Stretch marks in teenagers: causes and solutions

Causes of stretch marks in teenagers

Stretch marks (also called stretch marks) appear when the skin does not keep up with the growth of the rest of the body and does not have enough collagen and other substances to fight the damage that appears. The result is elongated scars that can last a lifetime.

There are many reasons for the appearance of stretch marks in teenagers - here are just the most common ones:

  • Lack of muscle mass. It often happens in weak children with underweight, so the best prevention here is a healthy diet and exercise.
  • Reduced immunity. May be the result of a serious illness.
  • Hormonal imbalance . One of the most common reasons, because it is during adolescence that serious hormonal changes occur.
  • Heredity . There is a genetic predisposition to the appearance of striae. If the parents had them, then it is important to especially carefully monitor the child’s health and physical fitness.
  • Sudden weight gain or loss . Children's skin is much more elastic than adults, and even extreme changes in weight can often pass without a trace. However, with a combination of several factors (for example, losing weight against a background of reduced immunity), stretch marks may appear.

It is not always possible to immediately understand for sure why exactly stretch marks appeared in a teenager. We recommend that you first consult a doctor in any case to find out the cause of their appearance, since stretch marks can also be a sign of serious diseases!

Find out which method of correcting scars and stretch marks is optimal for you!

doctor Svetlana Viktorovna Ogorodnikova.


Which doctor should I contact?

At the first alarming symptoms: the formation of white stripes and spots on the nails, it is recommended to consult a dermatologist. In the future, concomitant consultation with a trichologist, infectious disease specialist, cardiologist, endocrinologist, gynecologist, nutritionist, and dietician may be required. In some situations, complex treatment with the help of doctors of several specialties is required. To achieve the best therapeutic result, you must adhere to the recommendations of specialists and refrain from self-medication.

Choose a specialist, read reviews and make an appointment with a dermatologist online

Can stretch marks be dangerous?

Stretch marks in adolescents do not pose a danger in themselves, but they can signal the presence of serious problems in the body, including:

  • infectious diseases;
  • diseases of internal organs;
  • injuries (for example, stretch marks may appear when the vertebrae are displaced);
  • diabetes;
  • Marfan syndrome;
  • Itsenko-Cushing's disease.

In fact, the mechanism is simple - the disease affects immunity, hormonal balance, weight, etc. That is, factors that can cause the appearance of stretch marks. Of course, in this case, you will first need to address the main problem and only then think about aesthetic issues.

Why do white stripes appear on nails? Main reasons

The reasons for the formation of white stripes on the nails are different and can be either temporary, it is enough to just eliminate its negative impact, or protracted, requiring serious medical attention.

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In general, the reasons leading to the formation of white stripes can be divided into two large groups:

  • Exogenous, caused by the influence of external factors.
  • Endogenous, caused by negative changes occurring in the body.

In turn, among the external reasons, the following factors are identified why transverse stripes appear on the fingernails:

  1. Banal trauma to the nail plate - bruises, pinching, mechanical effects on the nail. In this case, the manifestation of white stripes is local in nature, and they do not require any close attention. Spots and stripes will no longer cause inconvenience with their not entirely aesthetic appearance as the nail plate grows.
  2. A carelessly done manicure. Deep cutting of the cuticle, increased pressure on the plates while removing the gel coating, excessive filing of the gloss - all this can lead to the formation of white stripes on the nails. You should be more careful about manicure techniques, because further neglect of the rules can lead to more serious consequences - inflammation and even suppuration of the finger. The problem also disappears on its own as the nail grows and, naturally, if the manicure technique is followed in the future.
  3. Bad habits. White spots often “decorate” the nails of “rodents” and those who are accustomed to using their nails instead of bottle openers and screwdrivers. The spots are mechanical in nature and also disappear as the nail grows.
  4. The influence of chemicals. Some household chemicals and even cosmetics may contain substances that cause white spots to form on the nails. There is only one piece of advice - use gloves during household work and avoid low-quality cosmetics. Over time, the problem will go away on its own.

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Internal causes are always associated with disruption of the body. Among them:

  1. Somatic diseases. Often white stripes on the nails can be seen in patients with disorders of the liver, lungs, and gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Infectious diseases, which in one way or another affect metabolism, can also lead to the appearance of white stripes.
  3. We take medications, especially antibiotics, indirectly by changing the intestinal microflora.
  4. Metabolic disorders: thyroid dysfunction, diabetes can also leave a “mark” on the nails in the form of white stripes.
  5. Disorders of the nervous system.
  6. Stress and depression.

Also among the reasons causing the appearance of white spots on nails are nutritional factors associated with the characteristics of a person’s eating behavior. Thus, a person himself can provoke the formation of a defect in the coloring of the nail plate due to an irrational attitude to his diet:

  • Frequent and strict diets with a deficiency of nutrients and vitamins.
  • The opposite picture is an excessive enthusiasm for the process of “vitaminization.”


Unbalanced intake of vitamin-mineral complexes without the advice of a physician can cause hypervitaminosis or a “conflict” of vitamin groups, which can lead to even more serious consequences than a lack of vitamins.

Also, a separate group of reasons that cause the appearance of white stripes on nails includes fungal infections. In this case, a change in the condition of the nail plates is observed - the stripes literally merge, forming a complete white canvas, they thicken and become more fragile.

In addition, white stripes on the nails may indicate such terrible phenomena as HIV infection and poisoning with heavy poisons.

