Zinc ointment for blackheads on the face: effectiveness and pitfalls

Bedsores on the heels of black color occur in bedridden patients not only at home, but also in the hospital and represent dead areas of the heel skin. The development of bedsores occurs with prolonged compression of soft tissues and skin between the heel bone and the surface of the bed. Most often, black bedsores on the heels occur in patients with prolonged immobility, especially against the background of circulatory problems. Trophic heel ulcers are treatable, but some never heal completely. Bedsores are easier to prevent than to cure. The degree of skin and tissue damage ranges from redness of the skin to a deep necrotic wound involving the bone. Many patients and their relatives try to treat pressure sores on their heels at home. This approach can be successful in the early stages of the disease, but when the process develops deep into the heel bone, it becomes impossible to cure such a bedsore without complex reconstructive plastic surgery.

Stages and symptoms

Bedsores can develop quickly, but the formation of bedsores and ulcers occurs through four stages (each of which has its own symptoms):

  • Stage 1

Redness of intact skin. It is slightly inflamed and may be painful, itchy and warm to the touch. You may also notice that the texture of your skin has changed slightly. At this stage, bedsores on the heels resemble a sunburn. This initial stage is difficult to detect in people with dark skin.

  • Stage 2

In the second stage, the first signs of skin damage appear. They look like abrasions, blisters or small pits. The outer layer of skin is broken, red and painful. The surrounding tissue may be pale, red, and swollen. The upper layers of tissue, as the most damaged ones, begin to die and peel off. Bruising at this stage indicates suspicion of possible deeper tissue damage, involving fat or muscle tissue.

  • Stage 3

Complete loss of tissue. The damage extends to the deeper layers of tissue in the heel. Crater ulcers are present and are susceptible to infection. Subcutaneous fat may be visible, but no bones, tendons or muscles are affected. The depth of a stage 3 ulcer depends on its anatomical location. Most often, bedsores on the heels progress to stage 3, until others notice them and begin to treat them.

  • Stage 4

Loss of tissue, opening of bone and tendons. Ulcers with black edges spread to the heel bone and can lead to the development of osteomyelitis (a purulent-necrotic process in the bone). The exposed calcaneus is visible or directly palpable at the bottom of the trophic ulcer. These ulcers are extremely difficult to treat and may require many months and activities to heal. Therefore, preventing the development of ulcers should be taken more seriously.


Complications of bedsores (especially pressure ulcers) can be life-threatening and include:

  • Phlegmon

Acute purulent inflammation of the skin and soft tissues. People with nerve damage (neuropathy) or a spinal injury often feel no pain in the area affected by inflammation and pressure sores. Cellulitis can cause severe intoxication and even general blood poisoning (sepsis).

  • Heel ulcer

A chronic heel wound that does not heal for a long time significantly worsens the patient’s quality of life, as it leads to impaired support and walking function. A trophic heel ulcer can occur as a result of a bedsore, not only in spinal patients, but also in postoperative and post-resuscitation patients due to their prolonged immobilization.

  • Damage to bones and joints

Infection from an ulcer can affect joints and bones. Infection in the joint cavity can cause general blood poisoning. Bone infections (osteomyelitis) can lead to destruction of the heel bone.

  • Cancer

Wounds that do not heal over time can eventually develop into squamous cell skin cancer.

  • Sepsis

General blood poisoning develops with weakened immunity, diabetes mellitus and other severe concomitant diseases and often causes death.

Consolidation of results

The effect of using Zinc ointment needs to be consolidated.

To improve the condition of the dermis, you need to follow these recommendations:

  • apply ointment regularly;
  • give up products that include copper and soy protein - this provokes a block in the absorption of zinc;
  • enrich your daily menu with foods high in zinc - these include eggs, beans, nuts;
  • Do not combine Zinc ointment with other remedies for blackheads - this may cause undesirable consequences.

Prevention and prognosis

Movement constantly redistributes pressure on our body. When illness or injury limits our mobility, pressure builds up in certain areas of the body and blood circulation decreases. This can lead to the death of skin and tissue, creating pressure sores and ulcers. To reduce the risk, it is necessary to use anti-bedsore systems and devices that relieve pressure on bone protrusions.

