The use of flaxseed flour in cosmetology. Recipes for cleansing and rejuvenating face masks made from flaxseed flour

Flax is an amazing plant containing fatty oils that have a beneficial effect on the skin of the face, neck and décolleté. Since ancient times, beauties have used flax seeds to keep their skin young and healthy.

There are many masks made from this type of flour that you can make yourself to maintain beautiful skin.

Benefits of flaxseed flour face masks

The main advantage of flaxseed flour is that it is suitable for different skin types, and masks with it help prepare the skin for different weather conditions. It is inexpensive and easy to find in any pharmacy or store.

Pros of linen masks:

• the presence in the composition of: fatty acids, vitamins, minerals gives youth to the skin, moisturizes, nourishes and improves its elasticity;

• accelerate wound healing;

• lifting effect and stimulation of collagen synthesis allows you to smooth out even small wrinkles;

• help reduce pores and normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, thereby helping to get rid of oily sheen;

• fight acne.

The use of such masks constantly will keep the skin in excellent condition and delay the aging process.

But, despite all its advantages, flaxseed flour can give an undesirable reaction and therefore, it is necessary to conduct a trial test on a small area of ​​skin. Half an hour is enough to determine the tolerance of the mask components.

How is flaxseed meal beneficial for facial skin?

It is best to purchase flax flour in ready-made form. After all, during the production process it is degreased, which is almost impossible to do at home. The fact is that Omega 3-unsaturated acids that make up the seeds tend to oxidize and the product quickly becomes harmful. However, you can grind the flax seeds yourself and use them immediately.

Flaxseed flour is simply a storehouse of vitamins and chemical elements necessary for proper nutrition of facial skin. It contains:

  • vitamins: E, C, B1, B2, B4, B5, B6, B9, K, PP;
  • micro- and macroelements: calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, copper, chromium, sodium, selenium, manganese.

A mask with flaxseed flour is very beneficial for the skin. She:

  • delays the aging process of the epidermis, rejuvenates;
  • has an antiseptic effect, relieves irritation;
  • refreshes, evens out tone, gives velvety;
  • tones, tightens;
  • nourishes;
  • regenerates;
  • cleanses;
  • moisturizes.

This mask is beneficial for dry, flabby, age-related, irritated, sensitive and problematic facial skin. And not recommended for oily skin.

How to properly use flaxseed flour as masks

When purchasing flour, you should pay attention to its quality; it should be labeled as an eco product. In addition, it should not be in transparent packaging; exposure to light leads to rapid spoilage of the product. It is better to store flour in the refrigerator so that it does not spoil. The ideal option is to prepare the flour yourself by grinding flax grains in a coffee grinder before preparing the mask.

To achieve maximum effect from the procedure, you should apply the mask correctly:

• before applying it, it is necessary to cleanse the skin and better steam the pores over a bath;

• the procedure is recommended to be done before bedtime or in the evening;

• the mixture should be infused before application so that it swells;

• all components must be mixed well, the mass must be free of lumps;

• masks made from flaxseed flour, in rare cases, lead to skin tightening, so it is recommended to apply nourishing or moisturizing creams after the procedure;

• the skin will be excellent if you use this mask once every 3-4 days, but you can’t do it more often.


Any woman will confirm: there is no shortage of flour choices in today's supermarkets. You can also find flaxseed without any problems. But not everyone is suitable for masks. Most often you can see flaxseed flour, which could be suitable for preparing some dish. But in the vast majority of cases it contains sugar and a number of other additives. But if sugar can be detected immediately (by law, its content must be indicated in the composition first), then what about other additives? It is especially difficult to make out what else is indicated on the list if the products are imported, i.e. of foreign origin. Often some other flour is added to flaxseed flour (which is no longer suitable for us), in addition, it may contain dyes, preservatives, etc. This product is not for us. At least it's not suitable for a mask. If the description accompanying the product is not clear to you, it is better to put the flour aside and look for another one. Remember: what you need for the mask should not contain any additives!

