Reviews of lifting face cream - which is the most effective?

Nothing nourishes and moisturizes the face and hands as well as special creams. And price is not the most important criterion. Much depends on the type of epidermis and the age of the user. Expensive luxury brands are not for everyone. You need to choose the only product that will be an ideal assistant for a woman and will help her achieve the desired result in a short time. In order to avoid mistakes when choosing, it is necessary to understand the classification of the goods presented on the market by the best manufacturers.

Cream with a lifting effect, which company is better to choose?

Manufacturers produce different products with a lifting effect, but not all of them have a positive effect or have a positive effect on the skin. The ranking presents the manufacturers producing the best creams with a lifting effect:

  • L'Oreal is a French perfume and cosmetics company founded in 1909. The brand supplies goods to all countries of Europe and the USA, and has an average annual profit of $4.5 billion.
  • Vichy is a French cosmetology company that offers cosmetics for body and face care. Created in 1955 by founder Georges Guerin. When creating cosmetics, they use natural ingredients and hyaluronic acid, which is necessary to prevent aging.
  • Caudalie is a French skin care cosmetics company that contains beneficial natural ingredients. The brand was founded in 1995 in Paris and supplies goods to various countries in Europe, Russia, and Ukraine.
  • Na True is a non-profit public organization developed in 1951, the central office was created in 2007 in Brussels. It supplies goods to 50 countries in Europe and the USA, offering a high-quality product with a natural composition.
  • Limoni is an Italian company that has been producing cosmetics since 2005. The product undergoes thorough certification; it is safe for women with a tendency to allergies. Contains natural ingredients, hyaluronic acid.
  • Eunyul is a Korean company established in 2008. Delivered to different cities in Korea, as well as to European countries. The brand is relatively new, but popular all over the world.
  • Argan is a cosmetics brand that contains oils, hyaluronic acid, wheat proteins and other components in its products. Due to their natural composition, the brand’s cosmetics are used in different countries of Europe and America.
  • Shiseido is a Japanese manufacturer that produces face care, hair care, and perfume products. The company was founded in Tokyo, and its CEO since 2014 is Uotani Masahiko.
  • Giorgio Armani - the brand offers not only clothing, but also facial cosmetics made from natural ingredients. The product is supplied to various countries in Europe and the USA, and is used by modern stars.

Plastic or threads for facial rejuvenation after 60 years

You will never say that a lady is sixty if she has been visiting a cosmetic clinic for thirty years, taking care of herself and maintaining her beauty and youth under the strict guidance of a doctor. If the idea of ​​rejuvenation after 60 arose for the first time, you need to work hard to look at least 10 years younger.

At this time, the skin is not only thinned, it is hypersensitive and has poor blood supply. This means that it almost does not regenerate. In addition, at this age there is already a whole “bouquet” of chronic somatic diseases. Therefore, the doctor has to very carefully develop a complex of rejuvenation after 60 years, adapting to the physiological characteristics and capabilities of the body.

Plastic surgery is most often used; it gives a lasting effect of rejuvenation of an aged face. Thread lifting is used carefully, because the skin has already lost its ability to recover on its own. Although, it is at this age that a lower face lift can be effective.

Facial rejuvenation is a long process. One-time measures give short-term results. Therefore, at the age of 25-30, it is quite possible to “attach” to a cosmetic clinic, find your own cosmetologist and, together with him, confidently preserve your youth until your old age.

Rating of creams with lifting effect

The rating was based on the results of comparative tests, the opinions of cosmetologists, as well as customer reviews, which tell not only about the advantages, but also about the disadvantages of the product. To compile the rating, additional characteristics of the funds were taken into account, namely:

  • Compound;
  • Result of application;
  • Allergic components;
  • Capacity volume;
  • Consistency;
  • Absorption level of the product;
  • Price;
  • Consumption.

Additional parameters made it possible to create a rating of creams with a lifting effect for the face, which cope with their functions, contain useful components, and prevent premature aging.

The best foundations

At what age is a circular facelift necessary?