Prevention of stretch marks: is it possible to protect your child from this deficiency?

Yes, you can very well try to prevent the appearance of stretch marks through prevention. Of course, this will be quite problematic if you have a genetic predisposition or a concomitant disease, but you will still significantly reduce your chances if you follow the following tips:

  • Monitor your teenager's healthy diet - the diet should be balanced, sufficient, but moderate. Try to avoid excess fat and salt.
  • If there are no contraindications, be sure to ensure that the teenager engages in physical activity. If lessons at school do not inspire enthusiasm, you can send your teenager to a sports section in a field of your choice.
  • Don't disturb your sleep schedule. During hormonal changes, the body is already in a state of stress, help it with a regime.
  • A teenager should receive sufficient amounts of vitamins and minerals.
  • Don't forget about fresh air, especially if you live in a metropolis.

Many of the tips may seem quite general, but we ask you to take them as seriously as possible - it is from these foundations that your child’s health is built, brick by brick.


To confirm the diagnosis, the doctor conducts a face-to-face examination and oral questioning of the patient, collects anamnesis, including family history. Questions the patient about what medications he took previously, what infectious diseases he suffered, and whether he suffers from any chronic pathologies. Next, they are asked about sleep and nutritional patterns, the presence of bad habits, psycho-emotional state, and possible sources of stress.

Additional studies are prescribed:

  • microscopic examination of the nail plates to exclude the fungal nature of the origin of the disorder
  • complete blood count
  • general urine analysis
  • coprogram
  • biochemical blood tests: ferritin, zinc, serum iron, copper, vitamin D, lipid profile, TSH, T3, T4, glucose, insulin
  • organic acid test
  • genetic tests, if necessary
  • ultrasonography

If tumor processes or other serious diseases are suspected, additional instrumental research methods are prescribed: magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography.

How to remove stretch marks from a teenager? The main ways to combat stretch marks

There are a lot of ways to remove stretch marks from the skin, but to effectively combat the deficiency, it is important to take into account many factors - from possible contraindications to the age of the stretch marks.

Salon treatments

Among the procedures offered in beauty salons, the following are common and allowed for teenagers today:

  • Wrap. Suitable for very fresh and small stretch marks. One of the most pleasant procedures - it does not cause discomfort and can give pleasure from aromas. To combat stretch marks on the skin of teenagers, wrappings with kelp, honey, chocolate, cocoa and grapes are used.
  • Peeling using fruit acids. Most effective for fresh stretch marks. As for the old ones, the effect is achieved by a large number of procedures or a combination of different procedures.
  • Mechanical peeling. It is considered one of the most effective types of peeling and can help in the fight against old stretch marks.

Pros : Salon procedures are performed by specialists, eliminating the risks of improper use of products. In addition, they not only fight stretch marks, but also have a generally beneficial effect on the skin.

Cons : The most effective procedures may be contraindicated for your child due to increased trauma or due to an allergy to the components. In addition, such services are not cheap, and you may need several sessions.


Traditional medicine provides answers to almost any questions related to health and beauty. To remove stretch marks on the body in teenagers, it is recommended:

  • Homemade wrap. Laminaria leaves, mumiyo, cocoa, essential oils and much more are used. You can easily find recipes online.
  • Rubbing with natural oils. Anise and sandalwood oils are used, as well as cinnamon, patchouli, rosemary, fennel, bergamot, lavender, lemon, ginger, grapefruit and orange oils.
  • Peeling with exfoliating agents. The most famous and affordable peeling is a product based on ground coffee. Recipes are quite easy to find; all the ingredients for any peeling will be very affordable.

Pros: First of all, cost-effectiveness. Most products can be easily found in the nearest store, and you perform the procedures yourself, without the involvement of specialists.

Cons: Some of the recipes are very dubious; their effectiveness has not actually been proven. And procedures such as peeling should only be undertaken if you are confident in your skills - otherwise, you are more likely to harm the teenager than help.


Experts say that the following types of massage are effective for getting rid of stretch marks on the skin of teenagers:

  • plucked with oils;
  • honey massage;
  • hardware massage;
  • vacuum cupping massage.

Pros : Just like salon procedures, massage can have a beneficial effect on the skin and even the figure of a teenager.

Cons : You should not try massage yourself unless you are a professional. But a massage from a specialist can be quite expensive, especially since one procedure is never enough.

Gels and creams

Gels, creams and ointments for stretch marks can be very effective if you choose the right product. The fact is that there are several main types of funds:

  • Means for prevention. Such gels and ointments are not at all intended to combat stretch marks; they are aimed only at increasing the skin’s resistance to damage through nutrients.
  • Remedies to combat fresh stretch marks. They help get rid of stretch marks that are not yet a year old. Such scars still have a reddish tint.
  • Means for combating chronic stretch marks. They are aimed at correcting even old scars that are several years old. Such stretch marks look like light stripes on the skin.

Pros : You get rid of stretch marks at home, no need to go anywhere. Significantly more economical than salon procedures. Moreover, unlike traditional medicine, these are tested, reliable remedies, many of which are sold in pharmacies.

Cons : The effect does not occur very quickly, the use of physiotherapy devices may be required.

We have outlined the pros and cons of each approach, so evaluate the condition of the skin, budget options, and the wishes of the teenager and draw conclusions. The least traumatic, safe, but at the same time effective means are gels, creams and ointments. We invite you to pay attention to products from.

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