Thiogamma for weight loss how to take

Last purchase: 03/09/2020 — 2 minutes ago just
5 people looking at this product at once

Manufacturer : Russia

Type of packaging : jar

Contains : 30 * 600 mg.

Ingredients : L-carnitine, chromium picolinate, lipoic acid

Purpose : for overweight

Herbal composition is not a drug

The product is certified

Sending to the city: from 89 rubles, the operator will specify

Payment : cash or card upon delivery

Release form

Conditions of sale and storage You can buy the drug Thiogamma with a prescription; it should be stored in a dry place, inaccessible to children, at a temperature of up to 25 degrees for no more than five years. Thiogamma analogues Thiogamma substitutes include those drugs that contain the same active substance.

Analogs of the drug: Lipoic acid - tableted drug, direct analogue; Berlition - tablets and concentrated solution based on thioctic acid; Thiolepta - plates and solution for the treatment of diabetic, alcoholic neuropathy; Thioctacid turbo is a metabolic drug based on alpha-lipoic acid.

The cost of purchasing Thiogamma will depend on the chosen form of release of the drug, the amount of medicine in the package and the pricing policy of the retailer and manufacturer.

Approximate prices for the product in Moscow: Solution for infusion 150 ml Tablets 600 mg, 30 pcs. Tablets 600 mg, 60 pcs. Solution for infusion 50 ml, 10 bottles Reviews Alla, 37 years old The medicine Tiogamma was recommended to me by a friend who lost weight beyond recognition on it.

She took it with the doctor’s permission, after training, and additionally limited her diet.

  • She endured the treatment easily and had no discomfort from the medications.
  • Therefore, the drug Thiogamma has become a real lifesaver for me.
  • This solution is ready for use, does not need to be diluted, and is the safest for use in cosmetology.

I started taking pills and eating right, and lost five kilograms in a month. Excellent result, I think I will repeat the course more than once. Alexey, 42 years old Due to my addiction to alcohol, I developed polyneuropathy, my hands were shaking, and I began to suffer from frequent mood swings.

Anti-aging masks at home

Drugs with ALA are in particular demand among older women. However, it is permissible to use the product from an adult age for prevention purposes.

Check out super recipes for anti-aging masks at home. Prepare all the ingredients for future use; do not store leftovers.

With oils

This mask not only helps you rejuvenate, but also gets rid of acne and blackheads. Suitable for oily skin.


  • almond oil - 1.5 tsp;
  • avocado oil - 1.5 tsp;
  • tea tree oil - 1 ml;
  • Thiogamma - 1-2 ml;
  • cranberry juice - 3 ml;
  • silk protein - 2 ml.

The mixture of oils must be slightly heated by steam, then combined with the rest of the components. The mixture is kept for min. 15. Frequency - 2-3 times a week.

With cognac and caffeine

Thiogamma is great for wrinkles. And in combination with other components it can eliminate other shortcomings. This mask not only rejuvenates, but also tightens pores and improves skin color.


  • drug in tablets - 4-5 pcs.;
  • caffeine ampoule;
  • 15 ml of weight loss product from Grandma Agafya’s Recipes;
  • 20 ml cognac.

The tablets are crushed and combined with the other components. The mass is kept for up to 20 minutes.

With sea salt

An excellent remedy against facial wrinkles. Suitable for all derma types.


  • pair of tables aspirin;
  • wheat germ oil;
  • sea ​​salt + some water;
  • 2-3 ml of solution.

Salt is mixed with water until it becomes mushy. Then it is applied to the face for about 10 minutes. After that, it is washed off and a mass of crushed aspirin, oil and the drug is prepared. The mixture is kept for the same amount of time. Finally, the skin is wiped with chamomile infusion.

What is Thiogamma prescribed for?

Doctors said that we must first recover from alcoholism, and then eliminate the consequences. At the second stage of therapy, I began taking Thiogamma solution.

It effectively copes with the problem of neuropathy, I began to sleep better. Olga, 56 years old I suffer from diabetes, so I have a tendency to develop neuropathy. Doctors prescribed the drug Thiogamma for prevention, and additionally adjusted the insulin dose.

I take the pills according to the instructions and see changes - I have become much calmer, I no longer have cramps at night and in the morning, my hands do not shake from anxiety.

Larisa, 33 years old I heard advice from a friend in cosmetology: I asked the doctor to write out a prescription and bought it, used it in the evenings: Within a month, the spots began to disappear, the skin became noticeably fresher. Prices in online pharmacies: Thiogamma is a drug with antioxidant and metabolic effects; regulates carbohydrate and lipid metabolism.

