Lipolitics for the face will help remove fat deposits

Lipolitics for the face are products that burn subcutaneous fat, turning it into acids. They are used to remove fat, promoting facial slimming. Lipolitics are made on a natural basis, the body reacts to them quite well. These products are a type of mesoinjection; they are injected under the skin using the finest needles and do not cause injury. Today, there are two main types of lipolytics; they differ slightly in their mode of action; below are the basic facts about them. What do doctors say about lipolytics and to whom are they recommended? This article contains all the necessary information.

What are lipolytics for the face (and how do they work)?

Lipolitics are a biologically active material that promotes the burning of fat, including subcutaneous fat. The breakdown of fats leads to the formation of acids, which are eliminated from the body naturally. You can get rid of fat in specific places. The procedure is powerless for total obesity! As the manufacturers claim, the skin of the face (or other areas of the body where lipolytics have been injected) becomes smooth and a lifting effect is formed. It is necessary to use this remedy in case of impaired metabolism, when fat begins to be deposited uncontrollably under the skin.

Lipolitics are well absorbed by the body. But you need to understand that colossal results will not be achieved. The introduction of such drugs provokes slight weight loss. If a person has a lot of excess fat, then lipolytics will not be able to help him, as they are intended to correct minor imperfections in problem areas. If you have severe fat deposits, you should go for liposuction.

If you have a lot of excess fat (for example, on your stomach), you might want to consider liposuction. After this, when the rehabilitation period has passed, you can improve your figure through lipolytics. Plastic surgeon Jed Horowitz

Non-injection methods of administering lipolytics

In cases of severe fear of pain and the presence of contraindications, hardware administration of indirect lipolytics is used.

  • Iontophoresis - with the help of galvanic current and specialized electrodes for the face or body, active substances stimulate blood circulation and trigger metabolic processes.
  • Ultrasonic method - using wave vibrations, the components penetrate into the deep layers of the skin and activate metabolism.
  • Laser exposure - a focused beam of light delivers drugs deep into the skin and normalizes microcirculation.

Pros and cons of the procedure


  1. Injections help fight excess fat without damaging the skin. There are no incisions or punctures, which cannot be said about liposuction.
  2. Rehabilitation is fast.
  3. The patient does not require anesthesia.

But there are also disadvantages to using lipolytics:

  1. Most likely, more than one procedure will be necessary. About 6-8 weeks should pass between sessions.
  2. It is impossible to get rid of a large amount of fat.
  3. After the procedure, there is a risk of swelling, which does not disappear for about a month.
  4. If there is excess skin, then it is better to give preference to liposuction with a tightening.

Advantages of the method

The choice of method for correcting problem areas is always made by a cosmetologist. However, since cosmetic procedures are not mandatory, the final decision remains with the patient. Therefore, it is important to know the strengths and weaknesses of the chosen product.

Advantages of using lipolytic injections:

  • Efficiency and safety. The product allows you to remove excess fat deposits in a low-traumatic way and get the effect almost immediately. The finest needles used leave almost no marks. Anesthetics are not used.
  • Easy and fast rehabilitation. Often after the procedure, a girl goes to a romantic meeting with powder on her face. Of course, it is advisable to allow the body to rest and fully recover, and not immediately return to an active lifestyle, but there is no extreme need to completely avoid communication.
  • Versatility. The method suits almost everyone. The number of contraindications for the use of lipolytics is minimal.

#2 types of lipolytics

At the moment, all lipolytics are conditionally divided into 2 types:

  1. Direct. The most powerful substances that consist of two active substances. Their action is aimed at destroying not only the fat cell itself, but also its membrane.
  2. Indirect. A gentle substance, the composition of which is based on plant components. Their action also leads to fat burning, but they are not able to destroy cell membranes and adipocytes. This type of lipolytics is used to consolidate and enhance the results of other procedures. Artichoke extract or, for example, caffeine are considered popular. But such lipolytics will not be able to radically change a person’s appearance. In addition, they provoke only minimal breakdown of fat deposits. Therefore, experts advise using them not for weight loss, but to improve the appearance of the skin.

Are lipolytics effective for the face? Lipotherapy can lead to the burning of several centimeters of fat layer. It is not capable of causing significant weight loss.

To consolidate the result, additional drugs are used that promote the excretion of fatty acids with lymph and blood. These drugs should be used in cases where neither diet nor exercise leads to results.

