area. These areas also need daily care.
  • Keep the mask on for 20-40 minutes. The exact time depends on what additional ingredients you use.
  • Rinse off the mask with warm water.

Aspirin against acne: recipes for face masks

How to prepare starch mass for a mask

For some mask recipes, you will have to prepare a special starch mass, which will become the base. It is to this mass that you can add any ingredients.

You can simply prepare the starch mass: pour 1 tablespoon of starch into 100 ml of cold water and stir thoroughly. Then pour in 50 ml of hot water and place on the stove, stirring until completely thickened. Do not boil. Then cool the resulting mass and mix with other ingredients.

This starch mass can also be stored in the refrigerator for several days, which is very convenient if you are making a whole course of masks.

Rules for the procedure

First you need to remove your makeup and wash your face with foam or soft gel. For deeper cleansing, you can use an exfoliant: a ready-made peeling with fruit acids or a scrub based on sugar, salt, or coffee grounds. This treatment will make the skin more receptive, the nourishing components of the mask will penetrate deeper and act more effectively. Hair should be hidden under a cap or elastic bandage.

The mask is prepared immediately before application. When stored for a long time, it becomes less useful. The components should be at room temperature; it is recommended to heat some products in a water bath before mixing.

To achieve optimal results, it is recommended to alternate recipes.

The mixture is spread over the skin with your fingertips, a cotton swab or a special flat brush made of synthetic fibers. The mask should not be applied to the area around the eyes and lips. You can put another layer of the mixture on problem areas (forehead, cheekbones). To prevent the semi-liquid mass from slipping off the skin, after applying the mask it is recommended to lie down and relax. Cover the eyes with cotton pads soaked in a cool chamomile infusion or strong black tea.

The procedure lasts 10-20 minutes. Then the remnants of the mask are removed with wet wipes or cotton swabs, and the face is thoroughly rinsed first with warm and then with cold water. In conclusion, it is useful to wipe your face with ice prepared from a decoction of herbs: chamomile, mint, sage.

Masks made from fruits rich in natural acids will help get rid of wrinkles.

Face mask yolk and starch

If you need moisture, you should use yolk instead of white. It not only moisturizes the skin, but also eliminates unwanted pigmentation and gray complexion. In addition, the yolk contains a lot of vitamins that have a beneficial effect on the skin. But, despite all the advantages, you should remember that the yolk can cause allergies, so be sure to check the reaction before applying it to your face. So here's what you need:

1 tablespoon starch+1 yolk+1 tablespoon wheat germ oil+a little warm water

Dissolve the starch in warm water, stir until you get a homogeneous consistency. Add the rest of the ingredients and apply to the face for 40 minutes.

Chemical composition

Starch in its structure is a carbohydrate, that is, energy in its pure form. It includes:

  • ascorbic acid (vitamin C) - restores damaged tissues, neutralizes the negative effects of free radicals;
  • nicotinic acid (vitamin PP) - dilates and strengthens blood vessels, activates metabolic processes;
  • choline (vitamin B4) - normalizes sebum secretion, tightens the skin;
  • microelement potassium - deeply moisturizes the skin;
  • microelement iron - normalizes skin breathing, saturates it with oxygen.

The properties of starch are determined not only by its general composition, but also by its type.

Starch mask for wrinkles around the eyes

Who hasn't dreamed of getting rid of the network of small wrinkles under the eyes. Alas, absolutely everyone without exception has expression lines, so this recipe will be useful to you in any case. Of course, you need to understand that it will not be possible to completely remove wrinkles, but you can make them less noticeable. In addition, it is good to perform this cosmetic manipulation as a preventive measure. You will need:

starch mass + 1 tablespoon of fat sour cream or cream + 4 tablespoons of carrot juice

Why this particular juice? The thing is that it contains a large amount of beta-carotene, which is invariably present in many cosmetic products, due to the fact that it perfectly nourishes the skin and slows down the aging process. It is recommended to do this cosmetic procedure at least 2 times a week for 1 or 2 months, then you will be able to see tangible results.

How to get rid of “bags” under the eyes using cosmetology?

