Facial peeling with fruit acids: a cosmetologist spoke about the features of the procedure and its effects

Problematic facial skin is skin with acne ; let’s immediately define the problem using medical terminology, because Many people consider their skin to be “problematic” and this is not always associated with the presence of rashes.

Not all experts recommend peelings for acne: some categorically do not perform them, limiting themselves only to mechanical cleansing. The other part, on the contrary, considers this a direct indication for peeling, but then faces an exacerbation of rashes. Who is right and who is wrong? And what kind of peeling is necessary and can be performed for problem skin?

We will give you brief but clear instructions on which peeling is best for problematic facial skin.

When peeling should not be done

Indeed, there are clinical skin conditions when chemical peeling is contraindicated and can provoke an exacerbation of the process and the appearance of new inflammatory elements, or penetrate into the deeper layers and cause a chemical burn.

Contraindications include:

  1. High activity of the process of rash appearance

Peeling is a stimulating procedure and its implementation can provoke the appearance of new elements on the skin.

  1. Acne 3 – 4 degrees of severity (cysts, drainage elements, conglobate acne)

Rashes affecting the middle and deep layers of the skin, plus, as a rule, a violation of the skin barrier function are contraindications for chemical peeling.

  1. The presence of violations of the integrity of the skin (for example, after mechanical cleaning or self-squeezing)

Acids will easily penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, causing a chemical burn, accompanied by a burning sensation during the procedure and subsequent peeling of the skin.

In all other cases, chemical peeling is indicated as a therapeutic measure.

However, there is no universal solution for everyone. It is necessary to select the composition individually, depending on the clinical manifestations.

Is restoration required?

Even when using acid peeling for the face from Israel, a long rehabilitation period is required. Its duration depends on the degree of exposure of the substances to the tissue. Recovery may take 7-14 days. Much depends on the physiological abilities of the body. After all, for some, the skin recovers faster, and the regeneration process can take no more than 7 days. For some, this period takes more than two weeks. However, despite this, each patient must comply with the following instructions:

  • The use of ointments and creams that can speed up the healing process. It could be Solcoseryl or Bepanten.
  • Complete refusal to visit saunas and baths.
  • Protecting tissues from accidental injuries.
  • Protection from low temperatures.
  • Refusal to use aggressive facial cleansers.

You should take care of your skin after the procedure in the same way as after receiving a burn.

How to choose a chemical peel for problem skin

So in what cases is chemical peeling indicated for problem skin:

  • Mild to moderately severe forms of acne
  • Inactive process of appearance of new rashes
  • Performed at least once every 2 weeks

Let's look at the rules for selecting peels for problem skin using the example of specific peels from the DermaQuest line of enriched peels.

What are enriched peelings?

Enriched DermaQuest peelings are non-seasonal and atraumatic peelings that are comparable in effectiveness to medium peels.

How enriched peels work:

Enriched peels contain low concentrations of AHAs , which work for gentle exfoliation and elimination of hyperkeratosis, and also act as enhancers - they form channels for deep penetration of the active substances included in the enriched peeling.

Active substances carried deep into the skin : peptides, plant stem cells, brightening ingredients, sebum-regulating, antioxidants, moisturizing.

Benefits of enriched peelings:

Enriched peelings are an opportunity to individually select a peeling to solve a specific problem (age-related changes, problematic skin, pigmentation, etc.) for a specific skin type (dry, oily, sensitive, irritated).

  • Absolutely safe to use; they do not cause peeling, skin irritation or post-peeling hyperpigmentation.
  • Maximum efficiency with minimal trauma.

How to cleanse your face at home?

The easiest and cheapest way is cosmetic clay, which can be bought at any pharmacy. For oily skin, choose green, white and blue clay. If you have dry skin, then you need to buy red clay. Black clay is suitable for any skin type. This product must be diluted with water (preferably mineral water). The consistency of your mask should resemble a thin porridge. Keep this mask for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water and apply moisturizer. Remember that no powder or foundation can give you the same effect as regular facial cleansing.

Among common cosmetic procedures, one of the leading places is occupied by cleansing the skin of excess impurities and dead cells. Facial cleansing, the prices of which are kept within moderate limits, is performed for hygienic purposes, in addition, it stimulates metabolic processes, nutrition and blood supply in the upper layers of the skin. The procedure is recommended for both men and women, starting from the age of puberty.

Pumpkin peeling Basic

Basic pumpkin peeling is a combination of AHA (glycolic and lactic acids 3%), salicylic acid 2% and pumpkin pulp 40% - a source of natural vitamin A.

Dissolves comedones (blackheads), shrinks pores, has a steaming effect, and also has a strong anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous, absorbable effect, helping to solve a wide range of problems:

• Thick seborrhea – dense comedones due to tight, dense sebum;

• Single inflammatory elements (papules and pustules);

• No age-related changes;

• Hyperkeratosis, “dirty” skin color;

Performs the function of atraumatic skin cleansing , reduces sebum production.

Clinically proven results: 87% reduction in breakouts with the DermaQuest Pumpkin Peel.

* Are you interested in real results and the opinions of cosmetologists about Atraumatic skin cleansing using Basic pumpkin peeling? Read here .

Six acid peels for the face up to 650 rubles: looking for the best

Are there any decent peelings among the budget ones? Lena Korenkova conducts a search operation at Ozone and comes to unexpected conclusions.

I have always believed that products with acids - be it peelings or serums - should be sought from professional or pharmacy brands. Well, that is, as “necessary”. There was simply nowhere else. Five to seven years ago they were neither in the luxury nor in the budget segment. Since then, AHAs have become a popular ingredient. But I didn’t even realize how much, until, while walking around Ozon.ru, I found a portal to a parallel world

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