How to choose cosmetics for facial care. Assembling the basic set

From this article you will learn:

  • What skin types exist and how to correctly identify them
  • What are the stages of facial skin care?
  • What are the recommendations of specialists for caring for different skin types?
  • How to properly care for your skin at different ages

There is not a single woman who has never had problems with her facial skin. Adolescence, as a rule, leaves its mark in the form of pimples and acne, and not all representatives of the fair sex go away after this period. However, even after 30 years there are no less problems. Women psychologically do not want to accept the first wrinkles, because they always want to look perfect. Ultraviolet rays, exhaust fumes, and dust also adversely affect the skin of the face. The skin protects our body, but it itself needs protection. Therefore, knowing how to properly care for your facial skin, you will maintain youth for many years and prevent the appearance of the first wrinkles.

Oily skin - how to properly care for it

Thanks to the increased secretion of sebum, oily skin does not age for a long time. Wrinkles appear on it quite late. Another advantage is reduced sensitivity. Those with oily skin can more easily tolerate more aggressive cosmetic procedures, such as deep peels, without the risk of irritation.

The main problems that arise in owners of such skin are acne, increased oiliness, enlarged pores, and blackheads.


Products for oily skin:

  • Cleansers with glycolic and salicylic acid - reduce sebum production, remove acne and reduce pores.
  • Cosmetic products with vitamin A - normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, improve the color and appearance of the face.
  • Antioxidant serums – prevent aging.
  • Light moisturizing creams and cosmetics with hyaluronic acid - moisturize without adding grease or clogging pores.

Recommended treatments for oily skin:

  • Laser procedures have a bactericidal effect and prevent acne.
  • Chemical peels – remove age spots, acne, and reduce sebum production.
  • Cosmetic cleansing – eliminates acne, clogged pores, blackheads, which often form on such skin.
  • Dysport/Botox fillers – remove wrinkles and dark circles under the eyes, making the oval of the face better defined.

Chemical peeling
Proper care will remove oily shine from the skin, tighten pores and avoid the appearance of acne.

Procedures for skin rejuvenation: stage 2

On the fourth day after the contouring and fractional rejuvenation procedures, the biorevitalization procedure and botulinum toxin injections were performed.

1. To eliminate dry skin and fill it with moisture, biorevitalization of the face and neck is performed with Outline gel Lifter 2ml. This drug was chosen due to the presence of zinc in its composition, which has a lifting effect. Thus, as a result of biorevitalization, the skin will not only be filled with moisture and become more hydrated, but also tightened.

Biorevitalization is an injection of hyaluronic acid under the skin, a substance that is produced by the human body and is “native” to it. Biorevitalizants saturate the skin with much-needed moisture, thereby providing the proper conditions for the full functioning of cells. This allows you to start the process of “restoration” of tissues and restore elasticity and healthy color to the skin.

2. The final stage of a comprehensive facial rejuvenation program will be botulinum therapy. The introduction of Botulinum toxin as a means of combating facial wrinkles has been practiced by cosmetologists for more than 30 years. During this time, doctors became convinced of the effectiveness of the drug, which is capable of regulating the tension of different muscle groups, thereby smoothing the skin and ridding the face of unaesthetic folds.

Non-surgical comprehensive facial rejuvenation allows you to achieve the following results:

  • restoration of facial volumes lost over the years;
  • elimination of bags under the eyes and the effect of sunken eyes;
  • giving lips fullness and a clear contour;
  • restoration of skin tone on the neck and décolleté;
  • elimination of facial wrinkles;
  • improving the quality of the skin, giving it a healthy glow, filling it with life-giving moisture.

Result after 20 days after the procedure

Dry skin - care features

Due to the weak secretion of sebum, pimples and blackheads almost never appear on it. If they do occur, it is usually in the form of isolated rashes. Dry skin has very small pores that are practically invisible, so it does not have an oily sheen.

