Why do pimples or pustules appear after cleansing your face and what to do?

Facial cleansing is a cosmetic procedure that involves cleansing the skin of sebum and removing comedones. There are different types of cleaning: mechanical (manual), hardware (vacuum, ultrasonic, galvanic, etc.).

1. Manual (manual, mechanical) cleansing is indicated for oily, oily problem and combination skin (T-zone). Allows you to remove excess sebum, open comedones (blackheads) and closed comedones (milia or “gray marks”), narrow pores and prevent the appearance of inflammatory elements (acne, or simply pimples). It is recommended to do it once a month.

  • Ultrasonic (atraumatic) cleaning is indicated for combination skin. It is more gentle, so it can be used on normal and even dry facial skin. Allows you to exfoliate the upper, keratinized layers of the skin, remove comedones, stimulates metabolism and blood circulation. Ultrasonic vibrations propagating from the emitter into the surface layers of the skin contribute to the mechanical separation of dying cells of the stratum corneum of the skin. The power of ultrasound is such that it cannot cause any damage to living cells.

Used as an “express beauty” procedure, it refreshes the complexion, evens out the relief, and improves skin tone.

Ultrasonic cleaning is gentler than manual cleaning. Ultrasound cleaning can be done for patients who cannot tolerate pain. (for example, boys and men, girls with a low pain threshold). But, you need to understand that comedones and milia cannot be removed using ultrasonic cleaning. Therefore, if we see that manual cleaning is necessary, then we do the first procedures using a gentle method, and then we gradually “complicate” the technique and switch to manual removal of comedones.

Cleansing your face from acne and blackheads

The appearance of acne on the face most often occurs during puberty, but can occur at any age. According to expert research, acne can appear between the ages of 12 and 24 years.

It is believed that the main reason why acne appears on the face is an increase in androgen levels. Androgen is a type of hormone whose levels increase during adolescence. In women, it turns into estrogen. An increase in androgen levels leads to the growth of subcutaneous sebaceous glands. Excess sebum causes the cell walls in the pores to break down, causing bacterial growth and acne. In some cases, this leads to infections and inflammatory processes, and acne on the face, the causes of which can be determined by a cosmetologist, can cause a number of unpleasant sensations.

Taking care of your appearance and beautiful facial skin worries many people, so when faced with this problem, we are interested in how to get rid of acne on the face in a short time and painlessly. To find out the causes of acne on the face of women, it is advisable to consult a cosmetologist. Today, eliminating this condition is possible with the help of ultrasonic cleaning.

How to care for your skin after cleansing and how to heal a pimple wound quickly?

After cleaning, wounds may remain on the skin. They need disinfection. The skin must be treated with products whose action is aimed at narrowing pores. After cleaning, a specialist may recommend undergoing darsanvalization procedures, irradiation with infrared light, and making anti-inflammatory masks, for example, based on clay. Masks can also be made at home.

After the cleaning session, it is recommended to stay in the salon for at least half an hour so that the pores close, this will reduce the risk of infection getting into them. To speed up wound healing and skin restoration, it is not recommended to apply any cosmetics, go to the bathhouse, or play sports for 12 hours after the procedure. You can’t even wash your face, but you can use thermal water or a special aerosol. A cosmetologist can recommend lotions and tonics with disinfecting and soothing effects for home care.

Within a week after cleansing, it is necessary to wipe the skin with an antiseptic preparation that does not contain alcohol. Solariums are prohibited until complete restoration. Sunbathing in the sun is also not recommended; when leaving home, it is imperative to treat areas of the face and body exposed to UV radiation with a cream with high SPF protection.

It is better not to experiment with pharmaceutical preparations on your own, but to ask a cosmetologist to give a recommendation on how to heal acne wounds after cleansing.

Features of the procedure

Acne on the face of women causes discomfort, discomfort and self-doubt. To find out how to quickly get rid of acne on the face using ultrasonic facial cleansing and improve the condition of the skin, you need to consult a specialist cosmetologist who professionally and painlessly carries out cleaning using ultrasound.

Ultrasonic facial cleansing is a water-based exfoliating procedure. Ultrasound helps remove dead skin, blackheads and cleanse the face of impurities.

The method of skin cleansing using an ultrasonic spatula is the most effective and gentle professional facial cleansing; it is recognized as the first step in all aesthetic procedures.

Treatment of acne on the face using the above procedure is an excellent alternative to classic facial cleansing in a cosmetology salon.

Effective ultrasound treatment methods are characterized by their availability and affordable cost, but acne can be persistent, so more than one session will be required for effective treatment.

Depending on its severity, acne can cause emotional stress and leave scars on the skin. Timely treatment will help avoid unwanted consequences, as well as get rid of acne on the face for a long time and effectively.

Ultrasound provides gentle skin peeling; it can be performed at any time of the year without the risk of developing post-traumatic skin pigmentation or other unwanted complications.

Ultrasonic facial cleansing is an emergency remedy for dull facial skin with imperfections and blemishes. This is the best way to refresh your face and get a new look when you don't have time to prepare your skin for an important event and need to look great.

For those with problematic oily skin, it is advisable to combine ultrasonic cleansing with mechanical facial cleansing to achieve the best results. This procedure is perfect for dry and mature skin.

Why do acne appear?

Pimples are frequent “guests” on a woman’s face at any age, and they are provoked by several reasons that are worth familiarizing yourself with. The main reasons are:

  • The presence of inflammatory processes in the body;
  • Hormonal imbalances;
  • Oily, rough, porous skin;
  • Increased production of sebum by the skin;
  • Violation of intestinal microflora;
  • Incorrectly selected cosmetic products;
  • Abuse of sweet foods;
  • Improper general nutrition;
  • Demodecosis.

