Ultrasonic cavitation or LPG massage – which is more effective?

Cavitation is a relatively new method in cosmetology. But, despite his young history, he managed to win the trust of many patients who were tired of fighting excess fat deposits using classical methods. The effectiveness of the method is confirmed by reviews from those who managed to try the technology on themselves and were satisfied with the result.

Experts note that with cavitation it is possible to neutralize the appearance of cellulite even faster than using many alternative techniques.

In addition to the fight against extra pounds in certain areas of the body, the technique successfully copes with leveling the seemingly unattractive “orange peel”. All together, this guarantees an excellent external effect, as well as elasticity of the skin, ready to absorb nutrients with a vengeance. It’s not for nothing that before and after photographs amaze with the dramatic changes.

What is this procedure in cosmetology?

Cavitation is liposuction without surgery. Ultrasound machines create an intense acoustic wave at a low frequency. Under the influence of vibrations, a cavitation effect occurs in the fat cells, and the membrane membranes burst. Lipids enter the intercellular space, from where they are removed through the lymphatic system. One tenth enters the blood in the form of glucose.

Important to remember!

The cavitation effect occurs under certain parameters of the sound wave: low frequency 38-42 kHz, pressure 0.6 kPa, high flow intensity. This process does not occur during ultrasound examinations of internal organs.

Cavitation is a local phenomenon and does not spread to neighboring tissues and vessels. Cosmetologists use this property to remove cellulite and fat deposits in certain areas. Unlike diets, the process does not ensure uniform weight loss, but removes “excess” in problem areas. During one procedure, volumes are reduced by 2-5 cm, depending on the treatment area.


The treatment procedure takes from 20 to 45 minutes in complex cases. In one approach, a body area of ​​25x25 cm is treated. For a lasting effect, 5-7 sessions are required, once a week.

The patient lies on the couch, and the cosmetologist acts on problem areas of the body with an ultrasound device. To reduce friction and better penetration of acoustic waves, the doctor uses a special gel. During the destruction of fat cells, aspirate is released - a liquid with triglycerides. During liposuction, it is removed from the body through cannula needles that are inserted under the skin. In the cavitation technique, probes and cannulas are rarely used, and aspirate removal is accelerated using lymphatic drainage massage or pressotherapy.

Patients begin preparing for the procedure 3 days in advance:

  • alcohol, coffee, high-calorie foods, spicy and fried foods are excluded from the diet;
  • daily drinking water consumption is increased to 1.5-2 liters.

Before ultrasound cavitation, a doctor is consulted to identify contraindications. Cosmetic procedures 7-10 days before the session are excluded.

After treatment, doctors recommend that patients eat a low-calorie diet, drink at least 1.5 liters of water, and moderate physical activity. If these conditions are met and maintenance procedures are performed every 2-4 months, the effect lasts up to 2 years.

Benefits and harms of the procedure

Ultrasonic waves penetrate to a depth of 3 cm and destroy fat cells more effectively than manual massage or wraps. The intervention is non-invasive and does not leave any scars like liposuction. Other benefits of cavitation:

  • the procedure does not cause discomfort and does not require anesthesia;
  • there is no postoperative recovery period;
  • fat does not return to the areas of the body where treatment was performed.

Cavitation has more disadvantages than advantages:

  • it does not solve the problem of general obesity, since the effect is local;
  • the breakdown products of fat cells are eliminated from the body within a week, and the full course of treatment takes a long time;
  • The procedure has a large list of contraindications and possible side effects - read about them below;
  • if recommendations for reducing calories in the diet are not followed, there is no effect of treatment;
  • high cost of one procedure.

During the session, it is possible to increase body temperature due to increased lymph flow, but this is a short-term phenomenon.

Important to remember!

Some of the breakdown products of fat cells enter the blood and cause an increase in sugar levels. Therefore, only a doctor can recommend this procedure after collecting the patient’s medical history.

For lasting results, other cosmetic procedures are prescribed along with cavitation: pressotherapy, lymphatic drainage, mesotherapy, electrolipolysis.

