Fractional peeling: nanotechnology for safe rejuvenation in 48 hours

Fractional laser peeling renews skin without complications

A safe alternative that we offer you at Platinental is fractional peeling Asclepion Dermablate (Germany). Asclepion is a true multifunctional laser complex, which is equipped in every reputable plastic surgery clinic in the world.

Non-traumatic Asclepion laser peels from 50 microns are used to get rid of superficial skin imperfections and the first signs of aging.

Fractional laser peeling Asclepion:

  • eliminates wrinkles,
  • reduces pore size,
  • evens out skin texture,
  • tightens and restores its elasticity,
  • eliminates pigmentation,
  • and due to the effect of more uniform light refraction, the skin after laser peeling looks radiant and healthy.

Which is better: laser peeling or resurfacing?

Many patients, trying to understand the intricacies of laser rejuvenation, ask what is better to choose: laser resurfacing or peeling?

Laser rejuvenation is one of the most popular procedures, which is offered today in many clinics in Moscow.

Safety for the body and truly impressive “before
and after
” results are what attract patients.
In addition, a laser
does not take much time: its duration is only 30-60 minutes (depending on the treatment area).

laser resurfacing methods have in common

laser peeling
is that they use two types of
lasers - erbium and carbon dioxide (CO2).
Both procedures promote skin renewal at the cellular level. The fundamental difference lies in the depth of impact. In peeling mode, the laser beam penetrates no more than 30 microns, while in grinding the penetration depth is 100-150 microns. These methods also differ in cost
and number of sessions.

Laser peeling

Fractional laser peeling

has a superficial effect on the skin, affecting only the cells of the epidermis. The laser beam destroys dead cells and stimulates regeneration processes. Typically, such peeling is prescribed if indicated after 25 years, and its annual implementation can significantly prolong the youth and freshness of the skin.

Benefits of the procedure:

  • 1-2 sessions are enough to renew the skin
  • fast rehabilitation
  • affordable price.

What result should you expect?

Effect of laser peeling

visible even after a single procedure, not only in life, but also in

before and after
photo :

  • complexion becomes fresher and more radiant
  • small wrinkles are smoothed out;
  • enlarged pores are smoothed out;
  • water balance and sebum production are normalized;
  • pigmentation lightens.

Laser resurfacing

Compared to laser peeling, resurfacing has a deeper and more extensive effect on the skin, affecting not only the epidermis, but also the dermis. At the dermal level, old defective collagen is destroyed and the process of producing new collagen begins. Thus, in 4-5 sessions, the skin structure is completely renewed on two levels. Laser resurfacing is recommended for patients with signs of aging in areas that are visible: face, arms, neck and décolleté. It is also widely used to remove any scars, including post-acne.

Benefits of the procedure:

  • pronounced anti-aging effect;
  • possibility of intensive correction of uneven terrain;
  • When used as a course, the effect lasts for several years.

What result should you expect?

After a course of laser resurfacing, the skin acquires an even texture, age-related changes and defects disappear:

  • the smoothness and elasticity of the skin returns,
  • complexion becomes healthy,
  • deep wrinkles and enlarged pores are smoothed out,
  • Hyperpigmentation is completely eliminated.

Comparative table of indications

Laser peelingLaser resurfacing
Small, mild wrinklesDeep age wrinkles
Loss of skin tone Skin laxity, gravitational ptosis in the initial stage
Hyperpigmentation: freckles, age spots, stagnant post-acne spots Deep age-related hyperpigmentation
Loss of skin tone Skin laxity, gravitational ptosis in the initial stage
Uneven skin texture, enlarged pores Scars after injuries, operations and post-acne (atrophic, hypertrophic, keloid)

enlarged pores

Uneven skin tone, dull complexion Hyperkeratosis, sallow skin color

Do you want to know exactly which procedure is best for you?

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Before resurfacing, severe post-acne, inflammatory elements, enlarged pores, pigmentation, dull complexion. After the first resurfacing, the complexion changed, the pores narrowed, the skin texture became smoother, and pigmentation decreased. Inflammation also became noticeably less. General fresh, rested appearance. Immediately after the procedure, redness of the skin and minor pain were observed. Rehabilitation took 4 days. After the first grinding, minor tasks were solved. The main goal is smooth skin without the consequences of post-acne, which will be solved gradually with the following procedures. After the second polishing we plan to even out the skin texture and reduce pigmentation.

Pigmentation remover

Another area of ​​use of athermal laser is the removal of skin pigmentation. The laser beam acts selectively - only on those cells in which there is an excess of melanin. Normal cells are “invisible” to the beam, so it does not affect them.

During the procedure, the following are removed:

  • Freckles;
  • Solar pigmentation;
  • Age-related pigmentation.

The treated surface soon after the procedure darkens and begins to peel off. After 5-10 days, the pigmentation disappears. As a rule, the procedure must be repeated. On average, 2-4 procedures are required to achieve clear skin.

