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Electrocoagulation and laser coagulation are popular methods for removing neoplasms (moles, warts, papillomas, condylomas). Electrocoagulation uses electric current. This technology has been used for more than 50 years. Laser is a more modern method. It acts in a targeted manner, burning only the part to be removed, without affecting adjacent, healthy tissue. In both cases, after removal, a crust forms, which itself falls off after healing. The site of treatment is distinguished by a lighter skin tone. When choosing which is better, electrocoagulation or laser, you need to know the positive and negative sides of the options.

What is electrocoagulation?

Electrocoagulation is a method of removing tumors on the skin using current.
Many people ask various questions that require only one answer. These questions torment them constantly: how to get rid of a wart, is it possible to remove a papilloma, how to remove a mole , is it safe to remove a mole on the face. The matter does not move further, because few people turn to methods for removing papillomas, plantar warts, and removing moles on the face, for which you need to visit a cosmetology center. Many people know their grandmother’s remedies for warts and papillomas, but they have long been outdated, and such methods do not provide a 100% guarantee that after removing warts, new ones will not appear in this place. Many people ask their acquaintances and friends how they get rid of warts, but it is not a fact that the very remedy that was named helped. In some cases, they go away on their own.

Science does not stand still; more and more methods are emerging for removing moles on the face and other areas of the skin, removing warts, and removing papillomas. The main methods can be listed: laser therapy, surgery and electrocoagulation . Cosmetology has been using these methods for a long time and has extensive experience. The most popular method of the listed methods for removing moles on the face, removing plantar warts and other types of tumors is laser therapy. It should be noted that not every person who has a mole on the face, a plantar wart or a papilloma will allow themselves to turn to this method, due to the fact that the price of using such technology is quite high due to the cost of the device itself and the complexity of its operation. Removing a mole, treating warts , removing papillomas , at first glance seems like a minor procedure, so people are not ready to shell out large sums of money to solve this problem. People continue to walk around with papillomas or moles because they don’t want to go under the knife. Electrocoagulation is the most optimal and safe option for removing moles. The results of this procedure are as effective as laser therapy and surgery, but less painful and affordable.

Types and techniques of the procedure

Electrocoagulation is used not only to eliminate rosacea. With its help, papilloma, mole and other neoplasm can be removed. Therefore, in each of these cases there will be specific features of electrocoagulation.

When considering this method for the purpose of removing vascular formations, it is worth noting that the procedure is justified if the diameter of the deformed vessels is at least 0.3 mm. In addition, there is a difference on which part of the body the pathology occurs.

Application of electrocoagulation in cosmetology

If this method is used in cosmetology, then the procedure will be carried out in the following sequence:

  • removing cosmetics and treating the skin with an antiseptic solution;
  • local anesthesia, in case of a high pain threshold of the patient;
  • placing under the skin, to a depth of 0.1 cm, the needle end of the current conductor (under the influence of the impulse supplied through it, the capillary is cauterized);
  • re-treatment of the skin with an antiseptic solution after electrocoagulation, after which an ointment corticosteroid is applied.


To enhance the aesthetic effect of the procedure, a cosmetologist may prescribe laser resurfacing.

With its help, all areas of the skin will be aligned. Normally, a thick crust (eschar) may form on the skin. It gradually dries out and separates. This is a sure sign that healing is successful after electrocoagulation.

If electrocoagulation of spider veins on the legs is prescribed, then there are two options for the procedure:

  1. Using a monopolar electrode (1 electrode from the generating unit);
  2. Using bipolar electrodes (2 electrodes from the generating unit).
    They are divided into:
  • Monoactive. In preparation for the procedure, a lead plate - an inactive electrode - is placed under the gluteus maximus, biceps femoris or calf muscles, and all manipulations are performed with an active electrode;
  • Biactive. Tissues are coagulated in space - two electrodes of the same activity and area are used.

Depending on the effect of power voltage applied, the depth and extent of high-frequency currents, and, accordingly, their coagulating effect can be adjusted.

Before the procedure, the skin in areas where vascular pathology occurs is disinfected. Then, topical anesthesia is applied for half an hour (anesthetic gel is applied), and antiseptic treatment is performed again. The session ends with disinfection of the skin.


The duration and frequency of procedures depends on the area of ​​the lesion.

To remove spider veins on the face, most often one session lasting 5-15 minutes is enough. The most complex cases, with large-scale damage to the capillaries, are limited to 2-3 sessions. To eliminate a problem on the legs, one procedure is rarely enough, especially since no more than 25-30 impulses can be done in one session.

