Simple and effective watermelon masks for face and hair at home

The summer, juicy, healthy and largest berry is watermelon. It is available only three months a year, and it can be used not only for its intended purpose - as a dessert, an ingredient for juices, salads and winter preparations, but also as an effective cosmetic product.

A watermelon mask will help to gently moisturize and refresh the skin, and optimally protect against ultraviolet radiation. What are the benefits of watermelon and how to use it for self-care? Let’s look at it further.

The use of watermelon in cosmetology

The use of watermelon in cosmetology is justified due to its rich content of the following nutrients:

  • vitamins A, B, C, K, PP;
  • iron;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • manganese;
  • copper;
  • sodium;
  • selenium;
  • phosphorus;
  • fluorine;
  • zinc.

Watermelon for the face in cosmetology is used in the form of masks from the pulp; watermelon ice and oil are made from its seeds. Watermelon extract is invaluable in lip products: it ideally eliminates flaking and strengthens delicate skin, preventing coloring pigments from harming it. In cosmetology, not only watermelon pulp is used, but also juice.

Important! Early autumn is a favorable period for preparing masks and lotions with watermelon, because it is at this time that the berries are of higher quality, ripened, and free of harmful substances.

Watermelon ice for the face instead of toner. How to do it?

The watermelon season continues to gain momentum. Now is the time when this melon crop is safest. The probability of buying a nitrate watermelon at this time is much lower than, for example, in June, or even July. But, all the same, it seems to me that every watermelon should be checked before eating it. The presence of nitrates in it can be determined using this home test. If everything is in order, then you can serve the watermelon not only on the table, but also actively use it for other purposes. For example, in cosmetics. You can make watermelon juice out of it, which will serve as an excellent substitute for such a cosmetic product as facial tonic. It will be much cheaper, and the performance of such ice is no worse.

Useful properties and effect

Almost 90% of watermelon consists of water, and this is truly a lifesaver for dry skin. Vitamin A contained in it has an anti-inflammatory effect, so face masks help remove rashes and heal micro-wounds. Folic acid in the composition will increase the strength of cell structure, help in the fight against acne, and give the skin a healthy color and radiance.

Sucrose, glucose, fructose are substances ideal for gentle peeling because they contain a high content of glycolic acid. It helps exfoliate dead cells and gently cleanses the skin without damaging it.

The watermelon mask contains ascorbic acid and carotene - important antioxidants that have a beneficial effect on aging skin. They fight the primary signs of aging and tighten the skin, making it elastic and firm.

Watermelon face mask, thanks to the content of minerals (potassium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium and sodium), strengthens the epidermis and nourishes it.

Vitamin B2 significantly improves oxygen absorption by cells and tones the skin.


The homeland of watermelon is Africa, and the South, the Kalahari Desert. In modern countries such as Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia, and South Africa, watermelon is still found in the wild. In ancient times, it was brought to Egypt, so information about the first harvest is recorded in hieroglyphs of 3 thousand BC. Over the last millennium, watermelons have spread throughout the world: in the 10th century. They began to be grown in China in the 13th century. together with Moorish troops they came to Europe, and in the 18th century - through African slaves - to North and Latin America. The word "watermelon" was first recorded in English in 1615.

Indications for use

Watermelon is prescribed for medicinal purposes as a diuretic and choleretic agent, for anemia, cardiovascular diseases and liver diseases, obesity, cholecystitis, diabetes, hypertension.

In cosmetology, watermelon and products that contain it are indicated for those who have:

  • severe swelling;
  • sunburn;
  • rashes, inflammation;
  • signs of skin aging;
  • pigmentation;
  • dull complexion.

Important! It is prohibited to use watermelon juice on the face as a cosmetic product after chemical peeling procedures and various injections.

Watermelon ice for the face instead of toner. How to prepare and use?

The watermelon season continues to gain momentum. Now is the time when this melon crop is safest. The probability of buying a nitrate watermelon at this time is much lower than, for example, in June, or even July. But, all the same, it seems to me that every watermelon should be checked before eating it. The presence of nitrates in it can be determined using this home test. If everything is in order, then you can serve the watermelon not only on the table, but also actively use it for other purposes. For example, in cosmetics. You can make watermelon ice out of it, which will serve as an excellent replacement for such a cosmetic product as facial tonic. It will be much cheaper, and the performance of such ice is no worse.

