The use of honey and aloe in cosmetology. All the pros and cons of using these components and recipes for face masks

Photo: UGC Do you like homemade facial cosmetics? Don't know which product is suitable for absolutely any skin? Pay attention to aloe with honey. The combination of a beekeeping product with a medicinal plant is considered miraculous. In the article we will talk about how to use aloe with honey on the face, as well as other uses of the products.

The benefits of honey and aloe

Aloe has taken a strong position and is actively used in cosmetology. This plant can be called truly universal, because it is suitable for both oily and dry skin, cares for both an aged face and fights youth problems.

The main secret of the beneficial effects of aloe lies in allantoin, a natural compound found in the leaves of the succulent. This substance is able to penetrate deep into the epidermis and deliver nutrients to cells, and it also has amazing moisturizing properties. Aloe pulp is also rich in other biologically active components, there are more than 200 of them. Vitamins (beta-carotene, E, C, group B), pectins, amino acids and enzymes are of particular importance.

Thanks to this composition, aloe has the following effects on the skin:

  • relieves inflammation and heals wounds;
  • tightens, gives elasticity and firmness to aging skin;
  • smoothes out small wrinkles;
  • tones, nourishes and softens;
  • cleanses and disinfects;
  • stimulates the production of elastin and collagen;
  • eliminates greasy shine and helps tighten pores.

Honey goes well with aloe; together these components make a stunning union. The beekeeping product enhances the beneficial properties of the plant and complements them. It improves complexion and activates blood circulation, saturates the epidermis with vitamins and enzymes, rejuvenates, moisturizes and maintains the beauty of the skin.

Aloe with honey for the face: benefits

It's no secret that honey is a very healthy product. It is taken orally not only for pleasure, but also for treatment. In addition, many cosmetics are prepared based on beekeeping products. It is also added to face and hair masks, shower gels and other care products.

What are the benefits of honey for the face? It promotes regeneration of the epidermis, moisturizes, improves the appearance and color of the skin. According to the authoritative publication WebMD, honey helps fight bacteria, relieves swelling and heals wounds. Also in cosmetology, the antibacterial and nutritional properties of honey are known.

Aloe, known as aloe vera, or agave, has proven benefits for the skin. My colleague K. Agadzhanova claims that aloe juice contains allantoin, a substance that acts as a powerful moisturizer. The plant also helps combat oily skin, can rejuvenate and tighten pores, and reduce irritation. This means that this is an indispensable tool in cosmetology.

Colleagues claim that agave with honey is suitable for different skin types. Therefore, it can be used by people at any age. This is a universal remedy for different times of the year. In winter, the product will provide the skin with nutrients, and in summer it will moisturize and relieve irritation.

Photo: Pokrovsky B. Treatment with honey. - Publishing house: ACC-Center, 2009. - 160 pp.: UGC

Aloe with honey will help with problems such as:

  • acne, acne;
  • oily skin with enlarged pores;
  • fading epidermis;
  • small wrinkles;
  • dehydrated, aging skin;
  • peeling on the face;
  • irritation.

What are the benefits of aloe with honey? The tool will help:

  • improve skin regeneration;
  • stimulate the growth of new cells;
  • soothe the skin;
  • saturate the epidermis with useful substances;
  • remove toxins;
  • increase elasticity.

As you can see, honey and aloe for the face are a real magic wand. Therefore, I recommend not to put off testing this miracle remedy. Moreover, the ingredients can be found in almost every home.

Be careful: the components of the mask are unsafe for people with individual food intolerances. Therefore, an allergy test will definitely not be superfluous.

Indications and precautions

Face masks based on aloe and honey are multifunctional and suitable for all skin types; they will be especially effective in the following cases:

  • if your skin is too dry or sunburnt;
  • for acne and scars left from rashes;
  • in the spring and autumn seasons, when the skin is in dire need of hydration and nutrition;
  • to combat fine wrinkles;
  • for sensitive and irritation-prone skin;
  • to restore a healthy complexion;
  • for peeling;
  • for enlarged pores and shiny skin.

Despite the wide spectrum of action and versatility, do not forget that both honey and aloe contain quite active components. In order not to get the opposite effect and not harm your health, you should familiarize yourself with the contraindications, these include:

  • intolerance and allergy to honey or aloe;
  • close location of blood vessels on the face to the surface of the skin;
  • pregnancy, lactation and menstruation.

If you don’t have any of the above, you can safely prepare and apply healthy masks with aloe juice and honey to your face.