Electrocoagulation is also used in the treatment of pathologies of the nasal mucosa. Only a doctor can prescribe this procedure after a thorough examination.

In what cases is electrocoagulation technology used?

An electrocoagulation session is used to remove warts, remove moles on the face, remove papillomas and plantar warts. Unfortunately, it is quite rare to turn to a cosmetologist to solve these problems, although this method has long been used in professional facial cosmetology.

People come to a cosmetologist only when all the remedies at home have been tried, but they have not helped or have worsened the situation. Another reason for visiting a cosmetology center is discomfort from the presence of papillomas or moles on the face.

Now let's talk about the most common types of skin tumors.

When a person is born, he does not have a single mole on his face or body. They usually appear before age 25. You cannot remove a mole yourself; it is extremely dangerous to your health. Removal of moles on the face or body should be carried out by a cosmetologist who has a special education; under no circumstances seek the services of medical professionals who do not have the necessary knowledge, skills and experience. If a mole is removed incorrectly, the development of melanoma can be stimulated. If a mole on the face or body is benign, electrocoagulation of the mole can be done. Electrocoagulation of a mole is considered to prevent the appearance of melanoma. The condition of the tumors must be constantly monitored. Suspicious moles on the face or other part of the body are considered if they: appeared in adulthood, the surface became glossy, asymmetry appeared, began to bleed, are larger than one centimeter in size, or change over time. In such cases, you need to contact an oncologist. The mole removal procedure should only be performed after consultation with an oncologist or dermatologist.

Warts can occur when a person sweats excessively; in this case, warts appear on the hands and feet (plantar wart). A plantar wart can occur due to tight shoes, unlike a simple plantar wart, a plantar wart interferes with walking due to the high degree of pain. Scratches and cuts can also be the cause. Warts on the hands usually appear between the fingers and on the back of the hand. If you do not remove the wart immediately, then after a while you will have to deal with the removal of much larger numbers of warts.

Papilloma is similar to the previous neoplasm, only it has a stalk. It has an uneven surface. The color of papilloma can vary: from white to brown. Papilloma causes discomfort in the form of itching. Papilloma can also bleed. You can protect yourself from neoplasms in the form of papillomas if you don’t succumb to stress, have a strong immune system, and be sure to treat cuts and scratches with disinfectants. The occurrence of papillomas and warts on the hands indicates a low level of the body's immune defense. Often the appearance of papillomas is associated with disorders in the intestinal tract and metabolic disorders. Advanced forms of colitis, kidney disease, gynecological diseases and gastritis stimulate the formation of papilloma. Removing papillomas, as well as removing warts, is dangerous to do on your own. By cutting and tearing out papillomas, you increase the risk of infection in the body.

small papilloma using folk remedies The simplest methods for treating papilloma are celandine or dandelion juice. To remove papilloma, it is enough to lubricate the papilloma with the juice of these plants until it completely disappears. Castor oil and ammonia are also suitable for treating papilloma.

Foot skin care after the procedure

What to do after electrocoagulation? What should be the care for the skin of the lower extremities? Indeed, foot skin care is of great importance after the procedure. The patient will receive the necessary recommendations from the attending physician. In general, care procedures are simple. The area exposed to high frequency current should be treated. Initially, it will be an antiseptic solution. Then ointments and creams can be prescribed that will normalize blood flow, tone veins and prevent capillary fragility. "NORMAVEN®" foot cream contains 12 natural ingredients that act in these directions. Thanks to vitamins A and E, the regeneration processes of the skin of the legs will be accelerated, and arnica and lingonberry extracts guarantee a capillary-strengthening and anti-inflammatory effect.

What is electrocoagulation?

How to remove a wart on the hands or a plantar wart?

How to get rid of warts without harming your health is a question that has been asked for hundreds of years. The remedy for warts, as well as for papillomas, is celandine. Celandine is the simplest remedy for warts. In order for the removal of warts on the hands or plantar warts to be successful, it is enough to cauterize the location of the warts on the hands or feet with the secreted juice of celandine a couple of times a day for a month. Salicylic acid is also a remedy for hand warts and plantar warts. It softens the tumor tissue and irritates it, which leads to its disappearance. Castor oil is also a remedy for warts on the hands. Dandelion or milkweed juice is widely used not only for treatment, but also as a remedy for warts on the hands and plantar warts. This remedy for warts may not get rid of the problem, but at least it will not worsen the situation.

Electrocoagulation technology remains the highest quality and most effective remedy for warts and papillomas.

It is known how to get rid of warts and papillomas using folk remedies, but to remove moles , you need to turn to cosmetology.

Professional cosmetology has long been using electrocoagulation technology.