Indirect lipolytics, application features

These components accelerate metabolism, stimulate lymphatic drainage processes, normalize microcirculation for subsequent reduction of excess volumes. Unlike direct substances, they have a natural, physiological, painless, mild and complex effect on the cells and tissues of the face and body.

There are 2 types of funds:

  • first type (L-carnitine, caffeine, cocoa extract, guarana, yohimbine) - to accelerate the transport of free fatty acids and energy production;
  • the second type (artichoke extract, centella asiatica, ginkgo biloba, melito) - to ensure lymphatic drainage, accelerate lipolysis and prevent the formation of swelling. They are often combined with vascular drugs (troxerutin) to improve blood vessel tone.

Examples of drugs

  • Caffeine is a plant alkaloid that is found in tea leaves and coffee beans to improve blood circulation, increase basal metabolism and utilization of fatty acids (Caffeine Care Kosmoteros).
  • Artichoke is a drug of natural origin for decongestant, choleretic and vascular strengthening effects (Veluderm Artichoke Extract 2%, Artichoke Care Kosmoteros).
  • L-carnitine is a substance for converting fats into energy (Lipo Slim).
  • Rutin + melilot extract (Kosmo-Tonus Kosmoteros, Melilotus Extract) - to strengthen blood vessels, stimulate regeneration and energy metabolism.
  • Ginkgo biloba - to restore capillary tone and reduce swelling (Ginkgo Biloba Care Kosmoteros).


A course of injections with lipolytics should be carried out for certain indications presented below.


  • lack of results from diets and sports (physical activity);
  • loose skin;
  • formation of a double chin and loss of facial contours;
  • excess fat in the cheeks;
  • defects in the shape of the nose;
  • fat deposits in the area around the eyes.

Any facial defects associated with the deposition of excess fat can be resolved through the use of these drugs.

Advantages of lipolysis with direct-acting drugs

The use of direct lipolytics helps reduce waist or abdominal volume by 5-6 cm.

The advantages of the drugs include:

  • Accuracy and targeted action, the ability to remove fat in a limited area;
  • Short rehabilitation period;
  • No scars or other marks on the skin;
  • Fast, noticeable and lasting results;
  • Minimal risk of side effects and complications;
  • Lower cost of the procedure compared to liposuction.

After a course of injections of direct lipolytics, the skin at the injection site tightens, becomes smooth and elastic. Lasting results can be achieved by adjusting your diet and physical activity.


If at least one of the following points is present, you should avoid injections.


  1. individual intolerance to at least one component of the drug;
  2. oncology;
  3. viral and bacterial diseases in the acute stage;
  4. pregnancy and lactation;
  5. herpes in the acute stage;
  6. cardiovascular diseases and varicose veins;
  7. kidney disease;
  8. HIV, hepatitis;
  9. problems with the thyroid gland.

Before carrying out the procedure, you must consult with a cosmetologist to obtain a prescription.

Please note that the FDA has not yet approved this procedure. Plastic surgeon Injili Kitto

How does the procedure proceed?

Each procedure for administering lipolytics, regardless of their type, proceeds according to the following scheme:

  • skin disinfection;
  • introduction of lipolytic through the finest needles.

Initially, the patient will have to undergo the necessary examinations and tests. They will help determine a person’s health and eliminate contraindications. Only after this can you begin the procedure itself.

Sodium deoxycholate ensures the destruction of fat cells. The depth of drug administration is determined individually, depending on the type of fat deposits and the area of ​​the face.

The session lasts on average 15-30 minutes, sometimes the doctor needs more time. Plastic surgeon Lara Devgan

What are the stages of lipolytic therapy?

The procedure, which involves introducing lipolytics into the body, is called lipolysis and lasts from 15 to 20 minutes.

The algorithm for its implementation is as follows:

  1. At the initial stage, it is necessary to collect detailed information about the patient’s health status, the presence of contraindications, and possible consequences. The doctor collects anamnesis, conducts a preliminary conversation with the patient, talking about the essence of the procedure, and also carries out an initial measurement of volumes.
  2. Next, the doctor injects the drug with the thinnest disposable needle into the subcutaneous fat of the problem area (to a depth of about 12 mm).
  3. At the final stage, a soothing cream is applied to the skin.

Depending on what surface is being treated and what result is planned from the procedure, 1–3 ampoules of the drug can be used during one session of lipolytic therapy. After the procedure, the patient is recommended to rest for about 30 minutes, as well as drink clean water (at least 500 ml) to stimulate the removal of fat from the body. Going to the bathhouse, solarium and sauna, as well as any physical activity, is prohibited.

