Autumn marathon: skin restoration after summer holidays

The summer holiday period has passed. At the same time, many beauties from last summer have not only vivid memories and hundreds of photos, but also problems associated with so-called photoaging. Beach holidays under the scorching sun, swimming in sea water, constant stay in an artificially air-conditioned room, lack of hydration. All these and many other factors lead to dry skin and sunburn.

Other consequences of a “turbulent” summer include unaesthetic hyperpigmentation, roughening of the skin pattern, and in some cases even the formation of facial folds and wrinkles. Those with oily skin types also face big problems, for whom summer is traditionally associated with increased greasiness, unflattering shine and an increased tendency to develop acne.

Indeed, the hot summer period is a serious stress for the skin. The delicate skin of the face, neck and décolleté is especially affected. The situation is complicated by the fact that our skin is forced to come into direct contact with the environment, which negatively affects its condition. Comprehensive care and cosmetic UV protection will provide indispensable assistance in combating this problem. However, even if it was not possible to avoid photoburns and desiccation, there is still a chance to “save face”. Let's talk about skincare procedures and professional products that will help the skin recover and return to its previous state in the fall.

The most common problems after a holiday at a seaside resort, the reasons for their occurrence

There are no longer factors as contradictory in their effects on the skin as the sea and the sun. On the one hand, everyone is familiar with the feeling of freshness on the face during a boat trip, on the other hand, the feeling of tightness of the skin after sea swimming and lack of rinsing with fresh water. It is for the sake of the gentle warmth and light of the sun that we go to the sea coast - the sun is a source of vitamin D in reserve. But ultraviolet radiation is the main trigger of photoaging! If other organs and tissues age with age, then the skin - both with age and from the sun.

Moreover, residents of temperate latitudes, coming from the rains to blindingly sunny weather, risk a double risk: burns + pigmentation. These are signs of acute photoaging. The insidiousness of the sun's rays lies in the activation of reactions that damage the DNA of dermal cells, collagen, and lipids. Such reactions act in a cascade, that is, they continue for an unpredictably long time after you have left the beach. Only antioxidants can resist them, so the more vitamin C or E, for example, you eat after sunbathing (but not on the beach!) or the more you treat your skin with antioxidant compounds: extracts of green tea, sage, rosemary, olive, red wine - the more better.

  • Whether the skin is damaged and to what extent it will be possible to determine after 12-16 hours. It is unreasonable to wait for this; helping your skin will never be superfluous. If it is severely burned, it will begin to peel off, lose elasticity, and pigment spots will appear on it.

How can you immediately understand that it has lost moisture? Simple enough:

  • wrinkles appear in the corners of the eyes;
  • at times there is a feeling of stiffness in the face;
  • It is visually noticeable that the elasticity of the skin is lost.

If acute photoaging has been avoided, then by the end of summer, with prolonged and constant exposure to the sun, chronic photoaging develops. This includes dehydration, loss of elasticity, and wrinkles. Spider veins, pigmentation, acne may join. Why? It's simple:

  • cellular DNA is damaged, proteins are destroyed, they are simply hard-boiled, ceasing to perform their main function: to nourish the cells;
  • but the main thing is that collagen and elastin, which make up the framework of the connective tissue of the skin, are chopped by the sun like cabbage for pickling, a whole network of wrinkles appears, the oval of the face begins to float;
  • inside the cells themselves, ultraviolet damages mitochondria - a kind of power lines, the main source of energy, the cells are de-energized and stop renewing, hyperkeratosis develops, the skin becomes lumpy;
  • Well, horror, horror: cell membranes oxidize, capillaries burst, inflammation develops, rosacea occurs, the face takes on a red tint;
  • a violation of keratinization provokes a malfunction of the sebaceous glands, the pores become clogged with sebum, acne forms, and the pores try to expand to the maximum as compensation.

By the way, to photoaging from sea water and sun, feel free to add chlorinated water in swimming pools, as well as rarefied air in the mountains, an airplane cabin, wind - everything that contributes to the loss of moisture from the dermis.