Benefits, medicinal properties and chemical composition

The combination of aloe and honey is suitable for all skin types and has amazing effects on it. The medicinal composition has the following healing properties:

  • restores the original condition of the skin;
  • relieves inflammation;
  • gives matte finish;
  • regenerates damaged skin;
  • fights acne;
  • tightens pores;
  • eliminates fine wrinkles and acne scars;
  • moisturizes and tones;
  • activates collagen production;
  • removes waste and toxins.

The therapeutic effect of cosmetics is due to the rich chemical composition of the plant. Its leaves contain large amounts of:

  • vitamins A, C, E;
  • gland;
  • zinc;
  • copper;
  • silicon;
  • hyaluronic acid;
  • allantoin;
  • complex of amino acids and lignin.

Honey enhances the beneficial properties of agave:

  1. It has an antibacterial and healing effect, increases blood circulation, rejuvenates, moisturizes and nourishes the skin.
  2. The product contains fruit acids, glucose, B vitamins, pectin and carotene.

The use of cosmetics containing honey and aloe is indicated in the following cases:

  • violation of the water balance of the skin;
  • acne;
  • additional nutrition and moisturizing of the skin in the summer;
  • age-related changes;
  • increased sensitivity of the skin and tendency to irritation;
  • peeling;
  • increased fat content.

Can it cause harm and what are the contraindications?

If used incorrectly, honey and aloe can bring not only benefits, but also cause harm. Natural components are powerful allergens.

  • Their use is strictly contraindicated for people who are hypersensitive to natural components. Before using the mask, apply a small amount of the prepared composition to the elbow. If a rash or redness appears within 30 minutes, you will have to stop using the product.
  • It is also not recommended to apply the mask during pregnancy and on “critical” days, since honey and aloe can increase bleeding. When using a cosmetic product during breastfeeding, there is a risk of developing allergies in the child.

Experts do not recommend applying the composition if there are pustular rashes or open wounds on the skin. In this case, the agave will not have a healing effect, but will provoke the appearance of new acne on the face.

At home, masks with honey and aloe should be prepared in strict accordance with recipes. Otherwise, a violation of the fat balance of the skin may occur.

Preliminary preparation

To prepare healing and useful cosmetics based on aloe, it is not enough to simply cut off the leaves of the plant and squeeze the pulp out of them. It is necessary to carefully choose a shrub, as well as correctly prepare the extract for masks. So, you should be guided by the following principles:

  1. the age of aloe intended for cosmetic and medicinal purposes must exceed 2 years, and a young bush contains a minimum of useful components;
  2. It is advisable to cut off the lowest leaves of the plant;
  3. then they must be washed with boiled water, wrapped in gauze or a napkin and placed in the refrigerator;
  4. The leaves should be kept at a temperature of 4-8 degrees for 12-15 days, during this period biological stimulants will be produced inside the plant, which produce a healing effect on the skin;
  5. as a result, the leaves will become watery and change color, this process is natural, and you should not be afraid of it, you need to remove the aloe from the refrigerator, remove the skin and squeeze the juice out of the pulp.

As for honey, it does not require special or lengthy preparation; you just need to heat it to 33-35 degrees. It is better to do this in a water bath. If you overheat the product, it will lose some of its healing qualities, and when using candied honey there is a risk of injuring your facial skin. (For more information about heating honey, see our article on how to heat honey correctly)

Benefits and harms

Aggressive cosmetics for adults containing dangerous ingredients can harm a child’s health. Surfactants “eat” the lipid layer, drying out and thinning the skin. Petroleum products accumulate in the body and cause poisoning. Mineral oils, bentonite, lanolin “clog” pores, preventing the skin from breathing, triclosan destroys biofilm - the protective layer of the skin, phenoexitanol is toxic to children. Products from the “adult” series are designed for skin tissues with a sufficient content of fat, enzymes, and acids, so they cause irritation and allergic reactions in children.

The benefits of decorative cosmetics are more psychological. The girl has her own cosmetic bag, with makeup she feels beautiful, confident, even grown up. In adolescence, makeup helps to win the sympathy of the opposite sex.

To mitigate the risks of unwanted reactions, it is recommended to adhere to three rules:

• Carry out allergy tests. Apply the product to the inside of the elbow for 10-15 minutes. A marker of safety will be the absence of redness, rashes, and itching. • Remove makeup before going to bed. It is best to use hypoallergenic foam for washing. • Do not overuse. No matter how old a girl is, it is recommended to wear makeup only on holidays.

It is advisable for teenage girls to visit a cosmetologist before using decorative cosmetics for the first time. Dermatological problems begin at puberty. The doctor will determine your skin type and recommend skin care products.

The advantages of using hygienic, protective, and medicinal cosmetics are healthy skin, hair, and nails. Products from brands that carefully monitor the quality and safety of products - Johnson's Baby, Weleda, Mir Detstva, Nasha Mama, Sanosan - help you care for your baby. Two Russian brands have united under the name Happy Moments - “Drakosha” and “Little Fairy”.