Release form and composition Tiogamma is available in the following forms: 1 tablet contains: 1 ml of solution for infusion contains: 1 ml of concentrate for preparing a solution for infusion contains: Indications for use The drug Thiogamma is used for the treatment of alcoholic and diabetic polyneuropathy.

Contraindications: children and adolescents under 18 years of age; pregnancy period; glucose-galactose malabsorption, lactase deficiency, hereditary galactose intolerance for tablets; hypersensitivity to the main or auxiliary ingredients of the drug.

Method of administration and dosage Film-coated tablets The drug Thiogamma in the form of tablets is taken orally, on an empty stomach, with a small amount of liquid.

Recommended dose: 1 pc. The duration of therapy depends on the severity of the disease and ranges from 30 to 60 days. During the year, the course of treatment can be repeated 2-3 times. The recommended daily dose is 600 mg, 1 bottle of solution for infusion or 1 ampoule of concentrate for preparing an infusion solution.

The drug is administered once a day for 2-4 weeks.

What harm can a pharmaceutical product cause?

The substance may cause harm in rare cases. It is enough not to resort to frequent use of the solution (2 times a day, 2 courses per year - maximum). It is also worth studying the contraindications:

  • children under 18 years of age;
  • dehydration;
  • allergy;
  • individual intolerance;
  • liver and kidney diseases;
  • pregnancy and lactation period.

Before use, do an allergy test. Apply a little product to the inner elbow area. Observe your skin's reaction throughout the day.

Tiogamma solution for inf. 1.2% 50ml n10

from 1550 ₽

More details

Mechanism of weight loss

After which the patient can be transferred to the oral form of Thiogamma in the same doses of 600 mg per day. The drug in the form of a solution for infusion is ready for use. After releasing the bottle from the box, it is immediately covered with a special light-protective case to prevent light from reaching the thioctic acid, which is sensitive to its effects.

Intravenous infusion is performed directly from the bottle.

When using Thiogamma in the form of a concentrate, you must first prepare an infusion solution.

To do this, the contents of one ampoule of concentrate are mixed with 50-250 ml of isotonic sodium chloride solution. The prepared solution is immediately covered with a light-protective case.

The infusion solution is administered immediately after preparation. Its storage duration is no more than 6 hours. Side effects digestive system: Solution for infusion central nervous system:

thiogamma tablets reviews for weight loss

One 600 mg tablet contains less than 0.0041 XE bread units. Direct use of Thiogamma does not affect the patient’s ability to drive vehicles or operate other potentially dangerous mechanisms.

But it is necessary to take into account possible side effects from the endocrine system, due to a decrease in blood glucose levels, such as visual disturbances and dizziness.

Drug interactions When thioctic acid is used together with glucocorticosteroids, their anti-inflammatory effect is enhanced; with cisplatin - the effectiveness of cisplatin decreases; with insulin or oral hypoglycemic agents - their effect may be enhanced; with ethanol and its metabolites - the effectiveness of thioctic acid decreases.

Thiogamma binds metals, so the drug should not be used together with medications containing metals, such as magnesium, iron, calcium. There should be an interval of at least 2 hours between taking thioctic acid and these drugs.

The solution for infusion should not be mixed with Ringer's solution, dextrose solution and solutions that react with SH groups and disulfide groups.

Keep away from children. The shelf life of the drug is 5 years.

Found an error in the text? Prices for thiogamma in Moscow pharmacies, solution for infusion.

Storage of the solution

The substance is stored in the refrigerator. Once opened, the solution should not be used for longer than 30 days. According to the instructions, the product has a longer shelf life. However, for cosmetic purposes, it is not advisable to store Thiogamma for a long time, since its beneficial properties disappear over time.

Some people do not open the bottle completely, but make a kit using a syringe. Also, after opening, the bottles are packed into bags.

Interesting to know! Did the solution thicken during storage? Dilute with saline solution.

Thiogamma diet pills reviews

Last purchase: 03/09/2020 - 3 minutes ago just now

7 readers are looking at this product at once

Country Russia

Packaging : jar

Size : capsules 30 pcs. 600 mg each.

Ingredients : Chromium picolinate, lipoic acid, L-carnitine

Indicated : for weight loss

The product is certified

Delivery to the city: from 83 rubles, the operator will specify

Payment : by card/cash when picked up at the post office

The most important thing is that I see a conclusion for you and this will not fail to please you today: Guys of Five.