Another important problem that you may encounter when searching for flaxseed meal is related to extrusion. This is also a huge minus in the characteristics of the product. The fact is that this process takes place at fairly high temperatures. At this time, the grain swells and turns into flour much faster. Of course, this product does not cease to be natural as a result, but it is much less useful. And after self-grinding there will be much more valuable oils than in flour (it is most often made after squeezing out the oils).

The conclusion suggests itself: it is better to make flaxseed flour yourself. From seeds. But they also need to be chosen wisely.

1. Seeds can be either whole or crushed. Both are suitable for masks. But their expiration dates are different. As you might guess, whole seeds are stored longer (from 6 months to a year). But the crushed product begins to deteriorate the moment the package is opened. Its maximum shelf life is 15 weeks, and even then, provided that you immediately transfer this so-called chaff into a tightly closed container and put it in the refrigerator.

2. The following conclusion follows from the first point: the seed must be fresh. Be sure to look at the date of collection (not packaging, but collection, since it could have been packaged much later).

3. Pay attention to the quality of the packaging - it must be absolutely dry, without damage, ideally vacuum sealed.

4. The color of high-quality seeds is brown (not dark, but not light), even, glossy. Stickiness, even the slightest, indicates spoilage of the product.

5. The smell of flax seed is weak and not everyone can catch it. A product that smells of delicacy is not good (it is already spoiled).

6. You can buy seeds in pharmacies, in stores, or at the market, including by weight. But the first option is still better.

Revitalizing mask made of flaxseed flour for face with dry skin

The ideal effect can be achieved by making the following mask if you have dry skin.

Cooking process:

1. Mix one spoon of flour and three water, you should get a mass with a composition like thick sour cream.

2. The mixture should stand until the flour swells.

3. Add 0.5 teaspoons of honey.

4. Next, 0.5 teaspoons of olive oil.

5. Everything is thoroughly mixed.

6. Apply for 15 minutes on the face, neck and cover with a napkin.

7. Wash off with warm water.

It is recommended to apply the mask 1-2 times a week. The result is visible the first time, the skin glows with health, becomes more elastic and firm.

Subtleties of application

1. It is better to apply these masks in the evening so that they can be completely absorbed overnight (the necessary substances will remain on the skin even after washing).

2. The skin should be cleansed of traces of cosmetics.

3. Give preference to masks made from raw product. Flour after exposure to high temperatures loses many of its valuable qualities.

4. The product must be pre-soaked for ten minutes (for swelling). In this case, water is used either cold or warm (not hot).

5. Flax rarely causes allergies, but you still need to check the reaction first.

6. Masks are very suitable for those who have dry skin. But we have a recipe for those who have oily skin.

7. Apply masks immediately after preparing them for 20 minutes, unless otherwise indicated in the recipe.

Problem skin - face mask made from flaxseed flour

There are a number of simple masks for such skin, they miraculously solve its problems. With regular use (2 times every 10 days), you can quickly improve your skin.

1. A wonderful opportunity to relieve skin irritation and remove exfoliated particles is a procedure using a mixture of flaxseed flour and chamomile. Pour half a glass of boiling water over chamomile (10 g) for half an hour. Flour is added to this infusion until a mushy consistency is obtained. The composition is applied to clean skin for 15 minutes until it begins to dry out slightly. Wash off with moderately warm water and apply nourishing cream.

2. A spoonful of flaxseed flour and sour cream - mixed and infused for 5 minutes. If desired, sour cream can be replaced with milk. Apply to the face and leave on for 20 minutes. Wash off with warm chamomile decoction. The procedure will help remove acne and rashes.

Masks for freckles and age spots

1. Mix 1 tsp. flaxseed flour with 1 tsp. lemon juice and 3 tbsp. l. sour milk.

Let it sit and apply the mask to your face for 20 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

2. Pour 2 tbsp. l. linden flowers 0.5 cups boiling water, let it brew for 30 minutes and strain. Add 1 tsp to this infusion. flaxseed flour and 10 drops of lemon juice.

Allow the mixture to swell and apply to facial skin for 20-25 minutes. Rinse off with cool water.

3. Mix 2 tbsp. l. flaxseed flour, 2 tbsp. l. oatmeal and pour kefir to a paste-like consistency. Let it brew for 15 minutes.