Positive reviews about laser pigmentation removal confirm its effectiveness.

Complications and side effects

No procedure occurs without risks and possible complications. Laser peeling is no exception.

Basically, side effects occur due to violation of the established rules by the doctor or patient.

Here are the complications you may encounter after a laser peel procedure:

  • Severe redness of the treated area and swelling that does not go away after a week or more;
  • Hematomas and hemorrhages in the treated area due to vascular damage;
  • Darkening of the treated area;
  • An allergic reaction in the form of a rash or infectious disease.

If such complications appear after the procedure, you need to contact the cosmetologist who performed the procedure. You can't do anything on your own!

Cold laser peeling for velvety skin

Carry out using an erbium laser. The beam gently warms the dermis, causing the death of old cells and the regeneration of new cells. This method is suitable even for very dry and thin skin. Before using the laser, hardware humidification is carried out.

The procedure smoothes the surface of the skin, making it soft and matte. No wonder the name is like this. But, if you study the reviews about laser cold peeling, you can conclude that the effect does not appear immediately, but after a couple of weeks. Despite the promises of beauty salons, laser peeling causes redness even in the most sensitive skin. It goes away within 1-3 days.

For those with dry skin, experts recommend additionally purchasing moisturizers based on hyaluronic acid and undergoing a course of biorevitalization.

What does sanding help with?

Polishing corrects age-related changes in the skin, normalizes oiliness and helps eliminate post-inflammatory processes. The laser beam promotes the production of collagen and elastin. At the same time, small wrinkles and traces of ultraviolet exposure are removed.

Erbium laser resurfacing also helps:

  • Narrow pores, make the skin elastic and less loose;
  • Remove scars and stretch marks;
  • Get rid of acne scars.

After this treatment, the skin rejuvenates, becomes healthy, and acquires a silky and even tone.

Operating principle of fractional photothermolysis

Fractional photothermolysis is based on the principle of zonal laser exposure. Imagine a beam divided into many microbeams - this is a fractional laser beam. Its advantage is that it affects the skin not with a continuous stream of light, but with an intermittent micromesh. Therefore, burns after a laser are a large number of microdots that alternate with unaffected skin. Epidermal cells and collagen fibers from undamaged skin migrate to the burn site, thereby speeding up the recovery process.

The laser damages the skin in a good way; this method forces the cells of the middle layers of the skin to actively produce collagen for restoration. And a large amount of collagen fills wrinkles and makes the tissue firmer and more elastic. Laser resurfacing evens out the relief and tone of the facial skin.

Advantages and disadvantages

This cosmetic procedure has a number of advantages, which is why it is popular among women.

The main advantage is the complete restoration of healthy skin. The effect lasts for a year or more, and it can be noticed immediately after the first session, which cannot be said about any other types of deep cleansing.

Many women prefer laser peeling because of its relatively gentle effect on the skin, unlike, for example, acid peeling, which burns absolutely all cells in its path.

And ultrasonic peeling, for example, is too gentle. The effect of it does not last long, and the result is not as amazing as that of a laser.

By the way, if you don’t want to treat your entire face at once, you can do laser eyelid resurfacing first.

However, in addition to the advantages, laser peeling also has a number of disadvantages that force many women to refuse the procedure.

First of all, the procedure itself is painful. Yes, anesthesia is performed, but the unpleasant sensations persist.

In addition, after the session, the skin requires a long recovery, during which the face will not look very good, to put it mildly. It's still a burn, not a squeezed pimple.

Indications and contraindications

In connection with the above, the laser peeling procedure has a number of indications :

  • Post-acne;
  • Small scars;
  • Wrinkles around the eyes or general sagging skin;
  • Irregularities;
  • Enlarged pores;
  • Milia (not to be confused with comedones!).


  • health problems (warts, malignant tumors, hypersensitivity);
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • Tan;
  • period of taking hormonal drugs;
  • presence of inflammation.

And here it is very important to understand: what is on the face – comedones or milium?

Comedones are subcutaneous inflammations: either pimples (closed) or blackheads (open), and milia are hard capsules under the milky skin.

Milia usually appear in groups and are not inflammations, but just a reaction to various problems: excessive activity of the sebaceous glands, slow exfoliation of dead cells, stress, poor diet or excessive skin care (excessive cleansing or using too thick creams).

Laser peeling is contraindicated with closed comedones, but not with blackheads and milia.


  • herpes;
  • oncology;
  • chronic diseases: diabetes mellitus, circulatory and blood clotting disorders, etc.;
  • psoriasis;
  • active infectious diseases;
  • allergy;
  • epilepsy;
  • pregnancy and lactation period.

Try an alternative plastic surgery method to create a youthful look! Doctors at our center will select the optimal method for you. Sign up for laser resurfacing and fractional rejuvenation in Minsk at affordable prices at Idealmed +375 (17) 395-55-77, +375 (29) 144-22-22.

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