7 TOP acne correctors for the face: which is the best and how to apply, reviews

What it is

Pencil is one of the types of foundation. It is produced in the form of lipstick or pencil and is classified as decorative cosmetics.

It is used to remove minor skin imperfections, for example, to disguise a rash. To disguise acne, you need to precisely apply a small amount and blend it out.

But on the market you can find not only a toning agent, but also a healing one. It is a tinting pencil that contains components that dry out rashes and have a positive effect on the condition of the epidermis as a whole.

This development is extremely popular. After all, the same remedy relieves redness, inflammation, dries out rashes and promotes its disappearance.


Many people undergo a procedure called microdermabrasion. It does not cause allergic reactions or pain. In addition, such sessions can be performed on almost all people.

Here, the skin is exposed to aluminum oxide microcrystals, which are transmitted through a special tip of the device. Thanks to them, the skin is polished and skin cells are exfoliated. As a result of this procedure, the skin becomes smoother and more even. Additionally, patients remove fine wrinkles, reduce age spots, stimulate the production of elastin and collagen.

The result will already be noticeable after the first procedure. But in order to achieve the full desired result, it is worth completing the course. It may consist of 4-6 sessions.

It is important to remember that each procedure should be performed by a professional. After all, he knows how to carry it out correctly, what are the contraindications, side effects, and whether a certain procedure will help your skin. Initially, you should always consult with a specialist, and then decide which method you will use to even out your skin tone.

Basic classification and properties

The entire range of healing correctors is primarily classified depending on its pigment. It is this that influences the scope of application.

The following types are distinguished:

  1. green;
  2. lilac and violet;
  3. yellow;
  4. pink;
  5. white;
  6. brown;
  7. blue.

At first glance, it may seem that all these concealers, due to their shade, will not be able to disguise imperfections. But each of them has its own purpose. What does it consist of?

The most popular green concealer. It can be found in almost every cosmetic bag. With its help, you can hide any redness in a matter of minutes.

Green ones, which contain various medicinal substances, are considered the most effective. For example, it often contains salicylic acid. It helps to hide even the venous mesh.

Lilac covers yellow pigment spots well. And white concealer helps hide freckles. These shades also hide bruises and bags under the eyes well.

Orange and yellow concealer works great for dark circles under the eyes. Pink hides yellow and blue pigment spots and refreshes the complexion. And blue can even cope with brown spots.

The brown corrector is selected so that its shade is close to the shade of the face. It can be used to hide uneven tans and white areas.

How to apply concealer to the face: step-by-step diagrams

Concealer can be used for different purposes, and the techniques for applying it certainly vary. We'll tell you about the basic techniques that will help you use face corrector.

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Corrector for the skin around the eyes

There are several techniques for applying concealer under the eyes. You can use the corrector to draw thin lines diverging from the inner corner of the eye, or put several dots under the lower eyelid.

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But you should always adhere to one method of shading the applied product: correctly shade the corrector in the shape of an inverted triangle, and not stretching it towards the inner corners of the eyes. Please note that the corrector should be either skin tone or slightly lighter.

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Our video tutorial clearly shows how to apply concealer correctly.

How to cover up bruises and dark circles under the eyes?

By following these simple rules, you can mask dark circles under your eyes on your own.

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  • If the dark circles under the eyes are too noticeable, use a yellow, orange or pinkish shade of corrector, apply a corrector on top of a tone lighter than your skin, or immediately treat the area with foundation.
  • To hide dark circles, also use a color corrector. If you have fair skin, use pink, medium skin tones will suit peach, dark skin tones will suit orange.
  • Apply color corrector in the same way as a regular nude or concealer.

How to hide wrinkles with a concealer?

The corrector is also indispensable if you want to disguise fine wrinkles. There are three basic rules of use.

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When creating age-related makeup, first use a moisturizer and let it absorb properly.


Then apply a concealer 1-2 shades lighter than your skin color under your eyes to hide dark circles and crow's feet in this area (remember the inverted triangle rule!). Choose a water-based liquid concealer that won't settle into creases: after using it, your skin will look more even.


Apply the same corrector to the bridge of the nose, to the “tick” above the upper lip, to the corners of the mouth below, to the dimple above the chin. Blend thoroughly with a damp sponge before the product has time to be absorbed.

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Apply the corrector with a thin brush (or a thin applicator, for example, like Giorgio Armani High Precision Retouch) directly inside the wrinkle, on the area where the shadow falls. Lightening this area will visually smooth out the wrinkle.

