Before and after acne: 5 real stories of girls who were able to overcome acne

Ruby Rose (32)

The actress openly states that she also experiences breakouts on her face! “These pimples are mine,” she wrote on her Instagram Stories. “Yeah, it sucks... but I don't understand why anyone else cares.” I'm the same person. Anyone can have rashes. My dermatologist explained to me that the cause of acne is bacteria that lives on the phone and not very clean pillowcases in hotels.”

Kali Kushner @myfacestory

Kali Kushner is a 22-year-old student from America who, when looking at her “before” and “after” photos, cannot help but exclaim: “This is amazing!” On her Instagram page, the girl blogs about her skin life, where she tells followers about her journey and struggle with acne.

Since she was a teenager, Kali has been searching for a way to help her achieve clear, healthy skin. But neither pharmacy ointments nor care creams helped her, and sometimes even worsened the situation. After trying many remedies, Kali turned to an isotretinoin-based drug known as Accutane. This is a structural analogue of vitamin A - it helps dissolve fatty plugs that clog pores. In addition, the girl took vitamin C and used a dermaroller. It only took a couple of months, and Kali finally saw improvements in her skin: fewer breakouts, fewer scars, and no more redness.

Currently, Kali has stopped taking Accutane due to side effects: back pain, dryness and dehydration. Now Accutane is no longer available in America, since all the pros and cons of this drug have not been studied.

Scarlett Johansson (34)

“I always wash my face, even if I come home at four in the morning, I still take off my makeup and only then go to bed,” Scarlett shares. “I also make sure to clean all my makeup brushes once a week.” I know that bacteria love dirt, and I don’t want to live with acne anymore.”

Professional advice regarding products

To get rid of acne, you need to know which products actually work.

Most of the ingredients known to fight acne-causing bacteria and clear skin are available in the aisles of your local pharmacy. Dermatologist Hadley King (New York)

Below are the remedies recommended by the doctor.


There's nothing better in your acne-fighting arsenal than salicylic acid.

This is a great pore cleanser because it exfoliates the surface of the skin and penetrates into the pores to remove oil. It is even useful as an acne preventative. Dermatologist Hadley King (New York)

While there's no shortage of salicylic cleansers on the market, Dr. recommends Neutrogena Pink Grapefruit Oil-Free Acne Wash ($7.99). Ideal for people with oily or acne-prone skin, it helps prevent the formation of comedonal pimples (blackheads and whiteheads). For those struggling with more inflammatory acne, your doctor suggests using a cleanser with benzoyl peroxide. This could be, for example, PanOxyl Creamy Acne Wash (9.48 cu), which contains 4% benzoyl peroxide.

Benzoyl peroxide has mild comedolytic properties and an antibacterial effect, which makes it an excellent choice for both comedones and inflamed acne. Dermatologist Hadley King (New York)

Spot treatment

For spot treatment of acne, microbenzoyl peroxide is beneficial in combination with soothing ingredients such as chamomile, ginger, and seaweed, which help reduce inflammation in active acne. Such a product is, for example, AcneFree Terminator 10 Acne Spot Treatment ($7.79).

Moisturizing cream

There is a misconception that keeping your skin moisturized can clog your pores and actually cause acne. But it's actually important to keep your skin hydrated: when it's dry, it starts to produce more oil, which can lead to further breakouts. With this in mind, it is recommended to use a non-comedogenic moisturizer. Cerave cream has proven itself well (15.49 cu). It contains hyaluronic acid, which is a powerful skin moisturizer, as well as ceramides, which support the skin barrier, and petrolatum, which locks in that moisture.


Retinol is a proven ingredient for treating and preventing acne.

It is recommended to use adaptolene, a third generation retinoid with proven efficacy and tolerability for the treatment of acne, as well as anti-inflammatory effects. Dermatologist Hadley King (New York)

La Roche Posay Adapalene Gel (29.99 USD) is a product with such a component. It is recommended to use it every evening for maximum benefits.


Sunscreen is an important product. Sun protection is crucial in any skin care routine, but for those struggling with acne, it's important to look for a product with antibacterial ingredients. A good product is CeraVe Hydrating Face Sunscreen SPF 50 ($13.89). It has a 100% mineral formulation that contains hyaluronic acid to hydrate, as well as ceramides to support the skin barrier and niacinamide to improve tone and texture.

Powder formulations such as Brush On Block Mineral Sunscreen ($32) can also be beneficial for oily, acne-prone skin. It absorbs excess oil so it can do double duty as a powder, actually making your makeup last longer and providing sun protection. Dermatologist Hadley King (New York)

Miley Cyrus (26)

Miley is sure that acne often appears due to dirty brushes that we use during makeup. That's why she regularly makes cleansing face masks.

