Why is it important to use brewer's yeast to make beer?

More than 1,500 species of yeast are known, and this is approximately 1–2% of their total estimated quantity. Of this huge variety, only two types of brewer's yeast are suitable for making beer. Why you can’t use any others, what types, types and characteristics of brewer’s yeast exist, whether you can prepare yeast yourself - all these are the questions of today’s lesson at the Craft School.

The bell rings and the lesson begins.

Beer is a capricious drink and does not forgive mistakes.

Types of brewer's yeast

Brewer's yeast is divided into two large groups: top-fermenting and bottom-fermenting yeast. Each group is “responsible” for obtaining its own type of beer.

Top-fermenting yeast, also known as ale or warm yeast

The yeast fungus of the species Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which we discussed above, has been used by humanity for several thousand years. Top yeast got its name because during the fermentation process, a yeast colony is located in the upper part of the wort, and a foamy cap forms on the surface. With their help, all beers of the ale group are produced.

Top-fermenting yeast has a number of features.

  • The yeast colony develops in heat, so fermentation occurs at a temperature of 14 to 24 degrees.
  • The metabolic products of this yeast include esters, which enrich the beer with aromas and fruity notes.
  • Top-fermenting yeast does not break down all sugar-containing substances. In particular, they do not affect melibiose, which belongs to the group of disaccharides. It stays in the beer and adds sweetness to it.

Top-fermenting yeast is used to prepare ales, and bottom-fermenting yeast for lagers.

Bottom fermenting yeast

It is a strain of two types of yeast, baker's yeast and wine yeast. This hybrid appeared about 300 years ago, in the basements of Bavarian monasteries, and then Danish and other European brewers began to use the yeast. During the development process, the yeast colony of this species sinks to the bottom of the wort, hence the name – bottom yeast. With their help, lager beer and all its varieties are produced.

Bottom-fermenting yeast has the following features.

  • Fermentation requires a temperature of 4 to 12 degrees, and beer with such yeast is fermented at a temperature of 0 to 4 degrees.
  • During the fermentation process, yeast breaks down melibiose and processes the sugars contained in its composition. The resulting lager has a crisp, structured and clean taste, with minimal added sugars.
  • Bottom-fermenting yeast requires more time for fermentation and post-fermentation, since development processes are slower at low temperatures.

Fermentation as a complex chemical process

Beer is a capricious drink; it cannot tolerate inaccuracies and does not forgive mistakes. In order to prepare a quality product, a brewer needs to have a good understanding of not only the technology, but also the chemistry of the processes that turn malt into beer.

And the most important of them is fermentation, which for beer takes place in two stages.

Primary or main

At the stage of primary fermentation, yeast cultures introduced into the wort develop, grow, form agglomerates and form a colony. They feed on sugars that they get from the wort. We can say that a huge yeast empire is being formed, which is capturing more and more new territories. Its waste products change the chemical composition of the wort, turning it into beer. Gradually, the yeast develops its resource. After 5–10 days, they process the bulk of the sugars in the wort. Active fermentation ends here.

The signal for the brewer is the precipitation of sediment, the cessation of active processes in the wort. The release of carbon dioxide ends, which marks the active growth of yeast. This means that the primary fermentation is over and the beer can be poured into another container.

Primary fermentation occurs at a temperature of about 20 degrees for ales. Lagers like cool weather and fermentation takes place at temperatures ranging from 4 to 12 degrees.

Fermentation causes active growth of the yeast colony

Secondary fermentation – post-fermentation

But just as small island states can remain from a huge empire, so in beer after the end of the main stage of fermentation there remain the remains of a once huge yeast colony. These residual yeasts feed on leftover sugars that are too small to support a large colony, but are good enough to feed tiny islands of a yeast empire. During the post-fermentation process, the beer brightens, and varietal aromas and nuances emerge.

Post-fermentation occurs at different temperatures for different types of beer. Ales are fermented at +10–12 degrees, and lagers at a temperature of about 0.

