The SM-Cosmetology doctor told how effective Facebook building is

Issues discussed in the material:
  • Do you need to pump up your facial muscles?
  • What exercises will help tighten the oval of the face?
  • How to do exercises without causing harm
  • What mistakes do most beginners make?
  • What myths about facial gymnastics should you not trust?

Naturalness and naturalness are the real trends of our time. Silicone, Botox and other “artificial” beauty procedures are being replaced by gentle, but no less effective ways to prolong beauty and youth. That is why natural rejuvenation methods are now popular: various massage techniques, the use of natural and organic cosmetics, and tightening facial exercises. We will dwell on the last technique in more detail, since there are many conflicting opinions and myths about face fitness.

What is Facebook building

This is a technique for working the facial muscles without improvised means.
The description sounds logical and promising: by acting on the facial muscles with your fingers, you work them out step by step, relax them, and thereby prevent the appearance of wrinkles. I really want to try it, especially since you don’t need any expensive tools for this. But here’s the thing: dermatovenerology, that is, the science that is responsible for everything related to the skin, does not recognize such techniques. And this is not because doctors do not have time to keep up with new techniques. The American Academy of Dermatology in the section “wrinkles” indicates 2 modern methods of treatment - fillers and Botox injections. But gymnastics based on YouTube videos are not found in clinical recommendations, and we will look at why point by point.

Advantages and disadvantages

The technique is suitable for any skin type. After treatment, there are no bruises or scars left, and no pain occurs during the treatment. A person feels only relaxing warmth.

The method is also suitable for those who cannot afford injection rejuvenation procedures due to allergies or other contraindications. Since foreign substances are not introduced into the body, the condition of the skin improves due to the internal reserves of the body. Because of this, there is no rehabilitation period.

The procedure also has disadvantages. In older people, the effect is not achieved immediately. You need to repeat the procedure to achieve the desired result. Some women undergo it once a month.

Disadvantages include high cost, persistence of redness and tightness of the skin for several hours.


There are also a number of contraindications. These include:

  • severe hypertension;
  • acne in the acute stage;
  • silicone implants in the area of ​​conduction;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • epilepsy.

Temporary contraindications include exacerbations of chronic diseases, rosacea and skin infections.

By combining several techniques, a faster effect can be achieved.

Reason 1. The skin ages regardless of the tone or relaxation of the facial muscles

If you open any anatomical atlas in the section with a description of the muscles, you will find that the facial muscles are also called facial muscles. They are needed to move different parts of the face, express emotions, or protect the eyes, mouth, and nose from external irritants. It is so conceived by nature that they must constantly be in good shape. If the muscles that close your eyes from the sun are resting, it means that others are working instead. For example, the orbicularis oris muscle, which tenses when laughing. Only the ventriloquist doll does not have wrinkles, but any person will definitely have them.

Skin aging does not depend on muscle tone

Skin aging: a decrease in the amount of protein leads to the formation of wrinkles.

Facial expressions, whether active or not, in any case contribute to the formation of wrinkles. Massage sessions will not stop the process of constant muscle contraction and relaxation. Other factors influence skin aging to a greater extent: genetics, changes in skin composition, and sun exposure.

Olga Adriyanova, cosmetologist-dermatologist at SM-Cosmetology

Trainers who promote face fitness believe that increasing muscle tone can restore youth to the face.
But face fitness does not take into account that age-related changes also affect subcutaneous fat, ligaments and the facial skeleton. Working the muscles alone will not help achieve aesthetic rejuvenation. And although the skin and muscles have fantastic potential, we cannot stop bone aging.
With the help of face fitness, in particular. To reduce wrinkles and restore the amount of protein in the skin, skin care and retinoids are required. If you want to work on the muscles to smooth out the wrinkles on your face, then a Botox injection can help. This toxin turns off the transmission of impulses from the nerve to the muscle and relaxes the muscle for 3-6 months. But then everything will return to its previous state.

If you really want to do something for your skin, you can always make a mask

Reason 2. Facial gymnastics has no evidence of effectiveness

In short, today Facebook building has no evidence base.
Studies have been conducted on the effectiveness of this rejuvenation technique, but they have drawbacks. It is impossible to confirm with them whether there is any real benefit from exercise. Evidence-based medicine is simple and logical and is often depicted as a pyramid. At the base of the pyramid are clinical cases and personal experience of doctors. That is, if someone somewhere advised a patient to do yoga for the face, and a month later he returned to the appointment rejuvenated, this is not yet a reason to recognize the exercises as a panacea for wrinkles. Private stories about “it helped me” are unconvincing.

In the world of science, a clinical case is the weakest evidence in the pyramid.

At the top of the pyramid are systematic reviews and meta-analyses. That is, all available studies are carefully examined, evaluated and statistics are formed from them. Weak studies are eliminated, leaving the strongest ones. They are used to judge whether a method is good or requires improvement.

