Why does hair not fall out immediately after laser hair removal?

Why doesn't my hair fall out after laser hair removal? This is the question that most often arises after the first session of removing unwanted hair with a laser. This is due to the fairly common misconception that the treated areas of the body should become smooth immediately after the first procedure. In fact, the effect of manipulation does not appear instantly, but only after some time.

Hair after laser hair removal: let's start with theory

The principle of operation of the laser is based on the destruction of hair stem cells by heating the melanin in them. The speed of this process and the choice of intensity of the working radiation of the device is influenced by a number of factors: • Hair type (soft, hard). • Color (light, dark, red). • Growth zone (dependent and independent of hormone levels). • Stage of hair growth.

Not all hairs are equally susceptible to laser treatment. To understand why hair is not immediately removed after laser hair removal, you need to understand the principles of its structure and development. Each hair has three stages of its life cycle: 1. Anagen – a period of active cell division, development of the hair follicle. 2. Catagen is the stage of cessation of hair nutrition and the death of its follicle. 3. Telogen – the phase of “sleep” and gradual rejection of the hair shaft.

The laser beam has the maximum effect on hairs in the anagen phase - active growth. During this period, their structure is saturated with melanin along the entire length. When heated by the laser, the hair is destroyed down to the root. After laser hair removal, the hair root loses nutrition and gradually dies, and then the shaft is pushed out by skin cells.

Effect of light beam on hair follicles

The lack of immediate results after the procedure is due to the peculiarities of the laser’s effect on the hair follicles. The light beam, penetrating the tissue, acts only on active follicles colored with dark pigment, completely destroying them. In this case, the hair remains intact and only after a while begins to come out. You can make sure that this is not a continuation of growth by pulling out a few hairs. Firstly, there will be no pain, and secondly, there are no hair follicles at their ends. That is why you should not worry if your hair does not fall out immediately after laser hair removal.

In addition, a certain part of the hair follicles is in an inactive state. Since they lack dark pigment, the light beam does not damage them. After the first sessions, these bulbs are activated and hairs begin to grow from them. They are removed during subsequent procedures.

After laser hair removal, hair falls out within 7-10 days

The result of the first procedure is the complete removal of all growing hairs in the treated area. Of the total “volume” of hair, this can be, depending on the zone, from 15 to 30% of hairs. With each subsequent session, there will be less and less hair on the body, and the intervals between sessions will be longer. On hormone-dependent areas of the body (in the armpits, in the bikini area, in men - in the cheeks and chin), there is more hair in the anagen stage, they can make up from 30 to 50% of the total volume, respectively, and the visual effect after the first session can be more tangible.

The process of hair loss is unnoticed and painless. After the first laser hair removal, hair falls out gradually over 7-10 days, leaving behind areas of perfectly smooth skin.

Are there any contraindications to laser hair removal?

Yes, there are quite a few of them:

  • Oncological diseases of the skin.
  • Some other skin diseases - such as keloidosis, psoriasis, some eczema and allergies.
  • Severe forms of diabetes.
  • Pregnancy may be considered a relative contraindication.
  • Very dark skin (type V and VI).
  • Very light hairs.

It is better to consult your doctor about all possible contraindications. You can sign up for a consultation by phone: +7; +7 (812) 293-78-72 Consultation on the day of the procedure is free!

How many days does it take for hair to fall out completely after laser hair removal?

To accurately answer the question: “How long does it take for hair to fall out completely after laser hair removal?”, you need to know all the individual characteristics of the patient. Laser hair removal at Epilike has the following features: • On average, 4-6 procedures are needed to remove the maximum possible amount of hair. • In total, up to 90% of hair is removed during the course. • From session to session it can take from 3 weeks to 2 months. • A full course of hair removal can take 6-12 months. • After a course of hair removal, you can forget about the problem of unwanted hair for 1-3 years. • If necessary, repeat the procedure, removing single hairs approximately once every six months to a year.

With LightSheer DUET, the skin remains smooth and soft for a long time!

Laser hair removal - how many sessions are needed?

The number of laser hair removal sessions required to completely destroy hair is purely individual and depends on the thickness of the hair. Sometimes 3-4 procedures may be enough, and with very dense vegetation their number is increased to 8-10 times.

To maintain the body in ideal condition, it is recommended to repeat the manipulation at least once a year. This is necessary in order to get rid of hair that begins to grow after completing the course from “dormant” follicles.