Benefits of manipulation

Complete non-invasiveness is the first positive quality of the intervention, which will appeal to those who are not ready to endure severe pain and possible scars after surgery.

The effectiveness of the technique has been proven during scientific experiments and by numerous satisfied clients. The good news is that the reduction in volumes is happening gradually. This allows the skin to adapt to changed shapes without stretching, sagging or losing its original elasticity.

When trying to remove deposits of fat on the sides of the abdomen, a person can count on the fact that the ultrasound approach will simultaneously trigger a restoration mechanism in the body.

Blood microcirculation will also improve, which will be the key to prompt delivery of nutrients to different layers of tissue.

Those who seek such help confirm that after visiting a cosmetologist they receive an even skin texture without bruising or swelling. The latter are the prerogative of massages, which are sometimes carried out with a disproportionately applied force by the master, which is not provided for in case of cavitation.

Equipment used for procedures

Manufacturers offer both specialized devices for ultrasound cavitation and multifunctional devices with additional functions of RF lifting, removal of stretch marks and scars, etc.

See the table for comparative characteristics of popular models.

Device nameProviderFunctionsPrice
Multifunctional device NV-i3FD-Cosmetic·Ultrasonic cavitation;
radiofrequency lifting;

·vacuum-radiofrequency lifting;


79 000
FG-660CFD-CosmeticUltrasound cavitation210 000
MBT VSMBT Cosmo·Ultrasonic cavitation;
radiofrequency lifting;

vacuum lifting

390 000
Soni Care+Trolley (Italy)Wellness SpaUltrasound cavitationnot specified by the supplier
Ultra 40K (Italy)Online store “Your Beauty”·Ultrasonic cavitation;
radiofrequency lifting
117 000

When choosing a device for a beauty salon, experts advise following the following rules:

  1. Multifunctional devices are demanding in terms of operating conditions. Devices with complex cooling systems, for example, for hair removal and tattoo removal, are less reliable than simple combines for cavitation, pressotherapy, etc.
  2. To avoid counterfeits, check the documentation from the supplier and manufacturer: vehicle declaration, registration certificate of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.


Decide what tasks the device will solve and where it will be located. Along with cavitation, lymphatic drainage massage is performed to remove decay products and other procedures. It is preferable to use devices with related functions so that all therapy takes place in one room.

Devices for RF lifting – which one is better?

There are a wide variety of devices that deliver radiofrequency energy to treat a variety of skin problems. However, many of them are not approved for use and may therefore be harmful. Below we will look at the most common devices approved by the FDA (the world's most famous medical organization for quality control of medications and treatment methods).

What you need to pay attention to when choosing a device for RF lifting...

  • Different devices operate at different frequencies - for example, there are devices that operate at a frequency of 470 kHz (that's 470 thousand pulses per second).
    There are those that operate at 4 MHz or 6 MHz (4 or 6 million pulses per second, respectively). There are many other devices, but usually the pulse frequency does not exceed 9 MHz. The higher the pulse frequency, the deeper the effect of the device is carried out deep into the tissues. Therefore, for the method to be effective, the device must first of all have high power. However, this can lead to overheating of the epidermis (the surface layer of the skin). Therefore, it is very important that the device is equipped with sensors for monitoring the temperature of the epidermis, as well as a cooling system. Such devices are usually much more expensive than low-frequency ones. The latter do not require either sensors or cooling systems, and therefore their price is much lower (as is their efficiency).
  • Device operating modes – RF lifting devices can operate in two modes. Firstly, radio frequency energy can be delivered in a monopolar mode, which is capable of treating areas larger than the device head itself, and the energy penetrates 20-30 mm deep. This is the second very important point that allows you to achieve a good effect from the procedure.
    Secondly, there are devices that operate in bipolar mode. With it, the penetration depth of radio frequency energy is extremely small (only 2-3 mm), which means that the energy practically does not penetrate into the dermis, limiting its effect on the epidermis (24stoma.ru). Bipolar devices are more convenient to use for cosmetologists themselves, but are less effective in terms of results.