Expert advice

Below are tips from dermatologist Davin Lim, who has 17 years of experience in the field of dermatology and cosmetology:

  1. Use cleansers (such as Neutrogena) with 2% salicylic acid. This is a beta hydroxy acid. It has anti-inflammatory, exfoliating properties. This remedy is great for acne.
  2. Benzoyl peroxide may also improve inflammatory acne. Start with a 5% concentration, you can increase it later. If you have sensitive skin, start with 2.5%. Do not wash off the product immediately; it should remain on the skin for a minute. Benzac AC is an affordable product.
  3. Vitamin A creams can also help clear up acne.
  4. Chemical peels are also effective in treating most forms of acne. Salicylic acid is often prescribed by dermatologists in concentrations ranging from 10 to 30%. The procedure must be performed by a doctor. Peels with glycolic acid or other AHAs may also help.
  5. Diet is extremely important when treating acne.
  6. Women should pay attention to the cosmetics they use. Don't forget to remove your makeup. Mineral cosmetics are best because they do not contain talc or parabens, and most importantly, they do not clog pores. You can also have makeup-free days. Allowing your skin to breathe at least 2-3 days a week will also reduce acne.
  7. Light therapy is also used by dermatologists. Blue and red light work by killing bacteria in acne. This form of therapy is called "low level laser therapy." LLET is best used as an adjunctive therapy. Kleresca is another form of acne treatment using photodynamic therapy.
  8. Contact a dermatologist. The specialist will select the appropriate therapy. In most cases, acne can be removed in a short period of time. Doctors often prescribe anti-inflammatory tablets and creams with vitamin A.

The ideal treatment will depend on your lifestyle as well as your clinical presentation.

Megan Fox (32)

The actress fights rashes on her face with peelings. True, sometimes she forgets about proper care and masks acne with thick foundation (and you can’t do that!).

Molly Greenblatt

Molly suffered from acne for 5 years. Cleansing foams, oils, tonics - nothing helped against the hated acne. The girl even resorted to a remedy similar in properties to the drug that Kali Kushner took, but it did not bring her long-term results. Then Molly decided to take a more radical step - stop washing her face.

Of course, Molly did not avoid getting water on her face: she calmly took a shower or bath, but did not use any special cleansers. Sticking to the plan, a year later the girl saw cleaner and smoother skin in the mirror: the rashes had almost disappeared, and her complexion had improved.


The biggest pimple in the world

If pimples are left untreated, giant purulent formations may form in their place.
The largest pimple is considered to be a carbuncle, which in turn is a type of boil. They usually appear in the groin, armpit or neck. People often confuse a boil with a carbuncle. The difference is that with a boil, only one hair follicle is affected, while a carbuncle is inflammation of several follicles at once, which is much more serious, the inflammatory process is more severe.

The largest pimples are carbuncles

Initially, inflammation begins with the appearance of several dense tubercles, which then join together to form a hemispherical pimple. Sometimes the carbuncles reach the size of a child's palm and have a bluish color.

Large pimples take up to two weeks to mature. If a carbuncle occurs, it is important not to treat it yourself, but to consult a doctor. Incorrect or untimely treatment can lead to infection of the blood, venous vessels, and the onset of a serious disease such as lymphadenitis or osteomyelitis. If a purulent pimple is on the face, it can cause the development of purulent meningitis. Often, treatment of an advanced stage cannot be done without a doctor prescribing antibiotics and injections.

Types of acne

All acne is divided into two types:

  1. No inflammatory process.
  2. With an inflammatory process.

Pimples without signs of inflammation, in turn, are divided into open comedones, which look like blackheads, and closed comedones, which look like whiteheads.

Acne with inflammatory symptoms has the following names:

  • Papules,
  • Pustules,
  • Nodes,
  • Cysts.

How to determine whether there is an inflamed acne on the face or not? The appearance of the first one is larger and it catches the eye, disfiguring the face. There are signs of tissue swelling, redness, suppuration , as there is an infection. Inflamed pimples are often painful and uncomfortable. If the acne has no signs of inflammation, then at one moment it can turn into an inflamed one; all you need to do is introduce an infection into the skin pore.

Acne without inflammation

Comedones appear as a result of blockage of the ducts of the sebaceous glands. These pimples contain thick fat, dead cells and epithelial scales.

If such a congestion forms outside the pores, then open comedones appear . Why are they black? Since the pores are open, an oxidation reaction occurs caused by the action of oxygen on lumps of fat. As a rule, blackheads do not cause any trouble, however, if an infection occurs, the situation becomes the opposite.