The best watermelon masks

The main advantage of watermelon is that its extract is a universal remedy that is great for caring for all skin types. This berry saturates dry skin with moisture and tones it, while oily, acne-prone skin helps get rid of blackheads.

A watermelon mask is also suitable for pigmented and freckled skin: it will brighten and even out the complexion.

With kelp and coconut oil for wrinkles

This unusual combination of ingredients will not only relieve puffiness and smooth out fine wrinkles, but will also significantly improve the overall condition of facial skin.

For one procedure you will need:

  • 2 tbsp. spoons of dry kelp;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of watermelon pulp;
  • 2 teaspoons coconut oil.

Watermelon pulp is mixed with kelp powder, oil is added and left for 10 minutes.

The mask should be applied to the skin and washed off after 15 minutes. The composition should only be applied to a face that has been previously steamed with a hot compress. The course of skin rejuvenating procedures will be approximately 7-10 sessions.

With egg white for oily skin

A watermelon face mask with protein at home tightens enlarged pores, which become dirty and form blackheads. It is ideal for oily skin types because it removes excess moisture and fatty secretions and eliminates oily shine.

The recipe is as follows: beat 1 egg white, add 1 tbsp. spoon of watermelon juice. Apply the finished mask to your face for 20 minutes. You can add 1 tbsp to the finished mass. a spoonful of low-fat sour cream.

With calendula and rye flour for acne

For the prevention and treatment of various inflammatory processes on the skin and acne, this mask is indispensable. It evens out the skin texture and changes the complexion, tightening the pores.

To prepare the mask, you need to do the following: grind 1 teaspoon of dried calendula flowers together with 1 tbsp. spoon of watermelon pulp and add 1 teaspoon of rye flour. Apply to facial skin, rinse after 10-15 minutes. The procedure should be carried out no more than once a week.

Whitening with honey and clay

A face mask with watermelon juice regulates the production of melanin in tissues, lightens age spots, helps eliminate flaking and strengthen capillary walls.

It is prepared like this: add 2 teaspoons of white clay to 4 teaspoons of watermelon juice, stir thoroughly and add 2 teaspoons of honey. Apply the composition to the surface of the skin, rinse after 15 minutes. The interval for using the recipe is 3-4 days.

Important! Before applying a watermelon mask to your face at home, you must thoroughly clean it of dirt and cosmetic residues. To enhance the effect, you can lightly steam the skin using a hot compress.

With olive oil and plum oil to moisturize

The mask is prepared as follows: 1 tbsp. Mash a spoonful of watermelon pulp in a bowl, 1 tbsp. Mix a spoonful of mashed ripe plum pulp with watermelon, add 0.5 teaspoon of olive oil to the mixture. Apply to facial skin, rinse after 20 minutes and moisturize with daily care cream.

With gelatin for skin tightening

Pour 15 g of gelatin into a thick mass of watermelon pulp prepared from a slice of watermelon and leave for 25 minutes. Place the resulting paste on the fire and stir constantly until the crystals dissolve. Add one yolk and mix.

The mass will flow off your face because it will be quite liquid. To avoid this, it is better to soak the fabric in the composition and apply a compress for 20 minutes. Afterwards, carefully remove the remnants of the mask with cold water and wipe your face with an ice cube.

With cucumber and oatmeal for rejuvenation

A homemade watermelon face mask is an excellent rejuvenating remedy for aging skin.

To prepare it you will need:

  • 2 teaspoons oatmeal;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of cucumber pulp;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of watermelon pulp.

Mix all ingredients. Pre-wipe your face with micellar water and apply the mask to your face in several layers for 15-20 minutes.

To get lasting results, it is better to carry out a course that includes 5-8 procedures every two days.

Reference. A watermelon face mask will be more beneficial if you take the pulp from its core. It contains the highest amount of nutrients, sugars and microelements.