    Conclusions : if you want a guaranteed result (especially for cellulite), then we advise you to choose procedures only on a device with a monopolar mode with a high pulse frequency. If you need to remove a double chin or change the contour of your face by burning excess fatty tissue, then devices with a monopolar mode will also be more suitable for you. But if you need to increase skin elasticity, then the bipolar mode will be preferable.

Thermage device –

The Thermage device operates in monopolar mode, has a pulse frequency of 6 MHz, and also uses patented ThermaTip technology to penetrate radio frequency energy into the deep layers of the skin (dermis). Heating the deep collagen structures in the skin results in immediate skin tightening. There are four generations of Thermage devices, and the most effective of them is Thermage 4.

Facial Thermage (popularly called thermolifting) was approved by the FDA in 2002 as a non-invasive procedure for use around the eyes and eyelids to treat fine lines and wrinkles, and to temporarily improve cellulite (in combination with vibration).

Note that the concept of “thermage” has become a household word among patients, and no longer implies the name of the device (as it should have been), but the procedure itself, carried out using any radio frequency energy devices.

Device “Accent” –

The Accent system has two tips at once - a bipolar tip for volumetric heating of the skin, that is, mainly for tightening the skin, and a monopolar tip for penetrating radio waves into the deep layers of the skin to reduce fatty tissue in the fight against cellulite.

Device "Tripollar" (Tripollar) –

The Tripollar system can use both monopolar and bipolar types of effects on the skin. It should be noted that when treating facial skin, bipolar devices allow you to achieve better results with less pain. In addition to professional devices, there are “Tripollar” devices for home use, the price of which starts at approximately $550.

But if we talk about RF body lifting, reviews among patients with initial signs of cellulite are positive only if the procedures are performed with devices with monopolar effects. This is due to the fact that from a monopolar tip the waves penetrate much deeper into the skin, which is important for the treatment of cellulite.

Combined devices –

Time does not stand still and device manufacturers in the beauty industry have begun to use radio frequency energy combined with other types of energy. This has provided many more options for treating a wide range of skin problems on the face and body. Typically, the energy of high-frequency light pulses is combined with radio frequency energy

Combined systems include the following devices:

  • "Syneron" and "The Aurora" (pulsed light + RF),
  • "Polaris", "Comet" (diode laser + RF),
  • "VelaSmooth" and "VelaShape" (infrared light + RF),
  • "Aluma" (vacuum booster + RF).

The combination of pulsed light (IPL) + radiofrequency energy (RF) in the machines is used for facial rejuvenation procedures, and the technology itself is called “Elos”. By the way, this combined technology is used not only to correct age spots and age spots on the skin, but also to epilate unwanted hair.

Ultrasonic cavitation or LPG massage - which is more effective?

LPG massage, endermolifting is one of the types of non-surgical hardware procedures for combating cellulite and excess weight. It can be vacuum, vacuum-roller and anti-cellulite.


The cavitation effect acts on the fat cell from the inside. Endermolifting is based on external mechanical impact on the body using rotating manipulators.

Destruction of deposits and increase in skin tone occurs due to the vacuum that the device creates when pressed. Unlike cavitation, LPG massage affects not only fat cells, but also surrounding tissues. Therefore, the procedure causes more discomfort and is more traumatic. To protect the skin during the session, the patient wears a special suit.

The choice between cavitation and LPG massage depends on what problems the patient has.

IndicationsEfficiency of the procedure
Ultrasound cavitationEndermolifting
Volumetric fat depositsYesNo
Small deposits of fatYesYes
Pronounced celluliteYesNo
Subcutaneous defects after liposuction errorsYesNo
Stretch marksYesNo
Loose skinYesYes
"Blurred" figureNoYes
Double chinYesYes
Recovery from injuriesNoYes

What other combinations are there?

The gold standard in aesthetic medicine is botulinum therapy and injection contouring, since the first solves the problem of facial wrinkles, and the second solves skin creases. The following scheme is also used: thread lifting, botulinum therapy and contour plastic surgery. For example, thread lifting Resorblift (France), which allows you to act on several layers of skin. But since after installing the threads, facial rest is necessary for some time, with very active facial expressions, you can first carry out the botulinum therapy procedure. Well, fillers will fill in existing wrinkles.

