TCA peeling: everything you need to know if you decide to undergo a chemical peel

What procedures can be done, having the opportunity to sit at home for one or two weeks, so as not to strain the psyche of those around you with red faces, “scabs” after TCA peeling, or bruises after contouring?

Chemical peeling may be one such procedure.

. There are 2 types of chemical peels:

1. TCA peels based on trichloroacetic acid of various concentrations;

2. retinol or yellow peels.

All these peelings are united by a long rehabilitation period (followed by an excellent result), which means you don’t have to think about the question “how to spend the New Year holidays.”

This article is about TCA peels

What is TCA peeling and why is it better to do it during the holidays?

Peeling with trichloroacetic acid belongs to the category of medium peels, which pass through the entire epidermis and reach the basement membrane - the border between the epidermis and dermis. Sometimes the papillary layer of the dermis is also burned out.

The standard procedure is performed with drugs with an active substance concentration of 20-25% (TCA 20% and TCA 25%)

In the picture: one of the most recognized drugs.

Types of drugs

Here are the most popular options for ready-made products, including trichloroacetic acid.

Skin tech

The Spanish brand has released SKIN TECH peelings based on trichloroacetic acid for pronounced rejuvenation without surgical intervention. The brand also took care of post-peeling care, releasing creams for home use that enhance the effect of exfoliation.

The series of drugs includes:

  • Easy TCA Peel contains a 15% solution of trichloroacetic acid, as well as citric, glycolic, lactic, kojic, and salicylic acids. Prescribed to restore smoker's skin, get rid of superficial wrinkles, and dry epidermis.

  • Peeling UNIDEEP 23% is used for oily skin types with enlarged pores, pigmentation disorders, and the presence of scars. Effective for getting rid of signs of photoaging and deep wrinkles. The effect is aimed at the deep layer of the epidermis, after the procedure there is a pronounced lifting effect and general rejuvenation of the skin. The composition includes trichloroacetic acid 23%, saponins, ascorbic, citric acid.

  • Only Touch Peel is designed for precise action on hyperkeratosis, pigment spots no larger than 1 cm in size. Contains trichloroacetic acid 40%, saponins, citric acid, ascorbic acid.

Skin tech cost from RUB 6,000. up to 12,000 rubles, the program includes comprehensive care, the use of regenerating masks and sunscreens.


Ultra peel lotion peeling product is created for safe cleansing and removal of dead cells. Suitable for all skin types, has no age restrictions. The composition includes 10% AHA acid, as well as mimosa, lily extracts, and hydrolyzed oats. The procedure is indicated to impart freshness and prevent the formation of wrinkles. It is characterized by rapid recovery and reduced risks of side effects. You can purchase a solution from the Italian company Egia for 4,060 rubles.


PCA Sensi Peel contains trichloroacetic acid 6% and lactic acid, azelaic acid, and affects only the stratum corneum. Suitable for sensitive, dry and mature skin. Corrects acne marks, superficial wrinkles, treats rosacea. You can buy it for 2500 rubles.

Impact effects


Trichloroacetic acid is capable of destroying the special cement that binds and holds dead epidermal scales on the surface. Therefore, after peeling procedures, pronounced peeling is observed.

2. Stimulating effect

Under its influence, the skin gets severe burns. This causes activation of metabolic processes and cell division. Thus, the skin restored after injury looks younger. To meet the skin's increased needs for nutrients and oxygen, capillaries expand. And to remove large amounts of toxic metabolic products and fragments of dead tissue, lymphatic drainage is enhanced.

3.Antimicrobial action

High concentrations of acid lead to the death of microorganisms living on the surface of the skin and in the mouths of the sebaceous glands.

Indications for use

The advisability of prescribing TCA peeling is determined by a cosmetologist based on the characteristics of the skin and target problems. In some cases, less aggressive acids are used - glycolic, retinoic, salicylic. The final decision on the choice of composition and depth of exposure remains with the specialist.


  • lumpy, uneven terrain;
  • hyperkeratosis;
  • wrinkles of varying degrees;
  • photopigmentation, unhealthy skin tone;
  • loss of tone, flabbiness of the integument;
  • flat birthmarks;
  • scars;
  • increased secretion of the sebaceous glands, causing acne, blackheads, comedones;
  • stretch marks, stretch marks;
  • stressed skin.

Used after 18 years of age to care for problematic, oily dermis. The procedure is effective after 30 years for the prevention of aging. In older age, it is prescribed to enhance collagen synthesis, lifting, and reducing the number of wrinkles. For thin, sensitive, dry skin, less aggressive chemical compositions are selected.

