Type of aging “tired face”: how to deal with age-related changes

Healthy people don't look tired. If fatigue appears on your face, it means your whole body is out of shape. Lack of sleep, computer monitor radiation, tobacco smoke, sedentary lifestyle - all the problems come from here. Has it ever happened to you that in the morning at work your colleagues are greeted with a sympathetic “What, you didn’t get enough sleep?” The mirror also raises a bunch of questions: is the face really gray or is it just the lighting? Do circles under the eyes live their own lives? I just covered it up in the morning... Does everyone or is it just me who thinks I don’t sleep at night and drink bitters?

Every problem has at least three solutions. You will find the first in your refrigerator, the second in the cosmetics department of a pharmacy or store, and finally, the third in a beauty salon.

Gray and dull complexion

Without leaving home The first law of good health and a healthy complexion is a morning glass of green tea on an empty stomach, or, at worst, water with lemon. This will improve metabolism and digestion, and ultimately your complexion.

Let's look into the jar. An earthy tint is a sign that all processes in the skin cells are slowed down. Molecular oxygen, which today is packaged in jars of cream, will help speed them up.

Hands of a professional Aerobatics - an oxygen mask in the cabin or an oxygen cocktail in the fitness center. They will give greater results than a 3-4 hour active walk in the fresh air.

General rules for maintaining fresh facial skin

All the recommendations of both doctors and traditional medicine regarding facial care are good, but in order to maintain a fresh look of the face and a healthy glow of the skin, you must constantly adhere to several rules:

  • Sleep for at least eight hours in a cool, well-ventilated room;
  • Do not use expired cosmetics and choose according to your age group.
  • Drink enough clean water throughout the day.
  • Apply the procedures for the symptoms of a tired face in combination. Thus, the epidermis is not only temporarily restored, but also gains health.

Individual or selective exposure will not give the desired result. It is better to apply all measures at once and enjoy high-quality and quick results. Take several hours of walks in the fresh air every day.

For a walk, try walking to and from work

You can relieve fatigue from your face using cosmetics and folk remedies. But don’t forget about prevention. Live a healthy lifestyle, eat well and get plenty of rest. Good luck!

Sallow complexion

The normal oxygen content in the atmosphere is 21%, and in large cities it can drop to 17-18%. As a result, the skin of city residents constantly suffers from oxygen starvation.

Without leaving home. A tanning effect is provided by a mask made from coffee grounds or henna paste. The thick mass should be kept on the face and neck for 10 minutes, and then admire the light brownish tint of the skin.

Let's look into the jar. Antioxidants protect against free radicals that destroy healthy cells. If the cream contains vitamins A, C and E, selenium and carotene, grape seed extract or green tea, it will be easy for your facial skin to return to its natural color.

Professional hands. Salon masks with niacin (nicotinic acid) have a shocking effect. This substance stimulates blood circulation so powerfully that after it any pale illness turns into beauty - blood with milk.

Start with self-love: where to get money for beauty

“Everyone wants to look good, but only the rich can afford it.” Do you think so too, that’s why you don’t buy good cosmetics and try to give every penny to your children and grandchildren? Commendable, but when will the moment come when someone will start helping you? Oh, yes... in old age... they will bring you a glass of water...

Money for beauty

Or maybe reconsider your attitude to the situation? Will your loved ones be against it if you start taking care of your health and appearance? A beautiful, healthy and young grandmother is always a source of pride for her grandchildren. In addition, looking good means getting a boost of energy and good mood in the morning. Everyone will benefit from this!

Of course, when the flow of money becomes somewhat shallower, there will be those who are dissatisfied. But you don’t have to worry about this - they will manage just fine without your injections. Moreover, this will encourage young people to solve the problem in honest ways, for example, by finding a better job or spending their budget wisely. This practice is so useful in life!

In general, we found the money, and now we begin to rejuvenate the skin.

Dark circles under the eyes

The thinnest skin is under the eyes. That’s why we see dark circles – venous blood that accumulates in vessels that have lost their tone

Without leaving home. Bruises are difficult to remove and not always possible, but in unadvanced cases, contrast compresses can help. Pieces of ice from a decoction of herbs or ordinary tea should be applied to the eyes, alternating with cotton pads dipped in a warm decoction.

Let's look into the jar. Yeast complexes, plantain extract, hyaluronic acid have the properties of improving blood circulation in capillaries, increasing skin elasticity and removing puffiness.

Professional hands. Hardware procedures with microcurrents and ultrasound can restore tone and disperse venous blood. Thanks to them, the blood rushes, and the vitamins and amino acids from the preliminary mask rush deep into the epidermis.

Treatment to relieve fatigue and awaken the body

Simple morning rituals that complement your regular routine can help you start your day off right. Without getting out of bed, do a few stretches to restore your body's vitality after waking up. Stretching stimulates blood flow to the muscles and lymph circulation. They also relax muscles, improve physical condition and energy circulation in the body. This method will help to gently tone the body, give it flexibility and prepare it for an upright position.