It is faster and more expedient to remove pronounced fatty hernias of the lower eyelids if they have been present for a long time, as well as with excess stretched sagging skin and wrinkles (folds). Even several sessions with a cosmetologist may not lead to the desired aesthetic result. However, if puffy or fatty “bags” and “circles” under the eyes have been bothering you not so long ago, as well as the first signs of age-related skin changes (wrinkles, loss of tone), then you can fight them in the cosmetologist’s office. Let's talk about the most effective methods.

Injection cosmetology - MesoEye C71

What problems does it solve?

  • Copes with persistent swelling;
  • Removes noticeable “bags” (hernias) under the eyes, including eye bags;
  • Removes dark circles;
  • Removes wrinkles, including crow's feet;
  • Noticeably refreshes a “tired look”;
  • Effectively fights signs of age-related skin changes.

How many procedures will be required?

On average, 4-6. The result is visible after the first procedure.


Depends on skin sensitivity. Injections in the delicate and sensitive periorbital area, of course, cannot be called pleasant, but the micropapular technique allows you to not be a red panda after just 1 day :)

Lymphatic drainage massage

What problems does it solve?

  • Removes lymph and excess fluid, thus relieving swelling;
  • Strengthens the skin around the eyes, enriching it with oxygen and stimulating the production of its own collagen and elastin;
  • Smoothes out wrinkles;
  • Returns tone to sagging skin.

How many procedures will be required?

A lasting and pronounced effect requires more than 4 procedures. Can be combined with home eye care.



Home care Follement Professionnel (France)

What problems does it solve?

  • Noticeably reduces swelling under the eyes, has a drainage effect;
  • Normalizes water balance;
  • Prevents skin aging;
  • Reduces the number of wrinkles and makes them less pronounced;
  • Fights dark circles under the eyes;
  • Fights signs of age-related skin changes, improves its tone.

How many procedures will be required?

Products from the Follement Professionnel line are recommended as additional regular skin care at home. Best combined with lymphatic drainage, microcurrent, or if you discuss this problem with a doctor. However, if puffy “bags” and dark circles under the eyes are not very pronounced, then you may be satisfied with the effect without procedures. Cosmetics contain special active ingredients. 78% of women and men note a visible effect after 1 month of use.



In our clinic you can consult with both a cosmetologist and a plastic surgeon (free of charge and even online). The doctor will select an individual option for facial beauty or an effective home care product with active ingredients. You can also purchase them in our clinic. And don’t forget to look at our website in the “promotions” section.

Microcurrent therapy

What problems does it solve?

  • Remove dark circles under the eyes;
  • Noticeably tightens the skin around the eyes, increases tone;
  • Activate the production of their own collagen and elastin;
  • Reduce the volume of subcutaneous fat - hernias at an early stage;
  • Remove swelling;
  • Returns skin tone.

How many procedures will be required?

The number of procedures is individual, on average 5-6 sessions. Can be combined with additional home care for the skin around the eyes.



Contour plastic surgery (filling) of the nasolacrimal groove with fillers

What problems does it solve?

  • Allows you to fill the nasolacrimal groove and visually smooth the surface of the skin around the eyes;
  • Reduce dark circles under the eyes;
  • Smooth out small wrinkles;
  • They improve skin quality and promote rejuvenation, since the main component is hyaluronic acid.


How many procedures will be required?

Depending on the drug and the individual characteristics of the skin, the effect lasts for a period of 6-12 months.


Like mesotherapy, it depends on the sensitivity of the skin. For 7 days, you need to protect your skin from heat and ultraviolet radiation, and follow the cosmetologist’s recommendations for the use of decorative cosmetics.

Laser resurfacing Deka SmartXide (non-surgical blepharoplasty)

What problems does it solve?

  • Marked rejuvenation of the skin of the periorbital area - the skin of the eyelids tightens, becomes toned and elastic at the cellular level;
  • Makes the nasolacrimal groove less pronounced, visually removing “bags” under the eyes (but not fatty hernias);
  • Evens out skin texture, smoothes out fine wrinkles;
  • Promotes rapid skin regeneration;
  • Noticeably refreshes the look.

How many procedures will be required?

Depending on the scale of the problem, approximately 2-4 sessions. However, after the first grinding, the result will pleasantly surprise you.


