What is facial skin turgor, how to improve it, what indicators are considered normal, how to determine your condition and maintain tone

From this article you will learn:
  1. Reasons for decreased skin turgor
  2. A simple skin elasticity test
  3. Products that increase skin turgor
  4. Vitamins to increase skin turgor

Skin turgor, that is, its elasticity, is lost over time. This is due to aging factors. Women may also experience this problem after pregnancy or as a result of significant weight loss.

So that you can look attractive at any age, and also effectively restore your body after childbirth or diet, we have collected the best skin care recipes that will again help nourish it with vitamins and make it healthy.

What is skin turgor and how can it ruin your mood?

The term “turgor” is most often used by medical professionals, for example, cosmetologists or plastic surgeons. But today even the seller at the stall categorically uses this term inappropriately and inappropriately.

Turning to medical dictionaries, we will see that literally “turgor” means “tissue tension” or “pressure in tissue cells that causes tension in the cell membrane.” As a result, the cells become more elastic. In simple terms, we are talking about the elasticity and tone of the skin. The elasticity of tissues is determined by the age of the body and its health.

Skin tone indicates its ability to reject mechanical influences, such as pressing and pulling. You can talk about turgor after examining the face, neck, hands and other parts of the body. Checking turgor is simple: you need to grab a section of the epithelium (for example, on the cheek, chin or hand), squeeze for a couple of seconds, and quickly release. If the skin straightens quickly, everything is fine, if after a minute, this is a sign of the first problems.

Every skin type has benefits.

I hope now you won’t have any difficulties determining your skin type. And in conclusion, I would like to say the following: never be upset that you got this particular skin type and not another. Moreover, you cannot change your skin type. Believe me, each skin type has its own advantages and disadvantages. Those with oily skin constantly worry about pimples and blackheads, while ladies with dry skin complain about dryness and early expression lines. Therefore, you better love your skin, appreciate its merits and choose the right care program to correct the shortcomings. Then any type of skin will have an attractive appearance.”

I hope, my dears, your time was not wasted and you are finally convinced of your skin type. And someone may have been surprised because his opinion did not coincide with what he determined from the tests. I want to encourage you!!!! Listen to yourself, watch how your skin reacts to new products or procedures. Be friends with her and she will reciprocate your feelings. After all, this whole world is built on love, whether we want it or not.

And I’m always glad to see you at GaShcosmetic and answer any questions related to the use and purchase of products. After all, our motto is “Towards beauty - together.”

Why can turgor decrease?

Not only age-related changes in the body or an incorrect lifestyle can cause a drop in turgor. Often the skin loses collagen for other temporary reasons that can be easily eliminated. For example, you may be overworked, sick, or under extreme stress. Then dark circles may appear under the eyes, and the skin of the face may change color and become more flabby. When you restore your body's strength, your metabolism will improve, and your skin will return to its previous appearance.

In addition, turgor can drop sharply without the possibility of recovery if the epithelial tissue has been severely burned or you have been injured. Then scars form on the skin that cannot be eliminated.

Remember that loss of tone and the appearance of imperfections on the face and body do not happen overnight. This process can take years, but if you do not take appropriate measures in time to stop it, the consequences may become irreversible.

Basics of proper nutrition

As you know, a person is what he eats. If you eat poorly, then maybe you are not a bad person, but you are definitely aging quickly. And the first thing that gives you away is your skin.

Follow the following dietary rules, and you will soon notice how the condition of your skin improves.

  1. Refuse food “garbage”:
    fast food, semi-finished products, canned food, sausages and other products that contain junk food, trans fats, GMOs.
  2. Minimize sweets, fried, flour, salty foods.
    Remember about glycation: sugar leads to damage and clumping of the protein fibers of our dermis.
  3. Keep your diet balanced.
    Ensure that you receive enough proteins, fats, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins, and microelements from your food.

    Important information for diet lovers: fats and carbohydrates are essential for the beauty and youth of your skin! Give preference to complex carbohydrates (whole grains, legumes, vegetables) and unsaturated fats (vegetable oils, nuts, fish).

  4. Don't overeat and don't starve.
    If you are on a diet, then only a gentle one: minus 10-15% of your daily calorie intake, no more. Otherwise, you will undermine your health, and after returning to your normal diet, you will also quickly begin to gain weight.
  5. Eat foods that contain silicon, iron, selenium, zinc, vitamins A (retinol), B5 (panthenol), B7 (biotin), B9 (folic acid), C (ascorbic acid), E (tocopherol), F (linoleic acid ).
    All of them are useful for increasing skin firmness and elasticity. These are bran, oatmeal, barley, rye bread, buckwheat, eggs, bell peppers, celery, onions, garlic, radishes, tomatoes, parsley, rabbit, chicken, beef, lamb, brown rice, coconuts, tuna, seafood, fish, nuts.

Symptoms of a structural disorder

The following changes indicate a violation of turgor:

  1. Decreased elasticity. It is characterized by the need for a longer time for the skin to return to its original state after pressure is applied to it. For example, marks from the folds of the bed on the face after sleep.
  2. The appearance of wrinkles. Their appearance is not influenced by active facial expressions, but by the level of elastin and collagen. With age, their synthesis slows down.
  3. Dullness. With normal turgor, the skin is soft, velvety, and radiant.
  4. Peeling.
  5. Edema.