If the patient has an excess of horny skin cells, facial cleansing is first prescribed. This can be either atraumatic HydraFacial cleaning or chemical peeling. It is necessary to remove excess keratinized structures, enhance metabolic processes in tissues and eliminate pigmentary pathology. Then other problems are solved: facial wrinkles and dermal creases are eliminated using injection methods - contour plastic surgery in combination with botulinum therapy. In Russia, the most common type of aging is the deformation type, which is the most difficult to correct. This type of aging is characterized by the formation of jowls, a double chin, bags under the eyes, general puffiness and changes in oval shape. In case of such problems, the fat imbalances of the face (double chin, jowls) are first corrected. Next, if necessary, botulinum therapy is performed, then threads are placed in the lower third of the face.

Cryolipolysis or cavitation - which is better?

The purpose of these hardware procedures is to destroy the membranes of fat cells, but in a different way. During cryolipolysis, cooling plates are applied to problem areas of the body. Due to low temperature exposure, fat cells are damaged and disintegrate within 2-4 months. After the first session, the effect is weakly expressed, but after 4 procedures a lasting result is achieved, up to -9 cm of fat fold.

Cryolipolysis - what is this procedure?

Unlike cavitation, cryolipolysis patients may experience discomfort during treatment. At the same time, this manipulation does not require additional lymphatic drainage and pressotherapy - the breakdown products of fat cells are gradually eliminated from the body.

Experts believe that for a long-term effect, cryolipolysis is preferable to cavitation - see the table. In addition, it has fewer contraindications and side effects.

Comparison optionsCavitationCryolipolysis
The need for additional cosmetic proceduresLymphatic drainage, pressotherapy, etc.No
Noticeable effect after the first procedureYesNo
Number of procedures for lasting effect5-7 on average; in difficult cases - up to 12 3-4
Duration of effect without supporting procedures2 months4 months

Important to remember!

Cryolipolysis is used when the thickness of fat folds is more than 2 cm. Cavitation is used for any volume of deposits.


Despite the full amount of information, people still have additional questions. I have collected the most frequently asked questions and prepared answers to them.

How often can the procedure be done?

To obtain a lasting result, you will need an average of 3 to 5 sessions, the interval between them is 10 days. The frequency of procedures is determined by the doctor for each patient individually. The effect after cavitation lasts for two years. Then a lot depends on the behavior of the person himself.

What not to do after the procedure

This is also an important issue, since after the procedure you need to remove decay products from the body as quickly as possible. Therefore, all experts recommend drinking up to two liters of water daily. Such recommendations are given for the next 2-3 days. In addition, in the next 2-3 days you should also abstain from alcohol, fatty, spicy and salty foods.

Which is better – cavitation or RF lifting

First, I will point out the differences between these hardware cosmetology procedures. As already mentioned about ultrasonic cavitation, it uses ultrasonic waves. But with RF lifting, radio frequency waves affect the body. The difference lies in the range of electrical waves, in the frequency of the current. RF lifting uses high-frequency waves that can affect only the upper layers of the skin, while smoothing it out. And with cavitation - low-frequency ones that penetrate the lower layers of the skin, reaching fatty deposits and breaking them down.


Tatiana Kuznetsova

Since these procedures have different purposes, they are usually used together, complementing each other.

Is the procedure harmful?

The procedure can really be harmful if a person does not inform the cosmetologist about the presence of various diseases. Above I wrote about contraindications. If they are present, then ultrasonic cavitation can aggravate the situation. Just like after any other hardware procedure, side effects may occur. No one is immune from this. Therefore, I repeat once again: you should follow all the doctor’s recommendations before and after the session. Only in this case the risks of side effects will be minimal.

Is it possible to do ultrasonic cavitation at home?

Yes, subject to a number of rules:

  1. Consult a doctor and do not perform ultrasound massage if there are contraindications.
  2. The procedure is carried out with a certified device and with a special gel.
  3. Act strictly along the massage lines. You can study them in the instructions for the device or in consultation with your doctor.
  4. Perform lymphatic drainage massage on the day of the procedure or no later than 1-2 days after it to remove the remnants of the breakdown of fat cells.