Its owners, as a rule, need a large amount of moisturizers. After washing, especially with soap, dry skin “tightens.” She is very sensitive and easily irritated by aggressive products or procedures.

Dry skin is susceptible to various dermatological diseases. From frost and heat it becomes inflamed and peels.

Ideal products for dry skin:

  • Gentle cleansers that combine cleansing and moisturizing. These can be thicker, creamier formulations or light foaming products.
  • Moisturizers that restore and nourish at the same time.
  • Non-retinoid anti-aging products containing growth factors and peptides to prevent aging.

Recommended treatments for dry skin:

  • Mesotherapy – injections of vitamins and nutritional components. Allows you to fight dryness and prevent early wilting.
  • Plasmolifting is the introduction of the patient’s own plasma taken from his blood. It has a regenerating effect and inhibits age-related processes. The procedure makes the skin smoother and healthier.
  • Face masks , including water-based ones, have a rejuvenating and moisturizing effect.
  • Dysport and Botox will help in the fight against wrinkles. For dry skin, botulinum toxin-based treatments should be started as early as possible to prevent the aging process.
  • Restylane, Juvederm and Sculptor fillers will remove wrinkles. With this type of skin, their use should begin at the first signs of aging.

Proper care will eliminate dry skin and slow down the aging process.

Basic principles of proper care

Despite the peculiarities for each age, the concept of preserving youthful skin is always the same:

  • complete hydration;
  • timely cleansing;
  • toning;
  • nutrition and use of products with beneficial micro- and macroelements;
  • ensuring the preservation of elasticity;
  • protection from harmful influences.

It is very important to monitor not only the condition of the epidermis, but also its health. If there are signs of even the slightest bacterial or infectious process, you must contact a cosmetologist. Scheduled examinations twice a year will help you get an idea of ​​proper care - a specialist will tell you what you can use and when, how to take care of your face after the summer and cold seasons, and how to keep your skin youthful and healthy.

Combination skin – a cosmetologist will help you care for it

In this case, dry or normal areas alternate with oily areas located in the nose, forehead and chin. There is no “typical” behavior for this type - it all depends on the specific combination of areas. Its condition may fluctuate depending on the season, hormonal changes, stress, etc.

Recommended products for combination skin:

  • In winter. Products that combat cold and dryness, which often occurs due to a long stay in a room with central heating.
  • In summer. Moisturizing cosmetics that prevent aging.
  • Always. Products with vitamins, growth factors, peptides and antioxidants that improve the condition of skin structures.

It is recommended to use a rich cream on dry areas and a light moisturizer on oilier ones. That is, owners of such skin will need several care products.

Applying a rich cream on dry areas

Ideal procedures:

  • In this case, there are no uniform recommendations - they differ for each patient. For most people, plasma injection, mesotherapy, and facial cleansing are suitable in case of acne and other skin manifestations associated with clogged pores.
  • For such skin, preparations based on botulinum toxin are recommended - Dysport, Botox and their analogues, fillers (fillers) based on hyaluronic acid and other components.

It is very difficult to choose the right methods for caring for combination skin - only a cosmetologist can do this. Trying on your own can cause serious harm.

How to choose the best products for daily facial care

The basis of a beauty routine for any age is an almost identical set of procedures, differing only in the intensity of application and the concentration of the formulas.


Morning and evening, we cleanse the skin of sebum particles, sweat, cosmetics and external impurities. To remove remnants of makeup (even persistent ones) from the eyes, use micellar water.


Additional deep cleansing with peelings and scrubs, aimed at intense exfoliation and subsequent accelerated skin renewal. It is carried out 1-2 times a week.


The final stage of cleansing: restores the pH of the skin and prepares it for the application of basic care products.


Light in texture, additional care product: can be used before cream or as an independent step. It has a highly concentrated targeted action formula to solve a specific problem.


The basic and final stage of care, aimed at correcting existing imperfections and preventing new ones. Depending on the needs, the cream is aimed at moisturizing the skin, nourishing, protecting, restoring or providing powerful anti-aging support. There are day and night creams.