Every skin needs proper care, and as for problematic skin, it deserves double care and attention. For this, there are many beauty treatments in the salon, as well as home recipes that give exactly the same effect, protect the skin from rashes, prevent acne and fight acne.

If there are serious problems on the face that really make you think about the presence of concomitant serious diseases, it is worth visiting a doctor who will determine the danger of the manifestation. If these are ordinary blemishes on the skin that do not hide a danger, they can be easily gotten rid of with the help of natural home remedies that can be prepared very quickly.

Benefits of ultrasonic peeling

Ultrasonic skin cleansing is an excellent procedure using a special device, the functioning of which is based on the creation of ultrasonic waves and high-frequency vibration. Thanks to this, dead cells are removed and the upper skin is renewed. This is a superficial cleansing that affects the stratum corneum.

Main advantages of the procedure:

  • short duration;
  • minimal traces after it is carried out;
  • painlessness.

This procedure is functional, it helps to learn how to remove acne from the face, as well as remove impurities from the surface of the skin, cleanse pores, smooth out wrinkles, improve hemodynamics, provide deep hydration and exfoliate dead skin cells.

Special active ingredients penetrate the skin using ultrasound, enriching it with essential nutrients. Vibration provides a massage effect, stimulating collagen production. This cosmetological procedure is one of the most gentle for delicate facial skin. The procedure improves metabolism, ensuring the saturation of skin cells with oxygen.

It is advisable to carry out ultrasonic cleansing of facial skin no more than twice a month on oily skin or once every three months on dry skin.

Depending on individual skin conditions, one treatment per year may be sufficient for some clients. The frequency of skin cleansing activities using ultrasound is determined by a cosmetologist at a specialized clinic.

Treatment of the consequences of cosmetic procedures

When a rash appears, it is important not to self-medicate, but to go to a specialist. He will determine the cause of the rash and take action.

Can't visit a cosmetologist-dermatologist immediately? In this case, try the following:

  1. Wash your face with a warm decoction of herbs: chamomile, calendula and sage will relieve inflammation, soothe the skin, and eliminate harmful bacteria.
  2. Wipe your skin with a salicylic acid solution. The component is included in many expensive products, but you can buy a bottle at any pharmacy: the cheapness will not affect the effectiveness.
  3. Make masks with cosmetic clay, which normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands.
  4. Do not squeeze pimples, otherwise you risk getting an infection. Even if bacteria does not enter the wound, there is a chance that a scar will remain on the face later.

Still, you should not delay visiting a specialist, especially if the situation does not begin to improve within a few days.

How to understand that your cleaning was done poorly

It can be difficult to know whether rashes remain within normal limits. But if you notice a number of alarming signs during cleansing, and then your face breaks out in pimples, it’s time to rush to the doctor. What does the lack of professionalism of a cosmetologist indicate?

  1. Before starting cleaning, a specialist must inspect the covers. While touching your face with your hands is usually a bad idea, you need to make an exception at this point. After all, a cosmetologist must evaluate how rough the skin is and understand whether it is dry or oily. If he neglects preparation, the approach will not be individual.
  2. The specialist will not only cleanse your face, but also look into your ears. The fact is that there are acne and pimples in the ears and passages. If you often use headphones while listening to music, then your pores are probably clogged. A good cosmetologist will definitely examine the ears and clean them.
  3. A cosmetologist should not shame you for your skin condition or aggressively force you to use care products. But he is obliged to give recommendations, especially if he has mechanically removed comedones. After all, the pores do not close immediately after treatment: they remain stretched, which increases the likelihood of the problem returning. If the rules of facial care have not been explained to you, it is not surprising that rashes appear again.

If you notice these mistakes by a cosmetologist, and then you have complaints about the results, consult your doctor about your skin condition.

Types of cleansing for acne

There are several types of procedures, including manual, vacuum, ultrasound, and atraumatic.


Manual – mechanical facial cleansing. It is carried out using fingers wrapped in a napkin or a special tool. The technique is highly traumatic and painful.

This type of cleansing is not recommended, since future injury to the skin can cause hyperkeratosis, increased sebum secretion, and the appearance of new rashes. After this procedure, swelling, redness, and wounds remain for some time.226


Removing acne using vacuum facial cleansing is a more gentle method. It helps rid pores of their contents using a special nozzle. The device creates negative pressure and absorbs excess sebum. This method is characterized by ease of implementation and low trauma. Particularly effective for open comedones and liquid seborrhea.

You cannot apply a vacuum to the skin if it is thin or sensitive, as well as when the capillaries are dilated or increased fragility. 226


Ultrasonic cleaning also applies to hardware methods. It is based on the effect of high-frequency sound vibrations on the skin. In cases of severe inflammation, this method is not recommended.

After the procedure, you need to apply a mask to the skin to tighten the pores. This method is contraindicated for girls who have undergone “golden” reinforcement or suffer from arterial hypertension. 226


Atraumatic cleansing of the face from blackheads and pimples involves the use of special preparations that dissolve comedones, narrow pores, and have an anti-inflammatory effect. This method is suitable for all skin types, including sensitive and dry.

The main advantages of the atraumatic method are the absence of mechanical pressure and injury. Typically, a cosmetologist uses combined peelings. They cleanse the skin, reduce capillaries, and start the regeneration process. 226

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