Effective laundry soap recipes for treating nail fungus

A folk remedy for toenail fungus using laundry soap is the safest method among effective home treatment methods. Unlike recipes using caustic and toxic substances, it does not harm the skin and does not cause severe pain during the procedure.

Operating principle

Laundry soap is a household item that has powerful disinfectant properties. An inexpensive and harmless product helps treat and prevent fungal infections thanks to:

  • antimicrobial and antifungal action,
  • anti-inflammatory activity,
  • ability to soften the skin and reduce allergies.

After using laundry soap, there is a decrease in itching and unpleasant odor - the main symptoms provoked by foot fungus. To obtain the expected effect, you must follow the instructions, as well as use additional components during the preparation of medicinal products.

The effect of laundry soap depends on the degree of fungal damage to the skin tissue and nail plate. If the disease was detected late, methods based on household soaps are used as an addition to therapy using medical ointments and gels.

Principle of treatment for onychomycosis

There are several methods based on laundry soap that are used at home.

Soap and soda bath. This remedy has an antifungal effect, additionally relieves inflammation in areas of infection and promotes rapid regeneration of damaged tissue.

Bath composition:

  • 1 tbsp. l. crushed laundry soap;
  • 1 tbsp. l. soda;
  • liter of water.

Mix the components thoroughly in a liquid heated to 50° and lower your feet into it for 20 minutes. Steamed feet are wiped, treated with pumice, the softened edges of the nails are trimmed and a medicinal cream, for example Clotrimazole, is applied.

The course of therapy is carried out daily until the symptoms of onychomycosis disappear. Only with such a systematic approach can real results be achieved.

Laundry soap and birch tar. This method increases blood circulation in the skin, promoting its flow to the nail plates, improves the regeneration of affected tissues and has a resolving and anesthetic effect. Thanks to this, it is possible to cure foot fungus.

Before going to bed, steam your feet in a bath with the addition of grated laundry soap - 1 tbsp. spoon per liter of hot water. Cut off as much as possible of all wet areas of the feet, fingers and nails with pumice. Dry your feet and treat them with antifungal cream. Lubricate areas affected by onychomycosis and candidiasis with birch tar. Place your feet on the newspaper and wait until the product is absorbed. After 1.5 hours, remove any remaining tar with clean cotton pads and do not wash your feet for the next two days.

On the third day after the procedure, in the morning, rinse your feet with cool water and laundry soap. Treatment is practiced 2 times a week. The method is suitable even for the smallest, the main thing is to ensure that the child does not come into direct contact with the tar.

Soap and salt paste. Another folk method designed to destroy a fungal infection. It also gives quick and good results.

Paste composition:

  • 2 tbsp. l. laundry soap;
  • 2 tbsp. l. soda;
  • 1 tsp. salt.

The detergent is ground on a grater with a small amount of warm water until a kind of slurry is formed. Salt and sodium bicarbonate (soda) are added to the resulting mixture. Apply the product to the affected tissue for about 2 hours. After the procedure, the paste is washed off and the softened areas of the nail are removed. The course of treatment is 14 days, the product is used daily. You can continue therapy until complete recovery.

How to speed up recovery

Laundry soap is a folk remedy that helps reduce the number of pathogenic organisms on human skin. For treatment you must adhere to certain rules.

  1. Maintain proper hygiene of the limbs. When wearing closed shoes, feet often sweat, which creates favorable conditions for the growth of fungus and bacterial infections. That is why, to enhance the result, you need to carry out cleansing water procedures in the morning and in the evening. After washing your feet, dry them thoroughly with a towel.
  2. Treat and clean the inside of shoes with formaldehyde.
  3. Use open or breathable shoes. Closed shoes made of artificial materials contribute to foot wear and the proliferation of fungal flora.
  4. Under no circumstances should you use someone else's shoes, socks or personal hygiene items.
  5. You must take your own shoes into public showers, swimming pools or saunas.

Re-infection with a fungal infection can significantly reduce the rate of healing of nails and skin, even with active treatment.

Maintaining foot hygiene is the main factor in reducing the number of pathogenic organisms to a minimum and completely eliminating the disease.

