19 face masks at home - cleansing for combination skin, recipes

For skin prone to both flaking and an unpleasant oily sheen in the T-zone, it is difficult to choose skincare products that will perform several basic functions at once - nutrition, moisturizing and protection from weather conditions. It is the mixed skin type that is considered the most capricious, and the normal one is practically never found, because it has the characteristics of several types of skin at once. If you give preference to products that regulate sebum production, you can dry out the sensitive skin of your cheeks. Conversely, delicate formulations cannot always cope with all the signs of the oily type. Homemade masks work most effectively in this case. Created on the basis of natural ingredients, they have an antiseptic effect on the sebaceous areas of the dermis, and also, due to the absence of chemicals in the composition, are gentle on sensitive facial skin.

The effectiveness of masks for combination skin

Natural masks made at home have bactericidal, restorative and regenerating properties. If you regularly use such products in your daily care, you can notice a clear effect:

  • the production of skin secretions is normalized, due to which the secretion of sebum in the T-zone decreases, and in dry areas it increases;
  • peeling and various inflammations that form on the sensitive skin of the cheeks disappear;
  • effectively eliminates blackheads;
  • the water balance of the skin is restored;
  • complexion improves, a healthy glow appears.

The main purpose of the masks is to get rid of oily shine, blackheads, redness, rashes and moisturize dry areas on the face.

Which skin needs hydration?

It is a common belief that only dry skin needs moisturization. But dermatologists and cosmetologists revealed a little secret to expertology.ru journalists - absolutely any dermis needs nutrition and hydration.

The best moisturizing face masks - what problems they will help solve depending on your skin type


  1. Oily dermis is known to be prone to excess sebum secretion. If it is not hydrated enough, it loses elasticity. Pores cannot expand enough to evacuate sebum. As a result, they become clogged and acne occurs. And an additional negative result is that the pores still stretch under the pressure of excess secretion. But this is no longer a natural process, so they look greatly expanded. Using moisturizing masks can solve oily skin problems or at least reduce their severity.
  2. Normal dermis usually does not suffer from a lack of moisture. But using the best recipes for moisturizing masks will help support tissue and prevent early aging and the occurrence of age-related problems such as decreased elasticity, irritation and flaking.
  3. Dry dermis undoubtedly needs additional hydration. Using masks will help eliminate the feeling of tightness, flaking, itching, and dull complexion.

It is important to consider that regardless of skin type, it needs to be moisturized in the summer, as well as if a woman lives in a dry and hot climate. In autumn and winter, when wind and frost cause additional damage to the epidermis, moisturizing masks will also not hurt. But they cannot be done if there is less than an hour left before leaving the house. In winter, such cosmetic procedures are recommended to be carried out in the evening, a few hours before bedtime.

At home: recipes

If masks with a moisturizing effect are suitable for dry types, and with a drying effect for oily types, then for combination skin it is necessary to choose products taking into account certain factors.

A distinctive feature of the mixed type of dermis is that in the autumn-winter period it needs moisturizing and nourishing products, and in the hot season, preference should be given to products that regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands. At the same time, it is not recommended to simultaneously apply two masks that differ in their effect on the skin.

In other words, you should not use one recipe for the T-zone, and apply a composition with the opposite effect to the cheek area. It is best to alternate means. For example, today prepare a nourishing mask, and the next day a drying one.


Augustina, 27 years old

Caring for combination skin is a real hassle, especially if it is dry on the cheeks and greasy and problematic on the T-zone. Personally, effective but gentle aloe products have helped me a lot! And also from eggs: from whites and from yolks.

Lydia, 35 years old

I often have problems with itching and irritation. Herbal infusions and mild products made from fermented milk products helped: sour cream, cottage cheese, milk.

Arina, 23 years old

For me, honey is a panacea for everything! I love its soft and effective effect of moisturizing and replenishing vitamins! I also love the effect that the egg gives: it’s as if it cleans out everything unnecessary from the pores with a brush, and thanks to this I can forget about comedones for a long time.

Lisa, 34 years old

Clay is what will save everyone who suffers from acne problems! I often use blue and white, green if rashes appear.