Devices for ultrasonic massage and gels for its implementation are sold in online stores. The cost of devices starts from 3 thousand ₽, cosmetics - from 500 ₽.

IMPORTANT ! Devices for ultrasonic massage at home, unlike professional ones, operate at high frequencies. They are ineffective in the fight against fat folds. Their purpose: enhancing metabolism and the effect of anti-cellulite cosmetics, increasing skin elasticity, combating stretch marks and sagging skin.


Cavitation is performed to solve problems in the following areas of the body:

  • face - for tightening contours;
  • neck - increasing skin elasticity, eliminating folds;
  • hands - fat removal;
  • abdomen and side folds - reduction in volume up to 3 cm in one procedure;


Ultrasound cavitation is not performed on the lower abdomen, in the areas where the reproductive organs are located.

  • back and buttocks - removal of fat folds and cellulite;
  • hips - reduction in volume, pronounced “orange peel” and skin unevenness.

Experts recommend cavitation if there is:

  • body mass index, BMI, is higher than normal, which indicates the onset of obesity;
  • pronounced cellulite;
  • violation of the ratio of waist and hip volumes, local fat deposits on the back, arms, legs;
  • the presence of wen;
  • subcutaneous defects after liposuction.

Prices for the service

Attention! Current prices are published in the price list on our website. Services detail pages may not be updated.

  • Belly or riding breeches or arms – 990 rubles (30 minutes)
  • Area above the knees – 700 rubles (15 minutes)
  • Side surfaces of the body under the waist – 800 rubles (20 minutes)
  • Belly + side surfaces of the body below the waist) – 1500 rubles (up to 40 minutes)
  • Front thighs – 1900 rubles (40 minutes)
  • Inner thighs – 800 rubles (20 minutes)
  • Buttocks – 800 rubles (20 minutes)
  • Shoulders – 1000 rubles (20 minutes)
  • The area below the shoulder blades, extends above the bra – 990 rubles (20 minutes)
  • Cavitation + RF therapy of the abdomen – 2700 rubles per 1 session

Contraindications and side effects

Cavitation is not a harmless procedure and is carried out only after consultation with a doctor. Absolute contraindications to its implementation are:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • oncology;
  • diabetes;
  • dysfunction of the kidneys, liver, diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • skin diseases at the sites of exposure;
  • diseases of the reproductive system;
  • osteoporosis;
  • weakened immunity, allergic reactions, chronic infectious diseases.

Cavitation is not recommended during periods of acute respiratory viral infection, menstruation, poor health, or taking paracetamol and ibuprofen.

Side effects are rare, but possible:

  1. Inflammatory reactions of internal organs due to the entry of lipids into the lymph flow.
  2. Dehydration of the body, because the breakdown of fats requires a lot of oxygen. To prevent this, it is recommended to drink at least 1 liter of water before the procedure.
  3. Increased load on the liver due to toxins during the breakdown of lipids.
  4. Increased blood sugar levels and temporary pancreatic dysfunction.

Important to remember!

Failure to follow recommendations for proper nutrition and drinking regimen after cavitation can lead to nausea, dizziness, as well as the growth of wen - benign tumors of adipose tissue.

Contraindications for cavitation

Before undergoing the procedure, it is worth talking with a specialist and finding out who cavitation is not recommended for. The procedure for losing weight in the format of this method is quite gentle, but despite this, there is a list of conditions under which it is better for you to refuse this manipulation or reschedule the session.

Not recommended or prohibited if:

  • you are pregnant or breastfeeding,
  • there are oncological diseases, tumors,
  • suffer from diabetes mellitus,
  • have disorders of the immune system
  • inflammatory processes occur in the body.


In two procedures, plus “it went away on its own,” I think I lost even more than 6 centimeters in my problem area at that time—my stomach.
This procedure will not work in real life and will only be a waste of money if lymphatic drainage is not done immediately after it. This is the law, the rule, this is how it should be.