Apply the mask to your face for 20 minutes. Rinse off with cool water.

Flaxseed face mask with cleansing effect

For cleansing and scrub procedures, flaxseed flour is an excellent solution. There are several recipes with different additives.

10 - 15 grams of flour are steamed with boiling water, you should get a paste, and leave for 15 minutes. A teaspoon of cosmetic clay is added to the resulting mass:

• dry and irritable skin - pink or red clay;

• normal – white, blue, green;

• mature and fading - yellow or terracotta.

Keep the mask on for 15-20 minutes.

Another way is to combine flaxseed flour and oatmeal (in equal parts), pour in hot milk, and leave for 10 minutes. Apply the mixture with massaging movements for 3 minutes. Then a second layer is applied and left on for 20 minutes.

Another recipe - beat a spoonful of flour, whey and 3 drops of lavender oil into a foam. Massage it onto the face for 5 minutes and leave it on for 20 minutes.

Mask recipes

First, let's decide on the measures. We measure flour and liquids in tablespoons, oil in drops.

1. Classical

. Prepared from one measure of flour, 2 measures of raw warm milk, 5 drops of olive oil. The components are mixed. Leave the mask on for five minutes, then apply to your face. Wash with water. Pat your face dry. If there is a feeling of dryness (usually there is no feeling after the mask), you can apply a little more moisturizer to your face.

2. Nutritious

. Prepared from one measure of flour, peach and olive oil (5 drops each), a teaspoon of liquid (fresh, not melted) honey, 2 measures of cream skimmed from homemade milk. The components are mixed and after ten minutes applied to the skin. Wash off with water. There is no need to apply cream. After the mask, the skin should become moisturized and softer.

3. Anti-inflammatory

. Mix two measures of flour with a steep warm decoction of chamomile and mint. Dilute until you get a mass that is convenient for application. It is more convenient to prepare the decoction from ready-made standard sachets (take one sachet at a time, place it in a cup, pour in 100 grams of boiling water and cover). Mix the ingredients. After 10 minutes, add 2 drops of the following oils: bergamot (antibacterial effect), myrrh (regulates metabolism, excellent antioxidant). Mix again. The composition can be applied to the skin.

4. Lifting

. The composition of the mask is quite rich. You will need one measure of oatmeal and flaxseed flour (we make it ourselves, in a coffee grinder, both), three types of oil (chamomile, orange, myrrh, ylang-ylang) 2 drops each, three measures of distilled water (boiled is suitable). Mix the ingredients without touching the oil, cover and leave the mixture for an hour. Then add a measure of cream (if the mixture is thick, thin with cream to a consistency convenient for application). Finally, add the oil. Mix the mixture again. The mask is ready for application.

5. Gentle peeling

. The mask is prepared from three components - flaxseed flour, oatmeal, water. Take flour and flakes equally and fill them with water so that you get a medium-thick mass. Leave the mixture for 15 minutes so that the oatmeal swells a little. The composition is very gently rubbed into cleansed and previously steamed skin for about 10 minutes.

6. Fat type

. This mask, as we promised, should appeal to those who have excessively oily skin. It will take about half an hour to prepare. First, oatmeal, oatmeal and flaxseed flour are mixed (equal parts are taken), then the mixture is diluted with water (in the end it should look like liquid kefir). Let it brew and thicken a little. Masks made from flaxseed flour for faces with oily skin last up to half an hour. While applying the mixture, massage the skin for about three minutes - this will give a very light peeling effect and will help better remove excess fat. After the massage, spread the mass and leave for a few more minutes. Rinse with water.

Masks for rejuvenation

A mask containing: a spoonful of flour, an yolk, 1/2 teaspoon of honey, a spoonful of vegetable oil, it is better to take olive oil, has an excellent rejuvenating effect. Apply the mixture in 2 or 3 layers and let it sit for 20 minutes. After this mask, the skin becomes radiant and youthful.

Another recipe - 3 tablespoons of flour are poured with high-fat cream to form a paste and slightly heated in a water bath. 2 drops of vitamins A and E are added to the resulting mass. The procedure is done warm and lasts 25 minutes. Wash off with room water. The mask smoothes wrinkles, makes the skin more elastic and velvety.