A circular facelift is called a classic facelift. This operation is aimed at removing excess skin without affecting the muscles. It is performed along the contour of the face through thin incisions along the hairline, along the ears, and under the chin. Scars after this type of plastic surgery are practically invisible and are located in inconspicuous places. The effect lasts for a long time. If the intervention is combined with blepharoplasty (eyelid lift), the face changes dramatically and looks noticeably younger:

  • all wrinkles are smoothed out;
  • its outline becomes clear;
  • the double chin and sagging cheeks disappear;
  • the skin becomes smooth and elastic.

The result, the same lifting effect, depends on the time of the intervention. It is not difficult to determine it yourself, but it is better to trust a professional who specializes in modern cosmetology and plastic surgery. Typically, a circular facelift is planned for the age of 45-55 years, but much depends on the individual characteristics of a particular woman and the condition of her skin tissue.

The best eye creams with a lifting effect

The dermis around the eyes is quite delicate, thin, and quickly undergoes age-related changes. Creams with a lifting effect will help eliminate premature aging, remove circles under the eyes, and make your eyes look more pronounced. They fight age-related changes, eliminate dryness, remove bags, and return the skin to a beautiful natural look. An eye cream with a lifting effect should contain hyaluronic acid, oils and natural ingredients that affect the structure. The rating was based on the results of comparative tests of this group of products, in which 7 nominees were evaluated, of which 3 products were selected.

Limoni Collagen Booster Lifting Eye Cream

The eye cream consists of highly concentrated marine collagen, which smooths out facial wrinkles, eliminates swelling, improves elasticity, and eliminates bags or age spots. The composition contains sea buckthorn extract, which additionally saturates with microelements and vitamins. With the help of Vitamin B3, swelling is reduced, the skin acquires a natural color and shine. The pleasant consistency quickly spreads onto the face, evens out well, nourishes, and gives velvety and tenderness. Moisturizing cream eliminates visible wrinkles around the eyes and rejuvenates.


  • Light consistency;
  • Good food;
  • Hydration;
  • Natural composition;
  • Quick results;
  • Saturation with vitamins and microelements.


  • Does not help with pronounced age-related changes.

The reviews write that the product will be effective only in the initial phase of aging and deterioration of the skin. It prevents the development of fine wrinkles, removes mild swelling, but does not cope with changes in women after 50 years.

Eunyul Power lifting eye cream

A firming cream that has a lifting effect, suitable for girls over 30 years old. It smoothes out crow's feet well, lifts drooping corners, and erases fine expression and age wrinkles. After use, the look becomes bright, open, light, and self-confidence appears. After the first application, cells are renewed and maximum nutrition occurs. The composition of the product helps the dermis remain moisturized, elastic, and resist the aging process. The cream cares for the skin, restores its structure, and is considered effective at any age. Does not cause irritation or allergies, eliminates redness, does not provoke tearing. Can be used by women who wear contact lenses.


  • Well moisturizes;
  • Softens;
  • Nourishes;
  • No sticky feeling;
  • Quickly smoothes out wrinkles;
  • Affordable price.


  • Absorbs for a long time;
  • Inconvenient dispenser.

From the reviews it is clear that the product fights swelling, redness, and dryness around the eyes. It is applied evenly on the eyelids, does not cause tearing, has a light pleasant aroma, and does not cause allergies.

The best eye patches

Argan Treasures

Quickly smoothes the skin, eliminates flaking and dryness, contains many useful components that protect against external negative factors. The cream quickly fights wrinkles around the eyes and in their corners, without causing irritation or tearing. It ensures normal functioning, gives a fresh look, and maintains the necessary elasticity. The composition contains wheat proteins, prickly pear and saffron extract, vitamins A and E, hyaluronic acid, olive and organo oil. The skin is instantly nourished with beneficial components, stops the natural aging process, and prevents the formation of new wrinkles, dryness and age spots.


  • Works quickly;
  • Has a pleasant smell;
  • Safe composition;
  • Instantly absorbed;
  • Does not leave a greasy shine;
  • Convenient dispenser.