Removal by electrocoagulation: pros and cons of the procedure

The procedure has a number of advantages compared to other procedures for eliminating vascular patterns. But, at the same time, there are a number of shortcomings. Let's look at each aspect in more detail.


  • simplicity and efficiency;
  • minimal trauma;
  • the potential possibility of performing the procedure on any part of the body;
  • lack of special patient preparation;
  • conducting a session on an outpatient basis;
  • low frequency and short duration of sessions;
  • visual control of the depth and scale of impact;
  • the skin recovers quickly;
  • a small number of side effects and contraindications;
  • eliminating the risk of infection.


  • painful sensations;
  • use of local anesthesia;
  • presence of a healing period;
  • involvement of healthy tissue in the thermal reaction.

Consequences of electrocoagulation

How is the procedure done?

The cosmetologist disinfects the area of ​​skin where the papilloma or other skin tumor is located. Then the cosmetologist administers local anesthesia. Removal of papillomas, warts and other tumors using the electrocoagulation method is the same. There is a special device - an electrocoagulator. Using this device, which has a loop that is heated to high temperatures under the influence of current, all unwanted tumors are removed, the skin around the tumor is coagulated, which does not allow infected cells to spread and prevents bleeding. The procedure is quite quick, usually taking from 5 to 20 minutes. A crust forms at the site of removal. Removal of papillomas is accompanied by preventive actions to prevent the spread of the virus.

After removing a mole, removing a wart or removing a papilloma, you should adhere to the following rules. Wound healing will occur within 8-10 days, during this time it is better not to wet the crust with water, and under no circumstances tear it off. On the 10-12th day it will disappear on its own, leaving behind a pink spot, which over time will become the same tone as the skin. During healing, treat the treatment site of a wart or other growth with antiseptic agents.

This procedure has a number of contraindications. It is better to postpone this procedure if: you have herpes at an active stage, you have blood diseases, or you are suffering from an acute infectious disease. The procedure for treating warts and other tumors is strictly prohibited if the tumors are malignant. Here cosmetology is powerless, it is better to contact an oncologist. For people who are intolerant to anesthetics or electrical procedures, this treatment for warts and other benign tumors is contraindicated.

Remember, treatment of warts , papillomas and moles should be carried out not only to give an aesthetically beautiful appearance to your face and body, but also for the overall health of the body, so contact the Innovative Cosmetology Workshop. Our cosmetologist has extensive experience in various areas, including face and body cosmetology , removal of tumors using an electrocoagulator. He will advise you on issues of interest and, if necessary, carry out the procedure.

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This method of treatment is not gentle and has a number of negative consequences for the woman’s body, including stenosis of the cervical canal and the formation of scars that reduce fertility. Electrocoagulation is not recommended for young nulliparous women and has additional contraindications:

  • pregnancy;
  • inflammatory diseases of the genital organs;
  • malignant formations;
  • bleeding disorders;
  • psychosomatic diseases in the acute stage;
  • hidden infections;
  • allergic reactions to the anesthetics used.


At the MART clinic on Vasilyevsky Island

  • Evidence-based medicine
  • Experienced specialists
  • Monitoring patients for 6 months
  • Diagnostics (MRI, ultrasound, tests)
  • Daily 8:00 – 22:00

Make an appointment

How is electrocoagulation performed and its advantages?

The procedure in question can only be carried out in professional cosmetology establishments, since improperly performed manipulations can lead to scars and other negative consequences. Many people are interested in how electrocoagulation occurs and what difficulties may arise in the process. Typically this service consists of the following actions:

  1. Flat-shaped neoplasms are cauterized with a special heated electrode. Keep in mind that this is much more painful than laser removal - you may feel significant discomfort.
  2. Larger defects “on the stem” are cut off using a small professional knife. In this case, good knowledge of the doctor is important, because the appearance of the treated area after healing will depend on this.

The main disadvantage of this technique is increased pain - laser treatment will be almost imperceptible. Many people are interested in how papilloma is removed by electrocoagulation, although most often this method is used for small moles up to 10 mm in size.

Symptoms that require you to consult a dermatovenerologist:

  • change in color, shape of formation
  • a sharp increase in the size of the formation and/or the appearance of new formations
  • the occurrence of subjective sensations in the field of education (pain, itching)
  • bleeding formation
  • the appearance of purulent discharge in the area of ​​formation
  • significant increase in the number of formations

The method and tactics of treatment must be determined by a dermatovenerologist! Prescribe therapeutic treatment, if necessary, conduct electrocoagulation of the formation!

A dermatovenerologist conducts differential diagnostics; if necessary, consultation with an oncologist is required.

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