How to hide a pimple with concealer?

To disguise acne, it is better to use color correctors; they better neutralize redness.

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Use a brush to apply cool-toned green concealer directly to the pimple or redness.


Lightly press the pigment with your finger and blend its borders. Wait a minute for the corrector to “settle” on the skin.


Apply a foundation that suits your skin tone all over your face.

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Treatment pencil for acne

Earlier in the article, the difference between healing and masking agents was mentioned. The most popular is the masking drying concealer.

It is a salicylic corrector with green pigment. It is the pigment that makes it a unique remedy against rashes.

The medicinal components act on the affected area, as a result, inflammation and swelling disappear. And additional components have a calming effect. It constricts blood vessels and relieves redness. After a couple of days of use, the rashes disappear.

But it is worth considering the negative effects of salicylic acid. It can dry out the epidermis, resulting in peeling and irritation. This can be avoided by additional moisturizing.

Using a corrector for problem skin

A face prone to rashes requires special makeup, the main role of which is given to concealers. Only their correct application can improve the appearance and hide imperfections. To even out the tone, follow these steps:

  1. Cleanse the dermis of impurities with gel or facial cleansing milk.
  2. Identify problem areas and treat them with corrector. The product is applied with light movements directly to the pimple itself. You should not put a thick layer on it, otherwise it will only emphasize the defect.
  3. Next, blend a little so that the transition to healthy skin is smooth, without clear boundaries.
  4. Apply a foundation evenly on top that matches the color of the dermis. It will help even out your makeup.

It is better to use a color corrector, or a nude one, of a lighter tone to cover the redness of inflamed acne.

5 tips on how to cover up pimples with green concealer

The best color to hide redness is green. This is exactly the remedy that is necessary to solve problems with acne and irritation, as they also have healing properties, relieve inflammation and itching.

Features of using green corrector:

  • apply directly to clean skin;
  • try to mask only problematic locations, without going beyond them;
  • use a brush, this makes it easier to distribute the product and it will apply better and more accurately;
  • Be sure to apply a foundation with a dense texture so that the color does not show through.

It is important not to overdo it with green, otherwise the foundation will not be able to disguise it completely.

Terms of use

Having understood the types of correctors, you need to understand how to use it correctly so that it is less noticeable on the face and looks natural.

To make your makeup perfect, you need to follow some rules and add some cosmetics to your makeup bag.

  1. you need to wash or cleanse your face with toner;
  2. if necessary, it is necessary to moisturize the epidermis with cream. But keep in mind that it must be applied at least 20 minutes before decorative cosmetics;
  3. 20 minutes after applying the cream, wipe your face with a cotton pad, it will remove all remaining fat;
  4. then you need to apply a makeup base to your face and neck; with its help you can even out small unevenness and differences;
  5. the next stage is getting rid of minor flaws. In other words, hiding imperfections of the epidermis with the help of a corrector. The color of the pencil depends on the goals pursued. It must be applied with gentle movements and small strokes;
  6. the strokes are carefully shaded so that the boundaries of application are not visible;
  7. foundation is applied on top. Its shade depends on the shade and type of epidermis;
  8. fix the result with powder.

After using the product, your face will become flawless. And if you apply it correctly, then no one will even guess that you have flaws.


Anna, 40 years old:

They gave me a set of Corrective Colors, I really liked it! In addition to individual pimples, it easily removed fine wrinkles and circles under the eyes. It became noticeable that the inflammation stopped spreading across the face.

Irina, 24 years old:

Clinique Acne Solutions Clearing Concealer is produced by my favorite manufacturer, so I couldn’t help but buy this concealer. When using it, I noted many good qualities. It has a dense texture that allows you to completely hide a pimple, durability, and a powerful healing effect (I noticed that by the evening the rashes are significantly reduced). I was disappointed in the dispenser, because when I press the cream comes out much more than the required amount. In addition, if you overdo it with application, the dense texture will make your face unnatural.

Natalya, 28 years old:

I have been using the StopProblem pencil for five years now. It is not entirely ideal, but in many ways it is better than even very expensive products, that is, I am completely satisfied. I first purchased it at a pharmacy when my skin problems were more serious. Now my skin has returned to normal, but I still can’t part with this pencil.

Which one to choose: for camouflage or healing?

Depending on their individual needs, everyone chooses a separate type. A healing pencil should only be selected if you have skin imperfections, such as acne.

Masking is used to disguise bruises and age spots. That is, those shortcomings that cannot be cured with medication.

Read how the acne corrector works. About acne lotion. More details here.