  • Not detected.

In reviews, women write that the cosmetics cope with their functions, prevent dryness, remove wrinkles, and even out the tone well. The first changes are noticeable after 2 weeks, hydration is observed from the first days of use.

What pharmaceutical drugs will help achieve rejuvenation - table

Drug nameCharacteristicPrice
Naturmed Turpentine balm Lifting and ElasticityContains:
  • gum turpentine;
  • hydrolyzed collagen;
  • peach and jojoba oils.

It has a pleasant pine scent, is quickly absorbed, and has a lifting effect immediately after application. Additional effect: skin nutrition.

From 570 rub.
Hydrocortisone ointmentHydrocortisone, the active ingredient, is considered an analogue of botulinum toxin. The ointment creates a protective layer on the skin and allows it to retain moisture. Thanks to this moisturizing effect, the skin becomes visually smoother and fine wrinkles are less noticeable. You can apply the ointment 2 times a day in a thin layer. The course of treatment lasts a month, then you need to take a break. From 23 rub.
Ointment ReliefThe ointment contains shark oil, which nourishes, moisturizes and tightens the skin, removes circles and puffiness under the eyes. The ointment can be applied to the face 2 times a day. The course of treatment lasts a month, then you need to take a break. From 307 rub.
Heparin ointmentIt has anti-edematous properties, so it is widely used to care for the skin under the eyes to eliminate bruises, bags and fine wrinkles. You can apply the ointment twice a day for a month. From 56 rub.
Ointment RadevitThe drug contains large doses of vitamins A, E, D2, thanks to which regular use of the ointment can significantly improve the condition of the skin, smooth out wrinkles, and make the complexion more fresh. The ointment should be applied to the face with massaging movements. From 351 rub.
Solcoseryl ointmentThe active component is solcoseryl, a deproteinized hemodialysate from the blood of healthy dairy calves, which activates metabolism in cells. The drug does not give an immediate result, but with its constant use, a cumulative lifting effect is observed: the skin looks denser, smoother and, albeit not much, but younger. You can apply the ointment every other day, morning and evening. From 363 rub.

The best foundations with a lifting effect

To even out your complexion without causing blemishes and redness, lifting foundations made from natural ingredients will help. They are used not only to even out the tone and give a new shine, but also to moisturize and nourish. For mature skin, it is advisable to choose anti-aging cosmetics that act on the condition of the skin, not only masking imperfections. Young girls with sensitive skin should avoid products with a silicone base, which can cause allergies. The rating presents the best foundations with good composition.

Vichy Liftactiv Flexilift

Vichy foundation with a lifting effect not only masks imperfections, but also fights wrinkles, nourishes, moisturizes, and prevents the appearance of new age-related changes. It is based on thermal water from a French spring, which strengthens the structure and nourishes with useful components. The silicone base quickly and softly lays on the face, is instantly absorbed, and does not leave an oily sheen. The composition contains collagen, which additionally has a tightening effect, fights wrinkles, and smoothes the skin with regular use. After application, the face acquires an even tone, the skin becomes tightened and has a matte appearance. After a month of regular use, the first lasting results become noticeable.


  • Levels well;
  • Does not dry;
  • Nourishes with useful components;
  • Does not cause allergies;
  • Easy to apply.


  • High price.

The product well masks age-related imperfections, evens out complexion tone, improves color, and adds shine. Changes will become noticeable after a month of use, the skin will tighten, wrinkles will smooth out. The foundation disguises age spots, freckles and other irregularities on the face.

Shiseido Radiant Lifting

The foundation contains thermal water, hyaluronic acid, and organic oils, which provide an even tone, smoothness, and silkiness. The product moisturizes well, fits perfectly on the skin, restores its former shine, elasticity and youth. It evens out the tone well, masks all imperfections, protects against sun exposure, and prevents further aging. The foundation is applied in a small amount, blended with a brush, leaving a matte effect. It is advisable to apply a moisturizer under the foundation, but even without it the dermis does not dry out and does not leave flaking.