Brewer's yeast dietary supplement Nagipol 1 - reviews

Kulikova Svetlana

I periodically have a problem - my hair starts to fall out. There is a lot left on the comb, and then you pick it up on the carpets. I immediately panic about what to do, and of course I start taking vitamins. Lately I've been using NIGIPOL 1

for hair, nails and skin.
This is a biologically active food supplement - an additional source of vitamins B, C, E, as well as calcium, iron and selenium. NAGIPOL 1 is brewer's yeast. A jar of this yeast is inexpensive - about 200 rubles. for 100 tablets. NAGIPOL 1
is recommended for use by adults and children over 14 years of age, 3-5 tablets 3 times a day with meals. This drug helps me, at least the condition of my hair improves significantly. And now I started drinking this complex again.



I bought Nagipol 1, also known as brewer's yeast, for the reason that I began to notice that my hair began to fall out and based on the condition of my nails, I realized that I needed to take a course of these tablets. At the moment they cost 258 rubles. I completed a course that lasts two months, but they must be taken without mixing with other drugs, and in general, you must read the instructions before taking them, because side effects may occur. In general, a very good remedy if you follow all the rules of administration.



Brewer's yeast Nagipol perfectly helps with various health problems. Nagipol 1 helps improve the condition of skin, hair and nails, Nagipol 2 helps with acne, etc.



BREWER YEAST NAGIPOL-1 NAILS HAIR SKIN helped me a lot. In reality, no expensive vitamins like Vitrum, Merz, Duovit helped, but these cost pennies and the effect is excellent.



I would like to tell you about the successful purchase of brewer's yeast for hair, nails and skin dietary supplement Nagipol 1. These vitamins, purchased at an affordable price, will really help in strengthening and growing nails. The result makes itself felt literally within a week. Healthy hair shine, growth, improvement in the condition of nails - all this cannot be ignored after use. As for the skin, the result is questionable; there were no noticeable changes. The nervous system is stabilized due to the presence of vitamin C. This fact made me very happy. It will be useful to take a course not only for external, but also internal beauty, because no one has canceled the restless rhythm of our lives. I definitely recommend it both to teenage girls to improve their health, and to women who have decided to get back to normal.

Kat Sa



Vitamins, price



A proven product such as Nagipol, I have been buying it periodically for about two years now. This is a biologically active food supplement that contains vitamins B, E, C and minerals. In recommendations for use, you can take from 3 to 5 tablets 3 times a day with meals. I take 3 tablets, a couple of times a day. The smell of these pills is distinctly beer-like, at first I really didn’t like it, but then I somehow got used to it, and over time I even began to enjoy the smell :) My friend says that yeast makes you fat, but I’ve been taking these pills for two months now, and didn't notice any weight gain. Maybe because I do sports, I don’t gain weight. But I drank them before, during periods when I didn’t go to the gym, and still I didn’t gain weight. B vitamins make the nervous system feel better and calmer. Hair also begins to grow faster. I didn’t notice any improvement in my skin condition, but my hair and nails got better. I like this dietary supplement, I don’t see any disadvantages in it. In terms of price, I bought this package for 110 rubles at a social pharmacy, but it may cost a little more, because our other pharmacies are more expensive. In my opinion, the body only benefits from taking brewer's yeast. Within reasonable limits, of course:) As an additional source of vitamins, Nagipol is a good pharmacy product. And common, Nagipol can be found in every pharmacy.