Sun protection

As a separate stage of day care: prevents photoaging and other negative effects of ultraviolet radiation on the skin.

Important(!): all care products must be selected according to your skin type and needs.

Skin prone to rosacea (rosacea) and redness

A distinctive feature is the appearance of red, inflamed spots on the cheeks, nose and chin. Such skin is sensitive to weather conditions - burning and other signs of discomfort occur in the sun and cold. Small blood vessels (rosacea) often appear on the face and chest.

Features of skin prone to redness and rosacea:

  • Does not tolerate aggressive care products and requires the use of cosmetics with an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Areas of peeling, wrinkles, freckles, and age spots quickly appear.
  • Pink and red pimples may appear, sometimes purulent.

Most suitable products:

  • Cosmetics with anti-inflammatory effect. Soothing creams and face masks are perfect. All other means must be used with caution so as not to aggravate the process.
  • Sunscreen compounds. Necessary because skin prone to redness and rosacea reacts too strongly to sunlight.
  • Protective creams. In winter, you need to use medications that protect the skin from cold temperatures and wind. This will make it possible to avoid exacerbation of rosacea.

Recommended procedures:

  • Laser that eliminates dilated blood vessels and redness. This is one of the most effective treatment methods for inflammation and rosacea.
  • Very gentle superficial chemical peeling. Deeper options are not suitable in this case.
  • Botox and Dysport injectables, as well as Retisline and Juvederm fillers used to eliminate wrinkles. They are safe and can improve skin condition.

Laser rejuvenation
The best results when caring for such skin are obtained by combined tactics - a combination of cosmetics and various procedures performed by a cosmetologist in a clinic.

Skin rejuvenation procedure: stage 1

To determine other rejuvenation techniques, we will evaluate the condition of our patient’s skin. In the photographs you can observe a loss of facial volume, multiple small wrinkles, pronounced nasolabial folds, bags under the eyes, and uneven complexion. Skin turgor is reduced. It was decided to carry out non-surgical rejuvenation, which includes contour plastic surgery, fractional laser rejuvenation, biorevitalization, and botulinum therapy.

1. To make the procedure more comfortable, topical anesthesia is applied and the face is covered with film. After 30-40 minutes, you can begin introducing fillers.

2. After the required time has passed, the film is gradually removed. The sequence depends on which areas the gel will be injected into. In our case, the cheekbone area will be treated first. The skin is cleared of the anesthetic cream. Markings are applied.

3. Before the procedure, the doctor must, in your presence, open the sealed package of the drug, announce the name, volume and expiration date.

4. Filler injection begins from the cheekbone area using a linear-retrograde technique. 3 ml of Radiesse filler was injected into both cheekbones. The choice of filler in this case is determined by the fact that this drug causes less swelling, it is denser and takes longer to resolve.

5. For the area around the eyes, only hyaluronic fillers are used, since they are less dense than preparations based on calcium hydroxyapatite. Our patient is prone to swelling, so we use Ivor classic filler to fill the nasolacrimal grooves and the lower contour of the orbit.

6. Then we fill the temples (access from the scalp) and the lateral halves of the brow ridges with Rediesse filler 1 ml on the right and 1.5 ml on the left.

7. With age, the perioral area undergoes changes: a small network of wrinkles forms around the lips, lips lose volume and clear contour. In order to eliminate purse-string wrinkles and form a clear lip contour, Juvederm 3 filler is injected in a volume of 1 ml.

8. To eliminate nasolabial folds, one syringe of Juvederm 3 filler was used. A total of 0.8 ml was injected.

9. The next stage is vector lifting towards the jowl from the anchor point to the area of ​​the zygomatic arch using Rediesse 0.5 ml on each side.