  • What to do?
    Take a sip of valerian and try to correct the situation. By the way, it can be prevented if you protect your skin with sunscreen with an SPF factor of at least 30, constantly moisturize it while on vacation, and stop using cosmetics with photosensitizing ingredients: fruit acids, citrus essential oils, vitamin A.

Soft whitening

  • Problem

After summer, most people's skin is covered, if not with a persistent tan that just can't go away, then with numerous age spots. And if the pale reddish freckles that appear on the face in the spring evoke a feeling of tenderness, then the dirty brown pigmentation in the fall creates a feeling of unkemptness.

  • Solution

Any age spots and even the most persistent tan can be whitened in different ways.

Salon procedures:

  1. Laser whitening;
  2. Photorejuvenation;
  3. Whitening peeling;
  4. Cryotherapy.

Home remedies:

  1. Parsley decoction compresses;
  2. Whitening masks made from honey and lemon;
  3. Tonics made from cucumber juice or kefir;
  4. Applications with jojoba oil;
  5. Aromatherapy. The esters of turmeric, oregano, birch, patchouli, black pepper, mint, sandalwood, and eucalyptus help with age spots.

Cosmetic lines:

  1. Radiance from Pevonia Botanica (USA);
  2. Ideal whitening from Belita-Vitex (Belarus);
  3. Whitening from Holy Land (Israel);
  4. Azelac from Sesderma (Spain);
  5. White Secrets from Janssen (Germany).

The main rule is that lightening should be soft and not aggressive, because the skin after summer is very sensitive and vulnerable. She may respond to various medications with irritation or an allergic reaction. Therefore, when choosing a technique, be extremely careful.

Is it possible to treat sun-dehydrated skin at home?

Of course, today there is hardly a “dared soul” who will expose his skin to unjustified risk and will not take Sanskrin to the sea - a special cosmetic product with ultraviolet-absorbing components. However, if you brought back half a bottle of such a product with you after a ten-day vacation, your skin, without a doubt, needs rehabilitation.

First of all, you need to adjust your drinking regimen: 40 ml of clean water, not counting soups and compotes, per 1 kg of body weight. In the first two weeks, you should completely avoid all scrubs, giving preference to thermal water, an ice cube from mineral water or a decoction of medicinal herbs when washing your face. And the whole emphasis should be on moisturizing the skin: moisturizing sprays and tonics, hyaluronic creams, gels, serums that activate the synthesis of the skin’s own hyaluronic acid are suitable - you need to return water to it.

  • The absolute leader in restoring water balance at home is a product with two types of hyaluronic acid: ultramolecular with a very short chain length, which freely reaches the deep layers of the dermis, and high molecular - its purpose is to prevent moisture loss and retain it inside the skin due to a film on the surface of the epidermis.

An example would be care products and masks with the Aquasil complex. They do not depend on the patient’s age and actively restore moisture in the dermis. You just need to understand that aging skin loses moisture much more than young skin and it must be rehabilitated wisely and patiently.

In addition to hydration, we must not forget about antioxidants. The skin will also accept them with gratitude, since they will help the dermis to catch all those free radicals that can outweigh the redox processes towards oxidation and actively age the cells. This means not only the skin, but the entire body as a whole. In other words, antioxidants (bioflavonoids) will eliminate the effects of intense ultraviolet radiation, long flights, errors in diet and lifestyle, if they occurred during vacation. By the way, do not overdo it with vitamin C or A. They, of course, are antioxidants, but they also demonstrate whitening properties, that is, they will help the tan disappear from your skin faster.

The next step is nutrition of the dermis. Night creams with olive, grape seeds, sea buckthorn, avocado, sesame, and rice bran are best suited here. If there are wrinkles, use the Anti-Age series, and if spider veins or age spots are attached, use anti-inflammatory care creams and serums from the pharmacy.