Healing of the wound on the heel is delayed due to the immobile position of the patient, poor trophism due to vascular lesions and the general condition of the body. Improper wound care and various folk recipes negatively affect the patient’s condition. A bedsore is complicated by damage to the surrounding soft tissue, infection and purulent discharge. A long-term purulent-destructive process leads to a deterioration in the general condition and impaired absorption of nutrients. Without proper care, a patient develops new bedsores in other parts of the body, which aggravate the pathological process.

However, simple treatments can help prevent these painful and dangerous problems.

  • Take care of your skin:

Examine the patient's skin several times a day. Pay special attention to the heel areas and other pressure points on the body. Minimize contact of moisture with the body. Keep skin clean and dry. Wash it with a mild cleanser, care oil and wipe dry. Perform hygiene procedures and wash with soap as quickly as possible to limit skin exposure to moisture, urine and feces. Change bedding and clothing promptly. Make sure that there are no wrinkles in the bed linen and clothes under the patient.

  • Protect your skin from injury:

Avoid massaging the affected areas of soft tissue over bony prominences. Change your body position at least every 2 hours. Reduce friction. If the patient is bedridden, the head of the bed should be raised as little as possible. When it rises above 30 degrees, a person can slide across the surface of the bed, damaging tissue and small blood vessels.

Pillows and special pads should be used to avoid contact between the knees and ankles when turning the patient on his side. If the patient is completely immobile, pillows should be placed under the feet from mid-calf to ankle to relieve pressure on the heels. Never place pillows under your knees. This impairs blood circulation.

  • Eat well:

A balanced diet is very important for healthy skin at all stages of treatment. Healthy tissue is less susceptible to damage. In cases of scuffs and abrasions, treat the defects with antiseptic preparations.

  • Improve patients' ability to move:

A rehabilitation program can help some people get back into shape quickly.

  • Shift your weight and change positions frequently:

If you use a wheelchair, try shifting your weight every 15 minutes or so. Get up if possible. If you have enough strength in your arms, do a push-up—lifting your body off the seat, resting on the armrests of the chair. Bedridden patients may experience discomfort, pain, social isolation or depression. Try to find something to do that suits your physical capabilities.

Attempts to treat bedsores at home with folk remedies often lead to the opposite effect. Do not try to cope with the problem without specialists - you can lead the situation to a hopeless dead end.

The use of products with zinc against comedones

Preparations with zinc used in the fight against blackheads can be divided into two categories:

  • medicines;
  • cosmetic products.

Precautionary measures

Regardless of the product chosen, it is important to take precautions:

  • Consult a dermatologist or cosmetologist. A professional will help identify the cause of comedones and select the appropriate product based on the characteristics of the skin.
  • Conduct an allergy test. Apply a little ointment to the bend of the elbow and wait a day: there should be no undesirable manifestations (redness, itching, rash, irritation).
  • Do not allow the product to come into contact with mucous membranes. If this happens, rinse with plenty of warm running water and consult a doctor.
  • If any side effects occur during use of the product, stop using it.

Zinc ointment and other drugs from the pharmacy

What products with zinc can you buy at the pharmacy?

Table: overview of medications

NameActive substancesIndicationsContraindicationsSide effectsApproximate cost for 2022 (in rubles)
Zinc ointmentZinc oxide
  • Diaper rash;
  • dermatitis;
  • superficial wounds;
  • herpes simplex;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • bedsores;
  • "diaper" rash;
  • prickly heat;
  • ulcerative skin lesions;
  • eczema in the acute phase;
  • streptoderma;
  • burns.
Individual intolerance to the components of the drug
  • Redness;
  • skin itching;
  • rash.
Salicylic-zinc paste
  • Salicylic acid (provides an antiseptic effect, removes excess fat, exfoliates dead particles);
  • zinc oxide.
  • Subacute eczema;
  • hyperhidrosis of the feet.
  • Age less than 12 years;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the product.
Allergic reactions35–40
Curiosin (gel)Zinc hyaluronateAll forms of mild to moderate acne (primarily comedones and papulopustular acne)
  • Individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • pregnancy and lactation.
  • A slight burning sensation at the beginning of treatment (gradually disappears);
  • allergic reactions;
  • dry skin feels tight.
Zinerit (powder for preparing a solution)
  • Zinc acetate dihydrate;
  • erythromycin (eliminates microorganisms that cause acne).
AcneHypersensitivity to the components of the product
  • Burning sensation;
  • dryness, irritation.
Cynovitis for pimples, blackheads and blackheads (cream-gel)
  • Bioactive zinc (zinc salt of pyrrolidone carboxylic acid);
  • dipotassium glycyrrhizinate (has an anti-inflammatory effect);
  • vitamins A (reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands) and E (provides an antioxidant effect).
  • Acne;
  • acne;
  • black dots.
Individual intoleranceNot described in the instructions250–370

