Rating of the TOP 10 best creams for rosacea in 2022

Cuperosis is a common and very unpleasant problem. It is characterized by thinning of blood vessels, impaired blood microcirculation, which leads to the formation of spider veins and, as a result, redness of the skin. Fortunately, many brands now produce professional products that comprehensively combat this aesthetic defect. And today we have compiled a rating of the 10 best anti-rosacea products that really work!

We proceeded from reviews of real customers, personal sales statistics of KrasotkaPro and open data from the Yandex search engine.

The criteria by which we evaluate creams from each brand:

  • Fighting rosacea.
    Our main goal.
  • Moisturizing and nutrition.
    After all, these are the main functions of face creams.
  • Perform additional functions.
    It’s great if the products also help, for example, reduce pigmentation and reduce wrinkles.
  • Compound.
    Most users prefer natural composition. And, of course, the cream should not cause an allergic reaction.
  • Texture and absorbency.
    The faster the cream is absorbed and the lighter it is, the higher the score.
  • Smell.
    Should be neutral or unobtrusive, soft.
  • Price.
    Saving is always good, but we're looking for the perfect example of value for money.

Point system:

By quality:

  • 1 point for successful fight against rosacea;
  • 1 point for excellent hydration;
  • 0.5 points for performing each additional function: reducing pigmentation, fighting wrinkles, and so on;
  • 1 point for natural composition;
  • 1 point for pleasant texture;
  • 1 point for neutral odor or light aroma;
  • We deduct 1 point for allergy complaints.

By cost:

  • 4 points for costs up to 500 rubles;
  • 3 points for a cost from 500 to 1000 rubles;
  • 2 points for a cost from 1,000 to 1,500 rubles;
  • 1 point for a price over 1,500 rubles.

By popularity:

  • 6 points for more than 30,000 queries in Yandex per month;
  • 5 points for 24,000-30,000 queries in Yandex per month;
  • 4 points for 18,000-24,000 queries in Yandex per month;
  • 3 points for 12,000-18,000 queries in Yandex per month;
  • 2 points for 6,000-12,000 queries in Yandex per month;
  • 1 point for less than 6,000 queries in Yandex per month.

After we cover each of the 10 best face cream brands and assign points, we will collect all the data in a common table.

Please note that several creams can be located in the same place at once - it all depends on the number of points. So…


Clean and beautiful skin can be called an indicator of the overall health of the body. More often, pathological disease of internal organs is projected, primarily on the face. For example, rosacea is a disease of the blood capillaries. As a result, a vascular network appears on the cheeks, chin and wings of the nose. Most often the disease occurs in women. The vascular wall also often appears on the surface due to a sharp change in temperature conditions. In case of blood pressure disorders. Causes of vascular disorders (rosacea) - in women, it is possible with fluctuations in hormonal levels, pregnancy, taking glucocorticosteroids or contraceptives.

Other causes of vascular disorders:

  • sudden changes in temperature;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • intense physical activity;
  • poor diet (irritating spicy foods);
  • stress.
Couperosis is often inherited

To prevent illness. To avoid the consequences of rosacea, you need to take a number of preventive measures. First of all, to avoid external factors that provoke the development of the disease in the first place.

First of all, this is a HEALTHY LIFESTYLE (HLS)!!!

Take preventive measures: massage treatments, walks in the fresh air, taking vitamins and medications to strengthen the vascular wall. Also, once a year, a biochemical blood test and blood pressure check by a therapist. Hereditary vascular disease is very common; it is difficult to influence a genetic disease. But, here too it is necessary to take preventive measures. Which a phleblogist can prescribe for you and thereby prevent the development of pathologies. During the off-season periods (spring and autumn), try to avoid exposure to sunlight by applying SPF protection to your facial skin.

In our clinic, you can be offered several options for the prevention and treatment of rosacea, or a comprehensive solution to the problem, such as:

  • Laser treatment.
  • Meso therapeutic techniques.
  • Hardware methods for treating rosacea.
  • Massage treatments.

Our doctors will select the best method for you, taking into account your characteristics.

Perioral dermatitis

Synonyms: rosacea-like dermatitis, flight attendant disease - rashes around the mouth: redness, swelling and papules.

Diagnostically difficult to distinguish disease of unknown etiology. Provoking factors : the use of steroids both locally and inhaled, fluoride-containing pastes, occlusive cosmetics.

The main diagnostic differences from rosacea: bright erythema and telangiectasia are rare. Localization: nasolabial folds, perioral region, chin, lower eyelids. Women aged 20-30 years and children are affected.

Distinctive feature : rapid regression of rashes, if a trigger factor is identified.

If visual diagnosis is difficult, a histological examination is recommended.


Intense Pulsed Laser Light (IPL). Intense pulsed light or photorejuvenation is a device that emits light at different wavelengths. Therefore, can treat a wider range of skin problems. The IPL device was created to treat various skin conditions. Defining IPL can help you understand better. Why laser may be the best treatment for your combination of skin problems. A series of four to six IPL treatments can significantly reduce facial redness. The skin becomes redder in just a few hours.


No skin damage, no wound care required. And there is no need to change your normal daily routine or activities. Regular treatments at varying intervals help maintain your results. The laser treatment procedure can remove some brown spots from sun damage as well as redness. Several small studies have used lasers to treat persistent facial redness. Or redness around pimples that look like pimples. Some patients experienced a significant reduction in redness. However, in most patients the redness decreased by about 20% of the rosacea.

Acne vulgaris (acne)

Acne vulgaris usually occurs between the ages of 14 and 25, while rosacea occurs between 30 and 50 years. It is also necessary to carry out a differential diagnosis with late acne .

Common manifestations with late acne

Appearance after 40 years

Papulopustular skin rashes

Overproduction of sebum – oily skin

Possibly - prolonged exposure to the sun - a common “trigger”

Differential diagnosis

Criteria not typical for acne are diagnostic for rosacea:

Centrofascial erythema is redness of the central part of the face, which may be accompanied by subjective sensations of itching, burning or tingling. A must-have for rosacea!

Outbreaks of erythema - occur when nerve endings are irritated by provoking factors: stress, heat exposure, drinking hot and alcoholic drinks, etc.

Couperosis – appearance on the face, because the disease affects the vascular bed.

No comedones!


An important part of any consultation. If the rash was present at a young age, the development of late acne is most likely.

Seborrheic dermatitis

Seborrheic dermatitis is a chronic inflammatory disease associated with a violation of the amount and composition of sebum and a disturbance of the skin microbiota.

Clinical manifestations : hyperkeratosis, peeling, seborrhea, inflammation and itching.

Localization : areas with the largest number of sebaceous glands, including the T-zone of the face, as well as the scalp, upper third of the back and chest area, ears.

The common feature is centrofascial erythema, the distinctive features are: with rosacea – papules and telangiectasia, with seborrheic dermatitis – the formation of scales and peeling, which are not characteristic of rosacea.

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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