In a couple of weeks, your tasks will look different: peeling, which you should have forgotten about, comes first to remove post-sun hyperkeratosis and return the skin to a pleasant shade. Light products with AHA acids or lipohydroxy acid (LHA) are suitable for this. The concentration of acids is minimal, in accordance with the skin phototype. Deep peelings should be postponed until late autumn, when the last rooks have flown away and the fields are empty. The entire subsequent algorithm is preserved.

Gentle exfoliation

Despite the erroneous opinion that peelings seriously injure skin that is overdried and exhausted by the summer sun, you need to take care of exfoliation. Of course, it is advisable to choose the right professional facial peels that can effectively and at the same time non-aggressively exfoliate dead skin particles without causing harm to the affected skin.

Here is a far from complete list of cosmetic problems that modern salon facial peels successfully combat:

  • hyperpigmentation caused by photoaging,
  • hyperkeratosis (thickening of the stratum corneum, leading to visible roughening of the skin),
  • dehydration.

In addition, high-quality salon chemical peeling products effectively smooth out fine wrinkles and folds, improve the color and texture of the face. In particular, the Premium Peeling Hour line of the Russian manufacturer of professional cosmetics Premium has proven itself to be excellent. Despite the fact that such products are labeled as all-season, most cosmetologists recommend that patients pay close attention to them in the fall, after the summer vacation. The line includes a whole range of salon products: pre-peeling, peeling, neutralization, post-peeling. At the moment, the Premium Peeling Hour series is represented by more than two dozen products with different concentrations of acids, which allows the cosmetologist to easily select the optimal products for an individual peeling program for almost any skin.

Depigmenting cream mask, 75 mlPeeling with AHA 8%, 125 ml

Don't forget about less radical exfoliating procedures. In autumn, the skin of the face, neck and body needs weekly contact with a delicate scrub. At the same time, cosmetologists advise choosing salon cream-scrubs and gel-scrubs with a moisturizing function - such products allow you to solve several problems caused by the consequences of summer vacation. You can buy a facial scrub for cleansing, exfoliating and moisturizing in any store or online store of professional cosmetics.

What recovery programs do cosmetology clinics offer?

Surely, the complexity of the task makes many doubt the sufficient effectiveness of home skin restoration after summer photoaging. And this is correct, especially since we rest regularly, and negative processes are repeated from time to time. It's better to trust a specialist. This is exactly the case when the money will not be wasted. What do cosmetologists offer us? The algorithm is the same, but professional cosmetics are supported by hardware, injection techniques, that is, the result is 100% guaranteed.

Of course, ahead of the entire squad of liquidators of negative consequences is intensive skin hydration. Non-invasive elimination of dehydration, as a rule, begins with deep cleansing of the dermis with light fruit peels or enzyme pectin masks with papain and lactic acid. It is possible to use gentle microdermabrasion, which removes fairly thick horny layers from the skin without much discomfort using aluminum microcrystals. A couple of sessions are enough, but it all depends on the doctor’s recommendations. Microdermabrasion should not be confused with a serious dermabrasion procedure, which should be postponed until late autumn if scars or post-acne scars bother you.

Only after peeling, hardware ultraphonophoresis and electrophoresis are connected, the purpose of which is to introduce low molecular weight hyaluronic acid into the deep layers of the skin. This action is supported by a half-hour alginate or other occlusive mask with collagen, under which you can apply whitening, anti-aging, anti-pastosis serums. The result of the procedure is a moisturizing gel (cream) with SPF. A course requires up to 10 procedures. Is it possible to achieve a similar result at home?

  • Today, ELOS rejuvenation is increasingly prescribed: a combination of laser light energy with electricity. This activates the synthesis of endocollagen and elastin in the skin, smoothes wrinkles, removes pigmentation, spider veins, and narrows pores. About 6 sessions are needed, once every three weeks.