Moisturizers for normal and combination

Cottage cheese with milk

In a convenient container, combine homemade cottage cheese and milk so that you get a moderately thick consistency. Apply the finished product exclusively to dry areas of the skin. Leave the mixture for 15-20 minutes, then rinse off the mask with warm water.

The restorative effect is achieved due to the rich content of vitamin A in cottage cheese, the vitamin E contained in it copes with peeling, and the production of collagen is activated thanks to vitamin C. Other recipes for cottage cheese masks can be found here.

Homemade recipes based on dairy products perfectly nourish, moisturize and soften sensitive skin.

On semolina porridge

First boil the semolina in water, then add natural honey and any base oil to the porridge in a ratio of 2:1:1. Combine the resulting mixture with chicken yolk, mix the ingredients thoroughly until smooth, then pour 1 tbsp into the mixture. freshly prepared grape juice.

Apply the finished mask to cleansed facial skin, and after 20 minutes, remove any residue with warm water. Small grains of porridge even out the relief and rid the skin of the stratum corneum.

The B vitamins included in the semolina mask intensively nourish and restore dry areas of the skin.


Using a grater, chop new potatoes (1 tbsp) and cabbage leaves (1 tbsp). Mix the two resulting gruels in a deep bowl, add olive or corn oil (1 tsp) heated in a water bath to the mixture, mix the ingredients.

Leave the applied mask on for 20-25 minutes, then rinse off the composition with warm water using massaging movements. Homemade cabbage mask contains a large amount of iodine, which eliminates various rashes and blackheads.

Why exactly masks help effectively moisturize the skin?

In cosmetic stores you can buy more than a dozen types of skincare products. These include creams, lotions, tonics, and serums. And, of course, a variety of masks. Experts note that industrially produced cosmetics in most cases are no more effective than those that can be made at home. Now you can buy all the necessary ingredients, if not in a supermarket, then in an online store.

But what are the advantages of this type of skincare cosmetics?

, like face masks made according to the best folk recipes? Cosmetologists put forward the following arguments:

  1. If a woman uses creams and other types of cosmetics every day, then she should take into account that a quick effect cannot be achieved. The effect of the cream is cumulative. The result of its use appears in 2-3 weeks at best. And as soon as you stop using it, the effect begins to disappear. If a woman makes a mask, she gets the result immediately after the procedure. This is justified by the fact that a large amount of nutrients enter the epidermis, which contribute to instant hydration and improvement of the structure and appearance of the skin.
  2. Creams and other products should be used regularly, every day, morning and evening. Masks can be used at your discretion. That is, if necessary, for example, before a date. Or once every 3-4 days - when there is a desire and time.
  3. Using the best recipes for moisturizing face masks promotes health. That is, the dermis not only looks beautiful, it is healthy from the inside, it begins to recover and rejuvenate.
  4. Homemade face masks, prepared according to the best recipes, have a completely natural composition. Unlike most purchased cosmetics, they do not contain any dyes, fragrances, artificial thickeners, or other chemical elements that can harm the dermis of the face. There are practically no restrictions on the use of masks - neither for health reasons nor for age.
  5. And lastly, preparing a face mask at home is inexpensive, takes a minimum of time, and the procedure itself lasts 15-20 minutes and brings only pleasure. The components of moisturizing masks perform two functions simultaneously. On the one hand, they saturate the epidermis with moisture, nutrients and vitamins. On the other hand, they create something like the thinnest film that prevents moisture loss and retains it inside the dermis.


From potatoes and milk

Mash the boiled potatoes until puree. Add chicken yolk and a teaspoon of any vegetable oil to the pulp. Pour a small amount of homemade milk over the ingredients until a thick, homogeneous mass is formed. The mask lasts for 20 minutes.

Potatoes for the combination type are an excellent remedy that effectively fights the first signs of aging. Potato masks smooth out facial wrinkles, eliminate age-related changes, and correct the shape of the face.

From blackheads

The most effective treatment for blackheads is film masks that are prepared on the basis of gelatin or egg white. The disadvantage of such recipes is the painful removal of the frozen film from the surface of the skin.

If you are ready for such a test, then you can use the following method. Pour gelatin with milk in a 1:1 ratio. Microwave ingredients for 30 seconds.