Consequences of the procedure. This is fine.

Severe swelling of the treated area. Particularly severe swelling is observed in people with a predisposition to allergic reactions. It is better for such people to take antihistamines before the procedure for preventive purposes: there will still be swelling, but not to the same degree of severity.

Severe redness of the skin at the site of acid exposure. The redness is persistent. It is not removed or reduced by the use of anti-burn and healing agents such as panthenol. It lasts for the first or second day and gradually turns into a dense brown film.

Feeling of tightness and dryness of the skin.

The formed fibrin film tightens the skin of the face so much that it is sometimes difficult to open the mouth. As the crusts come off, the feeling of tightness will also decrease.

Peeling, which can be of varying intensity. The crusts come off gradually as the skin burn heals.

The rehabilitation period is 10 days. But the result is worth it!


Innovative peeling Enerpil contains trichloroacetic acid 25% and 40%, there are no auxiliary ingredients. It is used for severe hyperpigmentation, to correct scars, scars, to get rid of signs of hyperkeratosis, scars, and acne marks. You can only purchase from official representatives; the cost of a package of 15 ampoules is about 16,000 rubles.


Medium chemical peeling based on trichloroacetic acid and hydrogen peroxide allows you to achieve a lasting rejuvenation effect. Used to get rid of scars, pigmentation, wrinkles, and signs of photoaging. The universal procedure can be carried out even in summer. The cost of PRX-T 33 is about 2200 rubles.

Healing period

To achieve the desired effect and prevent dangerous consequences, you must strictly follow the recommendations of the cosmetologist.

Healing stages:

  1. The first days there is severe redness, swelling, and discomfort symptoms may increase.
  2. On the fourth day, a dense crust envelops the skin; in areas with thin skin it forms earlier. It interferes with articulation, but you can’t rip it off.
  3. After a week, the symptoms disappear, swelling, itching and irritation decrease, the plates gradually peel off, in some cases the process can take 10–14 days.
  4. The gradual restoration of the integument lasts from 3 to 4 weeks. During this period, in addition to the basic recommendations, mesotherapy or biorevitalization can be performed.

Rules of care:

  • You can wash your face from 2–3 days, using soft foams and gels, without abrasive elements;
  • the skin needs to be treated with antiseptic solutions; Bepanten or Panthenol are prescribed to speed up healing;
  • You cannot visit the sauna, solarium, bathhouse, swimming pool, or gym until complete recovery;
  • Before going outside, use sunscreen with an SPF factor of 50;
  • Do not steam the skin or use compresses, scrubs, or gommages to speed up exfoliation.

During this period, it is important to provide maximum nutrition and hydration of tissues to restore the protective barrier. It is worth taking time off from work or university during intensive plate separation. If a girl accidentally tears off the scabs, she should consult a cosmetologist.

Complications - what are cosmetologists hiding?

The body's defensive reaction after acid treatment is normal. It is expressed in the form of pastiness - slight swelling and erythema - redness. However, other complications are possible after TCA peeling. They come in 3 types:

  • immediate – appear within 2 weeks after the procedure;
  • appearing during the regenerative period – after 2–6 weeks;
  • persistent - appear after 3-10 weeks.

Patients may develop herpes, inflammatory processes on the skin and allergic reactions. Not all cosmetologists warn that sessions are often not without consequences. What to do if complications arise after TCA peeling?

In fact, there are a sufficient number of remedies to help get rid of the consequences. For example, for allergic reactions, cream ointments will be useful:

  • Dermovate;
  • Elokom;
  • Advantan;
  • Laticort;
  • Lokoid.

Anticipating the consequences, an experienced cosmetologist will give the necessary advice to help you easily go through the post-procedure recovery process.

Indications and contraindications

Indications for TSA peeling are:

  • shallow wrinkles on the forehead, cheeks, eyes and lips;
  • sagging and sagging skin;
  • stretch marks;
  • heterogeneity of skin structure and color;
  • decrease in skin elasticity;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • acne, post-acne, enlarged pores;
  • small scars;
  • pigment spots of any etiology;
  • increased greasiness.

Contraindications to the procedure:

  • allergy;
  • increased skin sensitivity;
  • pregnancy, lactation period;
  • age under 18 years and after 60 years;
  • active form of herpes;
  • skin inflammations, dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema;
  • deep pigmentation;
  • rosacea;
  • papillomas, warts;
  • oncology;
  • inflammatory processes in the body;
  • skin injuries: wounds, abrasions;
  • fresh tan;
  • endocrine system disorders;
  • psychical deviations;
  • hypertension.