It is worth noting that injections during lipolytic therapy are quite painful, and the patient must be prepared for this. If the client needs pain relief, then lidocaine is added to the syringe or an anesthetic cream is applied to the treated areas of the body.

Do not worry if redness, slight swelling and bruising occur at the injection sites. The rehabilitation period after lipolytic therapy does not last long; usually the discomfort goes away within a few days. Cooling compresses will help relieve pain.

Injections for lipolytic therapy are carried out in courses, with breaks between which are several weeks. The body will need some time to get rid of waste products and recover, so the results of therapy will not appear immediately. As practice shows, the duration of rehabilitation is 2–3 weeks after completion of the course.

Read material on the topic: Lifting problem areas

Lipolitics for cheeks

Like any other part of the face, the cheeks are the most susceptible to the aging process. For this zone, MRX preparations are actively used, which are a complex remedy. This is a direct lipolytic that contains sodium deoxycholate and carnitine. It destroys the membranes of fat cells, and the components included in MRX provide an analgesic effect. The standard course of injections with lipolytics lasts 10 sessions. The number of visits is determined by the patient's condition and the number of fat complications.


When using indirect lipolytics, noticeable results in the form of stimulation of the breakdown of fat reserves appear after 1-1.5 months, therefore, to obtain a lasting effect, 10-20 procedures are necessary with an interval of 1 time in 2-3 weeks.

When using direct lipolytics, there is a consistent change in processes from inflammation to recovery, so the course of procedures is 3-10 sessions with an interval of 1 time every 3-4 weeks.

Courses are repeated 1-2 times a year with effects lasting up to 10-12 months with an optimal comprehensive approach.

Lipolitics for the eye area

These drugs not only have a fat-burning effect, but also tighten the skin around the eyes. By reducing the fat layer, fine wrinkles and so-called “crow's feet” are removed. The most effective are preparations made on the basis of hyaluronic acid. They not only promote fat burning, but also stimulate tissue regeneration. These drugs are actively used to correct facial wrinkles. Attention should also be paid to preparations that contain organic silicon. This substance can not only eliminate fat, but also activate regeneration processes in the skin, actively acting in the mesoderm.

Lipolitics for the chin

These drugs are actively used in the area of ​​double chin formation. The number of procedures and frequency of their implementation depend on the general condition of the patient. The most effective are drugs that contain phosphatidylcholine, vitamins, hyaluronic acid and a number of amino acids.

The duration of action of the drug directly depends on the concentration of active substances of their types. It should be noted that the results from some drugs can be observed immediately after the first sessions, while other names have a prolonged effect, that is, the visible effect occurs after a long period (several weeks).

Reviews from cosmetologists about the drug

Doctors agree that lipolytics are drugs that should take the fight against obesity to a new level. Manufacturers promise a stunning effect, which, as practice shows, is so far exaggerated. But, in addition to the fat-burning effect, lipolytics have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, making it more elastic by increasing the level of hyaluronic acid. Vitamin complexes, extracts from various plants and other active ingredients should help restore youthful skin and improve its color. The main advantage of these drugs is painlessness and absence of injury. If previously painful and traumatic liposuction was used to combat fat deposits, now a new generation of drugs - lipolytics - must cope with this task. But, as mentioned above, in practice these drugs have not yet managed to make a splash.

As practice shows, 82.4% of patients who tried this method are satisfied with the result. Plastic surgeon Kouros Azar

Question answer

Edema appears due to a violation of the integrity of the skin. To make it disappear faster, you should apply ice to the affected area. Cooling compresses will also help. Even if you do not take any action, the swelling will subside on its own after about 3 days.

This procedure requires correct execution and highly qualified doctor. Therefore, a person will not be able to perform lipolysis on his own at home.

The administration of lipolytics is accompanied by quite severe pain. That is why the doctor uses an anesthetic cream, and the syringe contains Lidocaine. But even with such anesthesia, the person will feel discomfort.