Not everyone will accept this taste

Good day, dear readers) I really like to take all kinds of vitamins, especially inexpensive ones, but really effective ones. I learned from various information about brewer's yeast (for some reason I had never heard of it before, I had only heard about simple yeast). I read a lot, a lot of different information, also positive) I went to the pharmacy and bought it, the price varies from 110 to 200 no more, and my brewer’s yeast cost 121 rubles, so in general they are inexpensive. They are intended for nails, hair and skin and so an incredible amount of vitamins such as: C, PP B1 B2 B6 B12 calcium pantothenate folic acid biotin calcium iron selenium zinc and vitamin E. Because of this composition, I immediately bought this yeast without hesitation. After 2-3 weeks I see changes. After all, in order to take care of the skin, hair and nails not only from the outside, making any masks, but also from the inside. I bought them for my hair. My hair has become shinier and stronger, it falls out less and, I think, will grow better; there are no changes in my nails or skin yet. But I think that this does not make much difference, because the body always needs vitamins, so I think it was not in vain that I bought these vitamins anyway. I advise you to take them along with fish oil. (review included)



Hello everyone, I’ll get straight to the point, without unnecessary descriptions of the drug and posting here its useless photos, of which there are a dime a dozen in this review thread.. Anyway, if you want photos, look at other reviews, I won’t take away bread from the girls who tried, took photos these unsightly pills and their no less unattractive containers... Well, yes, that’s not what I’m talking about... no, I’m not going to judge this yeast by its “clothes” at all! On the contrary, the packaging and appearance may be mediocre, and this is good, because the price was paid for the effect, and not for the “tinsel”! And believe me, he IS! And great! Very briefly about the reason for buying this dietary supplement.. A lot of work - stress - nerves - lost weight - hair falling out.. Final point: night - street - lantern - pharmacy - nagipol complex for hair, skin and nails. Honestly, I didn’t know how long a bottle of this lasted, I tried to take a couple of them with each or almost every meal.. It probably lasted about three or four weeks. According to the results, my hair has noticeably become stronger and has stopped falling out, although nothing much has changed in the diet, but I don’t eat anything harmful and I eat at least a gram of protein per kg of body and also healthy fats. !OFF TOP! Girls, believe me, what you eat is much more important than what you put on yourself... Everything comes from within! And the skin is our natural barrier, i.e. One of its most important functions is not to let anything in! Do you smear everything and think it will go away?)) don’t be funny.. + hair is DEAD tissue.. Incl. all your masks and oils smeared and rubbed on them are a “poultice for the dead” and a financial loss. Well, everyone has their own head on their shoulders, I’m not going to read morals here, Google can help you if anything... So, let’s move on to the most pressing point - how to take them and not gain weight! A couple of my methods. In order not to gain weight from yeast, reduce carbohydrates while taking them, especially those with a high glycemic index - again, if you don’t know what it is, then it’s time to use the same Google to help. Try to take these tablets WITH food, not after it. Just put a piece of food in your mouth and take the pills right away... Moreover, do this not with the first spoon/piece, but somewhere in the middle of the portion. Chew with food. It’s still disgusting, but you don’t want to gain weight. So, be patient.. What this technique gives us is that you crush the pills when chewing, they mix with saliva, with food and when they enter the digestive tract, they are absorbed much more slowly, which means they will no longer cause a surge in appetite . Or it will be less pronounced and easier to cope with by eating a carrot. Hence one more piece of advice - the food should be “heavy” - raw vegetables, protein (meat, legumes). They take a long time to process and have a low GI. Don’t eat buns with yeast, don’t fill them with jam, because, you see, they are “nasty”... This is medicine first of all, not candy, they shouldn’t be tasty. And one more tip on how you can take them and not gain weight - as an option, take the pills at night. I mean most of the norm - that is, if during the day you take one tablet with a meal instead of the recommended three, and at night take 2 or 3. Eat again, a low-glycemic dinner, take the dietary supplement and go to bed. It is very unlikely that you will be woken up by a monstrous appetite in the middle of the night, which means no extra gluttony. You can even lose weight this way. But again, I’ll make a reservation - a light dinner - protein (steamed fish, egg white, cottage cheese, chicken breast, etc.) + fresh vegetable salad. No buns, fruits or cereals. I do not presume to say that with this method of administration you will comply with the recommended dosage rates for the drug, but I suspect that, nevertheless, for the sake of your figure, if you have serious problems with this, you can neglect them, because this is still a dietary supplement, and not a medicine and you prescribe it for yourself.. Therefore, you also set standards for yourself based on the effects you receive and your priorities. Once again, this is just my advice, not a strong recommendation and certainly not the ultimate truth. You can simply take into account my experience and either use it or pass by. That's basically all I wanted to say. I confirm once again that the effect from them is noticeable - this is not the first time I have taken them, they do not let me down. As for appetite - yes, if you don’t change your eating habits while taking the drug, you will definitely get better. Don't even doubt it. I can’t say anything about their effect on the skin, I don’t have any problems with it, everything is fine with my nails, but when I started taking yeast, they began to grow a little faster, yes. Beauty and slimness to everyone!