Effect duration

Facial hair grows very quickly (remember men, many of whom are forced to shave every day), and it is necessary to constantly fight for smooth skin. Women have to pluck regrown eyebrow hairs almost every day, and newly epilated mustaches become visible again within a few days after the procedure.

Unlike waxing, shaving, and depilatory creams, which have side effects (ingrown hairs, infections, irritation), laser hair removal has proven to be the most effective and safe method of facial hair removal. All of the above methods of getting rid of unwanted hair have a short-lived effect, while laser hair removal allows you to forget about the problem once and for all, provided you complete a course of procedures.

What should a girl know BEFORE undergoing laser hair removal procedure?!

(Men, sorry, we will soon prepare a separate article for you!)

To avoid the common situation “I’ve had 10 laser hair removal sessions and there is no result,” we have prepared 5 main questions to ask before visiting a cosmetologist.

  1. What type of laser are you offered? There are alexandrite and diode lasers, sometimes hybrid ones are found. IPL is not a laser! Don't know the differences between different types of lasers? Read our article.
  2. What laser device will be used. First of all, pay attention to the brand and manufacturer of the device. Don’t know how to choose a device and what are the consequences of inexpensive installations? Read our article.
  3. Where will your procedure be performed ? Find out the difference between hair removal between a cosmetology clinic and a beauty salon.
  4. Who will carry out the procedure ? You should only be satisfied with qualified doctors or cosmetologists who have been trained on the specified type of device.
  5. Price of the procedure. Why can’t high-quality hair removal be cheap?

You won’t believe how many marketing ploys and outright deception are found in the cosmetic market in the field of laser hair removal. We strongly recommend choosing professionals and not trusting the beauty and health of those who bought a certificate or diploma in the nearest transition!

Cost of hair removal

The device in our clinic is truly the most modern, powerful and effective, it guarantees quick and accurate hair removal without irritation, pain and allergic reactions. But at the same time, it is also the most expensive on the market (details about the cost of the devices and their effectiveness).

If you come across a frankly cheap price for hair removal using the Candela GentleLase Pro device, then this is a reason to think about it!

Also, one of the reasons for the high cost of procedures with this laser is the presence of an additional consumable material - cryogen. If you are not planning to visit us, please clarify what system is used on the device. Air cooling is considered obsolete because it is not able to provide reliable protection to the skin surface.

Laser hair removal. How to prepare for the procedure?

Clients are interested in the question of whether it is possible to prepare for the procedure in order to increase the effect and get rid of more after the first time. There are several recommendations, but you shouldn't expect that you can get by with just one procedure. Laser hair removal is an effective way to get rid of hair, but you shouldn’t expect a magical effect from it after the first time.

Some preparation tips:

  • Initially, you should constantly take care of your skin, scrub and moisturize it. Scrubbing really slows down hair growth and also gets rid of possible ingrown hairs.
  • Sunbathing a few weeks before the procedure, either on the beach or in the solarium, is prohibited.
  • A couple of weeks before the session, you should completely switch to a razor. It is strictly forbidden to perform epilation or depilation with hair pulling.
  • It is better not to use alcohol-containing products the day before the session.
  • If you are taking antibiotics, you need to inform your cosmetologist about this. It is not recommended to take tetracycline antibiotics.

The chosen clinic will tell you everything else. Your doctor may recommend taking medications containing melanin. This is necessary for the best effect. Sometimes the hairs may not contain enough of this hormone and in order to really have an effect you will have to take these drugs for several days.

As it became clear, no complicated preparation is required. It is important not to forget about health. If there are any problems, then you should refrain from the laser procedure for a while.

For example, it is strictly forbidden to do laser hair removal if you have any skin diseases in the active phase. It is also better to avoid the laser on areas of the skin where there is damage (scratches, wounds, burns).

Is it possible to get rid of hair forever with laser hair removal?

By completing a course of procedures at SkinLazerMed using an alexandrite laser, you can get rid of unwanted hair for a long time. On average, after a course of laser hair removal, hair disappears for a period of 12 to 48 months. In some cases, judging by reviews, hair stops growing for 10-15 years. Afterwards they will appear, but they will be much smaller and their structure will resemble fluff. Therefore, you only have to do 1-2 procedures to remove the remaining hairs.

The results of the procedure are strictly individual. The effect depends on the characteristics of each organism, in particular due to hormones.