10. Then we fill the pre-mammary pits with 0.5 ml of Rediesse on each side at two levels: subcutaneous and axillary.

11. Then the cheeks are filled with Radiesse filler, 1 ml on each side.

12. With age, earlobes sag. In order to rejuvenate and create a beautiful shape of the lobes, contour plastic surgery was performed.

13. To activate the synthesis of hyaluronic acid, improve the quality and color of the skin, the second stage is fractional facial rejuvenation. To eliminate discomfort during the procedure, local anesthesia is used.

14. Fractional laser rejuvenation is the treatment of the skin with a beam of laser energy, divided using a special attachment into very thin beams that penetrate deeply into the skin and leave a grid-like pattern on it.

15. Laser rejuvenation is aimed at stimulating collagen synthesis so that the newly created collagen fibers form an additional framework. As a result of using the technique, the skin tightens, thickens, and becomes elastic. In addition, this technology has proven itself as a way to combat age spots.

16. At the end of the procedure, a special composition of anti-inflammatory creams is applied.

1st day. Photo immediately after facial contouring and fractional rejuvenation.

You can see the changes that the skin undergoes in the photographs below. Swelling after contouring subsides within 3 days. Redness is observed for 1-2 days after fractional rejuvenation. On the 3rd day, crusts form. On the 4th day, the crusts actively peel off. Then, on days 6-7, the crusts disappear, the skin becomes smooth and pleasant to the touch, but its color remains uneven. After 10-14 days, the skin acquires an even tone.

Dark skin - care features

Its owners produce melanin pigment in sufficient quantities, so sunburn practically does not occur on dark skin. Wrinkles appear on it quite late, but when they appear, the face immediately looks tired.

Features of dark skin:

  • Pigment problems. Dark spots from acne, scars and scratches often remain on the face and décolleté. During pregnancy, dark-skinned women often develop age spots that do not go away.
  • Dark skin, like all other skin types, can be oily, sensitive, dry or even prone to rosacea, and therefore needs care.

Recommended procedures:

  • Chemical peeling to lighten and even out skin tone. The procedure must be performed by a very experienced specialist. Too much exposure will cause age spots to appear.
  • Dysport or Botox and fillers based on hyaluronic acid and other components. For dark skin, these medications are as necessary as for other types.

If you have skin problems, such as clogged pores and inflamed areas, additional cosmetic procedures will be needed.

Normal skin type

Normal skin type is most often found in healthy young people and is distinguished by:

  • matte coating;
  • smooth terrain;
  • elastic;
  • without enlarged pores and age spots.

Normal skin tolerates any weather well, easily absorbs water, and has strong protection against environmental influences.

Care is needed to:

  • maintain a healthy appearance for a long time;
  • slow down premature aging.

Rules for caring for normal skin type

To slow down the aging process and tone, you need:

  • remove contaminants from the skin surface using atraumatic and ultrasonic cleaning;
  • provide normal skin with good care by making masks;
  • To maintain skin tone, conduct a course of facial massage.

Pale skin requires special attention and proper care

Light skin looks beautiful and aristocratic. It’s not for nothing that nobles used to strive with all their might to get such a complexion. However, it has disadvantages:

  • Skin with this feature is very sensitive to the sun - it practically does not tan, but turns red. Sunburn is common.
  • White-skinned people can react very violently to any cosmetic procedures. The solarium is also a risk area for them. It can cause unpleasant consequences, including burns.
  • Since such skin lacks the pigment melanin, which protects it from sunlight, without proper care and use of sunscreen, wrinkles, freckles and age spots appear on it. Such people have an increased risk of developing skin cancer, including the most malignant - melanoma.

Cosmetic products for fair skin:

  • Sunscreen. Protects against sunburn, cancer, freckles, age spots. Products with SPF 30 or higher are recommended.
  • Antioxidants. Protects against the oxidative effects of the sun and the environment.
  • Masks, lotions and other products containing vitamins and anti-inflammatory components. They cleanse the skin well and relieve inflammation.

