Birth control pills and acne: why hormonal contraception is prescribed for acne

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The appearance of acne and age spots is a fairly common problem today. They can occur in both young girls and women. Acne (blackheads, pimples) is a skin disease characterized by inflammation and disruption of the sebaceous glands.

Acne scars, skin inflammation, exposure to ultraviolet light, and hormonal changes can cause skin pigmentation. Such formations spoil the appearance and are a signal that something in the body is not working correctly and you should definitely consult a doctor.

Acne - before the procedure:

Acne removal

and laser pigmentation today is a simple, effective and painless method of getting rid of aesthetic problems. Dr. Novikov’s clinic has been successfully providing comprehensive treatment for pigmentation and acne for a long time.

Advantages of laser acne treatment at the Novikov Clinic

  • Safety.
    During the procedure, the laser acts precisely and only on the problem area. This effect does not damage the integrity of the skin.
  • Low level of marks after the procedure.
    When removed, tissue deformation does not occur; a crust forms in place, under which healthy skin subsequently forms, no different in appearance from other areas.
  • High efficiency.
    It is 100% removed in a few sessions without reappearing.
  • Sterility.
    The laser beam has a bactericidal effect.

When treating acne, the laser precisely affects inflammatory foci and kills bacteria, this allows you to quickly localize the inflammatory process and stop the further development of the disease and normalize the skin, without the formation of scars and post-acne. This treatment quickly and painlessly allows you to get rid of the defect in just a few procedures.

How do the hormones in birth control pills help treat acne?

An imbalanced hormonal balance increases the appearance of new acne and inflamed pimples, which leads women to a dermatologist, who, not finding pathologies on his part, redirects the patient to an endocrinologist or gynecologist.

In 7% of women of childbearing age, the appearance of acne is associated precisely with increased levels of androgens in the serum and so-called hyperandrogenism. Usually the pathology is accompanied by other symptoms, such as androgenetic alopecia or hirsutism (excessive hair growth), increased skin pigmentation (cutaneous keratosis).

High androgen levels are also observed in polycystic ovary syndrome, where irregular menstrual cycles coexist with hirsutism and acne. Thus, birth control pills, by suppressing the activity of androgens, have a much broader effect and treat many different diseases.

Oral contraceptives contain female sex hormones estrogens, which, unlike androgens, have the effect of reducing the secretion of sebum by the sebaceous glands. They act contrary to male hormones, suppressing their activity.

Effect of the procedure:

An important distinguishing feature of the method is its high accuracy and bactericidal effect. The beam affects the cause of the disease - bacteria. The laser treats areas of inflammation and sterilizes inflamed tissue. The procedure has a cumulative effect. The condition of the skin will improve significantly after the first session, and after the course it will remain for a long time.

When treating pigmentation, the doctor examines pigment spots, selects the depth of exposure and intensity of laser radiation. During treatment, the laser beam penetrates only the area requiring correction without affecting healthy skin. Under the influence of the laser, the outer layer of the skin is renewed, cell restoration is enhanced and blood circulation improves.

Laser techniques are considered effective in cosmetology. Under the influence of the laser, the epidermis is renewed, cell regeneration is enhanced, and blood microcirculation is improved.

Are birth control effective for acne?

The basis of acne treatment is local therapy. Women, having noticed acne, use various types of gels and creams, the active substance of which is an antibiotic. In addition, in order to remove excess oil, the skin is dried with various alcohol tinctures, which leads to the formation of wrinkles. However, the hormonal etiology of acne allows treatment without such aggressive agents. To do this, you need to contact a gynecologist who will regulate hormonal imbalances.

This therapy is indicated for patients with polycystic ovary syndrome, SAHC syndrome - dermatological androgenization with concomitant seborrhea, acne, excessive hair growth and at the same time alopecia, and for acne lesions that occur after puberty. The action of drugs based on female hormones is also a contraceptive.

Combined treatment of acne requires comprehensive care, so after 3 months of taking birth control pills, you need to consult a dermatologist. The doctor will identify non-hormonal problems and residual effects, such as acne scars, and help remove them.

To get the maximum effect, before starting therapy, laboratory tests should be performed to determine the concentration of hormones and confirm abnormalities associated with the presence of acne. It is recommended to check free and total levels of testosterone in the blood, the ratio of dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate and LH, FSH.

Hormonal tablets are effective in treating skin lesions. But stopping therapy can lead to relapses. In addition, improvement does not occur immediately - you have to wait several weeks or even months before the results of acne treatment are visible.