7 days

Mask: fish oil, avocado, starch

In pursuit of youthful skin, we do not forget to include such important and healthy foods as fish oil and avocado in our diet. It is these products that contain beneficial Omega 3 polyunsaturated acids, which slow down the aging process. If these products are already in your diet, then it's time to pamper your skin too! This recipe requires a ripe avocado, which you can easily grind into a smooth puree . So, to prepare this miracle cocktail for your skin, you will need the following ingredients:

starch mass +1 tablespoon fish oil +1 tablespoon avocado puree

Mix all ingredients and apply to face for 40 minutes.

Starch and honey mask for wrinkles

Do you like honey? But you can not only include it in your daily nutritional diet. Due to its many beneficial properties, this ingredient is very often found in various cosmetics. The thing is that honey helps the skin retain moisture, leaving it soft and hydrated. It is also necessary to remember that honey is an allergen, so you need to be careful when using this cosmetic product. For this recipe you will need:

starch mass + 1 tablespoon honey + a few drops of peach oil

Mix all the ingredients and enjoy the extra nourishing mask.

Causes of skin aging

  • Despite the use of numerous creams and strict adherence to cosmetic advice in women's magazines, the condition of the skin with age still leaves much to be desired. The first wrinkles, poor complexion, dry skin - these signs should immediately alert you. After all, we want to preserve youth for many years, and not buy foundations and powders in order to at least slightly disguise wrinkles and sallow complexion. Fortunately, by following certain rules, you can prevent premature aging and look your best at any age.
  • There are several common causes of premature aging. The poor environmental situation in the region, the influence of ultraviolet rays, bad habits (smoking and alcohol), frequent stress and lack of sleep, poor diet... The list goes on for a long time.
  • All diseases of the internal organs are caused by an unhealthy lifestyle, and these diseases primarily affect the skin. Therefore, preventing premature aging is a complex of procedures, and not a short treatment with expensive cosmetics. First, we remove the main cause of aging (or causes), and the result will not be long in coming.
  • The most common cause of skin aging is a lack of certain proteins . If the body's cells do not produce enough enzymes, wrinkles begin to appear. To normalize the condition, you need to make masks that contain collagen.
  • Skin can age when exposed to sunlight. Therefore, it is recommended to apply sunscreen before going outside. To neutralize the effects of sun rays, it is necessary to apply masks with a high sun protection factor. There are also cosmetic masks that protect the skin from negative environmental factors. Changes in temperature and windy weather can provoke skin aging.
  • Wrinkles can appear due to too active facial expressions . Initially they are not deep, but the pace of their development is amazing. Such wrinkles are called expression wrinkles.

It is important to slow down the aging process.
Skin aging can also occur for other reasons:

  • stress and lack of sleep;
  • failure to maintain water balance during the day;
  • use of low-quality cosmetics;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • poor nutrition;
  • bad habits.

Recipe for a starch and banana mask against wrinkles

Another miracle fruit that can be used not only internally, but also externally! It's a banana! Puree from this fruit is an ideal base for various cosmetic products, and if you also mix this puree with starch, the effect will be amazing - deep skin hydration, reduction of wrinkles,

1 teaspoon starch + 1 tablespoon mashed banana + 10 ml heavy cream + 1 teaspoon honey

Mix all ingredients until smooth and apply to face for 30 minutes.

Photo: instagram/_vital_flower_

Types of masks according to the depth of impact on the skin

First, let's immediately analyze the types of masks for rejuvenation in depth and, accordingly, the effectiveness of their effect on the skin:

  • Hand-made masks – homemade masks made independently from improvised materials
  • Homemade masks from cosmetic manufacturers
  • Professional masks

Homemade masks

Shots from old films stuck in the subconscious, when “well-groomed” Soviet ladies wipe their faces with herbal or cucumber tonic, apply a mask of sour cream, egg whites and oatmeal, and in the morning treat their faces with an ice cube. After all, it was impossible to get real cosmetics!

Frankly speaking, the use of homemade anti-aging masks is a relic of the (hard) past, when it was not possible to purchase decent cosmetics.