Tiogamma: All reviews

The reason for this serious outcome of diabetes is long-term and uncontrolled hyperglycemia. And so their wife was also assigned to such a course. Analogues of the drug: Yes, I started looking at the instructions on the global network and therefore read reviews, in the fruit of which the dead layers peel off, intoxication. The worst thing about this disease is the neurological complications, which can be treated even for years, as the neurologist who monitored my husband said.

These neurological complications manifested themselves in our case as partial loss of sensation in the leg, which was affected by herpes. As well as severe itching and severe pain, which was present all the time.

Customer Reviews

Finding an effective treatment took a long time; at first, the prescribed medications did not help. As a result, the required treatment regimen was selected. And among other things, it included thioctic acid.

In the title of the review I wrote that Tiogamma works only in combination. I think so because my husband was “fed” with Thiogamma from the very beginning of treatment, but it did not help. And only after the introduction of Gabapentin into the regimen, the treatment began to bear fruit.

Therefore, Thiogamma alone cannot cure neuropathy.

Directions for use and dosage

Whatever one may say, thioctic acid is just a dietary supplement, a vitamin. But I don’t believe in magical healing from serious illnesses with dietary supplements and vitamins.

By the nature of the therapeutic effect, thioctic acid is close to vitamins of the group. And their husband was also assigned to this course.

And also without much result. The list of uses for thioctic acid is huge; it may seem that this is just a panacea for all problems. It restores the liver, works as an antioxidant for the skin, and reduces glucose levels in diabetes.

It is also used in the treatment of neurological diseases.

Thiogamma 600 reviews diet pills

But this is true in theory, but in practice it turns out differently. Although on Otzovik and other resources on the Internet, reviews about Tiogamma are simply enthusiastic.

One person wrote that Thiogamma got him back on his feet when he couldn't walk. I strongly doubt that this happened precisely because of treatment with Thiogamma. I repeat once again - it’s just a vitamin, nothing more. You can buy thioctic acid from several manufacturers in pharmacies.

I purchased Thiogamma, the active ingredient is thioctic acid. Thiogamma contains thioctic acid in a dosage of 600 mg. There are 30 tablets in a box. If you consider that it is recommended to use 1 tablet per day, then the box will be enough for a month’s course.

Lipoic acid is a tablet preparation, a direct analogue; Berlition - tablets and concentrated solution based on thioctic acid; Thiolepta - plates and solution for the treatment of diabetic, alcoholic neuropathy; Thioctacid turbo is a metabolic drug based on alpha-lipoic acid.

Price The cost of purchasing Thiogamma will depend on the chosen form of release of the drug, the amount of medicine in the package and the pricing policy of the retailer and manufacturer.

Consumer Opinions

There are quite a lot of responses on review sites about using the substance on the face. There are more pros than cons. The skin is moisturized, smoothed and rejuvenated. Another significant advantage of the product is its cost.

Disadvantages include inconvenient use. Some write that they expected more, however, they are happy with this result.

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Thiogamma for face

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All diets in the world

The success of MBL-5 for weight loss is confirmed by numerous tests and studies, which the drug passed with honors. The effect of its use is observed in more than 90% of cases.

Reading that the drug consists of natural ingredients, you should take into account individual intolerance to any components of the composition. The capsules have no direct contraindications for use. They are safe to use, as confirmed by clinical trials and are suitable for men and women over the age of 18 years. If necessary or in doubt, you can consult your doctor. I can only say good things about this product. In my opinion, it is safe, first of all. Improves the functioning of the digestive tract, the production of the necessary enzymes for the proper breakdown of carbohydrates. Therefore, you will definitely lose weight and at the same time much easier and faster than with other drugs.