How does laundry soap work?

Our grandmothers also talked about the benefits of this nondescript bar of detergent. With its help, they disinfected the premises, washed the things of a person suffering from skin and nail fungus, scabies and other parasites. They also practiced the treatment itself for these ailments, generously smearing soap foam on the patient’s skin in the bathhouse. Nowadays, the remedy is usually used to combat nail fungus localized on the feet and hands.

So what medicinal characteristics does laundry soap have? Let’s look at it in a small table.

ANTIMICROBIALBy forming an alkaline environment, it makes it impossible for pathogenic microflora to survive - in our case, fungal spores.
ANTISEPTICUsing laundry soap, you can disinfect clothes, shoes and objects that a person suffering from mycosis has come into contact with.
ANTI-INFLAMMATORYThe product dries out foci of infection, relieving inflammation and preventing further spread of the disease.

What is noteworthy is that laundry soap has a natural composition and does not contain dyes or other chemical fillers. Therefore, it can be used to treat nail fungus in all patients without exception, including children and expectant mothers.

Contraindications and side effects

Laundry soap has no contraindications associated with chronic or acquired diseases. The only factor in which the use of the product should be treated with caution is the presence of individual intolerance to soap or other components used during the preparation of mixtures.

The alkaline environment of the soap solution can contribute to side effects such as:

  • dry skin,
  • irritation,
  • feeling of discomfort.

To eliminate side effects, dermatologists advise using moisturizing ointments with antibacterial or antifungal action.


Valentina, 34 years old. “My husband became infected. Splitting of the nail, cracks and peeling of the skin on the fingers brought a lot of discomfort to his everyday life. An ordinary bar of laundry soap came to the rescue - I made baths from it and generously rubbed the foam on the feet of all family members to avoid the spread of infection. In just a month, my husband got rid of the disease, now we use detergent for preventive purposes.”

Anna, 46 years old. “No matter what we had to do to treat the nail fungus, neither medications nor medicinal plants helped. I read in the newspaper about the possibility of getting rid of onychomycosis using folk remedies such as laundry soap, iodine and vinegar. Every evening I generously rubbed my feet with soap suds and left it until completely dry, then, after washing my feet, I completed the treatment with antiseptics. Relief came quite quickly - after the first procedures, the unpleasant symptoms disappeared, and after 2 months I forgot about my disease.”

Irma, 36 years old. “Due to my professional activity (children's pool coach), I had to become closely acquainted with nail fungus. At times, after another outbreak of infection, it seemed that the floor and walls surrounding me at work were completely contaminated with onychomycosis spores. Fortunately, a colleague suggested that instead of expensive pharmaceutical preparations, ordinary laundry soap kills nail fungus, which should be used to treat the feet for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. From that moment on, my problems with this infection were left behind.”

Laundry soap for nail fungus is often used in folk medicine. The method is really effective if you combine it with similar antifungal agents that are found in every home - soda, salt, vinegar, etc. If there is no effect from the treatment, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Pros and cons of treatment with laundry soap

Laundry soap for toenail fungus has an extensive list of benefits. In addition to the listed therapeutic properties, positive properties include:

  • predominance of natural ingredients;
  • low cost;
  • ease of use;
  • minimum number of contraindications.

There are almost no downsides, often indicating drying of the skin, but with increased fat content this becomes a plus. For patients with a sensitive sense of smell, the specific smell may seem unpleasant, but it indicates the absence of foreign additives in the structure. The most obvious disadvantage is the lack of effectiveness for self-treatment of the fungus, especially in the later stages.

Why does fungus occur?

It is no secret that any mushroom, including those that parasitize the body, loves moisture and grows and reproduces very well in it. Therefore, special admirers of public swimming pools and those who like to steam in baths and saunas are the first on the list of those at risk. This unpleasant disease is easily transmitted through the things of a sick person (for example, in the case of using a sick person’s towel), through slippers, or simply through wet rugs on which a person infected with the fungus has walked.