This one suits you: 5 signs of a quality watermelon

Don’t neglect the “seasonality” of dessert and buy the first fruit you come across in the store. Watermelons grown in greenhouses or with the help of chemicals do not carry nutritional value, and in some cases can even be harmful, cause allergies, and poisoning. How to recognize a good product? Below are five tips.

  1. The season starts in August. More precisely, towards the end of the third summer month. Early autumn is the ideal time to buy a watermelon, when the risk of choosing an unripe or “stuffed” fruit is minimized.
  2. Preference goes to trusted stores. Many reviews say that it is better not to buy watermelons from street sellers. It is unlikely that such trays will be able to guarantee the quality and naturalness of the fruit: not everyone can boast of having a certificate or compliance with sanitary standards.
  3. "Appearance" matters. The striped crust should be bright, contrasting and shiny. There should be no scratches, dents or cuts on it - harmful microbes can easily penetrate through such “cracks”. You can usually find a small yellowish spot on the surface - this is good, the watermelon has been lying on the field for a long time, basking in the sun and ripening. It is important that the shell is hard - it cannot be pierced with a fingernail, much less crushed. It is better to choose a medium-sized watermelon - this eliminates the possibility of buying a “green” or overripe fruit.
  4. The fruit should “sound.” When you “tap” a watermelon with your palm, there should be a ringing, clear sound. There is another way: bring the watermelon to your ear and squeeze it tightly with your hands - the rind should crackle slightly. All this means that the peel is ripe, and the inside of the watermelon has become a little loose, which gives rise to such an echo.
  5. Home inspection. You can’t ask someone to cut out a piece of watermelon right in the store to see what it’s like inside. This can lead to the entry of pathogenic bacteria. Therefore, viewing the pulp at home can be considered a control check for an already purchased “fruit”. It should be a little loose and juicy. Smooth, pale flesh with yellow veins is a clear sign of an unripe or low-quality watermelon.

Do not neglect safety rules when choosing a fruit for food or a homemade mask. Ripe watermelon contains the most nutrients. An out-of-season or unripe berry will be useless for the skin at best, and harmful at worst.

Other cosmetics

Watermelon is an ideal base for all kinds of cosmetic products. There are many options for masks, lotions, scrubs made from its pulp and juice.

Watermelon seed scrub

Grind 100 g of pre-washed and dried watermelon seeds in a coffee grinder, add a little low-fat kefir to the powder to obtain the consistency of thick sour cream. Stir thoroughly and apply the scrub to your face with light massage movements. Rinse off with warm water, then cool water and apply cream for daily care.

Important! Before preparing a cosmetic product from watermelon, conduct a simple test for the presence of harmful substances in it. Take a small piece of pulp and immerse it in a glass of water. If the water remains clear, the product is environmentally friendly. If the water becomes cloudy or has a red tint, it means that the watermelon has a high content of harmful substances.

Lotion made from watermelon juice and mineral water

The method of preparing it is simple: 5 tbsp. spoons of watermelon juice and 5 tbsp. Combine a tablespoon of mineral water and, for ease of use, pour it into a bottle with a spray nozzle or dispenser. Twice a day, wipe your skin with cotton pads or spray the liquid on your face.

The lotion can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than two days. The product nourishes cells and reduces the number of fine wrinkles.

Watermelon ice for face

Watermelon ice cubes are used as a tonic. Watermelon juice is squeezed from the pulp into ice cube trays and frozen.

When the watermelon ice is ready, rub the cubes on your face along the massage lines. Wait 15-20 minutes until the skin absorbs all the beneficial substances, and wash with cold and then warm water. Lubricate the skin with any face cream.

Possible contraindications

Before making a mask based on watermelon, you need to familiarize yourself with possible contraindications.

It is not recommended to use watermelon remedies for:

  • the presence of open wounds and damage to the skin;
  • allergies to at least one of the components of the mask;
  • any forms of dermatitis and eczema;
  • rosacea.

Since watermelon activates blood circulation in cells, it is prohibited to use it in the presence of rosacea, as the vascular network may become more pronounced.
For children, such products can be used starting from the age of 12, after first testing the watermelon mixture on the wrist. Important! Before using masks, be sure to check them for possible allergic reactions. To check, apply a little paste to your wrist and wait 10–15 minutes. If there is no negative reaction, then the mask can be safely used on the face or hair.