Reviews thiogamma tablets reviews for weight loss

Disadvantages: Price, large tablets. Hello, I already wrote about the drug with thioctic acid Thiolepta, I also tried the German version of Thiogamma. I drank almost two packs of Thiogamma. The price is higher than Thiolepta, 30 tablets of Thiogamma. Instructions for use of Thiogamma Tablets Thiogamma are drugs that regulate the metabolism of carbohydrates and lipids in the body. The drug Tiogamma can be used for weight loss, but subject to regular physical activity. Nutritionists advise taking 600 mg of active. Thiogamma is a medicine that is sold in pharmacies. There are several forms of release of thiogamma - these are film-coated tablets, a concentrate for preparing a solution for infusion in dark glass ampoules, and a ready-made solution for infusion in a 50 ml bottle. One. I took thiogamma for neuropathy of the peroneal nerve and stupidly served my leg. Initially, the doctor prescribed Berlition (an analogue of Thiogamma) for an IV, but I mixed up something and bought Thiogamma tablets. Lipoic acid for weight loss. Instructions for use. It is most convenient to take tablets, but a specialist can also prescribe vitamin injections. Lipoic acid is simply invaluable for weight loss - reviews, how to take it - all this is clear. What about contraindications? Real reviews about the drug Thiogamma from BabyBlog users. Indications for use and harm during pregnancy. Opinions of doctors and patients. Reviews from people about treatment with Tiogamma. Detailed instructions for using the medicine. Capsule-shaped tablets, light yellow in color with white inclusions, coated, with a score on both sides of the tablet. The drug Thiogamma is available in the form of tablets, solution for infusion and concentrate for the preparation of solution for infusion. The tablets are covered with a light yellow shell, with yellow and white inclusions of varying saturation, the shape is oblong and biconvex, on both sides. The use of lipoic acid for weight loss. Rules and duration of use. Video on the topic. Video: lipoic acid for weight loss reviews how to take. I can recommend good diet pills. I took it for about 2 months and lost 12 kg, I highly recommend it. Hello, please tell me whether lipoic acid can be given to a child and what drug is indicated for this? All of these drugs have lipoic acid as their active ingredient. This is an excellent antioxidant that protects cells from negative effects. Thiogamma instructions for use, analogues and reviews of the drug for treatment. Interaction with other drugs. Thiogamma in combination with other drugs has the following effect: the anti-inflammatory effect of glucocorticoids is enhanced. Thiogamma: 4 reviews from doctors, 2 reviews from patients, instructions. Thiogamma is a well-studied drug with a favorable safety profile. They gave me an intravenous course and then took the pills. My health has improved significantly. The creator of the drug Thiogamma 600 (this is exactly how much thioctic acid contains 1 tablet or ampoule of the product) is not known. Thiogamma in cosmetology for the face. In cosmetology, tablets, of course, are quite difficult to use externally, so those who want to rejuvenate buy Tiogamma exclusively.

I read about MBL-5 on the manufacturer’s website. I tried so many diets, but my problem of excess weight was not solved. I took the drug according to the instructions. It turns out that the cause of my shortcomings was a metabolic disorder. As soon as my body adjusted to proper functioning, I easily lost excess weight. miaozi capsules for weight loss reviews

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Cosmetics or pharmaceutical product

Why do some people prefer to purchase products with thioctic acid, if they can buy the same substance much cheaper? The pharmaceutical product Tiogamma, which is taken for the face, has a price much lower than any cosmetic product.

Yes, the active ingredient is the same - ALA. However, how effective is it in the Thiogamma solution from the pharmacy? ALK is a very capricious molecule that is poorly adapted to many external factors:

  • metals (often found in tap water);
  • ambient temperature;
  • sugar;
  • light;
  • air.

It is enough to wash your face before applying Thiogamma for the skin or after - and there will be no effect. You are wasting the substance. The thing is that ALA in a pharmaceutical solution is not stabilized.

In cosmetics, the acid is hidden in liposomes (most often), so the capricious molecule is adapted and ready to enrich the dermis with all its beneficial properties. And this confirms that cosmetic preparations are more effective than drugs from the pharmacy.

Interesting to know! The maximum concentration of ALA in cosmetics is 1%.

If you know the rules for using Thiogamma for the face, follow all the conditions, taking into account the vagaries of the active substance, then the result is possible. Only a-lipoic acid behaves much better together with other components. Therefore, it is advisable to make facial masks using Tiogamma.

Instructions for use

Thiogamma is a metabolic drug that is used to treat diabetic and alcoholic polyneuropathy.
The active substance of this pharmaceutical product is thioctic acid, known for its antioxidant properties.

When administered intravenously, this medicine has the following effects:

  • improves fat and carbohydrate metabolism;
  • improves the functioning of the hepatobiliary system;
  • removes toxins;
  • normalizes blood glucose and cholesterol levels;
  • improves neuronal trophism.

The pharmacy chain offers several forms of this drug:

  • concentrate for the preparation of infusion solution;
  • ready-made solution for droppers;
  • pills.