  • Lays down evenly;
  • Removes imperfections;
  • Hides defects on the skin;
  • Evens out the overall tone of the face;
  • Protects from negative influences.


  • High price;
  • Not suitable for oily skin.

From the reviews it is clear that the foundation fits perfectly on the face, does not dry out the dermis, and does not leave an oily sheen. However, it is not recommended to use it on oily structures, since after application there is an unwanted shine and pronounced fat content.

Giorgio Armani Designer Lift

A tonal fluid with a mattifying effect that quickly fights age-related changes, masks wrinkles, and removes dark circles under the eyes. It creates a good tone, tightens the skin, gives it elasticity and a beautiful appearance. The fluid is applied evenly to the skin, does not dry out, and hides redness, blemishes, inflammation and pimples. The composition contains collagen, hyaluronic acid, thermal water, they allow you to achieve an even tone and protect against photoaging. The fluid is applied with light circular movements using a brush or fingertips, is quickly absorbed, makes the face fresher, gives elasticity and firmness. The product was created for girls over 18 years old, but it is recommended for use after 25.


  • High quality;
  • Lasting results;
  • Good composition;
  • Masks all irregularities;
  • Does not cause allergies.


  • Not detected.

The foundation fluid is suitable for many girls and women who take care of their appearance and try to nourish and protect their skin from age-related changes from youth. It is easy to apply, does not cause allergies, and has a safe composition.

His Majesty lifting

Facial lifting is manipulation and procedures aimed at increasing skin firmness, elasticity of the dermis, and tightening facial contours. This tightening effect is achieved by a number of methods, including surgical and non-surgical.

Operating methods include plastic surgery. But you should resort to them only in the most extreme cases. Surgery is a radical option for tissue tightening. Despite the lasting results after surgical lifting, this method of rejuvenation has many disadvantages and side effects. These include pain, long-term rehabilitation and a number of restrictions that the patient must comply with.

Plastic surgery should be resorted to only in extreme cases. It is best to use other, gentler methods of rejuvenation.

Typically, plastic surgery is used to correct the neck line and frontotemporal areas of the face. If required, the operation involves the cheeks and skin around the lips. Surgical facelift is performed only in a hospital setting at a specialized cosmetology clinic under anesthesia, often under general anesthesia. This operation lasts several hours, and the rehabilitation period drags on for several months. This time is necessary for postoperative sutures to dissolve, swelling and redness to subside.

The range of non-surgical methods is much wider and richer. These include:

  • hardware cosmetology,
  • injections,
  • care products (creams, serums, etc.).

Which cream with a lifting effect is better to buy?

A cream with a lifting effect allows you to take care of your face, removes age spots, wrinkles, and circles under the eyes. Among the entire rating, there are several effective means that are worth paying attention to:

  • L'Oreal Paris Revitalift Laser x3 day – restoring face cream with hyaluronic acid;
  • Caudalie Resveratrol [LIFT] – eliminates wrinkles, evens out tone;
  • Limoni Collagen Booster Lifting Eye Cream – a product with collagen for dry dermis around the eyes;
  • Argan Treasures – cosmetics for the eyelids, does not cause tearing, easily smooths out wrinkles;
  • Vichy Liftactiv Flexilift is a foundation with a concealing effect.

Lifting products care for the face, soften age-related changes, and contain natural ingredients. With regular use, you can notice positive changes within a few weeks.

How to choose a cream and what cosmetologists advise?

Caring for beauty with the help of anti-aging products begins exactly when you notice unpleasant changes in your appearance:

  • crow's feet around the eyes;
  • wrinkles and drooping corners of the lips;
  • sagging skin on the face;
  • vagueness of the oval;
  • formation of a double chin;
  • too plump cheeks with jowls;
  • dry and dull skin.

To combat all these manifestations, sooner or later every woman has to look for her own lifting cream. And how to make the right choice?

Any cosmetic product is a “bouquet” of components, each of which performs a specific function. In lifting creams, the active components are collected in such a way that they influence a whole range of problems that provoke the aging process of the epidermis and dermis.