Vishnevsky ointment on women's forums is often recommended for use on acne and blackheads, but the drug does not contain zinc and works due to other substances.

Photo gallery: medicines with zinc

Zinc ointment is an inexpensive drug that, according to the instructions, is not intended to eliminate blackheads

Salicylic-zinc is prescribed for eczema and hyperhidrosis of the feet

Curiosin is used to eliminate acne

Before using Zenerit, you need to prepare a solution

Cynovit is a medicinal product intended for the aging of pimples, blackheads and blackheads.

Specifics of use

Zinc ointment and salicylic-zinc paste are not intended to solve cosmetic problems. Having decided to use them in the fight against blackheads, it is important to be aware of your own responsibility for using the medicine not according to the instructions.

Proponents of the use of anti-comedogenic agents recommend using the drugs as follows:

  1. Cleanse your face of dirt and makeup.
  2. Steam the skin using a steam bath for 3-5 minutes.
  3. Apply ointment or paste to areas with comedones.
  4. After 10 minutes, remove the drug with a cotton pad soaked in soapy water and wash with running water.

Repeat the procedure once a week.

Steam baths are contraindicated for asthma, cardiovascular pathologies, a tendency to allergic reactions, poor health, elevated body temperature, rosacea, dermatological diseases, excessively dry and sensitive skin.

Video: experience of using salicylic-zinc paste in the fight against blackheads

Both products can be used as the main component of homemade masks for oily and combination skin:

  • Grind licorice root in a coffee grinder and mix 2 tablespoons of the raw material with 8 g of the drug.
  • Combine pink and black clay (15 g each), dilute the mixture with water to the consistency of sour cream, mix in 8 g of ointment or paste.

Apply the compositions to clean, dry skin, avoiding the area around the lips and eyes, or only to areas covered with comedones. After 15–20 minutes, rinse with running water. Apply once every 7–14 days.

Due to its absorbent properties, cosmetic clay solves the problems of oily skin, enhancing the effect of zinc

Zinc ointment and salicylic-zinc paste contain a large amount of petroleum jelly, which can clog pores, aggravating the problems of oily and combination skin.

Treatment at the Innovative Vascular Center

Doctors at the Innovative Vascular Center, treating severe vascular patients with many concomitant diseases, know firsthand about the problem of pressure sores on the heels. Often patients already come to us with such pressure ulcers, sometimes they develop during long-term vascular diseases. The complexity and danger of this problem prompted our surgeons to develop methods for the prevention and effective treatment of bedsores, cleansing the affected tissues in a sick person, because the appearance of bedsores leads to a change in the course of the underlying disease for the worse. We are able to close any pressure ulcers using reconstructive plastic surgery methods.


There are not many restrictions on the use of this substance. It cannot be used in cases of high sensitivity of the dermis or individual intolerance to the ingredients of the substance. Purulent-inflammatory processes are also a contraindication .

Zinc paste for blackheads cannot be used continuously. Experts advise taking a course of therapy and then taking a break. If this rule is violated, there is a risk of severe irritation of the dermis.

Thus, the question of whether this drug helps with blackheads can be answered in the affirmative. With the help of zinc oxide, you can eliminate many skin problems and significantly improve the condition of the dermis . It is important to take into account all contraindications and strictly follow the instructions.

Video: Zinc ointment for acne and blackheads

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