Features of use in cosmetology

Recently, pharmaceuticals have been actively used to combat wrinkles under the eyes and in the décolleté area.
The drug is no exception; it is used for lifting not only in beauty salons, but also at home. According to reviews from cosmetologists, with the correct use of Thiogamma, you can quickly get rid of small facial wrinkles, as well as significantly straighten deep wrinkles on the forehead.

The main active ingredient, thioctic acid, is a powerful antioxidant that actively fights free radicals.

Thanks to regular use of the product, the aging process slows down and sometimes stops completely. A distinctive feature of this substance is its ability to dissolve equally well in both fatty and aqueous environments.

This medication has the excellent property of directly influencing the processes of collagen release. The fact is that loss of elasticity occurs due to the gluing of collagen fibers by saccharides, which leads to impaired moisture retention in skin cells.

The medicine improves sugar metabolism and prevents collagen fibers from sticking together. Tissue regeneration also occurs much faster, metabolic processes at the cellular level improve, and the condition of the skin improves before the eyes.

The result of using Thiogamma in cosmetology will be:

  • elimination of inflammation and redness on the skin;
  • disappearance of fine wrinkles;
  • narrowing of pores;
  • normalization of the sebaceous glands;
  • elimination of acne.

As mentioned above, the drug is commercially available in three pharmaceutical forms. For use in cosmetology, a ready-made solution of 1.2% for infusion of 50 ml is ideal.

The fact is that if you dilute the drug yourself, you can disrupt the concentration of the active substance, which can lead to an allergic reaction, chemical burns and scars on the skin.

The ready-made injection solution is used like a regular tonic. After cleansing the skin, a small amount of the solution is applied to the skin of the face and neck using a cotton pad. The recommended course of use is from 1 month, depending on the degree of the problem.

Action of Thiogamma

Thiogamma is not originally intended for facial skin. This is a pharmaceutical solution for intravenous administration. How did he get into the beauty industry and arouse such increased interest among women? One of the famous beauty bloggers shared the recipe for a miracle anti-aging serum, which was made with Tiogamma. The blogger discovered this solution due to the content of such an active substance as alpha-lipoic acid (ALA). Users were hooked by the visible positive results using a product with a low price.

Now more and more girls prefer a budget alternative to expensive ALA products. Let's remember how this acid is for the face:

  • the protective function of the skin from UV rays is enhanced;
  • cell and tissue restoration processes are improved;
  • the functioning of the sebaceous glands is regulated;
  • the skin is less exposed to pollution;
  • premature aging is prevented;
  • the skin becomes more elastic, wrinkles are smoothed out.

Lipoic acid is synthesized in our body independently, however, with age, its reserves are gradually depleted. Therefore, the substance is most often used as an anti-aging agent against wrinkles. In order to prolong youth and beauty, ALA is also consumed internally with the help of specially developed dietary supplements.

In cosmetology for the face, Thiogamma is taken with a concentration of 1.2%. This is a weak solution that is safe for the skin.

Reviews from cosmetologists and patients

Numerous reviews from women who have experienced the effects of this medicine claim that a positive result becomes noticeable after just 1 week of regular use.
But cosmetologists note that the active substance of this drug, thioctic acid (or alpha-lipoic acid), is part of the world-famous anti-aging drugs of the Doctor Perricone brand.

But the cost of these cosmetics is several times higher than the cost of a pharmaceutical drug called Thiogamma.

Indeed, this drug can and should be used to eliminate wrinkles. This is evidenced by photos of cosmetologists’ clients before and after using the medicine.

Before using the medicine, it is necessary to conduct a sensitivity test. To do this, apply a small amount of the product to the skin of the wrist and observe for 10-15 minutes.

If redness, itching and rash appear, then you should not use this medicine so as not to provoke an allergic reaction on the face.

Reviews from experts

Reviews from cosmetologists about Tiogamma for the face are different. And yet, most specialists are inclined to abstain from the pharmaceutical drug. No, not because of harm. It's all about ineffectiveness. The most common opinion of cosmetologists is not to save money and purchase high-quality cosmetics containing ALA.

The fact is that you need to know how to properly use Thiogamma for the face, observing all the nuances of the capricious alpha-lipoic (thioctic) acid. Otherwise, the result will be zero. In professional products from the world of cosmetology, the acid is stabilized, so its properties are not destroyed during use.

Reviews from many cosmetologists are collected into a single opinion, which is expressed by Olga Fem in the following video:

Thiogamma for the Face - another Beauty Myth?

( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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