The most effective treatments for acne are androgen reversal drugs, such as spironolactone, or those that block the effects of androgens. The second group includes estrogens, cyproterone acetate and glucocorticosteroids.

Results BEFORE and AFTER treatment:

Do birth control pills have side effects?

Despite the many positive aspects of hormonal therapy in the treatment of acne, you should be aware of the side effects of the drugs used. The most commonly cited problems include:

  • nausea, vomiting;
  • slight fluctuations in body weight;
  • headache, chest pain;
  • slight decrease in libido;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • increased blood cholesterol levels;
  • increased risk of thromboembolic diseases and acute episodes of cardiovascular diseases (heart attack, stroke).

Most patients do not experience any side effects at all or they go away on their own in the first months of taking birth control pills. If this does not happen, you need to replace the drug.


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Abortion and contraception clinic in St. Petersburg - department of the medical gynecological association "Diana"

Make an appointment, tests or ultrasound via the contact form or by calling +8 (812) 62-962-77. We work seven days a week from 09:00 to 21:00.

We are located in the Krasnogvardeisky district, next to the Novocherkasskaya, Ploshchad Alexander Nevsky and Ladozhskaya metro stations.

The cost of a medical abortion in our clinic is 3,300 rubles. The price includes all pills, an examination by a gynecologist and an ultrasound to determine the timing of pregnancy.

The cost of laser acne treatment services in Moscow at the center of Dr. Novikov

The initial consultation is free. The table shows the list of services provided and their prices. Depending on the specific case, size and location of the inflammatory process, the price may vary. You can check the full cost at your initial appointment with a dermatologist.

Initial consultation0 rubles
Facial cryomassageFrom 1,000 rubles
Back cryomassageFrom 1,500 rubles
Comprehensive medical facial cleansingFrom 3,500 rubles
Comprehensive medical back skin cleansingFrom 4,000 rubles
Eel coagulationFrom 500 rubles
Chemical peelingFrom 3,500 rubles
Microneedle therapy for facial skin MTSFrom 4,500 rubles
Microneedle therapy for the face, neck and décolletéFrom 6,500 rubles

Our medical center is a leading institution in Moscow providing treatment services for acne and other aesthetic problems. The laser method allows you to eliminate defects on the face, back and other places, even in severe forms. In treatment, we use a comprehensive approach that allows us to eliminate the root causes of skin problems.

If you are planning to undergo laser treatment for acne and pigmentation and still have questions about the procedure, call tel. our manager will answer all questions and schedule you for a consultation with a dermatologist at any time convenient for you.

Causes of acne in women - hormones

The cause of acne is the colonization of the skin by anaerobic bacteria Propionibacterium acnes, which initiates the formation of micro-acne and a local inflammatory reaction. Environmental factors, such as a diet rich in carbohydrates, also influence the development of changes. Cigarette smoking also contributes to skin changes.

The formation of acne is associated with hair follicles and sebaceous glands, which cannot cope with the removal of excess sebum. When the glands are blocked, the internal contents swell and become infected, which is how pimples and acne appear. Therefore, people with oily skin are prone to acne.

Hormones, especially androgens, commonly called male hormones, have a significant influence on this process, further stimulating the growth of the sebaceous glands and their effectiveness. Androgens also help accelerate the growth of the stratum corneum, which can manifest itself, for example, in the presence of dandruff.

In women, androgens are secreted by the adrenal cortex and ovaries. In case of dysfunction of at least one of these organs, excessive secretion of androgens may occur and, consequently, exacerbation of acne on the skin. This occurs, for example, in polycystic ovary syndrome.

Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) has the same effect as androgens on hair follicles in stressful situations. Therefore, people who constantly live at "high speed" in a nervous environment are definitely more likely to have acne on their face.

The greatest influence on the development of acne is 5-α-reductase, which converts testosterone to 5-α-dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Its increased activity is observed in the outermost layer of the skin - the epidermis and in its appendages - the hair follicles.