How to choose a concealer?

When choosing a tinting agent, you must consider the following nuances:

  1. When buying a concealer, you need to compare it with the foundation, they must be the same shade. Lighting should be natural;
  2. to disguise age spots, it is necessary to use thick, creamy concealers;
  3. if you need to hide rashes and acne, it is recommended to use medicinal products that contain salicylic acid and healing components. It is better to buy a green pencil;
  4. mustard-colored corrector hides spider veins well;
  5. For the area around the eyes, it is necessary to select concealers without drying components, with reflective particles. And its color should be a little lighter than the shade of the face;
  6. cream concealers are used to correct all areas;
  7. liquid concealers are best for sensitive and oily skin;
  8. Concealer stick is suitable for covering small areas and small imperfections.

Rules for choosing a foundation for acne

Manufacturers of cosmetics for problem skin focus not only on flawless coverage, but also on proper care, enriching the products with vitamins, minerals, and other useful ingredients. Here are some recommendations to help you choose a foundation:

  1. Experts recommend choosing products with a light texture; it allows the skin to breathe, but will not effectively hide the rash.
  2. Hypoallergenicity is one of the main properties of foundation for problem skin. In most cases, it is sensitive, prone to irritation. It is important that the cream does not contain components that can provoke irritation, redness, or new inflammation.
  3. Creams with a dense texture are better at hiding post-acne scars and pimples*, but they clog pores, attract impurities, and interfere with the release of sweat and sebum. This creates the same anaerobic effect that promotes the proliferation of propionibacteria.
  4. On the face, the product should not look like a mask. This applies to both density and shade. You still won’t be able to make the rash invisible; set yourself a goal - to make it less noticeable by choosing the most natural color possible.
  5. The SPF factor must be indicated on the bottle. Sensitive and inflamed skin needs protection from ultraviolet radiation.
  6. It’s good if the foundation contains components with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects.
  7. To hide oily shine, you need to choose products with a mattifying effect. They may contain extracts of St. John's wort, chamomile, and tea tree.

Many manufacturers claim that cosmetics do not interfere with skin respiration. Unfortunately, this is not true. Therefore, even the lightest foundation can interfere with the release of sebum. To prevent this from happening, it is important not only to know how to hide acne* with foundation, but also to use non-comedogenic products for this. [207]

Concealing and healing tonal correctors

There is a wide selection of pencils on the market from different manufacturers. Let's take a closer look at the most famous and effective pencils.

Masking StopProblem with salicylic acid

The product contains not only foundation, but also many medicinal substances. It perfectly and quickly removes inflammation and reduces the size of rashes.

Gigi Lipacid Treatment Cover Stick

This concealer does the job wonderfully. After all, it contains: clay, tea tree oil and other natural substances that have antibacterial properties. As a result of their action, the epidermis is cleansed.

Avene Cleanance Soin Localise Spot Treatment

The product contains white clay. It dries out any inflammation on the face. In less than a week, the results are already visible. In addition, the pencil hides all imperfections of the epidermis.

Treatment Zenerit and Garnier “Clean Skin SOS”

Both pencils are made on the basis of salicylic acid, which kills all microorganisms, cleanses pores and gently exfoliates the upper layers of the epidermis.

Antibacterial corrective Oriflame “Tea Tree”

Tea tree is one of the most famous remedies in the fight against acne. After all, it is a natural antioxidant. Many cosmetic preparations are prepared on the basis of this oil to combat rashes.

The pencil is a double-sided product, one side of which can mask normal redness, and the other side can remove dark circles under the eyes.

Antibacterial camouflage Avon Clearskin

The product has special antibacterial properties. This helps to disinfect the area of ​​the face and kill all bacteria that cause inflammation.

Masking Avon “For problem skin” and Toitbel Teen

These are some of the budget products that have proven themselves to be effective. Its components dry out acne and reduce inflammation. After a few days of use, you can see the first result.

Anti-acne roller gel Cooling “Clean Skin Active” from Garnier

The gel contains alcohol and salicylic acid. This allows you to quickly cleanse pores, remove excess sebum and dry out inflammation.

Anti-acne concealer Nivea Visage Young Bye-bye spot

The universal formula of the product helps to quickly open and cleanse pores. As a result, all pimples disappear and new ones do not appear.

Drying concealer Vichy NORMADERM

The product simultaneously hides all imperfections and dries out acne. The components of the product regulate the functioning of pores and kill all bacteria.