Mask for pale skin
Ideal procedures:

  • Laser. Pale skin is an ideal type for laser treatments from hair removal to non-surgical tightening. Thanks to its light tone, it responds well to the laser.
  • Mesotherapy. Introducing vitamin cocktails into the skin improves its structure and nourishes it with useful substances.
  • Chemical peeling. An excellent alternative to laser. Only soft surface options are recommended.
  • Dysport / Botox and fillers (fillers). You can start using it early, as soon as the first age-related changes appear.

Proper care will turn such skin into jewelry and significantly reduce the risk of developing cancer.

Signs of a young face

What should a face be like so that it pleases the eye with charming youth? Not only wrinkle-free. Loss of volume (especially in the area of ​​the cheeks and cheekbones), which occurs as a result of the destruction of collagen fibers, leads to the fact that the face looks increasingly tired, haggard, and aged. The situation is aggravated by gravity, which causes sagging of soft tissues (ptosis). This, in turn, leads to a change in the shape of the face: if in youth it resembles a triangle, pointing downwards, then over the years the base of the triangle appears below. Under the influence of gravity, the face seems to “swim” - its middle part flattens, “jowls”, “double chin”, and nasolabial furrows appear. The skin becomes inelastic, flabby, and acquires a stale hue. Muscles lose elasticity. Even if all the wrinkles are eliminated, such a face will still look “well-lived,” tired, and gloomy.

A young face is characterized by clear contours, high cheekbones, lack of asymmetry, and excellent skin quality. The young dermis produces elastin and collagen in sufficient quantities, due to which the temples, cheeks, lips remain full, and the shape of the face remains similar to the letter V. Contour plastic surgery will help you gain a second youth. The lost volumes are returned, the eyes and temples no longer look sunken. The technique allows you to achieve a comprehensive lifting effect, since the projection of the cheekbones, which has become higher, automatically eliminates sagging cheeks and returns the face to the shape of a triangle, inverted with the point down.

Therefore, the first stage of non-surgical rejuvenation will be contour plastic surgery.

Do I need to take care of normal skin that does not have problems?

Of course, it is necessary, since it is also subject to the aging process. In this case, there are no special recommendations - everything is determined by the condition of the skin, age and other factors.

The main thing is not to delude yourself that healthy skin itself will always look great. She also needs peelings to remove dead particles, beauty injections and Botox to eliminate wrinkles. Other care procedures will also be useful. Protection from ultraviolet rays and frost, adequate nutrition and hydration are also required.

Healthy, beautiful skin is a gift given by nature. Therefore, it must be preserved and increased.

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to skin care. What works perfectly in one case may not work at all in another. Even having accurately determined your skin type, before using any cosmetic products or undergoing procedures, you must consult a cosmetologist at the Center for Aesthetic Medicine. This will allow you to make the right choice.

What is important at 20+ years old?

The age when pubertal hormonal changes are already behind us, and it seems too early to think about aging. But this is a misconception, since care needs to be learned from an early age. Young people need to adhere to preventive measures to ensure that their skin remains radiant, fresh and smooth for a long time. How to properly care for facial skin at the age of 20+:

  1. Be sure to maintain fluid intake. Previously, it was believed that it was necessary to drink up to 1.5 - 2 liters per day. Now nutritionists and cosmetologists adhere to slightly different tactics - you need to drink when you want. But you should monitor your water balance very carefully. When the skin lacks moisture, it immediately signals this by dryness.
  2. During the day, particles of dust and dirt accumulate on the surface of the dermis. Before going to bed, cleansing with foams or gels is required. Be sure to remove makeup. Properly give the dermis the opportunity to receive nutrition even during sleep - a face cream marked 20+ will help deliver all the nutritional components to the cells. The same scheme applies to the area around the eyes.
  3. UV protection. In winter, use a product with SPF 30; in summer, apply cream with SPF 50 before going outside.

At this age, acne can also appear; there can be many reasons for this - from poor diet to stress. Visits to a cosmetologist will help avoid more serious problems.

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