Preparatory stage

During the consultation, the doctor assesses the patient’s skin condition and selects a composition with a percentage acid concentration to solve individual problems. Preparation for peeling begins a month before the procedure:

  • Do not rub or irritate your face, do not use brushes, sponges, peelings, scrubs, gommages;
  • Before going outside, apply sunscreen with an SPF factor of 50;
  • 3 weeks before, the cosmetologist prescribes a cream with fruit acids; some patients are recommended to undergo superficial peelings with AHA acids;
  • you need to take antiviral drugs a week before;
  • It is prohibited to visit the sauna, swimming pool, solarium, beach, or drink alcohol;
  • The day before you cannot perform hair removal or correct the shape of your eyebrows.

Important! TCA peeling is a winter type of exfoliation; the period from November to February is considered optimal; in March it is not recommended to carry out the procedure to prevent side effects.

How is the procedure performed?

Carrying out TSA peeling involves the following procedure:

  • preliminary cleaning and degreasing of the skin using cosmetics: cream and tonic;
  • applying the peeling composition to the treated area of ​​skin. If multiple layers are used, the procedure can be very painful. To alleviate discomfort, cosmetologists use a fan;
  • applying a special solution to neutralize trichloroacetic acid;
  • washing and treating the skin with antiseptic, moisturizing and nourishing creams.

When is a medium chemical peel appropriate?

You can safely sign up for the TCA peeling procedure if you have

  • the first signs of skin aging are present - wrinkles, decreased elasticity;
  • pigmentation;
  • scars and scars after chickenpox;
  • consequences of acne.

In addition, thanks to this procedure, the pores will be significantly narrowed and the skin texture will improve.

If you want to lighten your skin slightly, have hyperpigmentation that you want to get rid of, a TCA facial peel will be the best way to achieve what you want.


Efficiency directly depends on the percentage of acid in the solution.

15% peeling can even out the face and clear it of blackheads. More concentrated formulations rejuvenate, tighten the oval of the face, and get rid of shallow wrinkles.

Before and after

In some cases, patients noted that after peeling they did not notice any positive changes. This happens if the skin condition is very advanced. To see the result, you need to carry out more than one procedure.

Advantages and disadvantages

Properly performed manipulations using Trichloroacetic acid have a number of advantages:

  • speed of sessions;
  • when using solutions of low concentration, the restrictions are minimal;
  • preparation for the process does not require much time;
  • the results are visible visually;
  • frost effect, which allows you to determine the depth of penetration of the product;
  • relatively safe, since the drug has a low level of toxicity.

In addition to the advantages, there are a number of disadvantages of the procedure, especially when TCA 20 percent peeling is done. This:

  • the presence of a wide list of contraindications;
  • the speed of action of the product, which can confuse and delay the determination of the depth of penetration;
  • TCA peeling for the face, as well as other parts of the body, causes pain in patients;
  • with deep penetration, the skin peels off in large layers.

To ensure that the negative effect is minimal, before prescribing TCA peeling, the cosmetologist determines how many procedures are needed to achieve a good effect and in what concentration.

Opinion of cosmetologists

Professionals discuss the specifics of using TSA products.

The cosmetologist doubts how a composition with trichloroacetic acid 33% can be used in the summer.

The user writes about the disadvantages of ready-made formulations; professional cosmetologists prepare solutions themselves.

The cosmetologist describes the experience of using TCA peeling 10%, the absence of peeling on the face.

Patient reviews

On the forums there are mostly positive reviews about the procedure.

A participant writes about the good results of using TCA peeling, the skin became smooth, and post-acne was eliminated.

The user writes that you can get used to the discomfort; with regular use, the pain is almost not felt.

The participant describes his experience of peeling, the recovery period, and is awaiting completion to evaluate the results.

The user writes about a side effect in the form of facial redness, observed even while eating.

Contraindications for peeling using TCA technology

Who should not do this type of peeling?


  • Pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers.
  • People with ARVI, fever, chronic diseases in the acute stage, hypertensive patients.
  • For severe rosacea, herpes and acne.
  • If there is a recent tan, fresh injuries or lesions on the area of ​​the skin where the treatment occurs.
  • If there is a tendency to form scars.
  • For acute dermatosis and inflammation.
  • If there is a need for radiotherapy.
  • Minors and those with mental illness.

This peeling is also not recommended if a person has photodermatitis or the skin is prone to papillomas and warts.

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