Gel – Biocon Problem skin

Effectively fights any rashes and acne. Quickly removes all skin imperfections and regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Libriderm concealer pencil. Concealing pencil Seracin LibreDerm

The problem of acne, rashes and allergies is growing every day. The environment is polluted, many people are lazy to follow skin care rules, as a result of which diseases progress. And that’s why brands do their best to help us fight the consequences by producing masking and drying products.


The first thing to remember is that you won’t be young and fresh with cosmetics alone. The approach to treatment must be comprehensive. In order for your oily skin to get even one step closer to its normal state, you need to turn on the whole artillery:

  • We start by touching our skin. We change face towels, if not every day, then every other day. Pillowcases 2-3 times a week. Every day (even during sleep) our skin produces waste products (fat, toxins) that remain on the tissues. If they are not changed periodically, it will get back into the skin. We don't need it.
  • Water. Yes, you’ve already heard about her from all TV screens, magazine pages and Instagram posts. This is an important component, since almost half of the problems appear due to lack of moisture in the body. And oily skin also panics: if you want to do it well, do it yourself. And it begins to produce sebum even more intensely.
  • Don't use too many medicinal products. Buy yourself several products from the same range and try an experiment using them for a month. The main mistake is to panic in the first days of treatment. Of course, you won't see results after 3-4 days, please be patient. After all, your body tolerated it when you drank soda and scrubbed your skin with a scrub.
  • By the way, about scrubs. Aggressive cleansers are taboo. As one doctor wrote: “If pimples appeared from dirt, they would have covered our feet long ago!” You yourself irritate the skin, as a result of which its condition worsens, the lipid layer is disrupted and acne appears.
  • Diet. Here you kill two birds with one stone: you lose weight and heal your skin :) Is it nice? Include fresh vegetables and fruits in your diet (especially apples and lemons. They contain essential vitamins that help the skin regenerate. Fish dishes are rich sources of Omega-3 fatty acids, and foods with fiber (bran, flax seeds, dried fruits and legumes) remove waste and toxins, help cleanse the body.

But what to do during treatment? The prospect of walking around with red spots on your skin is not very exciting.


And a masking pencil will help solve this problem. Since during the period of getting rid of acne and pimples it is not recommended to apply cosmetics at all or make do with the necessary minimum, you can hide minor imperfections using a 2 in 1 product that will not only disguise, but also take care of. That's what the manufacturer says, at least.

It has a drying effect and goes on smoothly. And, as with all products of this kind, it should not be applied to damaged areas of the skin or the area around the eyes.

The product is enclosed in a stick-pencil format, which is easily twisted and twisted, and the lead does not break, as is the case with similar products. Its color is quite light, but I think it will suit any European girl. It is applied gently, so you can easily and painlessly hide redness and minor imperfections. However, it is worth remembering that the pencil dries out (and it really does!), so I would not recommend using it on scars and other imperfections. Otherwise, this is a worthwhile product that will help make your skin visually more perfect without the use of foundation, concealers and other products that can clog pores.


di-c12-13 alkyl malate, ci 77891, copernicia cerifera cera, paraffin, hydrogenated polydecene, nylon-12, tribehenin, cera alba, ci 77492, zinc oxide, cera microcristallina, polybutene, ci 77491, salicylic acid, glycerin, triethoxycaprylylsilane, silica dimethyl silylate, peg-30 castor oil, ci 77499, tocopheryl acetate, synthetic wax, ethylene/propylene copolymer, polyethylene, sulfur.

Photo: Before and after

A properly selected concealer with a healing and masking effect copes well with its task, namely, it removes and disguises all skin defects and unevenness.
See how to choose a cream for acne on your face. The best acne remedy. Find out further.

What is the best remedy for acne on the face? The answer is here.

But before buying, you should decide for what purpose you need a pencil. And based on this decision, choose the type and color of the corrector.

How to choose a corrector for problem skin

Acne is a serious disease; if you choose the wrong cosmetics, you can only aggravate the situation and provoke further spread of the rash. Choosing a corrector for the face against acne is not difficult, it is important to follow the following rules:

  • it is better to choose products with an additional therapeutic effect, they can be found in the pharmacy;
  • You should only purchase the product in trusted cosmetics stores to avoid counterfeiting;
  • high-quality cosmetics are never too cheap, so you shouldn’t risk your health in the hope of saving money;
  • the concealer should contain as little fat and heavy components as possible that clog pores;
  • Before you go shopping for a concealer, you need to analyze the type of dermis, identify the problems that concern you and decide which facial product is needed.
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