Laser hair removal on the face: stages and nuances of the procedure

Laser hair removal will help get rid of hair on the chin, cheeks or upper lip. They not only make women feel uncomfortable, but can even lower their self-esteem.

Especially considering the fact that it is currently important to grow hair on the head and get rid of it in all other places by any available means. Hair on a woman’s face does not look aesthetically pleasing and spoils even the most attractive appearance. Therefore, in pursuit of beauty, women strive to get rid of unnecessary hair. One of the most effective methods is laser hair removal.

There are, of course, other options. This includes shaving, waxing, sugaring and plucking, and depilatory creams. The options mentioned are the simplest and most tested, but, alas, their results do not last long, and there are also restrictions on use on the skin of the face.

Features of the new technology

The success of dynamic hair removal is due to three factors.

  • Powerful alexandrite laser with advanced characteristics;
  • Special sapphire tip with built-in cooling system, in contact with the skin;
  • The impact is “in motion” close to the skin, and not the traditional “stamp” method.

Let's see how changing these parameters allowed us to improve the procedure.

DataAlexandrite (classic) StampMOVEO
FeelPainful (sensitive)Absolutely no pain
Average time per procedure50 minutes20 minutes
Tanning before and afterIt is forbiddenCan
Restrictions on skin color (phototype)Bright skinFrom light to darkest
Hair color restrictionsDark hairAny hair color (light, dark, red)
Zone processing speed (10X10) palm90 seconds60
PreparationHair that has grown by 2-3 mmSmooth shaved skin
Possible side effectsPigmentation, burn, irritation100% safety
SeasonalityYes (except summer)No, hair removal all year round
Odor during the procedureYes (burnt hair)No

Moveo technology is based on an alexandrite laser (standard wavelength 755 nm) with specific characteristics.


  • Peak power up to 6000 W;
  • Ultra-short pulse from 3 ms
  • Safe energy density level -2-8 J/cm
  • The contact method ensures a minimum coefficient of laser energy loss
  • Ability to split one power pulse into two
  • The clock frequency of the alexandrite laser has been significantly increased to 10 Hz - which makes the procedure record-breaking fast

CANDELA hair removal is effective!

We care about the comfort for our patients and the effectiveness of the procedure, so we spent more than 5 million rubles on one of the most modern alexandrite lasers of the latest (third) generation. For more than 30 years, the installations of this manufacturer have been operating effectively in the global medical market.

Why did we choose an alexandrite laser and not purchase ruby ​​and diode lasers, as in other clinics? Because initially alexandrite devices were intended for medical purposes, which means they had the highest rates of efficiency and safety.

Proven effectiveness: before and after photos

The GentleLasePro device is the most modern model for hair removal from the company SYNERON (USA). The only competitor is Gentle Max Pro from the same manufacturer, which, in addition to the hair removal module, adds the option of removing blood vessels. But we remove the vessels using a special device Lumenis M22 - it literally “erases” the threads of the capillaries and leaves an even skin color.

Yes, everything is clear! I would like to consult before the procedure!


Thank you!

Information has been sent to the clinic administrators!

What are the benefits of CANDELA GentleLase Pro?

  1. The shortest course of getting rid of excess hair. Alexandrite lasers have the most optimal wavelength for affecting hair melanin. Therefore, you don’t have to go to the clinic like going to work – several procedures with long breaks between them will be enough. This is not marketing - this is physics.
  2. No discomfort or pain. This is true - our device cools the skin before the laser flash, and the cooling occurs not with simple air (like most other devices), but with cryogenic cooling gas. There are no analogues of this patented system on the market!
  3. Candela is a non-contact laser : no need to shave your hair, use lubricants and gels (to which the skin can react in unexpected ways!). Unlike diode competitors, the procedure is comfortable and pleasant; after it, you do not need to run to the shower and wash off sticky compounds from the skin!
  4. Fair intervals between procedures . Forget about endless hair removal every 2 weeks. In our clinic, the procedure is performed by professional doctors, not medical students. They correctly calculate the “correct” breaks between visits, based on the specifics of hair growth. We guarantee: you will get rid of hair on your legs in 3-4 visits (with breaks of 1.5-2 months), and in the armpit area - in 2-3 visits (with a break of 1-1.5 months).
  5. Really affordable prices. We are not a network hair removal clinic; we do not have the task of “chasing” a patient through 10-15 hair removal procedures, receiving payment for each of them. Let's face it, you can find cheaper prices, but in the end patients (after 5-6 useless visits) still come to us. Our equipment costs over 5 million rubles to build, is licensed and approved for use: this is exactly what a real hair removal laser should be like!