Another morning ritual to awaken energy: deep breathing. This is not about ordinary chest breathing, but about belly breathing. This simple breathing exercise has a beneficial effect on the body, reducing stress levels, helping manage emotions, and improving digestion. Morning deep breathing is extremely important: it cleanses the body of toxins and increases vitality!

Faded and flaky lips

Without leaving home. A fail-safe remedy is a massage with a soft toothbrush with honey and carrot juice or butter and salt.

Let's look into the jar. Special lip peels in the form of hygienic lipstick, but with hard particles, act more carefully. Soft fruit acids (malic, citric, glycolic, lactic) exfoliate the skin and stimulate cell renewal.

Professional hands. Lips remain well-groomed for a long time after professional masks with panthenol, rosehip oil and wheat grain extract. This complex protects the skin of the lips from irritation, drying and peeling.


Check if you have found yourself in the following situations.

  • You went to bed late and simply didn’t get enough sleep.
  • I slept with my face in the pillow (not only did I squeeze the vessels through which the lymph should flow, but I also wrinkled the skin).
  • It was the evening before, and the alcohol consumption limit had clearly been exceeded.
  • I took it and drank plenty of water before going to bed and ate a watermelon.
  • Or was it beer with vobla? (alcohol + salty = swelling's best friends).
  • I cried before going to bed (crying also disrupts the drainage function).
  • You are a smoker.

All these are factors that provoke lymph retention in tissues.

That is, first of all, we look at what we drink and eat. Liquid is retained in the body if we abuse alcohol, salty, spicy, sweet foods (especially before bed).

But that's not all. Malfunctions in the functioning of the lymphatic system and the “pumping out” of tissue fluid are affected by everything that we consider an unhealthy lifestyle: unbalanced nutrition, low physical activity, stress, chronic fatigue, etc.

Dry and lifeless skin

Comment from a specialist (Olga Dolgireva, cosmetologist, Dermato-cosmetology Clinic “Medesthetic”):

Make sure that all cosmetic products you use contain as few aggressive and toxic components as possible: chemical emulsifiers, mineral oils and preservatives. They are contraindicated for tired skin.

Without leaving home. Add chamomile infusion, yarrow, carrot juice, egg yolk, and even mashed potatoes to your usual mask of honey and oatmeal. This will enhance its nourishing and tonic effect.

Let's look into the jar. Seaweed is a panacea for “hungry” skin. They contain not only all the microelements in the world, but also fatty acids, linoleic and linolenic acids, which are essential for dry faces.

Professional hands. A more urgent measure is a salon massage on a creamy basis, which contains polyunsaturated fatty acids - linolenic (Omega 3) and linoleic (Omega 6). They will restore the cellular structure and water balance of the skin.

Source: Be Healthy Magazine

Types of swelling

In rare cases, the causes of facial swelling in the morning may be pathological.

  • Morning swelling around the eyes may indicate kidney problems.
  • If the skin also turns red and breathing becomes difficult, this could be an allergic reaction. But it develops in just a few minutes, so contact with the allergen had to take place in the morning. For example, I applied a new, untested cream to my skin.

But this is particular.

We will still talk specifically about a sleepy face - a fairly common phenomenon that is most often associated with an incorrect lifestyle.

In general, with a healthy lifestyle, stagnation should not occur. The drainage of lymph from the face, like the rest of the body, is slow. If there are no provoking factors that retain fluid, then the body itself copes with lymphatic drainage. On the contrary, your face should become fresher by morning.

Why then does lymph sometimes stagnate on the face at night, making it look like a half-deflated balloon by morning?


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Correction of age-related changes

With age, multifactorial processes occur that determine the aging process of the face. These processes affect the facial skeleton and integumentary tissues. After 30 years, the beginning changes in the face are already visually noticeable. Changes in all tissue layers lead to their displacement and downward movement. More pronounced processes occur in the middle third of the face. The decisive factor in the drooping of the integumentary tissues of the face is a change in the bone surface.

  • Forehead

Flattening of the frontal bone, combined with constant tension of the frontal muscle, leads to drooping of the integumentary tissues of the upper area of ​​the face and the formation of transverse grooves in the forehead. The sliding mass of soft tissues of the forehead forms excess tissue in the area of ​​the upper eyelids, the tails of the eyebrows droop and a “heavy” look is formed.

  • Middle face area

Atrophy of bone tissue and fat packets in the midface area, combined with weakening of the muscles, leads to contusion of the ligaments and grooves. Pronounced bags under the eyes and eye bags form.

  • Neck

The framework that holds the tissues of the lower zone of the face is the platysma - the subcutaneous muscle of the neck. Atrophy of the jaw bone, prolapse of the submandibular salivary gland, together with weakening and divergence of the platysma fibers, form an obtuse cervical-mental angle and a “double chin.” Thus, with age we observe: a reduced lower jaw; a stretched space at the bottom of which fat has accumulated; atrophied neck muscles that can no longer hold soft tissue and sag under gravity; the resulting jowls.