Closed comedones or whiteheads, wen occur when there is a blockage of fat in the lower part of the pores. They resemble blood clots because they have no way out. They are invisible to the eye and are often felt only by touch. However, some of them are still noticeable, as they rise above the surface. They are called millet grains because they resemble grains.

Closed comedones form on the face in the area of ​​the cheeks, cheekbones, and forehead and are not particularly disturbing - there is no inflammation or pain. However, despite some harmlessness, they are still dangerous, since they are capable of combining with neighboring inflammatory acne under the skin. As a result, a voluminous cavity is formed, which is gradually filled with pus. Thus, the wen can worsen the situation significantly.

Inflammatory acne

Acne with an inflammatory process is also classified. For example, papules are comedones with inflammation, often arising from wen. diameter is up to 1 cm , they look like pink or red balls that rise above the surface of the skin. If you press a little, it temporarily changes color to white. Lacks white head. If the papule has grown from a blackhead, then you can see a dark fat plug. These acne are divided into types:

  1. Superficial. Their size is up to 5 mm, after disappearing they leave no traces, sometimes a temporary stain forms.
  2. Deep papules or nodules. They occupy the entire thickness, their diameter is from 1 to 3 cm. They are usually painful, colored red or blue-purple, when they disappear, they leave spots and scars on the skin that disfigure the appearance.
  3. Cysts. With severe inflammation, dense formations with pus are formed. Often several merge into one, forming a chain of cyst-like papules. If you touch it, you might think that it is a dense capsule. They consist of chambers that are connected by fistulas. They cause a lot of trouble and leave a mark behind.


Previous Papuloses originated from “black dots”, but Pustoleuses began from “white heads”. Therefore, these acne are also closely related to comedones and develop rapidly if left untreated.

These are pustular formations that have a reddish rim around them. The inside of the acne is clogged with white or yellow pus and has an uneven shape. Often such pimples merge with nearby types of acne.

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Contact and squeezing of pustular neoplasms should be avoided. The damage will leave unsightly scars on the skin or infection may spread to other areas of the skin.


This type is a continuation of comedones, with improper treatment or its complete absence. “Black” acne begins to actively multiply over time, resulting in severe inflammation and redness.

Papular acne is sensitive to touch and often makes itself felt with painful sensations and itching. Contact removal of purulent mounds, or, more simply put, squeezing, will certainly lead to complications and a severe abscess. For treatment, benzoyl peroxide or isotretioin is used.


Complex and intractable formations, which over time fill with pus mixed with blood. In its neglected form, the contents come out of small holes, bringing pain and disgust.

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The appearance vaguely resembles a mountain hill with large and small hillocks across the entire surface.


The result of worsening nodular acne is abscess acne. Due to the development and reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms, cysts are formed that are filled with purulent fluid and vaguely resemble a boil.

This type refers to painful and rather soft neoplasms. In advanced forms, the only medicine is a scalpel, which leaves behind small but deep scars.

Important rules (4 useful tips)

If subcutaneous pimples appear on the face, enlarged pores are present, you must try to find the cause of their occurrence and eliminate it. However, their treatment, both in adolescents and adults, can take quite a long period of time. There are several simple rules that will make it easier to survive this period of time and not worry about rashes:

  • Wash your face every day (morning and evening). Taking care of your facial skin in this way not only allows you to accustom yourself to the necessary ritual, but also improves tone and reduces redness.
  • Minimize the use of decorative cosmetics. Of course, leaving the house without makeup with red rashes causes internal discomfort in a person. Especially when it comes to the need to work with people. There is no need to give up makeup when treating acne. It is important to select cosmetics that do not close pores and do not cause an allergic reaction. They should be applied to the skin only after all medicinal cosmetics have been absorbed. In this case, you can get a practically even tone and not interrupt the treatment of acne on your face.
  • Use little tricks. Girls are terribly worried when rashes appear on their faces before important events. A professional makeup artist will help you disguise acne before such important events as a wedding, a reunion or a business trip. Correctly applied makeup will make the skin smooth and even, and the girl happy. When there is a need to preserve memories in the form of photos, you can seek help from a professional who will tell you how to remove acne on your face in Photoshop or do it yourself. Special programs for Photoshop allow you to process photographs of people even with severe manifestations of acne.

In the photo on the Internet you can see what will happen visually if you squeeze pimples on the face, but redness and an increase in the size of the rash is not the worst complication.

When squeezing a pimple, very often, an infection is introduced into the skin, which quickly multiplies and leads to the formation of pustules. Instead of 1-3 pimples, a person can get 20-30 purulent rash elements. Dermatologist Corey Frucht

The face has extremely thin skin and a dense network of arteries and veins. If you squeeze out a large purulent pimple, there is a risk of pus entering the brain through the system of blood vessels and developing abscesses. This is a life-threatening condition.

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