11 best face creams after 60 - rating for 2022

Place Name Characteristics in the rating
The best face creams after 60 years: economy class
1Eveline Cosmetics New Hyaluron 60+For day and night use. Green tea and kelp extracts. Improves complexion
2Belkosmex Hialuron Active 60+Two types of hyaluronic acid in the composition
3Black pearl BIO-program 60+Natural UV filters. Combating dryness and flaking. Dermatologist approved
4Pure line Phyto-cream from 60 yearsThe cheapest cream. The best complex of plant extracts
The best face creams after 60 years: middle segment
1Kora Premium LineRemodeling of the oval of the face. Impact at the cellular level. Professional cosmetics
2House of Nature with snail mucin daily for faceSnail mucin included. The best lifting effect
3L'Oreal Age expert 65+Protects against pigmentation. Evens out complexion
The best face creams after 60 years: luxury
1Vichy NeovadiolThe best complex of oils. Smoothing out deep wrinkles
2Afrodita Cosmetics AGELESS PRO-AGECream with plant estrogens. Passed clinical trials. Moisturizing effect
3Ahava Beauty Before AgeThe best strengthening effect. Pharmacy cosmetics. Comprehensive anti-aging care

Tips for choosing the best face cream after 60 years

Conventional creams are designed to moisturize, nourish and protect the skin. However, after 60 years, such effects are no longer sufficient. To choose the right product, it is important to pay attention to the following points:


Manufacturers usually indicate important information about the effects of the cream in the form of labels on the packaging. Of course, you shouldn’t choose a product based on the label alone. However, you need to pay attention to it. Marking will allow you to avoid mistakes with the optimal composition, selected based on the needs of mature skin. First of all, after 60 years you need to choose a cream marked “50, 55, 60, 65+”. It is also important that the packaging contains the following designations: “lifting effect”, “anti-aging cream”, “anti-wrinkle”. All this information indicates that the product is intended specifically for aging skin.


The value of a cream is determined by its ingredients and their balance. The most effective anti-aging components are: peptides, collagen, hyaluronic acid, ceramides, retinol, natural elastin, panthenol and coenzyme Q10. In particular, coenzyme Q10 is a strong antioxidant that prevents the negative effects of radicals and sunlight on skin cells. The remaining components help restore the balance of substances in the skin, the amount of which decreases significantly with age.

Type of cream.

Not only the skin of the face needs care, but also the décolleté and neck. Therefore, it is better to choose a universal product for all these areas. Also, the cream can be day or night. Day cream cannot always be replaced with night cream, and vice versa. There is a difference - daytime formulations contain sunscreen filters, while nighttime formulations are aimed at maximum hydration.

The focus is on the skin. Cosmetic procedures will make her younger even at the age of 60+

To understand how our face ages and what can be done to rejuvenate it, we need to understand the structure of the skin, which consists of several layers:

  • Epidermis - outer layer. Most cosmetic procedures are aimed at improving it, since it determines our appearance.
  • The dermis is the middle layer containing dense connective tissue, hair follicles and sweat glands. Here are cells - fibroblasts, involved in the formation of proteins collagen, elastin and other compounds that form the skin frame. With age, the number of fibroblasts decreases, which leads to the appearance of wrinkles. At 60+, the number of fibroblasts is very small, and those cells that are still preserved do not produce a sufficient amount of high-quality proteins.
  • Hypodermis - deep subcutaneous tissue consisting of adipose and connective tissue.

At 60+ years of age, all skin layers show significant age-related changes. Some women are lucky to have genetically good skin. But in most women in this age group it is dense, flabby, and covered with wrinkles.

Age-related skin changes

Along with changes in texture, the skin often has pigment spots and dilated blood vessels, which make it unaesthetic. Changes occur in the muscles and fat layer, which leads to the appearance of hollows under the eyes, flattening of the cheeks and jaws.

Changes occur in the bones - the eye orbit becomes larger, the depressions under the eyes increase, which changes the contour of the eyebrows. The structure of the jaws changes, the bones become smaller and thinner, which changes the appearance. Gum disease and tooth loss followed by prosthetics contribute to changes in facial features and give it an “age-like” appearance.

When developing treatments for people aged 60 years and older, all of the above need to be assessed. The impact should be carried out not only on the face, but also on the décolleté area.

The best cream companies after 60 years

You can find reliable manufacturers in every price segment. Of the budget lines, Eveline deserves special attention .

The Polish company has been on the market since 1983. Eveline offers an interesting range of budget anti-aging creams with peptides, hyaluronic acid and other components with a lifting and tightening effect on the face.

From the middle price segment, the products of the Russian company Kora received many positive reviews .

She has entire anti-aging lines with serums, creams for the face and the skin around the eyes.
Also, there are high-quality products for aging skin .
In its assortment you can find creams with natural composition, as well as products for sensitive skin. has become one of the most popular manufacturers in the luxury segment .

The company produces high-quality pharmaceutical cosmetics with safe composition. In particular, Vichy has an anti-aging line called Neovadiol, which includes day and night creams for various purposes: firming, restoring, with a compensating and lifting effect.