Laundry soap against fungus

Experts believe that the main causes of onychomycosis (the medical name for a fungal infection) are:

  • frequent injury to the nail plates as a result of playing sports or at home;
  • deformation of toes;
  • excessive nail density;
  • overheating;
  • narrow shoes made of dense synthetic materials;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • weakened immune system;
  • diseases such as diabetes or obesity;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • violation of carbohydrate levels;
  • contacts with infected people;
  • taking antibiotics, cyostatics or corticosteroids.

However, not only external factors are among those that influence the possibility of contracting a fungal infection. It has been proven that a person’s gender, age and even occupation also have a significant influence.

Older people and older people suffer noticeably more from fungal nail infections. This happens because with age, the rate of nail growth decreases and the functioning of blood vessels is disrupted.

It is also worth noting that men suffer from onychomycosis 1.5 to 3 times more often than women. But women start treatment earlier.

But as for professions, representatives of such fields as massage therapists, military personnel, public swimming pool workers, and athletes are more prone to the disease.


Baking soda and products based on it also work great against fungus. For example, you can make foot baths based on soda and soap. But you should know that this bath cannot be used as the only treatment; it can only be an addition to the main treatment.

Such baths soften the nail plate very well. As a result, you can then apply a cream that can penetrate deep into the nail.

To prepare a bath, you need to take about 7 liters of water, then add 3 cups of soda and 3 tablespoons of laundry soap. You can use tar soap. All components dissolve, resulting in a homogeneous liquid.

Now you can steam your feet for 20 minutes. At the end of the procedure, it is necessary to remove all softened nail plates and other skin. A second bath can be done no earlier than after 3 days.

You can make a paste using baking soda. You need to prepare a mixture of water and soda. When combined, you should get a paste. The structure should be uniform or homogeneous. The paste is applied to each affected nail; the thickness of the applied layer should be the same. Now you need to drip a little lemon juice on top.

There is no need to be alarmed when you feel a slight tingling sensation. Bubbles will also begin to form. 5 minutes is enough for the product to work. After this, you need to rinse your feet with water and soap. After any treatment with soda or soda solution, it is necessary to apply special ointments against fungus.

Cure the disease with a solution of water and soda

When used correctly, soda can provide great benefits, for this reason it is used in many situations. Treatment of nail fungus with soda consists of foot baths. How to do everything right?

  1. To cure a fungal disease, take a container of the required volume. First you need to thoroughly moisten and treat the areas of the feet where the fungus is present. Sometimes it is even necessary to buy in completely.
  2. Water is the main liquid. Its temperature should be no more than 40 degrees, but not less than 35.
  3. You will need baking soda.
  4. It would be a good idea to stock up on liquid or laundry soap. Whatever it is, the soap you use should contain beneficial elements.

Effect of baking soda on nail fungus

The main advantage of soda is due to:

  • its high disinfection performance;
  • anti-inflammatory effect;
  • drying effect.

Treatment of fungal pathologies on nails with soda can be carried out in several forms. You can prepare a special paste with a minimum amount of water, use it as an aqueous solution, and also in combination with herbal ingredients and products.

The popularity of soda against nail fungus is also due to the very low cost of this main component, which can be purchased at any grocery store. In principle, every person has soda in their home, so preparing a medicinal composition based on this product will not be difficult at all.

People's reviews regarding foot baths with soda

  • Patients who have been fighting a fungal infection for a long time see the first results within a month of the procedure. At the same time, not everyone likes to wait a long time and some resort to modern medicine in the fight against this disease.
  • If you are unable to regularly visit a good doctor, foot baths with soda are what you need.
  • This procedure will be an excellent addition to the treatment of fungal diseases with medications.


This may be surprising to some, but even very strong coffee can help fight fungus. This method is considered truly popular.

For treatment you will need very strong coffee and, of course, warm coffee. The feet are dipped into the resulting coffee solution.

It is recommended to use this method of getting rid of fungus only at night. Several similar procedures will need to be done. They will help get rid of the fungus. In addition, coffee rejuvenates the skin very well and makes it smooth and soft. Those who suffered from pain stop feeling such discomfort.