A mandatory rule is to drink at least two liters of water per day during the entire course of procedures.

You also need to remember that centimeters are lost most successfully in the abdominal area. Hips, especially the so-called “breeches,” are very difficult to undergo this procedure.

In the reviews I saw phrases like “then it comes back”... This procedure gives an effect, but requires you to have an active lifestyle and a healthy diet.

When the device is applied to the skin, there is a very strong ringing in the head, even a squeak, I would say. Very unpleasant.

When applied to the skin, it is slightly compressed, and you need to lie on your side. This applies to procedures on the abdomen, hips and arms. It was in these areas that I had cavitation done. But not all at once. The first procedure was on the thighs, and the second on the stomach and arms.

The procedure can be done no more than once a week. It can affect the liver, there are contraindications.

Immediately after the procedure, a pressotherapy session is required. This way the procedure will be more effective. And you also need to drink 2 liters of water a day. The result of pressotherapy, cavitation and anti-cellulite massage, plus proper nutrition and a treadmill - minus 4 kg in 3 weeks and minus 5 cm in the hips.

Literally after a couple of procedures in the “abdominal and side area” I felt unwell, this happened the next day, so I didn’t realize to connect these circumstances. My heart began to ache. During the next procedure in this zone, I felt bad again... My heart lost its rhythm, I thought it was going to explode... I started to choke, only one thought flashed through my head - it’s all over for you... It turned out okay, thank God... Naturally, there was no question of continuing the course.

My impressions: cavitation, of course, gives some results, but much greater ones can be achieved with the help of long-term diets with a normal diet, or proper nutrition and sports.

Harmful? No. But it's not harmless either. The procedure has a million contraindications. It is necessary to soberly assess the state of the body. Everything related to the removal of substances from the body will work in a freelance mode.

Effective? Definitely. There can't be no effect.

Expensive? Yes. If you choose a good device and a conscientious craftsman, it will be expensive. But the closest manipulation in meaning is liposuction, it is clearly more expensive, and its safety is more questionable. But when it comes to losing weight, there is a very good and inexpensive method: don’t eat. Not eating is much cheaper than eating, and even in large quantities.

In other words, I am a supporter of this method.

When I signed up for the procedure, I was warned that I needed to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of water per day (not liquid, but pure water)... After the procedure, do not eat for 2 hours and drink at least 2-3 liters of water during the day Necessarily. The effect and the presence of undesirable consequences (nausea, headache) depend on this. After cavitation, I had a lymphatic drainage procedure.

Now about the effect... Out of 4 sessions, I have only done 2 so far, because no more than 1 time in 7-10 days is possible.

Sizes up to... waist 81... sides 91... butt 99... hip 58

Measurements after (about 2 days) waist 77!... sides 90... butt 99 (we didn’t work it out)... hip 57 (1 cm for each leg, this is noticeable).

I am not going to stop and will continue, especially since there is an effect... I note that I did not have any unpleasant sensations during the procedure (pain, burning, anything like that)... I kept the water regime... This is important.

RF lifting – reviews, effectiveness studies

We can definitely say that RF lifting is effective in increasing skin elasticity by compressing collagen-containing structures and treating cellulite (especially if RF is combined with vibration effects on tissue).
You can also change the contour of your face and neck by destroying excess subcutaneous fat (for example, getting rid of a double chin), as well as reducing bags under your eyes. What you can't do - You can't get rid of wrinkles with this method, don't even try. There are many statements by cosmetologists about increasing the production of one’s own collagen after RF lifting, but no objective methods for assessing the increase in collagen in the skin after RF lifting have been provided in any clinical study.

The only objective method for evaluating any cosmetic procedure aimed at increasing the collagen content of the skin is to take skin samples before and after the treatment. After this, histological sections of the skin are studied under an electron microscope, which makes it possible to clearly say whether an increase in collagen content occurs or does not occur after the exposure.

We specifically searched for published clinical studies on the effectiveness of RF lifting that have such an evidence base. At the moment (January 2016) there is not a single study that has such an objective evidence base, which clearly indicates that statements about stimulating collagen production after RF lifting are unproven.