Instead of hardware procedures, biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid is used: a couple of procedures with an interval of a couple of weeks. Another skin care product can also act as a biorevitalizer in accordance with the doctor’s recommendations after the initial skin diagnosis. Soluble collagen, peptide complexes, aloe extract - can block moisture loss, activate skin regeneration, which will slow down its withering.

If pigment spots appear, it will take a long time to remove them. Without laser – at least two to three months, and the result depends on the depth of the spot. The level of penetration into the depth of the dermis is determined with a Wood's lamp. The pigment that has affected the epidermis can be removed with acid peels or their combination with ritinoic peels quite easily.

There are many rumors about the miraculous cream Achromin, which our grandmothers and mothers used. But mass-market cosmetics very rarely work effectively, and this cream also contains hydroquinone, which is banned in the EU. Moreover, Achromin contains paraffin and petroleum jelly, which clog pores and cause acne. But if this cream helps someone, God help. Of course, products with kojic acid or arbutin are better.

The cause of acne after a sea holiday is post-sun hyperkeratosis. In other words, you need deep cleansing of the skin. It is better to use gels without surfactants, a pectin mask or clay-based composition, and sebum-regulating agents. Just 15 minutes, wash, and everything is fine. The procedure will be complemented by ultrasonic peeling, electrophoresis of anti-inflammatory drugs, and galvanic therapy.

Spider veins are a year-round problem, but under the rays of the sun they tend to worsen. The reason is heredity or acquired weakness of the vascular wall of capillaries, superficial veins, which increases under the influence of temperature, food, which dilates blood vessels. To solve the problem, vasoprotectors, products with troxerutin, horse chestnut extract, arnica, and grape leaves are used. Therapy is complemented well by taking vitamins C and PP, which stimulate metabolism.

Vitamin fasting

Although after summer the skin is still rich in various minerals and vitamins, nourishing products should be included in its care. Why?

For the reason that the accumulated vitamins will run out very quickly, and winter is ahead, which will intensify this shortage.

Help your epidermis by adding vegetables and fruits to your daily diet, start taking multivitamins and making face masks.

It would also be a good idea to use fatty nourishing creams (both day and night), containing vitamins A and C, collagen, extracts from various aquatic plants and healing herbs.

Play sports or at least just move more.

  1. A peach mask will help restore a healthy glow on your face. To prepare it, you will need to mix equal parts of peach puree (they must be ripe), honey and finely ground oatmeal. After mixing everything, apply the mask for 15 minutes and rinse.
  2. Another recipe for a nourishing mask: grind your favorite fruits in a blender, then pour them with homemade yogurt. After 20 minutes, the mask is washed off with clean warm water.

How to update your makeup bag after a vacation, the “gold standard” of products for the cold season

There is absolutely no need to completely abandon your usual skincare products. But cold weather requires a different texture of creams and gels for the skin. The emphasis is on hydration, because you will have to spend most of the time in a dry, heated room. Hyaluronic acid is your everything! You can’t ignore skin exfoliation: dry skin needs this procedure once a week, oily skin needs at least two. This is most often light peeling or scrubbing with polyethylene microgranules. In addition, the mandatory SPF factor can be reduced to 15 units. Here you have the “gold standard” of autumn-winter care.

Bright colors are beginning to dominate in decorative cosmetics: the sun has gone behind the clouds! Daylight hours are shorter, and electric light shades our cosmetics differently. Foundations become lighter, bronzers, combined with tanned skin, give way to powder in natural tones.

Revitalizing cosmetics for sensitive areas of the face

As you know, the skin of the eyelids is considered the most sensitive and delicate area of ​​the face. Most often, it is she who suffers from exposure to harmful ultraviolet radiation first. For gentle care of the skin around the eyes in the off-season, a special series for eyelids from Premium is suitable. Collagen masks will be the best helpers in the fight against swelling and sagging skin. Delicate moisturizing will be provided by Bio Balance gel tonic and cream elixir. Premium Eye Serum “Antistress” and “Special Effect” nourishes and visibly tightens the skin around the eyes, visually masking fine wrinkles. The most intense lifting of the most vulnerable part of the face is guaranteed by the “Lifting Complex” eye serum with hyaluronic acid and black currant oil.