DIY watermelon pulp masks are an excellent natural alternative remedy for rejuvenating, restoring, nourishing and moisturizing the epidermis. Regular use of such cosmetic mixtures can transform even flabby, tired skin that has lost its elasticity, restoring its youth and natural color.

Watermelon hair mask

For shine and softness of hair, mash the pulp of a fresh berry and apply it over the entire length for 20 minutes.
Wash off with simple shampoo. To moisturize and nourish your hair, you will need 100 g of watermelon seeds. Grind them in a blender, add half a glass of watermelon juice to the resulting powder and strain. Apply the resulting balm to washed hair and roots for 30 minutes. Afterwards, rinse off the composition with warm water.

For hair prone to dryness and brittleness, a mask of watermelon juice and kefir is suitable. If desired, kefir can be replaced with honey, yolk and butter.

A watermelon hair mask is also used for hair loss: 1 tbsp. A spoonful of watermelon juice is mixed with the yolk, 1 teaspoon of honey and onion juice. Apply to hair and roots for 1.5 hours, warm with a towel.

A watermelon hair mask will help against oily seborrhea. You will need to mix 1 teaspoon of cologne with 1/4 cup of watermelon juice. Rub into hair roots for 30 minutes before washing. Rinse with water and lemon juice.

In cosmetology, in addition to watermelon extract, berry seed oil is often used, which is known for its positive effect on all hair types. It contains oleic, stearic and linoleic fatty acids that are useful for their nutrition.

Arginine present in the oil improves blood supply to the hair follicles, helping them to receive the maximum amount of nutrients that are necessary for growth and restoration of damaged hair structure.

Watermelon seed oil is rich in zinc and copper. Copper is responsible for the preservation of pigment in the hair and fights early graying. Zinc helps care for oily hair by regulating the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Magnesium gives them volume and makes them thick.

To make your hair healthy and shiny, it is enough to apply preheated oil to your head several times a month along the entire length of your hair and leave it under a plastic cap for 30 minutes. It will take a long time to wash off the product, but the result will pleasantly surprise you.

Recipes for wrinkles

For dry or sensitive skin

Honey compresses. Need to:

  • natural honey – 10 grams;
  • watermelon – 10 grams.

The pulp and honey are mixed in equal proportions and infused for about half an hour.

Afterwards, take clean gauze, thoroughly soak it with the prepared mass and apply it to the problem areas. After 20 minutes, it is removed and the face is washed.

Mask with semolina and yolk. Required:

  • semolina – 5 grams;
  • watermelon juice – 10 milliliters;
  • yolk – 1 piece;
  • milk (if necessary) – 150 milliliters.

Semolina is boiled in water or cow's milk until cooked. Then transfer it to a bowl and cool. Then chicken yolk and watermelon juice are added. The prepared mixture is laid out in a single layer on the skin.

For normal or oily skin

Bread mask. Necessary:

  • black bread – 15 grams;
  • watermelon pulp – 10 grams;
  • sour cream – 5 grams.

The bread is soaked in water, then sour cream and pulp are added to it and everything is mixed. The mask is laid out on the required areas in several layers.

Mask with cottage cheese. Need to:

  • cottage cheese 5% - 10 grams;
  • watermelon – 15 grams.

The pulp is added to the cottage cheese and mixed. The prepared mask is applied to the epidermis in a single layer for half an hour.


Let's look at online reviews from people who have tried watermelon masks in practice.

Olga: “With age, more and more fine wrinkles appear, and I discovered an excellent way to combat them. A watermelon face mask with oatmeal and cucumber helps nourish the skin and rejuvenate it. I am very pleased".

Tamara: “In the summer, my skin becomes very dry and flaky, and rashes appear on my face. A watermelon mask helped me cope with this problem. After it, the skin is moisturized, fresh and looks great. The complexion evened out, the rashes disappeared after just two uses.”

Tatyana: “A watermelon hair mask helps my hair look healthy and silky. I use it to moisturize and nourish my hair and roots.”

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