Let me start by reading on cosmetic websites that brewer’s yeast:

1.strengthen nails

2. acne goes away (it’s not this particular brand, but basically any yeast!)

3. skin improves

4. hair will become stronger and its growth will accelerate. shine will appear.-

-I ran to buy them.

I chose legs and gender 1. Price - 50 rub.

But I’m a reasonable person and I understand that all this, of course, cannot be achieved with yeast alone. I have problem skin and this is the result of hormones; brewer’s yeast, of course, did not help me with this.

Nails - this is where I noticed an improvement! They grow very slowly for me. Since I started taking them, they have grown in 2 weeks, compared to 2 months before. i.e. the growth rate has increased. They have become harder (they were very soft before), but it should be noted that the nails improved after 4 months of use!! Before that it was like a poultice for the dead.

Now my hair is the most important thing and that’s why I started taking brewer’s yeast.

The hair is very shiny. Hair growth has accelerated! Isn’t this a sign that the dietary supplements cope with their task perfectly! - The results appeared on the hair faster - in about 2 months.

I also had leg cramps at night due to a lack of calcium. Nagipol 1 contains calcium. And since I started taking it, the cramps have gone away. -It went away right away!

I have been taking them for half a year already - this year (and 4 months last year). And I’m very pleased with the result on my hair!

I take 7 tablets 3 times a day. -After meal. I haven't recovered. Nagipol1 is an autolysate of brewer's yeast and does not lead to weight gain.

Don't expect stunning results after a month of use!! It takes 3-4 months for the first results!


1. directly related to the review.

photo No. 2- (relevant to comments - read below)-

Over the course of everything, I drank Nagipol 1 many times and did other procedures - photo 2 - this is the overall result! in this photo the hair is dirty, but in general the volume has not decreased and even increased slightly.)

How to make your own yeast

The strictest craft fans can obtain their own brewer's yeast. I will give two standard recipes, following which you can get brewer's yeast in your own kitchen.

Brewer's yeast from flour

What will you need?

  • Premium wheat flour – 1 cup.
  • Purified water – 1 liter.
  • Granulated sugar – ½ cup.
  • Barley malt – 3 cups.

What to do?

  • Mix all ingredients until smooth.
  • Boil the mixture for 1 hour over low heat.
  • Allow to cool naturally.
  • Pour into bottles and close the necks with cotton wool.
  • Leave in a warm place for 24 hours.
  • Then seal the bottles tightly and move them to a cool place.
  • Use as needed.

Brewer's yeast can be made from malt, flour and sugar.

Brewer's yeast from beer

What will you need?

  • Wheat flour – 250 g.
  • Water – 250 g. Before cooking, the water must be left for 24 hours.
  • Beer – 250 g. Preferably live, unpasteurized.
  • Granulated sugar – 1 tablespoon.

What to do?

  • Heat the water to a temperature of 60 degrees.
  • Slowly add flour to the water, stirring constantly to avoid lumps forming.
  • Cover the resulting “mash” with a thick natural cloth and leave for 6–8 hours.
  • After the required time has passed, pour beer at room temperature into the mixture.
  • Add sugar and stir thoroughly.
  • Cover again with a cloth and leave in a warm place for a day.
  • After 24 hours, carefully mix and pour into clean and dry bottles, leaving 2 cm from the edge of the neck.
  • Close the bottles and store in the refrigerator. Use as needed.
( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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