Without going into details of the chemical analysis of the components, we state only those substances that must absolutely be present in anti-aging cosmetics:

  • vitamin complexes improve skin condition and activate intracellular processes;
  • antioxidants – to protect against harmful environmental factors;
  • Vitamin C strengthens blood vessels, stimulates blood flow, promotes the elimination of toxins;
  • organic acids to maintain skin tone;
  • peptides for leveling the relief and stimulating regeneration processes;
  • coenzymes (in particular Q10) - to combat signs of aging;
  • hyaluronic acid, collagen and elastin - to stimulate the production of own substances and replenish reserves;
  • extracts of medicinal plants, essential oils, other beneficial ingredients.

Not all of the above components will be present in every lifting cream - and this is not required. It is important that there are several “representatives from the list” in sufficient concentration. Only in this case can you count on the desired effect.

RF face lifting – what is it?

As we have already said: RF lifting uses radio frequency energy. Technically, radio frequency is a certain number of oscillations (waves) per second of electric and magnetic fields in the radio wave portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. Electromagnetic waves can be generated using voltage and emitted into space in the form of radio waves through an antenna or electrode.

What happens in the skin when exposed to radio frequency energy - according to the developers of the method - RF lifting causes microscopic changes in tissue, followed by remodeling of new collagen, as a result of which subcutaneous structures are improved and tightened. At the same time, during the procedure the texture of the upper layers of the skin is not affected and practically does not change in any way, i.e. You should not expect any smoothing of wrinkles.

An increase in temperature leads to contraction (shrinkage) of collagen-containing tissues. When the maximum operating temperature of 44-50 degrees is reached, even the fibrils inside the collagen fibers themselves are compressed. At this temperature, collagen fibers lose water, denature, shrink and, most importantly, lose their ability to stretch, which leads to increased skin elasticity.

According to the developers of the method and cosmetologists, RF lifting not only compresses collagen fibers, but also stimulates the production of one’s own collagen, which should lead to an increase in the level of collagen content in tissues. However, as you will see further, there is simply no objective evidence that there is also an increase in the amount of collagen.

How RF lifting works: video

RF lifting – how the procedure works

Before the procedure -

Before RF lifting, the skin of the face or body must be thoroughly cleaned with soap and water to remove any remnants of cosmetics, creams or oils that may affect the quality of the procedure. Sometimes before the procedure, a special anesthetic cream is applied to the skin to numb the skin. After a certain time, immediately before the procedure, this cream is washed off by the cosmetologist with an alcohol-containing solution.

Depending on the device used and the experience of the esthetician, special markings may be applied to the skin to ensure even coverage of RF (radio waves) and to prevent accidental overlap of treatment areas.

Depending on the device used, a special pad may or may not be used and placed on the patient's abdomen or under the back. This pad is necessary for grounding (most often used for monopolar devices). Again, depending on the device used, a special gel may be used to act as a barrier between the surface of the patient's skin and the tip of the RF device.

During the procedure -

The cosmetologist moves the tip of the device over the surface of the skin, while radio frequency energy heats the skin in the range of 40 to 44 degrees Celsius, maintaining this temperature for some time. The heat produced has a positive effect on the lymphatic and vascular system and increases the flow of fluid to the cells.

Heating the inner layers of the skin causes microscopic changes in the tissue and an initial reduction in collagen, which promotes subsequent collagen remodeling over the next few months.

RF lifting: video

After the procedure -

A soothing gel or lotion may be applied to the skin. Immediately after the RF face lifting procedure, reviews show that patients feel skin tightening, which gradually increases over the next 1-2 months.

The result after the procedure - RF lifting - reviews from most patients confirm that the result is noticeable for up to several years. If minor changes are necessary, just 1 procedure may be sufficient (most often after the Thermage 4 device, which is by far the most advanced and effective). However, if more significant changes in skin condition are needed and/or the patient has significant skin thickness, then the cosmetologist may offer a series of 2-6 procedures performed every 1-3 weeks.

RF face lift: before and after photos

RF body lifting: before and after photos

( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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