So far, there is only one study on the effectiveness of face-building: for 20 weeks, patients aged 40 to 65 years trained their facial muscles daily. The technique was previously shown to them by a face fitness specialist. At the beginning of the study and at the end, subjects were asked how they rated facial firmness in different areas. The result showed that patients noticed improvements, especially on the cheekbones. But such a study cannot be considered convincing. Only 27 people took part in it. The sample is too small, and the assessment of effectiveness is subjective.

Therefore, scientists are in no hurry to recommend that patients do Facebook building at home. Perhaps it's a waste of time. If you really want to remove wrinkles on your face, it is better to consult a dermatologist.

Before facelift, facelift, SMAS lift:

*Follow medication instructions. You will receive instructions about which medications to stop taking and when. For example, you will likely be asked not to stop taking any medications that reduce or supplement your blood pressure for at least two weeks before surgery. Talk to your doctor about which medications are safe to take or whether your dosage needs to be adjusted.

* Before the facelift operation (facelift), the face, body and hair are washed. You will most likely be asked to wash your hair and face with germicidal soap the morning of your face lift surgery.

* Hunger or stop eating 4-6-8 hours before facial plastic surgery, facelift. Or you will be asked not to eat anything after midnight before your facelift. You will be able to drink water and take medications approved by your surgeon.

* Help during recovery. If your facelift is an outpatient procedure, plan to have someone drive you home after surgery and stay with you the first night after surgery.

Reason 3. Doctors say facial exercises are useless in the fight against wrinkles.

We have already mentioned that the clinical recommendations do not contain a word about Facebook building and its benefits. Sometimes it happens that doctors try on patients an effective treatment that is not yet included in the recommendations. But certified doctors directly declare the uselessness of facial exercises. The popular American publication HuffPost published material with interviews with practicing dermatologists and plastic surgeons exposing Facebook-building. They believe that techniques from the Internet will give you new wrinkles on your face rather than smooth it out. But they do not rule out that if a unified technique appears, and its effectiveness is confirmed by research, they will change their view of this trend.

Who will the procedure really help?

The procedure will help patients of all ages. Young women undergo radio wave lifting to eliminate scars and acne scars. At Balzac age, it becomes possible to maintain or restore the level of elasticity and remove wrinkles.

To obtain the effect, it is recommended to begin procedures after 35-45 years or when the first signs of aging appear.

It is recommended to carry out the procedure for the first time when the first signs of aging appear.

Much controversy arises about whether the procedure is effective for mature women (over 50 years old). At this age, menopause occurs, indicating the decline of the body's regenerative functions. During this period, production is actively decreasing:

  • estrogen,
  • collagen,
  • elastin.

Therefore, to maintain skin elasticity, you will need not 1-2 procedures, but up to 10 sessions. Additionally, a cosmetologist may recommend combining this procedure with mesotherapy and biorevitalization. They stimulate the restoration of skin turgor.

It is useful to use the method for people who have:

  • unclear oval face;
  • inelasticity of the skin;
  • consequences after skin diseases.

The procedure can also be performed by those who want to treat the skin around the eyes. Deep and fine wrinkles appear in this area earlier. The method triggers neocollagenesis, which promotes natural collagen production. It copes with drooping eyelids, dark circles under the eyes, and crow's feet.

To obtain a long-lasting and quick effect, RF lifting is combined with injection techniques. A good effect can be achieved in the presence of age spots and dilated vascular formations.

At a young age, the result is most noticeable. This is due to the fact that over time, natural recovery mechanisms slow down.

Some beauty salons offer radiofrequency lifting procedures not only for the face, but also for the body. It allows you to deal with:

  • with cellulite;
  • stretch marks;
  • local fat deposits.

Recovery is possible if the skin sagging due to intense weight loss or after pregnancy.

Reason 5. Many face building specialists have a poor understanding of facial anatomy

If face fitness teachers do not publish photos of educational documents, we do not know whether they actually received training or are simply selling their courses. But sometimes it can be understood this way - when the exercises do not take into account the anatomy of the human face.

Facial muscles from the anatomy atlas: the frontal and occipital muscles are highlighted on the left, the orbicularis oris muscle is highlighted on the right.

There are 20 facial muscles, some of them are paired, so the total is about 40. The muscles have fibers, and they are located in different ways. For example, the fibers of the frontalis muscle are attached vertically from the back of the head to the brow ridges. But it seems as if the muscle is horizontal, because the wrinkles on the forehead lie that way. There are also muscles between the eyebrows - these are three muscles that form frown lines. The proud muscle lowers the skin of the bridge of the nose down, and the other two on the right and left frown the eyebrows. The course of their muscle fibers is different. And face fitness specialists often demonstrate ignorance of this fact.


In the vast majority of cases, the basis for facial skin tightening surgery is prolapse of soft tissues. You can determine whether you need a facelift based on the following criteria:

  • sagging forehead and eyebrow skin
  • deep nasolabial grooves
  • eyelid ptosis
  • wrinkles in the temporomygomatic region and in the bridge of the nose
  • presence of bags under the eyes
  • drooping of the outer corners of the eyes
  • double chin
  • deep vertical wrinkles on the cheeks
  • "shaved"
  • pronounced wrinkles and folds on the neck
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