Mask for very oily skin

Mix 2 tbsp. l. flaxseed flour with 1 tbsp. l. oatmeal Add still mineral water until a paste-like mixture is formed. Put the mixture on the fire and bring to a boil, but do not boil, let it brew for 30 minutes.

Apply the mask to the skin of the face, previously steamed over a hot bath. After 20 minutes, wash off the mask first with lukewarm water, and then with chamomile decoction at room temperature. This mask will deeply cleanse the pores of the facial skin, stabilize the sebaceous glands, eliminate pustules, make the skin smooth and elastic.

Ways to use seeds for the face

Flax seed for the face at home can be used as an independent cosmetic product (in the form of a scrub, a decoction that cleanses the dermis) or in combination with other ingredients (in the form of masks, serums, homemade creams). Some recipes involve additional grinding of seeds.

Flax decoction

The decoction is useful as a cleansing and tonic. It can be used before applying decorative cosmetics, thus protecting the skin from the aggressive effects of ultraviolet radiation. Algorithm for preparing the decoction:

  1. Clean the seeds from foreign objects and rinse in running water.
  2. Pour the prepared seeds (tsp) with purified water (70 ml.).
  3. Cook the broth for 7 minutes.
  4. Strain through a fine sieve and cool.

Wipe the skin with the decoction in the morning after washing and in the evening before bed. The product allows you to delicately cleanse pores and narrow them. Unlike many ready-made tonics, the decoction does not cause skin tightness. Can be used for regular skin care of any type (including sensitive, problematic, with rashes, abscesses and purulent formations).

Flax tincture

The form of the infusion allows you to create an excellent base for homemade creams and masks with a wide spectrum of action. To prepare the tincture, peeled seeds (15 g) are poured with boiling water (50 ml) and infused under the lid for 15-30 minutes. The finished substance has a sticky consistency. It must be filtered, after which it can be used for creams, masks, homemade vitaminizing tonics, emulsions.

Important! To get a more concentrated infusion, you can increase the steaming time or grind the seeds first. In the latter case, you will need to strain the composition twice.

Cosmetic ice

Ice in the form of a cosmetic product is excellent for caring for aging skin. It can be fully used to combat dark circles under the eyes and expression wrinkles. It is useful to wipe the cubes not only on the face, but also on the neck and décolleté. Algorithm for making ice from seeds:

  1. Prepare 50 ml. chamomile decoction, following the recommendations indicated on the package.
  2. Pour hot decoction of chamomile flowers over the peeled seeds and leave for 30 minutes.
  3. Pour the cooled base into small ice trays and freeze.
  4. Rub the cubes over your face in the evening, after the cleansing procedure.

Cosmetologists recommend not using ice form for regular care. It is useful to practice the cryo format in weekly courses once a quarter. Low temperature conditions injure the skin, so you should not use this method if you have particularly thin, sensitive skin.


The ability of flaxseed to delicately cleanse the dermis allows it to be used as an effective scrubbing agent. To make a homemade scrub you need:

  • grind the flax seeds without steaming them first (it is important to maintain their rigid shape);
  • add coarse oat flakes crushed to a similar fraction to the seeds;
  • add a small amount of milk into the composition and immediately apply the scrub to the skin (with massage movements, carefully treating the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle, chin).

The scrub allows you to get rid of areas with peeling, deeply cleanses the pores, rids the surface of dead cells, which activates metabolic processes, improves the general condition of the dermis, and it responds better to subsequent cosmetic care procedures.

Beneficial properties of flax seeds

Flour is obtained from ground seeds, so their benefits are “transferred” to the manufactured product. The composition of flaxseeds is rich in healthy Omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, lingans, phytoestrogens and vitamins. Let's look at each point in more detail.

Unsaturated fatty acids

Every schoolchild knows about the benefits of Omega-3. It is unsaturated fats that the human body simply needs for healthy, high-quality and efficient functioning. “Omegas” make blood vessels more elastic, lower cholesterol levels, stabilize blood supply to the brain, which provokes an increase in the overall level of activity.