You can dissolve gelatin using a water bath. A warm mass of homogeneous consistency is applied to areas of the T-zone, and after 20-25 minutes the frozen film is carefully removed from the skin.

A gelatin mask is prepared on the basis of juice, herbal decoction, and milk.

For wrinkles

The effectiveness of homemade anti-wrinkle masks depends not only on the components included. When choosing a product, it is also important to consider the type of epidermis. For example, you should not apply masks based on fruit acids or lemon juice to dry areas of the skin. For the T-zone, choose recipes that do not use heavy vegetable oils.

A mask made from cottage cheese and parsley has a pronounced rejuvenating effect. For cooking, use low-fat cottage cheese. Mash it in any convenient container, add chopped parsley juice and a couple of drops of flaxseed oil to the mixture. The duration of the mask is 25-30 minutes. Find out how to make anti-wrinkle masks instead of Botox by following the link.

The most popular anti-wrinkle mask is one enriched with vitamins A and E.

For acne and inflammation (for problematic ones)

Acne is a fairly serious problem that is unlikely to be cured with masks alone. Skin care products are just one step in a whole list of necessary measures in the fight for healthy skin.

In addition to care, it is also necessary to eat right, lead a healthy lifestyle and not succumb to stressful situations. The following recipes are suitable for problem areas of the epidermis:

  1. Clay. Mix white and blue clay in equal proportions, add 1 tsp. aloe juice and a couple of drops of tea tree oil. Mix the ingredients and apply the finished mask for 5-10 minutes. Remove the mixture with warm water as soon as you feel the skin tightening.
  2. Egg. Separate the egg white from the yolk and beat it thoroughly until foam forms. Add a couple of drops of lemon essential oil to the protein, then apply the finished mixture to problem areas of the skin. Egg white eliminates acne, blackheads, and also helps fight the first signs of aging. Other egg masks can be found here.
  3. Honey. Grind a few aspirin tablets to a powder, add a couple of drops of water to the powder. Combine the resulting mixture with honey (2 tsp) and apply the finished mask in a thin layer. After 10 minutes, remove any residue with gentle massaging movements using water. At the final stage, do not forget to use an intensive moisturizer.
  4. Lemon. Mix a tablespoon of shaving foam with two teaspoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice. Add a teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide and a pinch of iodized salt to the mixture. Apply lemon peeling to steamed facial skin using gentle movements. Leave the mask on for 5 minutes, then wash with warm water and apply nourishing cream. For effective whitening, mix lemon juice with oatmeal in equal proportions. The duration of the mask is 10 minutes.

Masks against peeling with oils

Oil-based face masks eliminate even intense peeling.

With castor

A medium potato tuber is boiled in its skin. The pulp is crushed, a tablespoon of milk and 2 teaspoons of castor oil are poured in. Add the yolk of a raw egg.

With olive

The onion in the husk is baked in the oven for 20–30 minutes. The husks are removed from the softened onion, and the pulp is made into a paste in a blender. Add 3 tablespoons of honey and the same amount of olive oil to the onion mass.

With coconut

Take a tablespoon of cream and honey, combine with a teaspoon of coconut oil. The composition nourishes and moisturizes so intensely that there is no need to use cream after the procedure.

With vegetable

To make a moisturizing mask, combine a teaspoon of liquid honey with a tablespoon of any oil: almond, peach or grape seeds, wheat germ. It is enough to keep the composition on the face for 10 minutes.

Moisturizing masks cannot be called intense, allowing you to get rid of deep folds and noticeable defects. But they perfectly tone, improve complexion, make the skin surface soft, smooth, silky, and eliminate flaking. To achieve long-term positive results, procedures should be performed regularly.


Cleansing and whitening

Oatmeal with milk

Grind oatmeal using a blender to flour and combine it with kefir or homemade milk. As a result, you should get a thick mass that is left on your face for 30 minutes.

In cases where there is inflammation in the T-zone, chamomile decoction is added instead of dairy products. Oatmeal has a whole list of beneficial properties for the skin.

Oatmeal intensively nourishes and moisturizes the epidermis, helps fight skin imperfections, and helps eliminate dryness and flaking.