What procedures should you plan for the fall?

This, of course, depends on your skin problems. Typically, in the autumn period, a variety of peelings are carried out, which are excluded during active ultraviolet radiation, mesotherapy, biorevitalization, contour plastic surgery, if necessary, ablation, photoepilation. But no one has canceled all-season procedures: classical, plastic, lymphatic drainage, chiromassage, hardware manipulations: various types of phoresis, non-injection mesotherapy, carboxytherapy, mesoscooters.

The main thing is to realize that in order to get your skin in order, you need regular cosmetic procedures and their adequate selection in accordance with your skin type and its problems. Competent cosmetologists and other beauty industry specialists will help with this. And then summer will again wait to meet you to become truly stellar.

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Problem: new moles have appeared.

Why is this happening? The appearance of new moles and the disappearance of old ones is a normal process. What is important is not their appearance itself, but how many of them appeared, what quality they are, and whether existing formations have changed.

What to do? If you have suspicious moles, you should consult a doctor. The uneven edges of the mole, the absence of hair on it, the varnish shine, and the large size of the formation should alert you. It is also necessary to get rid of a mole if it appears in a place of friction with clothing and is constantly injured.

Question answer

Is it possible for a person with many moles on his body to sunbathe?

What not to do? Do not try to remove a mole yourself using folk remedies, such as celandine juice. Any injury to a mole is dangerous!

Care for oily skin after 30

The problem with such dermis is oily sheen. Attempts to remove it with the help of decorative cosmetics can only aggravate the problem, polluting the pores and leading to the appearance of acne. But properly selected care products can correct the difficulties. Appropriate alcohol-containing tonics and lotions, when applied morning and evening, will dry the surface and prevent the appearance of shine. Try not to use fatty compounds, and if you have to, blot the residue with a napkin.

Problem: Southern tan fades too quickly.

Why is this happening? The spectrum of UV rays, which travel tangentially to the earth's surface, and UV rays, which fall on it at right angles, are different. This affects the durability of the tan. A tan obtained in the middle zone has a cooler shade, but lasts longer. A southern tan is brighter, but fades faster.

What to do? Don't forget to moisturize and nourish your skin, this will help maintain your tan. If you want to maintain your dark skin tone all winter, you can use self-tanning.

What not to do? There is no need to give up using a washcloth while trying to maintain your tan. The sun increases the formation of horny cells in the epidermis, which must be removed for the skin to renew itself.

What foods will help you tan? More details

Care for thin skin after 30

For this type of dermis, you can only use special fresh cosmetics marked “sensitive”. Due to its small thickness, this type requires especially careful and thorough care. In this case, you can use anti-aging products after 30 years, when the first expression wrinkles have formed. Twice a year you need to take a course of vitamins; vascular-strengthening dietary supplements will also be useful. Due to the great sensitivity, the ban on soap is especially strict. And homemade masks should not contain aggressive, drying components. Try to do without peeling. Many herbal compresses are prohibited, as well as wiping with ice to tone.

Stages of skin care after 30

These include:

  • Cleansing.
  • Giving tone.
  • Nutrition and hydration.
  • Protection.

In addition, from time to time it is worth using professional products and various salon procedures, such as ultrasonic peeling, lifting, vacuum massage and much more. When taking careful care, you should remember the area around the eyes, neck and hands - they also show age.

Olga Kotelina, dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist, trichologist, leading specialist at the ESTELAB clinic

The autumn-winter period is the time to prescribe products with retinol. This component has a photosensitizing property (increases the skin's sensitivity to light), so it should be used only during periods of reduced solar activity - autumn and winter. Retinol starts the regenerative processes of the skin (which is necessary for its restoration after the sun), has a powerful anti-inflammatory and sebum-regulating effect.

It is important to remember that products containing more than 0.1% retinol must be prescribed by a doctor

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