Fig.1 Aging according to Mendelssohn

Rice. 2 Bone atrophy according to Mendelssohn

Rice. 3 Facial aging: pronounced folds, jowls, “fat packets”

Advantages of deformation type aging

This morphotype has several clear advantages:

  • wrinkles and age spots do not appear;
  • If you monitor your weight, then as you age, the contours will not blur too much, it will be almost unnoticeable.

Owners of this morphotype are very lucky, because now it is not so difficult to control body weight. There are a huge number of diets, exercises and so on. In the future, that is, with aging, this will play into their hands, since age-related changes will be practically unnoticeable.

Care - recommended procedures

In pursuit of youth, it is important to understand that fading is a natural physiological process. No one can prevent it. However, a balanced diet, constant care at home, massage, and procedures for the deformational type of aging will help to significantly slow it down.

As mentioned earlier, this morphotype is difficult to undergo cosmetic manipulations. Many of them turn out to be ineffective, but there are also those that can give good results.

SMAS lifting

During this procedure, skin is tightened in the area of ​​the eyelids, cheeks, corners of the lips, facial contours, and nasolabial folds. It is possible to achieve a lifting effect of the subcutaneous layer of soft tissues and ligaments. This becomes an excellent prevention of ptosis and jowls. The severity of nasolabial folds is reduced, and the corners of the mouth do not droop. It is aimed at restoring clarity to the contours of the deformed type of aging.

Thread lifting

In simple terms, this procedure allows you to create a “framework” for the face that supports the subcutaneous fat layer. This will not only fix existing problems, but also prevent new ones from occurring. During it, the contour is corrected, clear cheekbones and chin are formed.


This procedure allows you to get rid of some fatty tissue. This, in turn, gives a rejuvenating effect. It is recommended to combine it with lymphatic drainage and manual massage. The idea is to apply cold to the subcutaneous fat tissue to destroy it. It lasts about 60 minutes. During the manipulation, adjacent tissues are not damaged. Only fat cells die.

This procedure is considered a non-surgical alternative to liposuction. Before starting, the surgeon measures the volume of the fat layer with a special instrument. After manipulation, it is possible to remove up to 40% of subcutaneous fat.

Lymphatic drainage massage

A preventive technique that allows you to prevent the appearance of swelling, which is characteristic of the deformational-edematous type of facial aging (this can be seen if you look at a photo of a person with this morphotype). During the procedure, blood circulation and lymph outflow improve, and harmful substances are removed from the skin. It is recommended to resort to lymphatic drainage regularly starting from 25-30 years of age.


This is an injectable dermal biocorrector for comprehensive skin restoration. It was developed by the Japanese corporation Japan Bio Products CO., LTD specifically for rejuvenation and regeneration of dermal tissue. Injections with it are made into the neck, décolleté and other parts of the body that have defects.

The drug is indicated for various types of facial skin aging: fatigue-deformation, fine wrinkles, and so on (their signs can be seen in the photo). Excellent for preparing and rehabilitating the skin during surgical interventions, laser and other procedures.

Kurasen contains only natural ingredients that are safe for the body. The unique combination of these components activates its own bioreparation processes, restoring the life cycle of cells and reproducing the basic substances of the intercellular matrix. The drug supports metabolism, restores the immune potential of the tissue, which ultimately leads to improved skin quality and thickening. For other types of aging, it also smoothes out fine and deep wrinkles and lightens age spots.

Tips for people with deformational type of aging

So, if you belong to this morphotype, follow the recommendations presented below.

Control your weight

Watch your figure. To do this you need to eat right and lead an active lifestyle. It’s easy to do exercises in the morning or go for a run. Then you will preserve the youth and beauty of your skin for a long time.

If you already have problems with excess weight, you need to immediately start fighting it and contact an experienced fitness instructor or nutritionist. If this is not possible, you can always exercise at home or go on a diet, but only after consulting a specialist.

Follow the right diet

It is necessary to eat rationally at any age, and even more so from 30-35 years old. Have dinner no later than 3-4 hours before bedtime, reduce the amount of salt consumed, give up fast food, fatty, smoked and fried foods. You also need to get rid of bad habits (smoking, alcohol abuse). All this causes tissue swelling, which will be pronounced in the deformation type.

Choose your treatments carefully

If you do not yet show signs of aging, give preference to preventative care procedures. These preventative measures will help delay the onset of skin aging for several years.

Choose your procedures carefully. It is important to understand that even people with the same type experience aging differently, since each of us is individual. For example, one person may develop puffiness, a second may have ptosis, a third may have jowls, and so on.

Therefore, do not be lazy to study information about cosmetology events on the Internet and first consult with several specialists. They will select the optimal care regimen and help you choose the most suitable procedure, since some of them are ineffective for the Slavic type of aging, while others can have the opposite effect, which is why you will look not younger, but, on the contrary, older.

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