Rehabilitation period after lipolytic injections

  • In the first 30 minutes after the procedure, you should be in a lying position under the supervision of a specialist to monitor your general condition.
  • After completing the session, drink 200-300 ml of water to start lymphatic drainage processes.
  • Do not wet or apply decorative cosmetics to the treated areas of skin for 12-24 hours.
  • For 3-5 days, use dry cooling compresses and special anti-inflammatory agents (Troxevasin gel, Traumeel cream, Bepanten) to relieve pain, inflammation and swelling.
  • For 7-10 days, do not visit the bathhouse, swimming pool, sauna, or engage in active physical exercise.
  • During the course, maintain an adequate drinking regime for detoxification and adhere to a balanced diet, limiting fatty, spicy and fried foods.
  • You cannot sunbathe or visit a solarium for 14 days.
  • Use manual and hardware lymphatic drainage techniques 3-5 days after injections.
  • Avoid alcohol for 3-7 days.
  • For 7-10 days after the administration of lipolytic agents, do not wear tight clothing to prevent congestion, but use elastic compression garments for the body with uniform pressure.
  • For 24-72 hours, avoid mechanical impact and friction (massage, electrical techniques).
  • Engage in physical activity (walking, jogging) at low intensity for 3-5 days after the procedure.
  • Use cosmetics in home care to model body contours (gels, creams).

Side effects

Pain is a natural discomfort due to damage to the skin and the type of components.

An allergic reaction (itching, rash, blisters) is a response mechanism to the composition of substances.

Headache, disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract (nausea, vomiting) and urinary system (frequent urination) are generalized effects on the removal of toxins from the body.

Hematomas occur due to increased fragility of subcutaneous capillaries.

The addition of a secondary infection is possible due to non-compliance with the rules of disinfection and subsequent recommendations.

An increase in temperature is an expected reaction to increased blood circulation and the breakdown of fatty tissue.

Redness, compaction, burning, swelling, feeling of heat are natural short-term processes affecting the characteristics of the composition.

Fibrosis, necrosis are complications due to improperly performed procedures and injection of the drug into the skin or muscles.

#5 rules for what to do after the procedure

Despite the fact that the introduction of lipolytics is not a complex manipulation, it is worth following certain rules in order not to encounter complications:

  1. Carefully monitor your water balance throughout the week; to do this, drink at least 2-2.5 liters of water.
  2. For the first couple of days, do not drink alcoholic beverages.
  3. Use cold compresses to reduce swelling. It is better not to plan important events after the session, as you will definitely encounter swelling and bruising. They keep for about a week.
  4. At first, avoid saunas, sunny beaches, and physical activity. Protect your face with special creams from ultraviolet radiation. Also, prolonged exposure to the cold will not be beneficial if lipolytics were introduced in the winter.
  5. Cosmetologists advise avoiding decorative cosmetics for the first few days.

To recover faster, you should use creams that speed up healing.

Side effects

In rare cases, the following side effects may occur:

  • the skin itches, a burning sensation is felt, a rash appears (these are manifestations of allergies);
  • headache, nausea, vomiting (you should definitely go to the doctor);
  • the temperature rises.

Such consequences occur if contraindications are ignored or due to a doctor’s mistake. There are also side effects that are considered normal; after a while they disappear. This may include swelling, redness, bruising (in 72% of patients). Also, some patients (4.3%) experience nerve damage. This is a temporary condition that goes away in 1-4 months. Studies were conducted in 2022 that proved the connection between lipolytic injections and alopecia (hair loss). Hair falls out at injection sites.

Often after the procedure, itching and swelling (something similar to hives) appear. This is a normal reaction. Vitamin B in the medicinal solution could get on the skin during treatment, which causes such troubles. Ophthalmologist Sofia Rubbani

Result and duration of effect

The effect of lipolytic administration develops gradually, so instant results should not be expected. The full effect of the products is noticeable 2-4 weeks after the procedure, when the adipose tissue is destroyed and removed from the injection area. In addition, in the first few days after injections, slight swelling and redness may appear in response to needle pricks, so it is premature to evaluate the result during this period.

The duration of the effect depends on many factors. The duration of the result is influenced by the characteristics of the patient’s body: tendency to gain weight, swelling of tissues, unhealthy eating behavior. Get advice on how lipolytics can help in your case, make an appointment by phone: +7 (495) 120-08-07.

Lipolitics in tablets

You can find lipolytics in tablets. Be careful, as such products have many contraindications. Before starting use, consultation with a doctor is required. These tablets are combined with sports and proper nutrition. There are 2 types of such drugs:

  1. Deoxycholic acid. This name was given to the liquid, the synthesis of which occurs naturally in the human liver. This acid can cause the destruction of the fat cell membrane, which will destroy it.
  2. Phosphatidylcholine. This substance is also found in our body. For example, it is necessary for the metabolization of cholesterol.

The effect of such drugs is questionable. Many doctors are against their use. And the pills won’t have any special effect.