Day care cream

In any line of cosmetics, there will definitely be a day face cream. Since women over 60 still often use cosmetics, this is the product that prepares the skin for its use. At the moment, this is especially relevant, since every woman wants to look beautiful at any age.

Such a cream should moisturize the face well, thereby promoting skin regeneration. Its main task is to deeply nourish facial skin cells with moisture in order to improve its condition and protect it from the negative influence of environmental factors.

Cosmetologists consider creams from the following companies to be the most effective among all manufacturers of day creams: L'Oreal, Vichy, Clean Line and Black Pearl.

The best face creams after 60 years: middle segment

In this rating we included creams with an average cost of 500 to 1000 rubles. Unlike the budget segment, they have more effective care properties. For this price you can find a product that acts on the deep layers of the dermis and really slows down the formation of wrinkles. Lifting effect, high-quality moisturizing, nutrition, correction of complexion - a good cream from the middle segment will cope with such tasks. But to smooth out deep wrinkles, it is better to choose a more expensive product.

Top budget creams

You can’t ignore inexpensive products that also successfully cope with their functions. Among them there are three leaders.

"Belita Mezocrem"

. Produced in Belarus. The product has proven itself to be the best. Suitable for use during the daytime.

Contains: hyaluronic acid, a complex of vitamins and microelements, allantoin, collagen threads.


• hydration;

• reduction in the number and depth of wrinkles;

• even out skin tone;

• face contour lift;

• giving the skin firmness and elasticity.

The only downside is that the cream is hard to find in store windows.

Price – 350 rubles.

LOreal series “Age Expert”

. It’s worth mentioning right away that it’s not at all suitable for oily skin types.


• lifting effect;

• improvement of skin color;

• hydration, nutrition;

• promotes collagen production.

Many ladies who used this cream noted the effect of skin whitening.

Price – 280 rubles.

"Faberlic" Renovage series

. Cosmetologists advise using the products in this series comprehensively. It includes: night and day cream, serum, tonic, as well as separate products for the neck and décolleté.


• specially developed biometric emulsion. Helps align and tighten facial contours;

• vitamin complex, micronutrients. Manufacturers claim that this is a kind of “beauty and youth gene” that allows a woman to look attractive;

• oxygen complex. Increases the elasticity of the dermis, smooths out fine wrinkles, and moisturizes.

The price is about 500 rubles.

Many people think that budget funds are not effective. But as practice shows, this opinion is erroneous. The main condition is regular use of creams and other anti-aging products


The best face creams after 60 years: luxury

Luxury creams, whose cost exceeds 1,500 rubles, demonstrate amazing results - smoothing out deep wrinkles, anti-gravity effect, thickening and tightening the skin. In general, only creams from this line have an effective anti-aging effect. On the one hand, this is due to the rarer and more useful components in the composition. On the other hand, such funds are aimed not at immediate results, but at cumulative ones. With regular care, they work on the skin day after day, gradually changing it at the cellular level.

Jaws, neck and décolleté

Non-surgical treatment will not produce the same results as a facelift, but it can significantly reduce the signs of aging:

  • The laser procedure tightens the framework, consisting of collagen and elastin fibers, as a result of which the facial tissues become more elastic. Regular laser sessions are necessary to stimulate the protein fibers and remaining fibroblasts.
  • Dermal filler, injected into the jaw bone area, provides additional support to muscles, fat and skin, restoring a youthful appearance to the face. This will also be helped by Botox injections, which tighten and moisturize the skin of the neck and décolleté.

Aesthetic procedures for women over 60 years of age are selected individually by a specialist, based on the condition of the patient’s skin and her physical health. Then the cosmetology complex will be as effective as possible.

It's never too late to start a rejuvenation program. To do this, you need to make an appointment with a cosmetologist, who will select and conduct a course of procedures that turn back time.

How to use anti-aging creams correctly

No cream or any other cosmetic product can remove age and expression wrinkles forever. Their task is to moisturize the dermis, launch the natural processes of collagen production, and even out the complexion.

To achieve this effect, you need to know how to use anti-aging cream correctly. It is at this simple stage that many people make mistakes.

An experienced cosmetologist talks about the nuances:

1. Facial skin should be clean and dry before applying the cream. If makeup is applied, it must be removed.

2. Be sure to wait until the product is absorbed. If 5 minutes have passed and the cream is still visible on the surface of the skin, then you have applied a large amount. Dry your face with a napkin or soft paper towel.

3. Night cream should not be applied right before bed. Otherwise you will wipe it on your pillow. The product has a dense, thick structure, so it is absorbed into the dermis for a long time. It is advisable to apply it 2-3 hours before bedtime.

4. It is better to apply the cream with a special spatula. It is especially important for those women who have skin problems. This will protect you from getting infection into the dermis.

5. If after applying the cream you feel burning, itching, or other unpleasant symptoms, wash off the product immediately. Most likely it contains components that your skin cannot tolerate.

Even the best cosmetologist cannot answer the question of what is the most effective face cream after 60 years. Everything is so individual that you will have to select a product through trial and error.

Tags: cosmetics review skin care

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