The main counterargument is that hand-made masks do not contain ingredients that penetrate the skin. They act very superficially!

Other risks and disadvantages:

  • Risk of allergic reactions – pure honey or strawberries are pronounced allergens. Masks containing egg yolk, bananas, herbal infusions, vegetables, fruits and berries, as well as lemon juice can also cause unwanted reactions.

And they are added to homemade masks in a high percentage. The situation is similar with vitamin C, which many people buy in ampoules and drop into masks, and allergies to which most often occur.

  • Weak recipe. Masks made by cosmetic brands are a product that has passed through the hands of a number of specialists.
    With higher specialized education. Chemists-technologists take into account a number of parameters when making products: active substances and the required percentage of their content, balance of the chemical formula, safety, effectiveness of use. Afterwards, the product undergoes a series of tests and checks to assess the stability of the drug and the safety of use. All easily accessible ingredients “from the refrigerator and the garden” (aloe, cucumbers, potato paste with milk, kefir or olive oil) work within the stratum corneum of the epidermis.
  • Profitable price. Perhaps someone is focusing on the price-quality ratio, but this is not in favor of such masks. After all, their use does not waste so much money as time, giving groundless hopes for effectiveness.

Home and professional masks

How do masks for home and professional use differ? We will talk about products produced by professional brands. However, using this information, you will be able to evaluate the effectiveness and performance of any anti-aging cosmetic product.

The evaluation criterion is the pH of the mask!

Without going into details of what it is, let us remind you that skin pH = 5.5, i.e. Normally, a person has slightly acidic skin.

pH below 5.5 can cause reactions in the skin. Those. A working anti-aging mask should have a pH below 5.5. Such products are professional for home use.

pH from .5 to 4.0 – has an exceptional moisturizing effect.

pH from 4.0 to 3.5 – moisturizing and mild stimulating effect.

pH below 3.5 – such products are for professional therapy only, protocol and use in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. At a pH below 3.5, the dermis is stimulated for the synthesis of collagen fibers.

A pH below 3.5 is ensured by various acids included in anti-aging masks.

Vitamin C – on the issue of independently adding vitamin C to the mask in the form of ascorbic acid.

Vitamin C penetrates the skin best if the pH of the product is between 2.8 and 3.4.

Above pH 3.5, vitamin C becomes unstable and is easily destroyed unless a specific stable form is used.

And at a pH below 2.8, the product will irritate the skin.

Of course, in addition to pH, the ingredient composition of the mask is important.

Corn starch anti-aging mask recipe

If you want to get a real anti-aging effect, then take corn starch. Another mandatory attribute is vitamin E. You can easily buy it at the pharmacy, both in liquid form and in capsule form. This vitamin perfectly prevents aging, smoothes the skin and removes wrinkles, and in combination with starch, the effect will be maximum.

starch mass + 1 tablespoon fat + 5 drops vitamin E

Mix everything and apply to the face. You need to make this mask regularly.

How to make a mask from starch and glycerin

Have you ever noticed that such a component as glycerin is found in almost every cosmetic product? This thick transparent liquid perfectly protects the skin from moisture loss, softens and smoothes out minor irregularities. You can buy glycerin at any pharmacy, so you can make an excellent cosmetic product at home. You will need

starch mass + 1 teaspoon glycerin + 1 teaspoon aloe vera juice

Mix everything and apply to the face.

Why homemade masks are more effective than store-bought ones

Retail masks have a long shelf life

Many women, due to their busyness and fatigue after a hard day at work, prefer to use ready-made masks purchased in cosmetics stores, without thinking about their benefits and the quality of the ingredients. Everyone should know that a mask prepared at home from natural products will be fresh and usable for only 2 to 3 days, and then only if stored in the refrigerator.

Masks sold in retail stores have a long shelf life due to the presence of a large number of chemical components in their compositions, allowing them not to deteriorate for a year, or even 2 years. Most often, instead of the natural fruits and plants stated in the composition, special concentrates, flavors and thickeners are added, which have an adverse effect on our skin. Drawing a simple logical conclusion, it becomes completely clear that homemade masks are healthier and many times more effective than store-bought ones, and they are much cheaper in cost.

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