Two important points -

1) Firstly, the developers of the method talk about an increase in the level of collagen in the skin after RF lifting, which in itself can be verified only after studying electron microscopy data of skin sections before and after exposure. However, the developers do not publish not only electron microscopy images of skin sections, but even data on the quantitative increase in collagen before and after the procedure as a percentage.

By analogy with other methods, where developers usually suppress quantitative data on increasing the level of collagen in the skin (we are talking about plasma lifting, mesothreads) - this should indicate that the level of collagen, if it increases, then this happens either slightly or even at the level statistical error.

2) Secondly, many works have been published proving the effectiveness of RF lifting, but they are all based on completely subjective assessment methods, i.e. on a survey of patients or on a visual analysis of photos before and after RF lifting procedures. Such assessment methods, although subjective, confirm that changes are occurring. But the fact is that these changes occur due to compression of the collagen structures of the skin, and this is not even discussed. But this absolutely cannot be evidence of an increase in collagen content in tissues.

Although, the data from these surveys do not have much clinical value - below we will still present some numbers...

Data from published clinical studies - in 2013, a study was published on the effectiveness and satisfaction of patients after the RF lifting procedure (link to the study). The study involved 45 women with signs of aging skin and (in particular) visible wrinkles on the face. Each woman received 4 weekly RF lifting treatments. Then, after 1 and 6 months, they were surveyed and examined by cosmetologists.

RF lifting - reviews from these women showed that overall satisfaction with the procedure was only about 33.3% one month after the procedure and about 47% after 6 months after the procedure. Partial satisfaction was 53% one month after the procedure and 31% 6 months after the procedure. 8.9% were not at all satisfied with the RF face lifting procedure one month after the procedure and 4.4% after 6 months.

Again, the study does not indicate what exactly the therapy was carried out: bags under the eyes, wrinkles, reduction of the double chin or fatty deposits in the cheek area, and what exactly caused patient satisfaction. For example, can you notice a reduction in wrinkles around the eyes after RF lifting in Fig. 17? But removing the double chin (Fig. 18) and giving elasticity to the skin (Fig. 19) are very noticeable.

RF lifting: before and after photos

CONCLUSIONS: How convincing the evidence base for RF lifting is is up to you to decide. For our part, we have presented all the available arguments to confirm the effectiveness of the method, as well as data that may indicate the dubiousness of some of the declared effects. In addition, in cosmetology there are many absolutely ineffective methods, but which are actively promoted by cosmetologists.

For example, there is a method of facelift using mesothreads. The developers also say that these threads stimulate the production of collagen in the skin. However, studies have shown that there is no trace of any increase in collagen, and the tightening effect is carried out purely mechanically (due to hooks and notches on the threads), as well as due to tissue scarring along the inserted thread.

Facial Thermage - reviews from cosmetologists indicate that this non-invasive facelift procedure is very effective for skin with the first signs of aging. But on the other hand, cosmetologists are an interested party and it is important for them to sell as many services as possible, especially if a clinic buys an expensive device, then no one will refuse to use it, even if it is ineffective. In cases where it is necessary to sell an ineffective method, cosmetologists usually try to impose a combination of methods, one of which will actually have an effect.

For example, to smooth out wrinkles, cosmetologists often recommend a method called plasma lifting, but they do it to their patients mainly only in combination with Botox or with fillers (hyaluronic acid gels), which smooth out wrinkles without any platelet-rich plasma.

How much does the procedure cost?

The table shows prices for ultrasonic cavitation services in Moscow clinics.

Impact areaPrice for 1 procedure, ₽Number of offers
Stomach3 65971
Waist3 85264
Knees3 46725
Hips3 82969
Small zone2 497141
Large zone5 42775

What to combine cavitation with?

We recommend combining the procedure with RF lifting, which additionally stimulates the breakdown of fats and helps tighten the skin. In addition, ultrasound can be combined with vacuum massage, myostimulation procedure and pressotherapy. A comprehensive solution to the problem will increase the effectiveness of treatment and the duration of the result.

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