Patient reviews, before and after photos

Lipolitics have already spread throughout the world, they are used in most clinics, and at the same time, there are few reviews about them. Let's look at what patients who have used these drugs say. Many of them even present photos before and after the procedure for introducing lipolytics for the face.


“I began to suffer from excess weight after giving birth. I don’t know if my hormonal levels have changed, or if I’m doing something wrong, but the weight doesn’t go away. I often follow promotions at cosmetology centers, and one day I came across an advertisement. One famous cosmetologist spoke about the effect of lipolytics for the face. I followed the link to the video, watched the procedure and was hooked. I read how these drugs work, it seems convincing. I looked at reviews, before and after photos of other girls. 5 sessions cost 10,000 rubles, and I agreed without hesitation. RevitalCelluform was injected, 2 ml into the cheeks in the first session, and 4 ml in the second session. There was swelling, but it went away quickly, in about a couple of days. What can I say? Well, I expected more of course. But the result is visible: the face has become a little thinner.”


“I have an expressive appearance and have no problems with weight. In general, I can say that I am naturally thin. But I got cheeks like a dandelion. Round face and that's it. It was not so much my cheeks that unnerved me, but the double chin that formed every time I just lowered my head. In general, it's a disaster. I read that these are “Bish’s Lumps”, that they can be cut out, that many stars have done this - and nothing. I got excited and went to the doctor. The surgeon, apparently having seen enough of stupid girls and is already tired of them, says: “I would not recommend cutting out the Bisha lumps, since they have now brought in an experimental drug - a lipolytic for the face. If you want, we'll try it out. You will always have time to cut out lumps of “Bisha” if something happens.

I thought a little and decided to try it. Firstly, I was afraid of surgery, and there were a few injections with a thin needle. Secondly, there is no rehabilitation period. Thirdly, I got the result within a week. The cheeks became somehow smaller, which is why the effect was formed as if they had lost weight. But still, there is an effect.”

How does lipolytic therapy differ from mesotherapy?

The action of these methods is based on the principle of injection of drugs, and in many cases these drugs are similar. What are the differences between the two popular methods? When carrying out mesotherapy using lipolytics, the active ingredients are introduced to a depth of 5-6 mm, where the middle layers of the dermis are located. During lipolytic therapy, active substances are delivered to a depth of approximately 12 mm - this is the level of subcutaneous fat. This feature provides the method with higher efficiency, but at the same time it causes significant risk during the procedure.

The procedure should only be performed by doctors who have undergone special training. If a specialist incorrectly selected the drugs and their quantity or made a mistake when performing deep injections, the consequences for the patient’s body can be quite serious: the development of an abscess, tissue necrosis, and scarring. Due to the high risk of complications, lipolytic therapy is prohibited in some countries, including France and the USA.

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Expert opinion

  • Cosmetologist
  • Surgeon

Irina Dorofeeva

practicing cosmetologist

I would like to note that you should not hope to get rid of a lot of weight with the help of lipolytics. These drugs are intended for local use, that is, in a specific place. With their help, they can improve the figure or contours of the face. To achieve a positive result, you will need more than one session (about 2-10). Don't forget to change your lifestyle, eat healthy food, drink a lot of water, this will improve the effect.

Michelle Place

plastic surgeon

Such an injection procedure causes discomfort and pain. After this, you should expect swelling and hematomas. Pregnant women and young mothers who are feeding their baby with breast milk should avoid manipulation. To achieve the best result, it is recommended to supplement the administration of lipolytics with a special massage and hardware procedures.

Cost of the procedure (and where can I buy the drug?)

You can purchase medications both in specialized cosmetic stores and in pharmacies.
The price of these products in Tula, St. Petersburg and even in the capital starts from 2,000 rubles per ampoule. Medicines can be bought or ordered online, provided that the supplier store is trusted and the product has not expired. The price of the procedure is determined by the reputation of the clinic, the doctor’s experience and the cost of the drug. It is strictly forbidden to choose the drug yourself. The type of substance can only be determined by a practicing cosmetologist when examining a patient. You also cannot rely on online consultations. The final price for the procedure depends on what drug was used, since the cost of different lipolytics differs. It is also worth considering how large an area needs to be treated and what qualifications the specialist has. Usually the price starts from 3 thousand rubles.
That's all you need to know about lipolytics for the face. There is still very little information about the positive results claimed by manufacturers and no one can guarantee the expected result. It is likely that the product has not yet been finalized and in the future we will see a really high-quality drug, but for now lipolytics are too overrated.

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