Beat the white separated from the yolk until foamy. Then add fresh lemon juice or a few drops of lemon essential oil to the mixture. Mix the ingredients and use a special brush to apply the composition to problem areas of the skin. After 10 minutes, remove any remaining product. For the best effect, the mask must be used in a course consisting of 8-10 procedures. Egg white normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, relieves the skin from peeling, and the lemon juice included in the composition has a whitening, regenerating and bactericidal effect.


Pour dry yeast (20 g) with warm chamomile decoction.
Add homemade yogurt (2 tsp) and a couple drops of lavender essential oil. The yeast mask is kept for 15 minutes, after which it is washed with warm water. If regular yeast is used, then it must first be ground until smooth. After this, the crushed product is poured with water and the mixture is left to ferment for 1 hour.

To prevent yeast from losing its healing properties, dilute it with purified or mineral water, the temperature of which will not exceed 28°C.

How to use masks correctly

In order for masks rich in active ingredients to benefit the skin, they must be used correctly:

  • Apply products only to thoroughly cleaned surfaces. To do this, you need to use special foams, gels, and milks;
  • It is advisable to steam your face before the procedure. Brew 100 g of calendula, chamomile or sage with 500 ml of boiling water, leave for 40 minutes. Pour the infusion into a bowl of hot water, bend over it, cover with a towel, and sit for a quarter of an hour;
  • It is advisable to scrub the T-zone. It is not advisable to treat dry areas with aggressive compounds;
  • Apply the mask with light circular movements, starting from the nose, forehead, chin, moving to the cheeks and temples;
  • the time for keeping the product on the skin must be strictly observed (usually it ranges from 10 to 25 minutes);
  • It is advisable to rinse off the composition with water or a herbal decoction at room temperature.

Attention: before using any mask you need to do an allergy test. Apply a little product to the inside of the elbow and leave for an hour. If redness, itching, or rash appear, you will have to stop using cosmetics!

Procedures for therapeutic purposes should be carried out twice a week, for preventive purposes - once every 7-10 days. You will not be able to achieve the desired result from the first session. The course usually consists of 10-15 manipulations, then the skin should rest for a couple of weeks.

It is better to apply products in the evening. During night sleep, the skin relaxes and better absorbs nutritional components.

Drying and exfoliating


This mask refreshes the complexion, and the fruit acids included in the composition effectively exfoliate the stratum corneum of the epithelium.

The coloring pigments contained in the berries can change the tone of your skin, so during the first use, keep the mask on your face for no more than 5 minutes.

Before cooking, wash the berries thoroughly under running water, then mash them using a regular spoon. For dry areas of the combined type, use black currants or lingonberries. Add a little olive or flaxseed oil to the crushed berries. For the T-zone, which is prone to oiliness, masks based on raspberries or gooseberries with the addition of lemon essential oil are suitable.

The berry mask is intended for any skin type, but is especially suitable for tired, dull skin, sensitive skin and skin prone to rosacea.

With apples and honey

Mix the grated apple with honey. Combine the resulting mixture with homemade cottage cheese and apply the mixture to pre-steamed facial skin. After 20 minutes, rinse off the residue with water. It is also worth finding out recipes for masks with honey and lemon in the article.

The apple-honey mask has a tonic effect and smoothes out the first expression wrinkles.

Are there any contraindications for use?

Whatever product you treat your face with, if the product is used for the first time, we recommend that you first test it on the wrist or elbow area to avoid irritation and allergic reactions on the face.

There are no direct contraindications. Homemade face mask recipes are considered the safest. Women usually know what they are allergic to and what vegetables or fruits may cause irritation.

Important: if the mask contains essential oils, it is contraindicated to go out into the sun immediately after the procedure. You should wait at least 3-4 hours.


At least once, each of us tried a new advertised product, the effect of which was practically unnoticeable. It’s unlikely that anyone wants to spend money on purchased masks with minimal effect. We will protect you from unnecessary expenses and today we will talk about those products whose results are noticeable even with the naked eye.

Eva Esthetic alginate mask

The main ingredient is alginic acid, which is extracted from kelp algae. Due to this component, the alginate mask, when mixed with liquid, acquires a soft plastic consistency that hardens during application. In this case, the dried layer is quite simply, and most importantly – painlessly, removed from the surface of the skin.