Self-massage is necessary for every woman, but sometimes it cannot be done. In what cases is it contraindicated:

  • elevated temperature,
  • hypertension,
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases,
  • oncology,
  • inflammation in the active stage,
  • blood diseases.

Local problems should also stop you:

  • festering acne,
  • rosacea (“rosacea”, which is a consequence of chronic dilatation of capillaries),
  • violation of the integrity of the skin: wounds, scratches, burns, bites,
  • viral lesions: herpes, eczema, viral warts, etc.
  • vascular problems: pronounced spider veins, increased fragility of blood vessels, etc.

Treatment of low turgor in beauty salons

Low turgor leads to rapid aging of the skin. You can avoid this by normalizing your lifestyle, as well as visiting a professional beauty salon. These procedures will help you avoid losing your youth:

  • Peeling.
  • Face cleaning.
  • Photorejuvenation.
  • Skin polishing.

If you do not have enough finances, then there are ways for you to help you cope with your problem at home.

But remember that just visiting a beauty salon will not help you maintain your youth for a long time. To maintain results, you must lead a healthy lifestyle.

The best cream

Probably everyone remembers the same miracle cream that Azazello gave to Margarita in Bulgakov’s imperishable novel. At the time when this author’s wonderful work was written, no one could have imagined the existence of an anti-aging cream with such a pronounced effect.

Over the years, everything changes; now there are wonderful creams that almost immediately improve the condition of the skin so much that it is immediately noticeable.

The best anti-aging cream at this time is “Lift-Fermete” from Clarins with a combined effect. The cream improves skin turgor, its elasticity, firmness, it also has a regenerative effect, removes stretch marks and scars. The composition contains substances that stimulate the synthesis of elastin and collagen, increasing protective properties.

Why do you need to wash your face?

Let's start with washing. It is familiar from childhood, however, the simplicity of the procedure is apparent. The tap water we are used to does not provide complete purification. This means that dead cells, urea, and sebum particles remain on the surface.

The procedure is carried out with a special cleansing agent, for example, gel. It is better if there are products from famous companies, rather than mass-market products offered by perfume stores. Brands value their reputation. Their activities are based on clinical trials, often lasting for years.

Recommended home cosmetology

To improve the condition of the skin on your face and body, you don’t need to go to beauty salons. There are many compact, convenient devices that you can use at home whenever you want.


  • Devices for microcurrent stimulation;
  • Devices that use radio frequency waves to improve turgor;
  • Devices whose rejuvenating effect is based on ultrasound;
  • Devices that have a laser effect, smooth out wrinkles and stimulate blood circulation;
  • Vacuum devices that allow deep cleaning of pores and improve blood circulation;
  • Devices for phototherapy;
  • Devices that can perform ozone therapy at home;
  • There are also devices for ionotherapy.

It may seem that it is easier and less expensive to go to a beauty salon; you use such devices at the moment that seems most convenient, without adjusting to the salon schedule. The devices are easy to use.


All of the above measures are necessary conditions for increasing skin elasticity, but not the main tool.

Your main weapon is self-massage of the face, gymnastics and exercises. By exercising every day, you will achieve youth from within with your own hands. Natural rejuvenation techniques work on the problem at a deep level. Eliminate the causes of skin loss of firmness and elasticity.

  • Microcirculation improves - essential nutrients and moisture reach the skin.
  • The work of fibroblasts is activated, the quality of collagen and elastin improves.
  • The turgor, firmness and elasticity of the skin increases.
  • Lymphatic drainage and removal of excess fluid are improved - swelling and looseness go away.
  • Muscle spasms are relieved - obstacles to blood flow are eliminated, muscles stop pulling the skin behind them and increasing its sagging.

Exercises and self-massage are allowed at any age: both adolescents and women after menopause. It is better to start doing them at the age of 20-25, before age-related changes affect the face - this will make it easier to prolong youth. If you are over 30, then natural rejuvenation techniques should become your main beauty habit.

There are no upper age limits. The only limitation can be general health problems, which intensify with age.

Make it a rule to knead your face every day along the massage lines, reduce swelling and do simple exercises. On average, you will spend 10-15 minutes a day on this.

High-quality self-massage is performed:

  • on dry skin (for closer contact with hands and deep treatment),
  • strong and intense movements,
  • taking into account massage lines and directions of lymph flow.

You can read about how to self-massage your face here.

Manual self-massage is the basis. But it’s also good to supplement it with special techniques using vacuum cans, a dry brush, and a gouache scraper.

We work with a jar and a brush 1-2 times a week, better in turns: today the jars, in 3-4 days the brush. Both of these massagers activate blood flow, remove tissue fluid, and tighten the skin. The brush also removes dead scales, which activates the renewal of the integument.

The gua sha scraper can be used every day. It sculpts the face well, smooths out wrinkles, increases the elasticity and firmness of the skin.

You can buy a set of glass jars for the Beauty365 face, a dry Beauty365 face brush (boar bristles), a gouache scraper made of jewelry steel in the shape of a heart or a Beauty365 petal. Go to www.beauty365.ru and choose.

We have written a lot about how to use these massagers. Take a look at our blog. You can start with this article (chapter “How to do facial massage”).

Right now you can perform two exercises from the MelAnnett “golden collection” that give a tightening effect:

  1. Express face lift
  2. Exercise "Frame"

From the very first time you will feel a rush of blood and an increase in skin tone. If you perform the exercises regularly, the skin and muscles will remember the toned state, a clearer oval will be outlined, and the double chin will go away.

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