Particular attention should be paid to flaxseed flour in case of visual impairment, noticeable weakness of the muscle corset, excessive hair loss and deterioration of skin condition. Healthy fatty acids will help the body quickly cope with the cause of unpleasant symptoms, but this does not cancel a trip to a specialized doctor.


Fiber is the rough part of plants that the human body is not able to digest and absorb. It is this property that determines the overall benefit of the component. Fiber reduces the rate of breakdown and, accordingly, the release of individual food components into the blood. This is how blood sugar levels are regulated and sudden jumps in these indicators are prevented.

The rough part of the plant can reduce cholesterol levels, thereby protecting the heart and blood vessels from various pathologies. Nutritionists note that fiber begins to act immediately after entering the body. Normalization of stool, improvement of appetite, and elimination of painful sensations in the abdominal cavity occur within the first few days after introducing the component into the diet.

Fiber promotes long-term saturation of the body. The longer a person feels full, the less temptation there is to eat chocolate or an extra portion of their favorite dish, which reduces the risk of gaining extra centimeters.

The component normalizes the body's microflora, treats internal inflammation and improves skin condition. Acne/post-acne/rashes of various types directly depend on the condition of the internal organs. Try replacing wheat flour with flaxseed flour and after a while you will notice not only a decrease in redness, but also a reduction in waistline, normalization of stool and an inexplicable surge of energy.

Fiber reduces the risk of developing colon and breast cancer by normalizing microflora, which affects hormonal levels.


Lingans are a group of phenolic compounds characterized by plant origin. These are powerful immunomodulators that increase the protective function of the immune system. Lingans are especially important for the body in the autumn-winter period, when the need for additional “feeding” increases significantly.

100 grams of flaxseeds contain 300,000 micrograms of lingans.


Phytoestrogens are natural non-steroidal plant compounds. These are components that regulate hormonal levels. Due to phytoestrogens, you can prevent the risk of developing pathologies of the genitourinary system and avoid reproductive problems.

The effects of phytoestrogens on reproductive function have been confirmed by research from Queen's University in Belfast (Northern Ireland). A lack of components leads to serious hormonal imbalances in adulthood, fraught with infertility and the development of cancer. Modern medicine questions the adequacy of the data obtained and conducts additional research to study the effects of phytoestrogens.


Flaxseeds are ahead of the popular chia seeds in terms of the concentration of protein and healthy fatty acids. Protein is responsible not only for saturation, but also for the normal functioning of the muscular system, strengthening the muscle corset and gaining quality body weight.

Nutritionists recommend adding flaxseed meal to smoothies, porridge or baked goods to increase the overall nutritional value of the dish. The increase in calories will be minimal, but the benefits of food intake will increase significantly.

Benefits of flax seeds for skin

Flax seeds are actively used in folk medicine and home cosmetology. In addition to omega 3, these seeds are rich in:

  • amino acids (provide gentle peeling);
  • a complex of “beauty vitamins” (A, B, E);
  • phytoestrogens (lignans are antioxidants similar in their spectrum of action to hormones);
  • microelements (zinc, potassium, calcium).

Face masks made from flax seeds allow you to comprehensively solve such cosmetic problems as:

  • acne, minor rashes during PMS;
  • hyperpigmentation;
  • insufficient skin tone;
  • wrinkles (primarily facial wrinkles).

The seeds are actively used as a powerful anti-aging agent. In the care of young skin, linen is positioned as a product with a gentle effect, aimed at properly cleansing oily skin.

Flax flour for the face: reviews from cosmetologists on skin care

Photo: masks made from flax flour for the face
Reviews from cosmetologists say that the listed recipes for facial care at home using flax flour really help improve the condition of the skin, restore it, stimulate metabolic processes and blood supply.

It should be noted that a high-quality result is real only when using good flour. A culinary product is also suitable for this, but specially made raw materials, fried before grinding, will be much more effective. You can also use seeds that you grind yourself in a coffee grinder or blender.

Flaxseed flour for the face is a source of beauty and health of the skin, allowing you to restore and maintain youth.
Masks based on it are made so quickly and easily that you simply cannot refuse such a convenient way to keep your face fresh, toned and healthy. Information sources

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