The set from Eva Esthetic consists of a measuring cup, alginate powder and a spatula. In order for the resulting consistency to be easily applied to the face, it is necessary to mix the ingredients in the correct proportions (10 g of powder per 30 g of water).

The finished alginate mask has a pronounced antiseptic effect due to the tea tree oil included in the composition.

Eva Esthetic alginate mask contains rice powder and menthol, which normalize sebum production.

Sebum balance with prebiotic Cora

Suitable for both mixed and oily skin types. The developed formula of the Bark mask contains a large number of plant extracts, such as chamomile, sage, calendula, and oak bark.

The natural complex, as well as the prebiotics included in the composition, normalize the hydrolipid balance, thereby providing the skin with reliable protection. The mask from Cora Sebobalance with a prebiotic effectively cleanses pores of accumulated impurities, while acting very carefully and delicately.

It is enough to use the product 2 times a week to evaluate the effect obtained.

Sebum balance with prebiotic Cora moisturizes the skin, nourishes and relieves the uncomfortable feeling of tightness.

Masque-Creme Hydratant

A moisturizing mask from the French brand Caudalie consists of 85% natural ingredients, which means it is suitable even for very sensitive, delicate skin. The soft creamy consistency spreads easily over the face without causing any discomfort during the procedure.

The product has a subtle smell of fresh herbs, which is practically not felt during use. Intense hydration is provided by the rich content of grape seed oil. The manufacturer recommends applying the composition both to the entire face and to the delicate area around the eyes. After 15 minutes, the remaining product can be removed with a regular cotton sponge or blot your face with a paper napkin.

A dense, nourishing mask with a creamy texture will become an indispensable assistant in the winter season, when severe frosts and wind cause a lot of trouble for those with a combination type of epidermis.

Which mask to choose, homemade or purchased?

Good masks for combination skin types should solve the main problems of dry and oily areas of the face:

  • stabilize the activity of the sebaceous glands;
  • eliminate peeling;
  • lighten age spots;
  • remove blackheads from the nose area;
  • relieve inflammation;
  • relieve rashes;
  • even out the color of the integument;
  • refresh;
  • soothe irritations;
  • moisturize the skin;
  • provide adequate nutrition.

You can achieve the desired effect using industrial products or self-preparation. They have a number of advantages. The choice depends only on the girl’s personal preferences.

The specially developed composition of ready-made masks allows you to satisfy the needs of all problem areas. They consist of ingredients purified from foreign impurities. Homemade compositions usually have to be combined, applying one to oily areas and the other to dry areas.

Industrial masks act faster due to deep penetration into the tissues of the integument. Homemade masks work well for minor, superficial defects.

Another advantage of store-bought cosmetics is ease of use. It has a uniform, pleasant texture, is easily distributed over the face, and does not injure the epidermis. It is very difficult to achieve a similar consistency at home without sufficient skills.


  1. Homemade masks based on natural ingredients will bring a visible effect only with regular use. One course consists of 8-10 procedures.
  2. Before applying the product, thoroughly cleanse your skin of cosmetics and impurities, and for better results, steam your face using a hot bath. Additionally, you can do scrubbing.
  3. Remember that mixed dermis is not only prone to flaking and dryness. In the T-zone, combination skin is characterized by excessive production of sebaceous glands, which means it is necessary to select products taking into account the needs of both oily and dry skin types.
  4. You should not apply two masks with opposite effects to each other at once. For best results, alternate formulations. First use a nourishing mask, and next time apply a product with a drying effect.

Causes of mixed skin

There may be several of them, and they are all due to different factors:

  1. Increased secretion of testosterone.
  2. Low-quality products: both decorative cosmetics and skin care products.
  3. Eating junk food in excessive quantities.
  4. Hereditary tendency.
  5. Provoking the dermis with improper care products (for example, excessive “burning” of the sebaceous epidermis).

Often this type is characteristic of young people of both sexes due to hormonal changes in the body, and over time and the subsidence of the hormonal storm, such dermis “evolves” into its ideal subtype - the normal type.

But what to do if there is no time and no reason to wait for this “evolution”? Then you should treat the issue of care even more responsibly, because without difficulty you cannot catch a fish from a pond.

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