When choosing a treatment method that is acceptable to you, you need to take into account the characteristics of your skin. But whatever the method, you need to read reviews about it. Sometimes very advanced cases can be treated for quite a long time even with the help of medications. If you correctly combine treatment with medications and treatment with recipes from traditional medicine, the result will be complete elimination of the fungus.

How to understand that it is a fungus?

The fungus usually manifests itself quite actively, and it is actually very difficult not to notice it. First, itching, slight flaking and dry skin appear in the affected area. Often, however, the patient does not pay due attention to these symptoms, naively attributing everything to dust and heat in the summer or a lack of vitamins in the winter.

If therapy was not started at this stage, then a more active stage of the disease occurs. The surface of the nail becomes dull and yellowish. Small grooves and sometimes cracks may also appear. As sad as it may be, even at this stage there are often no particular concerns. The patient blames everything on a poorly executed pedicure or bad nail polish.

Often people seek help at the most dangerous stage in this case, when treatment will require a lot of time. At this stage, yellow, green or gray spots appear on the nails. Sometimes the color of the spots can reach black. By this time, the nail itself is already beginning to crumble badly, and an unpleasant rotten smell appears.

Nail fungus

The fungal infection usually attacks the nails on the big toes first, gradually moving to the neighboring ones and increasing the affected area.

The diagnosis that this is “onychomycosis” can only be made by a doctor. For this, in addition to an external examination, an analysis is carried out for the causative agent of the disease. That is why, when the first symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor who will prescribe the correct treatment. And you can make this treatment more effective and speed up its results with the help of folk home remedies, one of which is the use of laundry soap.

Properties of soap

The substance is characterized by a high content of alkali (soda), and the fatty acids indicated on the packages range from 60 to 74%.

Useful properties of laundry soap in the treatment of fungus:

  • bacterial, antifungal and antiseptic;
  • healing;
  • cleansing and whitening.

Benefits of using soap:

  • product without dyes and preservatives (safe to use);
  • when washing things, it kills fungal spores;
  • low price (availability).

Which one to choose?

When choosing laundry soap, pay attention to some characteristics:

  1. Color. The darker the better. Without any admixture of other shades. Only dirty gray color.
  2. Smell. A specific smell that must correspond to this product. Soap shouldn't smell like roses, that's for sure.
  3. It and the packaging must contain information about the category of the product. Only the one that says 72% is suitable. Anything lower (according to GOST, soap can be 40% or 60%) is not suitable for cosmetic procedures.
  4. Read the ingredients carefully. The list of ingredients should not contain dyes, preservatives, or foreign impurities.

This is all you need to know in order to purchase the right product that will help you cope with a delicate and unpleasant problem.

Cautions when using laundry soap

It is worth knowing that soap also has contraindications. Modern samples are supplemented with chemical impurities, so they contain an increased acid content - the product can cause an allergic reaction.

Frequent use of soap reduces the protective function of the skin, and if a low-quality product is used, a chemical burn is possible.

Soap recipes can also be used to get rid of unpleasant foot odor. This is a budget tool available to everyone.

Laundry soap is an additional remedy in combination with antimicrobial drugs for the treatment of an unpleasant ailment - fungus on the feet.

Fungus treatment recipe for sensitive people

Modern pharmacology offers potent active drugs that almost instantly relieve symptoms and pain that often accompany fungal diseases. However, not all patients are able to tolerate them. In contrast, laundry soap acts gently and painlessly, but such a course of therapy must be continued for a long time and continuously.

For treatment you will need: laundry soap (preferably tar), hot water or birch decoction, a brush of moderate hardness. The affected area of ​​the body is washed with water and intensively soaped to a thick foam, and then massaged with a brush. Wash off the foam to clean off the exfoliated fungal plaque and soap again. Repeat 3-4 times. Then dry the skin with a hairdryer. Course of treatment: daily until complete healing (1 – 1.5 months)

ADVICE!!! The healing process will speed up and be more effective if all the patient’s linen, gloves, socks, brushes and towels are disinfected after use by soaping, dousing with boiling water or soaking in a “Whiteness” solution. This is an important component of the healing process.

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