General Tips

Even the highest quality concealer will not help hide a rash on the face if you do not follow the basic recommendations of makeup artists:

  • be sure to cleanse the skin before applying concealing cosmetics, otherwise it will become covered with a layer of fat, and the compositions will “flow” over the face;
  • choose a foundation with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects;
  • It is best to choose foundation and powder with a hypoallergenic composition that reduces the possible appearance of redness to a minimum;
  • You cannot choose dark shades of foundation, as they will not hide, but rather highlight and emphasize all existing defects and imperfections of the skin surface;
  • purchase foundation with a liquid consistency, avoiding pink shades, which highlight and concentrate attention on acne as much as possible;
  • To apply foundation evenly and easily, use a sponge pre-moistened with plain water;
  • if you are used to using powder, it is best to use loose powder with a mineral base, the light texture of which is evenly distributed over the surface of the skin and does not create a mask effect;
  • Use a convenient corrective pencil to disguise red pimples. Its greenish tint base quickly hides visible defects and also has a healing effect;
  • try taking 2 concealers - one light and the other dark. Treat the pimple with a light tone and the area around it with a dark tone. Don't forget to blend both products carefully.

Good luck to you!

Inexpensive but effective

However, you should not immediately resort to the strongest drugs. You can get by with easier means.


For example, cosmetic clay is excellent for ridding the skin of acne; it cleanses pores well and nourishes the skin.

Clay is an excellent natural adsorbent.

Blue and white clay are best suited for this purpose. It is enough to apply clay masks to your skin 2-3 times a week, and within a month you will see the results from their use.

Badyagi powder is an effective remedy in the fight against acne. Dilute it with water to a paste and apply it to your face for 15 minutes. Repeat once a week.

Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is a great helper for cleansing the skin and treating acne. It disinfects the skin, draws dirt out of the pores, and prevents the development of bacteria in them that cause inflammation. Peroxide is effective for purulent acne. Before use, dilute a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution with boiled water in a 1:1 ratio. Wipe the skin with a cotton swab soaked in diluted peroxide. Or use it spot on.

Acetylsalicylic acid

Acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) occupies an important place in cosmetology. Recently, aspirin skin peeling has become popular. Crush several aspirin tablets, dilute them with water to a paste, then apply the resulting mixture to your face. Rub your face lightly to remove dead skin cells. Such a cheap and simple remedy will help even out the skin and stop the inflammatory process.

Activated carbon

Activated carbon has proven itself to be an excellent adsorbent for skin. Masks made from it give visible results immediately after the first use. To prepare this miracle mask, dilute 1 tbsp in water. spoon of gelatin, then heat it. Add several tablets of crushed activated carbon to warm gelatin. Stir everything thoroughly. Then apply the warm paste to your face and leave until the mask dries completely. Similarly, you can use a mask made from gelatin alone.

After the gelatin mask dries, remove it along with any dirt.

Conceal skin imperfections with quick makeup

We offer you instructions that will help you tidy up your face and hide the hated pimples in about 5 minutes.

  1. First you will need to cleanse and degrease your facial skin using a gel or tonic.
  2. In order to reduce the degree of redness of the skin, it is recommended to wipe pimples with nasal drops that have a vasoconstrictor effect or ice cubes prepared with a decoction of medicinal herbs.
  3. Apply a thin layer of lightweight, instantly absorbed moisturizer that has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  4. Apply a layer of foundation, the color of which will be slightly lighter than the natural shade of your skin.
  5. Using a green concealer, you will need to place a dot in the center of the pimple that you want to hide and carefully blend it out.
  6. Lightly dust the skin to create an even matte finish.

Prevention of acne and pimples

Prevention of acne and pimples includes proper balanced nutrition, diet, and regular skin care. During the period of greatest activity of the sebaceous glands (especially in adolescence and youth), exclude fatty foods rich in simple carbohydrates, sweets, and starchy foods from your diet. Alcohol and cigarette consumption also affect skin condition. Therefore, they should also be abandoned. In addition, do not forget about regular cleansing of your skin. Use antiseptic masks and creams.

Do not squeeze blackheads and pimples. By doing this, you can provoke even more of their appearance and the appearance of scars and scars.

These simple rules will help keep your skin pores clean and prevent dust and bacteria from getting into them, which contribute to the development of inflammation.

Existing types of funds

It is necessary to disguise acne only with high-quality products

You can disguise acne with a variety of cosmetic compositions, which professional makeup artists divide into the following groups:

  1. dermatocosmetology products;
  2. decorative cosmetics;
  3. heavy professional makeup.

Most often, ladies prefer the second group of products, represented by foundations, concealers, and compact powder.

Most women choose decorative cosmetics that help quickly hide obvious skin imperfections, forgetting that in this case the right decision would be to choose concealers with a healing effect!

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