Mask recipes

First, you need to analyze your skin type and decide on the problem that needs to be solved. Recipes for masks with aloe juice and honey are extremely diverse, and it is possible to choose the appropriate option for each situation.

The simplest cosmetic recipe:

  1. combine honey and aloe juice in a ratio of 1:3, mix everything;
  2. apply to face for half an hour;
  3. remove the mixture with cool water.

This mask perfectly saturates the dermis of the face with moisture and nutrients, and also eliminates minor damage to the skin.

A useful composition for the care of dry and flaky skin can be prepared as follows:

  1. combine honey, aloe juice, boiled water and glycerin in equal parts;
  2. add a small amount of oatmeal to the mixture;
  3. mix the mixture and apply to the skin for 20 minutes;
  4. rinse off the composition with warm water.

For complete and effective care for normal skin, it is useful to make a mask according to the following recipe:

  1. should be mixed 1 tsp. sour cream, aloe juice and liquid honey;
  2. add yolk to the mixture;
  3. Apply half of the prepared composition to your face, after drying, use the second part of the product, wait half an hour.

For those with problematic and oily skin, this mask is suitable:

  1. beat one egg white;
  2. add 1 tsp to it. aloe and lemon juice, the same amount of honey, stir everything;
  3. the composition must be applied to the skin in 3 stages, observing an interval of 5 minutes;
  4. mask exposure time is 20 minutes.

You can smooth out or eliminate age-related changes on the face using the following product:

  1. to 2 tbsp. l. aloe juice should be added 1 tsp. olive oil and 1 tbsp. l. honey;
  2. then add 2 drops of oil solutions of vitamin A and E;
  3. The mask is applied for half an hour and removed with warm water.

Beneficial features

The benefits of aloe have been known for a long time, because this is the plant that heals wounds and softens the skin. Many cosmetic masks cannot do without this ingredient; it not only treats acne and other damage, but also smoothes out small wrinkles. Aloe is used for both dry and oily skin. Depending on the type, a specific mask is selected that brings the greatest effect.

Aloe contains allantoin, which plays a critical role in stimulating skin cells to regenerate and moisturize.

There are many recipes for aloe cosmetics that perform more than one function. With the help of its components, you can remove toxins from the body, restore the condition of the skin and give it a matte appearance; aloe penetrates deep into the skin, cleansing it and leaving no irritation. Many cosmetic products contain aloe, although not in large proportions.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the benefits of honey. Honey is a natural product that contains a lot of useful components, they nourish the skin and also have an antimicrobial effect that eliminates irritation and fights the appearance of acne. When combined with aloe, it gives an amazing effect; this mixture penetrates deeply into the skin and starts the process of skin regeneration. Using this mask, you can completely restore your skin and bring it into excellent condition, without going to a beauty salon.

Honey is completely antibacterial, which allows it to be used for any skin type.

How to apply masks correctly

Below are some simple tips for applying masks to your face, which, if followed, will maximize the effect of the procedure:

  • A mask with aloe and honey should be applied to the face immediately after preparation; it should not be stored.
  • The face must first be washed and cleansed with tonic or lotion.
  • You can increase the effect of the mask if you apply it after taking a warm bath, when the pores are well opened.
  • To distribute the composition over the skin, it is advisable to use a brush or sponge; movements should be light, reminiscent of strokes; do not drive in or rub in the product.
  • It is necessary to avoid getting the mask on the skin in the eye area.
  • The mixture of aloe and honey should be distributed over the face, like any cosmetic product, in accordance with the massage lines.
  • The optimal frequency of using a healing mask is once every 7-10 days.

A mask with aloe juice and honey is an effective healing remedy for regular skin care. It will help protect the epidermis from the influence of harmful factors and adverse conditions, prevent many problems, and improve the appearance of the face. Cosmetic procedures can be easily carried out at home on your own, and the effect will be no worse than after a visit to the salon.


The mask should not be used by people who are allergic to bee honey or aloe. Before starting use, you should smear the inside of your hand and wait - the result should appear in half an hour. If any irritation occurs, then using the mask is contraindicated.

You need to use it strictly according to the recipe, otherwise you can make dry skin too oily, and continue the rash process with oily skin. Any treatment is good when it is in moderation, so when using this method, you should always monitor how often the remedy was used, as well as monitor the effect of its use. If nothing has changed, stop using the mask and try switching to something else.

If bleeding is severe, aloe should not be used as it may cause additional irritation. Also, with severe rashes that are accompanied by pustular formations, the aggressive action of aloe can provoke further rashes.

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