The device has one nozzle and several different tips. It is the most technically advanced of all lasers in terms of operating speed: it produces 2 flashes per second, and the impact area is 2 cm in diameter. Thanks to this, it is possible to treat fairly large areas of skin in a short time.

Leg hair removal with Candela laser

Laser operating principle

The laser light pulse is aimed at melanin , which absorbs the released energy and thereby destroys the hair follicle.

Melanin is the coloring pigment of the hair itself (the darker the hair, the more melanin it contains).

The hair follicle is the part of the hair that is responsible for hair growth by interacting with other parts of the body.

When exposed to a laser, most of the energy is transferred internally (to the follicle) and only a small part is distributed over the surface of the skin. This process avoids burns and overheating of the skin, and does not cause severe pain. To enhance this effect, the doctor performing the procedure usually applies a special gel (or cream).


For all its versatility, dynamic hair removal still has contraindications.
They are standard for all hardware procedures:

  • Oncological diseases. Laser hair removal can only be done after 5 years of remission;
  • Pregnancy and lactation. During these periods, the female body may react unpredictably to laser exposure;
  • Fever, any infectious diseases. We need to wait for recovery;
  • Violation of skin integrity, inflammation, rashes and tattoos in the treatment area. If the tattoos are small, they can be glued or covered, but the vegetation in these areas cannot be removed with a laser, so that the image does not change color or fade;
  • Severe neurological and mental illnesses;
  • Photodermatosis. When taking medications that have a photosensitizing effect, it is better to postpone the procedure;
  • Age up to 18 years. The reaction of a teenage body can be unpredictable, and the procedure may be ineffective.

Preparation for the procedure and skin care after

For the most effective hair removal, grow hairs to 3-4 mm. Put off signing up for a tanning salon - laser exposure to freshly tanned skin sometimes causes burns.

Between treatments of the course, you should not pluck your hair or remove it with wax or sugar. Shaving the laser-treated area will not affect the effectiveness of the course.

After laser hair removal, the skin becomes a little drier than usual, so hair removal specialists advise using moisturizers.

How many procedures are needed?

First of all, it depends on the area being treated, since the depth of the hair is different everywhere. We invite you to look at the comparison table, where you will clearly see the difference. It is also worth understanding that most of the hair is in sleep mode and in order for it to awaken, it is necessary to remove the current ones. Therefore, the minimum number of sessions is 6.

The average patient requires 6-10 sessions for complete hair removal. It is possible for single hairs to grow a few months after the last session, which can be removed precisely and quickly.

How does the procedure work?

There is no need to prepare specially for the procedure; it is enough to shave all the hair in the epilated area the day before the procedure or on the day of the procedure to make the skin smooth. Otherwise, there are no restrictions; you can (although not very advisable) even sunbathe and use self-tanning.

Immediately before the procedure, the doctor will examine the area to be epilated, determine your phototype and adjust the laser in accordance with it. After this, you need to put on glasses to protect your vision and take a comfortable position. There is no need to apply anesthetic creams: the method is completely painless, and you will experience extremely pleasant sensations during the treatment.

Avoiding painkillers saves time. And for those who are allergic to anesthetics combined with a low pain threshold, Moveo hair removal becomes not even the optimal, but the only possible choice!

A special gel will be applied to the skin to allow the handpiece to glide. If you need to rid a large area of ​​the body of vegetation, the doctor will divide it into separate sections measuring 10 by 10 centimeters , to which the required power is set. Individual moles will be painted over with a white pencil, taped or covered. The doctor will do the same with tattoos.

The plots are processed sequentially. The doctor slides the cooled tip over the skin in random directions until a beep sounds, indicating that the planned area has been epilated.

Laser hair removal Moveo (Moveo)

After this, the doctor moves on to the next area. Dynamic laser hair removal takes minimal time. It takes about 60 seconds to treat an area the size of your palm. To remove hair from the upper lip, 30 seconds are enough, armpits are treated in 90 seconds.

Immediately after the procedure, the skin may turn pink, but this phenomenon goes away after a few minutes. Swelling does not appear at all. Now it is enough to remove the gel from the skin, and you can leave the clinic and return to your daily activities. There are no restrictions, you can lead a normal life. The very next day you can go to the beach, visit the sauna, bathhouse or pool.

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